R 1296 /'" ~j~.(' ~. ~ "" .' "~'<" ',e'- ......' RESOLUT ION Nm. 1296 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROym GRAN~E, CALIFORNIA, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MGNEY NECESSARY 10 Sf RA I SEG BY TAXATl0N. F0R THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BEG'INNING JULY 1,1977, AND FIXING THE MTES OF TAXES FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR. "'\. BE IT RESOLVEG BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ARROYO GRANGE A' F0LUIIWS: 1. The al!1(i)unt of money necessary to be raised by taxation upen the taxalil1e property withIn the City of Arroyo Grande, California, as revenue to carTY on the various departments Is hereby fixed as follows: GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS the sum of $315,477.00 EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT the sum of $ 36,773.90 RECREATION the sum of $ 11,612.00 TIIITAL the sum of $363,15&2.00 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the purpose of raIsing said sum of money nec- essary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable I'roperty wIthin said City as revenue to carryon the various departments of said City for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, the rates of taxes are hereby fixed and taxes are hereby levied on all taxable .'property within the said CIty for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, as follows: GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS at the rate of $1.59 upon each $100.00 of assessed valuation of said property; EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT at the rate of $0.19 upon each $100.00 of assessed valuation of saId prol'erty; RECREATION at the rate of $0.06 upon each.$100.00 of assessed valuation of said re ert . TOTAL at t e rate 0 upon eac ef assessed valuation of said property, as assessed by the Assessor of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and equalized by the Board of Supervlsers of said County. 3. BE iT FURTHER RESmLVED that this Resolution Is passed and adopted pursuant to the provisions 0f an Act Gf the State0f California entltlecd"An Act to PrGvlde for the Levy and Collection of Taxes Under the Laws of the State of California, Except Municipal Corporations of the First Class, and to Provide for the Cons011datlQn and Abolltlan of Certain Municipal Offices, and to Pr0vlde that their Duties may be Performed by Certain mfflcers ef the County, and Fixing the ClI!"Pensatlen to be AII_d for such County Officers fer Servlces to be Rendered to such Municipal Corporations" (California Statutes 1895, Page 219, and amendments thereto). 4. BE IT FURTHER RES0LVEIII that this Resolution shall, within fifteen (15) days after Its passage, be publIshed at least once, t0g.~h'r with the names of the Ceuncll Members v.tlng thereon, In. the Five Cities Tlmes-Press-Recorder, a semi-weekly newspaper of general clrculatlonpulllllshed and cIrculatecd within the City of Arroyo Grande. IOn motlen of Councilman Millis, seconded by CttUncllman Gallagher and on the following roll call vete, tell wit: AYES: Ceuncllmen Spler1lng, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayer de Leon NOES: NCllne ABSENT: None the f,reg.thg Resolutlen was p~lsed and adopted day of August, ,LA-'.. ! " .......; ATTEST:-c''-';?'7~m. I /.~~( {~~~~) , Y CLE K ....~ . j. . ':.: ~- ~-------- -'-- ____~._,_."___'.M