R 1301 UJ7 ........ ~ Ilf.SOI.UTlON HO. 1)01 "-.. IU:SOUlTl UN 01' TIlE CITY COUN(; II, CITY 0.' ARROYO GRANDE, CAI.U'ORNIA APPIlOYING TIU; APPLICA'l'lOfl .'(It 1'J1& STAn; GItANT HONEYS , I STROTHER CIHIUNITY PARK PltOJECT , I WllIIIIR4S, the people of the State of Cal Hornia have enacted the State, Utb~, and Coaatal 'ark Bond Act of 197&, which provides Cunds to the State of California and its political subdivisions for aequirina lands and for dev- elopina facilitiaa for public recreation and historical purpo..s; and \PI...."'I, the State Depart_nt of Parks and RecreaUon II.. been del.aated r the reapoastbility for the administration oC the prosr.. vi thin the state, s.ttiae up nee....ry procedures loverning application by local ...nci.s under the proar_j and WIIIIIAS, aaid proc.dures ..tabUsbed by the State Dspart.ent of '.rka ~d Recre.tion require the appUc~t to c.rtify by resolution the approv.l of .,p- lication. prior to su~ission of said applications to the st.te; and . W~'I~~, a.id applications contain ..surane.s that the applicant ...t c.,ly "ith; and ....11\5, the appUcant ..ency "UI enter into an aare_t vith the State of California for tha acquisition and/or developaent of the proj.ct; lOW, TIIIIIP(aB, BE IT RESOLVED th.t the city councU her...,.: 1. Approves the filinl of an application for 1976 state Ir~t ..sistanc.; and 2. Certifi.s thet said aaency understands the assurances in the applic.tion; and 3. Certifie. th.t ..id aaency has or will have sufficient fund. to oper.te ~d ..int.in the project. and 4. Certifi.s that .aid ..ency h.. revi.wed and understand. tha o...r.l Pro- vision. cont.ined in the .-.ple state/local ..r....ntj and 5. Appointe the (delianate po.iUon, not penon occupyina poatUoa> !'"--- ". Butch .. ..ent of the city to conduct all Reaoti.Uou, _ta and .u~it .11 __at. indudina but not Uatted to appl1c.U..... ..re_t., _ndleente, p.,.ant r.que.tI. and '0 on ""ich ..y be nee.....,. for the c.,l.tioa of the afor...ntioned project. On _tion of Couacllaan Spierlinq, seconded by CouncU_ GallA<Jber and on the followina roll c.n vote, to wit: \ I AYES: Council_n Spierlinq, Gallagher, Schleq.l, Millis and Mayor dot Leon ) ! [ HOES: None , I ABSEVf: None I the foraaoiae Resolution va. p....d and adopted thb 13th day of ..pt.....r. 1977. ! '/ ~/?,~4 .II' 4~ - , I ; ICAYOa i I ATtIST:~L':J. -# oIt't'o"plJ \ , I CITY CLERIC i i i I . . J ...-- .....-.-....-.-- _.__ _.."_..___.,u .------ - --