R 1300 C RESOLUTION NO. 1:)00 ') A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CGUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ANO THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION TO APPROVE FEDERAL AIO URBAN PROJECT FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE URIAN AREA. WHEREAS, the Con!)ress of the United States has, In the Federal-Aid Highway Act eIIf I~H6, declared It te he In the natienaJ Interest fer Fe~er..1 Funds te be expend~d for highway prGjects on the Federal-Aid Urban System; and. WHEREAS, hued on the 1970 Census, the tureau Qf the Census has designated the City eIIf ArroYeII Grande as an Urban Area; ana WHEREAS, Defore Federal-Aid will he made avallahle fer Urban System prejects within this Urban Area, the Federal-Aid Urban Projects must be designated; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESIDLVED as feI1E1Ws.: 1. The City Council eIIf the City CIIf ArreyCII Gran4e rel/uests that the prCllposed Fed6ral-Ald Preject, as shCIIWn, on the attached "Exhlhlt A", !lie appreved by the State Department ef Transportation and the federal Highway Adnllnlstr.tlon as a Federal-Aid Urban Project. 2. Copies of this Reselutlen shal1 be ferwarded to Mr. Frank Gregery, 1 District Blrector, Callfernla Department of Transpertatlen,.8Istrlct 5, PCllst , Office Bex L, $an Luis Ohlspo, Callfernla 93406. . i I On mClltlon of CClluncllman Splerl'ng, seconded i, Councilman Gallagher and I on the fol1CIIWlng rol1 call vete, te wit: , I AYES: Councilmen Splerllng, Gal1agher, Schlegel, MI111s anti "IIYCllr cle LeC!ln I NOES: None ,. I ABSENT: NGlle i the foregoing Resolutlen 'was passed and adopted this 13th day eIIf Sept.IMtr, 1977. ~ ~d,,_ ~~' -/2, ~ " ATTEST: ~ ~. n4/ ~.m I ~ 8 I ItV LERK - t I I I, 'nes A. del Campo, City Clerk of theCI.ty ef Arf'f!1yG Granlll., CCllunty of San Luis er.lsftG, State ef Callf.rnl., de. h~~y certify that the f.r.gGlng Reseluthm He., 13f1.0 Is a true, fuH ani' c.r~tiC8lpY.4Pf said ......t..en INned and adeptH hy the City. Ceuncl1 .f the CIwof Arr~ G,.....t a ....gul.r meet I ng eIIf sal d Ceuncll held en the 13th dllY CIIf S.,t....r, a77. WITNESS my hand snd .the Seal of the City ef ArrlllVe liranlle affixed this 14th day.of September, "77. .~;~/. w1P tyerk. t. ty ~"'1rroyo Grande (SEAL) -- -- -~'- _,,"'~,'c';', '-'--" r/ /' ~.- )~ w . ~ ....."t~ . .. ' I '. . 0 au... ) '. ~ . ., .0 , ~ 8.....,a . C.. , :I...:~~. :; , . ..... " ...>>111 ....." .~.. ... . ............ 'loot.......,....... "'e" 0........ l$3 Z t:fe:l.!!i "':110 .0 ..... C .... . ... .... ....""< O~.... --rtI' Z~ .. - .. ;;:;'. ., .. '.. " . , , .. 't " -,.- .. , ~ . , .. ~ .* , , .. , ....-- - " " . . , .. 't,I.' to-; ) " .. - G. .... \ . , 1 " -. , '. . ". , ......,..,}. . : I ...... I : .:; ", .. : ...~.... . . . ..- . . ..-_.. '. J , '. I ~.. , . I ....... I , -----~----- .. --- GRAND AVENUE: SIGNALIZATION, Int.r$.ctr~.t~tl..ili'Mr" Remove .nds.lvage all of the existing. above grade signalizatIon h. ar. an~ napproprlateelec:trlc.1 compoI'Ients; Inst.1I n*w signalization hardware and app~rtenances necesslry to provide f~lly actu.ted automobile and pedestrian traffic: control, whlc:h J$PUI~ I~$l',!de I.eft-turn phases on Grand Avenue utJJ.Jzlng existIng electrical conduIt.. E.\:IIIIet.d cost $50,000.00. . . - . Intersection et t!~tSt,..et.. ketl'oflt ~1,naHut1on hardware salvaged from the Elm St./GrandAve. nt.. .~I_to ))1'0111. .utOlllOblle andPedestr! traffIc control at the Inteructlon of '.arnettStreet..nd Grand Avell"... . Estimated cost $40,000.00. . . . -._ ....__. _~'_A'_'~"" .-. --~,_...---_._---,---- ,---,