R 1332 , ;t.l ( J RESOLUTION NO. 1332 A IIUOLUTIOIt Of TltE CITY COUNCIL Of TltE CITY OF AUOYO IIWIOE, COtIMEHO""1 ADftllll5TMTIVI O"ICII RICttMD D. HILLER FOR "IS OUTSTAIIDIIIG SERVICE TO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS 08IS'0. WHEREAS, RICttMD D. MILLER will be celebretlng hi. Retl r_t after 27 years on NoveRIber It, 1'78, II the First AdIIlnlstratlve Offlc:er of the CIty of San Luis Obispo; and Ie WHEREAS, he ha. been the guIding force In _king San Luis Obispo the de,'r.Dle coawnunl ty we know today; and WHEREAS, Olc:k has always admInistered his position with professionalism, effl- r clency and dlplOlll8CY; and WHEREAS, San Luis Obispo ha. grown and prospered under his a~lnlstratlon; and WHEREAS, during the past 27 years, Dlc:k has been ac:tlvely Involved In the follow- Ing proJec:ts whlc:h have benefited the City of San Luis Obispo: Worked on the pass I ng of Whale Rock Bond I...., buIldIng, cOIIIpletlon, artd operations of the ,roJec:t; SUCCIIII- ful vote on adoption of a~lnlstratlve officer charter; prepared 16 _..I bvdtets and a.lnlster.d tha CIty of San Luis Obispo 'udget In a prlHMnt f.tIIlon so thet $.wi Luis Obispo Is In a healthy flnenclal position; a""led a hlthIY"Pro,...lonal City staff, leaving tha CIty with vl\ble orpnlzatlon ..Inently q..-lIfled to cope wldl current and future probl_; and helped to sec:ure several million dollars In lOins end grants for local resident. following the 1'73 floocl; and WHEREAS, Dick's "_unIty service has gone beyond the boundaries of the City of San LuIs Obl.po with hi. Involve.ent In hiring the first City Adalnl.trator of the City of Arroyo Grande; as well a. his ready a..lstance to other clI...",ltles In our County; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande wishes to take this oppor- I tunlty to eMPress It.elf toward this end. HOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COIIIICIL OF TltE CITY OF ARROYO IMltDr IlOl5 IIIMIY RESOLYE AS FOI.LOWS: That It recognIzes the accomplls~ts and retlr...nt of DICK HILLER as the first 1IClmlnlstratlve offIcer of the City of San Luis Obispo and for hi. 27 yea,.. of service. BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Gr"" hereby wI shes continued health and contant_t to OICIC MILLfR, SAIl LUIS 0115'0 CITY ADHIIUS- TRATIYE OFFICER, In hi. rotlr...nt. On the IIOtlon of Counc:Il lIMber Gallagher, .ec:onded by Council .....1' de Leon and on the followln, roll call voto, to wit: AYES: Council .....rs Gallagher, de Leon, Pope, Smith and "-YoI' HIIII.. IIOES: !lone . AIISENT: None. I the foregoing re.olutlon was passed and adopted this 2ltth day of October, 1978. ATTEST: I I, CatherlneL. Jansen, Deputy CIty Clerk of the CIty of Arroyo Grende, County of San Luis ObIspo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ResolutIon No. 1332 Is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution ",,"eeI end adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grende at a re,ular ...tlng of .ald Council held on the 2ltth day of October, 1978. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 25th day of October, 1978. (SEAL) - - ----,---