R 1303 :00 C .i) , , ...GlUT I. MO. .JJ2L. ~ . .seun.. Of 1M CITY ClUlCI" ., ,. CITY .. ..... I"" ."......,.. TME .'M1'MEIn' Of' UIEut. Sf..VltIS .. 1'MI STATE If' CALif.... TO ,.CMU CIITAt" ITEM. If IT IIsavo TltAt TMI C'TY CMetl Of THE CITY Of AMOVe ...1 "S Hereby evthor'_ the Office of Procu.--at. aep.rtMAt 0' GeMr.' SeNlces of the St.te of Call'oral.. to ",rcha.e: VUUClI t'M' for aM Oft ""-If of the City of Arrowe I'..... ,."...t to s.cta.. '''''. ef the GovemMftt Code. ..... that "'-e. It. "celt. "'rc....'... ....t. Is hi....., authorized aM .,,.,.. to "'" ... .".r aU .........., ......t. aM othe, doc...." IftCOMlctl.. t..,..Sth for aM .. .....U of the City of ""'" Gr..... Oft MOtI.. 0' CotitMII_ kh...... ~ lay CouftcU_ "'."'" and Oft the '011.',. reU cell woa. to wi t: AYIS: c...c'", SpJ.,at... ..11....'. leh1...'. MU U. ... ...... . leoft "S: ...... MSUT: .... tM loNtO'" ....h.t... w. ,..... _ ...,t" tt... "tit My of tclOliNl,. I. ,..... fit. "tdt, .....'y City Cl....k of the Chy of At,. ......, c..ty of .... Lul. .'.. 1'-'. of Canf.,...'a. .. he,. Mr'''' '1iaR ... 'lrlr"',, ....,..,_ 10. 1J1J I. . t..... 'v" .... ......, PIlI1 .f ...4 ........ ,... ... ...... .,. 'M City Couftcf 1 of t" City of "'f'9f0 Ir" at . .......ar ..Ung ., ..1. c..cf' ...,.. .. the 11th'" of Ie..,. "77. VfhESS .. .... ... tM Se.t of the tlty of Arr... ".....".. tit f s 12th ctey ., ~t""" t '77 .