R 5207I ( I \ I f D RESOLUTION NO. 5207 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING INTEGRATED SOLID . WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE RATES FOR JUNE 15, 2022, JANUARY 1, 2023 AND JANUARY 1, 2024 WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") establishes rates and cl'.iarges for solid waste, recycling and green waste collection services, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 40059 (a) and Arroyo Grande Municipal Code§§ 8.32.100 and 8.32.21 0; and WHEREAS, the City and South County Sanitary Service, Inc. ("SCSS") entered into a Franchise Agreement for collection, diversion and disposal of solid waste, dated November 12, 1997 ("Prior Solid Waste Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the City and SCSS entered into a subsequent amendment, modifying certain provisions of the Prior Solid Waste Agreement, dated March 23, 1999, requiring collection, diversion and disposal of green waste; and WHEREAS, the City and SCSS also entered into a Recycling Services Franchise Agreement, dated August 24, 1999; and WHEREAS, the City and SCSS further entered into an Amended and Restated Solid Waste D Collection Franchise Agreement, dated June 10, 2008, which amended and restated the Prior Solid Waste Agreement and incorporated, amended and restated the Prior Recycling Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City and SCSS also entered into a First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Solid Waste Collection Agreement, dated March 22, 2016, which excluded tipping fee increases for landfill improvements, when calculating whether the SCSS rates charged to customers are greater than the cumulative cost of living increase; and WHEREAS, the City and SCSS also entered into a Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Solid Waste Collection Agreement, dated J'uly 26, 2016, which amended the franchise agreement to extend the contract by 20 years, beginning with the first day of the operation of a new Kompogas organic processing facility; and WHEREAS, SCSS has submitted a rate increase application (the "application") in accordance with the Amended and Restated Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement; and WHEREAS, the application has been comprehensively reviewed in accordance with the City's rate- setting policies; and WHEREAS, the rate increase request compared with the rate in effect at the date of the agreement exceeds the cumulative cost of living increase from that same date, giving the City the option of terminating the Amended and Restated Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement at any time D within nine months following approval of the requested rate increase ("the trigger option"); and WHEREAS, based on a detailed review of costs, which concludes costs are reasonable and that rates have been calculated in accordance with the required rate setting manual, combined with the I I ) RESOLUTION NO. 5207 PAGE 2 fact that rates for Arroyo Grande are among the lowest in the Central Coast area for single family residential services, during this fee increase period only, and in this unique circumstance caused in □•" part by new State regulations, the City will not pursue the "trigger" option per Section 8. 3 of the City's Amended and Restated Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement with South County Sanitary Services. WHEREAS, notices of the proposed rate increase were sent to property owners and tenants in accordance with the requirements of Proposition 218 and a public hearing was held on June 14, 2022 to consider protests against the proposed rate increase; and WHEREAS, it was determined at the conclusion of the public hearing that a majority protest to the proposed rate increase did not exist. