R 1295 ~ /~ . \ J RESOLUTiON NO. 1295 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING EXECUTI0N OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED li)y the City Counct1 of the CIty of Arreyo Grande that the Mayor and.City.Clerk are authorized to execute, on lDe~alf 0f the City, an agreement with the State of CaHferrHa Department of TransportattG"" dated June 16, 1977 entItled Supplement N0. 1 to State - Local Agency No.5, pursuant to the Federal Aid for Urban Systems Act. On motion of Councilman Spierllng, seconded by C0uncjlman Gallagher and on the following r011 call vote, to wit: AYES: Counc t lmen Sp I er1 t ng, Ga11 agher, Sch 1 ege 1, Mill t s and Mayor de Leon NOES: None MSEMT: N0ne' ! the fotegGtng Resolution was passed and adopted this 23r~ ~ay of August, 1977. \ I ~ . '~ I ' I I I '. ~.~! ' HAnft ~> ATTEST:~ ~. dJe'~~ CITY CLEKK I, ines A. del Campe, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San LuIs ObIspo, State of Caltf.Grnta, do hereby certify that the f0reg0ing Resolution No. 1295 Is a true,full and correct copy of said Resolution passeaf and adopted by the City Ceunct1 of the City of ArroY0 Grande at a regu1ar meeting of said Coundl held en the 23rd cday of August, 1977, WiTNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of ArroYG Grande affixed this 24th day of August: 1977. ~ ~tcth~tfXfr:y" Grande