R 1310 , :; 211 RESOt.UTlOM NO. 1310 I A .SOWT'. Of TIlE CITY COUICIL Of THE CITY Of'MIO'IO i IMIIH HCLAIUIIC All E.MEMENCY MO MlTMClaIZIIC TIlE I fXHIIDITUtI! Of' FIItOS TO REPAIR VATEII RESERVOIR IIOOF. I WHEREAS. the Infl.table roof on Arroyo Grande City w.ter Reservoir No. 1 has been deNted. requiring that It be replace4li end WHEREAS. the City of Arroyo Grande st.ff has heretofore notified the St.te He.lth Dep.rt-.nt of this f.ct .nd has been advised to Introduc:a chlorine Into the re..rvol r In order to prevent bacteria growth. and has further been advised by the St.te He.lth o.p.rt..nt that If .onltorlng shows this ..thad to f be un.ccept.ble to the Health Dep.rtllent. It will be requl...d that the ..ter reservoir be shut dcMI as . halth haz.rd. I I NOW, THE.FOU. It IT RESOLVED .s fol laws: ! 1. That the Arrf:1llO Grande City Council find and decl.... that public : Interest and necessity '..and the l-..dl.te expenditure of public MOney to s.feguard the life. health and property of the City of Arrf:1llo Gr...... by PrGllpt I repla~t of the roof to City Water Reservoir No. 1 on an -r,ency basis. I i 2. That the City Coone II au thor I ze the expend I ture of any funa requ I red I In the -rvency to repal r the W.ter Reservol r No. 1 roof as fWC'( "d by the ! report of the City Engineer d.ted 1IcY. fur 17. 1'77. .f i On _tlon of Councll_ Splerllng, seconded by Council.. Gall....r ami on i , , the following roll call vote. to wit: I I AYES: Councll_n Splerll"g. Gallagher, Millis and M.yor de L_ NOES: Mane I ABSENT: Councll..n Schlegel I the foregoing Resolution wes p.ssed and adopted this 22nd day of Novrr\lr, 1'77. ~" ~ ~' . ~ ArnST: ('0 I, lne~ A. del Call1PO, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Gr....... County I of S.n Luis Obispo, St.te of California, do hereby cartlfythat the foregoing . Resolution No. 1310 Is a true. full and correct copy of ,aid ReMlutlon pas,ed and adopted by the City COIInC II of the City of Arrf:1llo Grande at a """I.r _tlng of s.ld Council held on the 22nd dey of Itovv-hr. 1'77. WITNESS rtrf hand and the Seal of the CI ty of Arrf:1llo lir...... afflud this 23rd day of NoveRlber. 1'77. e ( SEAL) -..-----...---. - . - - --- - -.--- -----~.