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by their reference. 2. The application for a rate increase is hereby approved and the integrated solid waste, recycling and green waste collection service rates set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein shall become effective on June 15, 2022. 3. Solid waste rates shall increase as follows on January 1, 2023 and January 1, 2024: a. Increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Bureau of Labor D· Statistics' Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers based on the All U.S. City Average, Bureau of Labor Statistics for the month of June 2022 for January 1, 2023 and June 2023 for January 1, 2024. b. Increase of 0.79% for 2023 and 0.77% for 2024 for increase in the cost of landfill disposal. On motion of Council Member Storton, seconded by Council Member Barneich, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Storton, Barneich, Paulding, George and Mayor Ray Russom NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of June, 2022. D '1,:\ RESOLUTION NO. '52,.01 rr PAGE 3 D CA~M,MA;OR 1 :1 ATTEST: ) " 1 ~ \ '.J I 1 , . .I :: I IJ APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~fl?~ -tDr WHITNEY MCDONALD, CITY MANAGER ' ' D APPROVED AS TO FORM: ; i I I 1: I' I, i: I ( I RESOLUTION NO. 5201 PAGE4 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE RATE INCREASE EFFECTIVE JUNE 15, 2022 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE , [;ii,it }1/ti~itI[!J:f t;~£:iI:;!/,;11~1;;i:c;:~!iji~li~~;~ ,, , /:)!!>, f O ,,_,, ;snPH-0 :~]it ><: ,, , _. , ,':)\\/ ,;J:\ :· ;~1:, •.. '1 ,·~.~~\.r:::_f~>;.~\?~1 •".-:?}\~~ ;~,utr~1,1fJlll9'~t.t1ty, 1 hRafe 'E.fiective, i /f { ;:?''<;.}'.· /rJ:;'(: < ?;':,,'. : "!jf ;; /,,.; •1,1/.ff/202,1, ... ,,;\ -i.~i~;.:,,r ·, ·,t: ~,'., .0 ,,1,:,, ': \/'•1 ' .,' ':" \'L. r'; EXHIBIT A ', . .. ; ,.• 1\i;~Jiii:~~;~;; :tr~~\f ::~i(~~}~ ,,, lXcf .it'··· -t'1 1 •· ,, 1 s,1si2022 · ; . ,,,, :J~!:i.-9'.1E!'1 :: ': :. i>.; ' · .. ': :~E~l~!=NIJAlff'1\: ';'\:~ ,)'.'.\ ri ·, ,:/' : ':,:)}/ .n·· .'.:ti{"L'\'. :::.:::\ ;'.),.f ;1:: :.·c;,f;!)'f':/t• .: ;, ·, )i_,: .,./ __ .. · ," '_., .: ., ·. ·-.f,... ... ,., ;,, ,1_,',,';",-,_,---: ' 32 Gallon Waste Wheeler 1 $19.46 $5.3~ $24.78 64 Gallon Waste Wheeler 1 $25.29 $6.91 $32.19 96 Gallon Waste Wheeler 1 $31.13 $8.5( $39.63 TWO-64 Gallon Waste Wheelers 1 $36.98 $10.1( $47.08 ONE 64 & ONE 96 Gallon 1 $42.84 $11.7( $54.54 TWO-96 Gallon Waste Wheelers 1 $48.67 $13.2S $61.96 Residential customers must use the waste wheelers provided by the garbage company. This solid service fee for residential trash collections (container with black or gray lid) includes once a week pick-up of one greenwaste/organics container (green lid), and one recycling container (blue )id).; i,~l$~gq!.}~N~Q\J,?)e13~gc,gsJ:Al:t:9,u~,!QJYt~.1~;s];'.·', ''U-ti,,"::\;;J.,i,\.t ...... ·• :· ·-·;:; .,, :i.:: ,,: , /' .. ' ,, '; .·{ ,· '' ·:7~ : .