R 1320 ( RESOLUTION NO. 1320 ,) '-. A RESOLUT ION OF THE CITY COUNt I L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS ON BRANCH MILL ROAD AT EAST CHERRY AVENUE; AND ON E. CHERRY'" AVENUE AT BRANCH MILL ROAD. WHEREAS, it appears necessary and desirable to establish bou.levard stop signs on Branch Mill Road and East Cherry Avenue', as more partlcula..ty descrIbed below; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNtlL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AS FOLLOWS: That Boulevard stop signs be placed on Branch Mill Road to stop traffIc before entering East Cherry Avenue; and On East Cherry Avenue to stop traffIc traveling east, . . 16(': tT$FfJltTH6R 1 fUiSQCVID:ocrmrtru I kbs"!'P-tea!JDi bel)) 1 ioedtit!1 isa,l,d locat Ions on a ternpo*,nb..tsr '"ots t6()exced:~.,,:.iI*kmpnt'bp,eefe4tH , ti..e, taftdthit th I smatter be. revl_.d~by: iChe;;,Par.k-JdgL.nd;J(friff1cc;COllllffsilenfwctftdlnmthe! sltx~Month Ume period. tilL: 51;,' Ul):d::. df..~ j..E-i'.Jod. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief of Pol Ice of the City of Arroyo Grande be, and he Is hereby authorIzed to provide and Insta.J1 sufficient signs and/or markings to indicate said stop signs. On mot Ion of Council. Member de. Leon, seconded by Counc I 1 .. Member Ga 11 agher and the fol1owlng roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councit Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Mi11is NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd d,y of May, 1978. L -;;:J;yl ~ ATTEST: ~ ,.a'; c:I!d ~ C I CLERK I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Ca11fornla, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1320 Is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Counci1 of the City of Arreyo Grande at a regular meet 1 n9 of sa I d Counc i1 he 1 d on the 23 rd day of May, 1978. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 24th day of May~,l978. C~o~'~f~nd. ICJ:41\