·'' <.:.' . :, . ,, ... ) ,, uverstacKed Gamage & extra oags Minimum/unit each $5.51 $1.51 $7.02 uverstacKed Greenwaste & extra oags Minimum/unit each $2.77 $0.7E $3.53 uverstacKed i:;1ue i:;1n & extra oags Minimum/unit each $1.55 $0.42 $1.97 In yard service (per can or commodity) IN ADDITION TO STANDARD GARBAGE RATES per month $13.76 $3.7E $17.51 l'i71onrn1y cnarge ror aaa1t1ona1 t10-ga11on green waste service per month $3.80 $1.04 $4.84 Extended Vacation Service per month $15.78 $4.31 $20.09 Vacant Rate per mon_th $15.78 $4.31 $20.09 Waste wheeler cleaning each time $20.52 $5.61 $26.13 Trip charge each time $33.07 $9.03 $42.10 Non-payment downsize service each time $33.07 $9.03 $42.10 Non-payment redeliver waste wheeler each time $33.07 $9.02 $42.10 Non-payment reconnect service each time $33.07 $9.03 $42.10 Small item pickup (TV, toilet) each $32.27 $8,81 $41.08 Appliance pickup-residential each $45.51 $12.43 $57.94 1 Gamage extras on your scneduled pickup day per yard $11.62 $3.17 $14.79 • l:iarnage extras -NU I UN YUUK SCHEDULED PICKUP DAY per yard $31.25 $8.54 $39.79 Re-deliver bin on slopped acct each time $39.44 $10.Ti $50.21 Stand by time per hour $66.60 $18.H $84.79 D D D D D D RESOLUTION NO. 5207 PAGE 5 Tax Lien Cert. Mail Fee City Clean Up Extra bin cleaning . uamage1uestruct1on or oins or waste wheelers Larger man resIdent1aI appliance or glass, glass doors, or plate glass Short Term Dumpsters: Delivery & Pickup-Bin Delivery & Pickup-Waste Wheeler Rental Empties Mattress: Twin Double Per Day Per Yard Each Each Queen Each $4.05 $1.11 $5.16 $11.28 $3.0E $14.36 $61.55 . $16.81 $78.36 I by quote only by quote only $39.46 $10.7E $50.24 $13.76 $3.7E $17.52 $2.92 $0.8( $3.72 $31.25 $8.54 $39.79 I $17.91 $4.8S $22.80 $17.91 $4.8S $22.80 $17.91 $4.8S $22.80 King Each $17.91 $4.8S $22.80 1. Customers requesting Temporary Bins or Holl-off 13ox Service can call the office for current rates 2. Polystyrene (Styrofoam, Plastic 116) is not collected for recycling and should be thrown away as trash. Please bag Styrofoam packing peanuts before placing in trash container. 3. It is encouraged to bag your trash in the garbage container but do not bag your recyclables or green waste in their respective containers and keep it loose. 4. Hecycling, Greenwaste/Organics and Garbage containers should spaced 3 feet apart away from any obstacles (i.e mailboxes, cars, etc) before 6:00am on collection service day. 5. The fee schedule above only includes the Garbage Company rates and does not include IWMA fees, which are separately noted on the billings. 6. Late Fees are imposed for residential customers over 30 days delinquent. The fee is 1.5% per month of the outstanding charge, with a minimum fee of $5.00. No prior notice is required, as this late fee policy is stated at the bottom of every bill. 7. Customers can be responsible for contamination fees Any additional recycling, including greenwaste/organic services are charged out at 50% of the garbage rate. 1· RESOLUTION NO. 5207 PAGE 6 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE RATE INCREASE EFFECTIVE JUNE 15, 2022 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE :}{S "' : '.::•· i:;;t~r;;!~jjjl~~fi)1:i:::•'•·. \Zi -~~~:~ , ... ,~.'.):/(: ({(;~l;j~tik~:f (t\ ·'tUff'W~''~t0 PH)1Y:: :t~t~ijiif ~~~i[! 1::, i-srqp'°'•~ea,1,v1op~~~-Y:: 'I, 1,~ate£ffect1ve:: : ·:R~!Ei_:5tf~1t,~v:~:.'i: '.:••!;},;i~i5I2:~~~,;•••·\:;J I:{,:: ,:s"'1~12-~-~t::: .•:: ·~P'AB•f!Vll;i'II,S,;:I;RJ l}WE.><i;!?l,J Pt;_E.~5::(j',,;..:: :;!LI{)', !:?.\:t'.;~i;;:';:;1,,::':•••-:-,1-t}.::)£'.~Jt;~:i::f'.:.if:. if\:;~;)•i. •::. ,:::'.;\ ;,, , :;t:';.,,.4•;11.:,.••f ):;,,tr. Rates are the same as commercial rates (below). 90iVlll!lERf)}\llJ?,l:li\/lf?r.l:iT.ER~~,a'.~Li,;:1i.~l;t\S:·: ::',~'.,.\i1t:': 'f(i! U/.\if!/~'3/f \ .,·1\:.· ... ~,· ,. ,,. ·:' (.:·:/.)i' .. '..:> >); i\_ '" ::: ,.,-, . .::·-._:,.:. "",,, ... 1 yd dumpster 1 $96.13 $26.2E $122.39 1 yd dumpster 2 $140.24 $38.31 $178.55 1 yd dumpster 3 $184.40 $50.3 $234.77 1 yd dumpster 4 $236.32 $64.55 $300.87 1 yd dumpster 5 $277.84 $75.8 $353.73 1 yd dumpster 6 $329.80 $90.0S $419.89 1 yd dumpster 7 $400.86 $109.5C $510.36 1.5 yd dumpster 1 $109.10 $29.BC $138.90 1.5 yd dumpster 2 $168.81 $46.11 $214.92 1.5 yd dumpster 3 $238.96 $65.27 $304.23 1.5 yd dumpster 4 $31'1.63 $85.12 $396.75 1.5 yd dumpster 5 $379.18 $103.5!: $482.76 1.5 yd dumpster 6 $428.52 $117.05 $545.57 1.5 yd dumpster 7 $501.77 $137.0E $638.83 2 yd dumpster 1 $122.10 $33.3E $155.45 2 yd dumpster 2 $205.17 $56.04 $261.21 2 yd dumpster 3 $290.89 $79.4E $370.35 2 yd dumpster 4 $384.34 $104.9S $489.33 2 yd dumpster 5 $475.25 $129.82 $605.07 2 yd dumpster 6 $532.40 $145.43 $677.83 2 yd dumpster 7 $619.02 $169.0S $788.11 3 yd dumpster 1 $145.41 $39.72 $185.13 3 yd dumpster 2 $275.28 $75.1 S $350.47 3 yd dumpster 3 $384.34 $104.99 $489.33 3 yd dumpster 4 $501.19 $136.9( $638.09 3 yd dumpster 5 $594.70 $162.45 $757.15 3 yd dumpster 6 $708.98 $193.6E $902.64 3 yd dumpster 7 $905.52 $247.3E $1,152.87 4 yd dumpster 1 $181.81 $49.6E $231.47 4 yd dumpster 2 $322.02 $87.9E $409.98 4 yd dumpster 3 $462.25 $126.27 $588.52 4 yd dumpster 4 $594.70 $162.4E $757.15 4 yd dumpster 5 $734.95 $200.7E $935.71 4 yd dumpster 6 $872.60 $238.3E $1,110.96 4 yd dumpster 7 $1,111.28 $303.5E $1,414.83 6 yd dumpster 1 $272.72 $74.5( $347.22 6 yd dumpster 2 $483.05 $131.9E $615.00 6 yd dumpster 3 $693.36 $189.4( $882.76 6 yd dumpster 4 $892.08 $243.61: $1,135.76 D D D D D D RESOLUTION NO. 5207 PAGE 7 ! 6 yd dumpster 6 yd dumpster 6 yd dumpster 8 yd dumpster 8 yd dumpster 8 yd dumpster 8 yd dumpster 8 yd dumpster 8 yd dumpster 8 yd dumpster 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 }E§.41 r:: $301.1~ $1,308.92 $357.54 $1,666.92 $455.3~ $363.61 $99.32 $644.05 $175.92 $924.49 $252.52 $1,189.43 $324.9( $1,469.91 $401.52 $1,745.22 $476.72 $2,222.57 $607.11 The rates shown above include the monthly container rental fee and a semi-annual dumpster cleaning. $1,403.541 $1,666.46 $2,122.25 $462.93 $819.98 $1,177.02 $1,514.33 _$1,871.43 $2,221.94 '$2,829.68 ¢PM.M~~~-1~1.;,:~P.ijij~qEJ:;/:i;N§l~.,~J::~ •'ARE.~§:1;);~,;•::, ;{f/Hfl':z;::" ••• '.",' :( }·<_1~ 'I,';;!~~ • •-·•111::.r;;;i· 1::! ·;r-·<,:i)?' ,:,i:x•;;1·1:1::;s;:,>i>1.•:. ·:·. 32 Gallon Waste Wheeler 1 $23.37 $6.3c $29.75 32 Gallon Waste Wheeler 2 $49.34 $13.4c $62.82 32 Gallon Waste Wheeler 3 $q7.15 $15.61 $72.76 32 Gallon Waste Wheeler 4 $72.69 $19.BE $92.55 64 Gallon Waste Wheeler 1 $49.34 $13.4E $62.82 64 Gallon Waste Wheeler 2 $65.57 $17.91 $83.48 64 Gallon Waste Wheeler 7 $195.92 $53.5:2 $249.44 96 Gallon Waste Wheeler 1 $57.15 $15.61 $72.76 96 Gallon Waste Wheeler 2 $96.13 $26.2E $122.39 96 Gallon Waste Wheeler 3 $121.02 $33.0E $154.08 96 Gallon Waste Wheeler 4 $146.21 $39.94 $186.15 96 Gallon Waste Wheeler 5 $164.63 $44.97 $209.60 96 Gallon Waste Wheeler 7 $224.61 $61.3!: $285.96 -·~gl\'ll\(lE~_CJ~l:!:;•:ig;Ti;IER:c,HA.RqE$:,,::,:::: 1:.;-:,:•-t•{i]Jl:-11::;;,_l\(ri,.,I;{ ,. :T:::t//i}} ,:::•t"it•r··.r -.. -. --•···:1;/•_·•:-·-/?,11.,\,.1:i:,1·)):', ,_. Rates for all commercial customers include recycling or greenwaste/organics pickup once per week, included with the garbage service rate. Customers can choose from a 64 or 96 gallon blue commingled recycle waste wheeler or a 32 or 64 gallon organics waste wheeler included with the garbage service rate (96 gallon waste wheelers can only be used with green waste due to weight). If you need a bin for recycling there is a charge (see below). If you need more frequent recycling, including organics/greenwaste service, it can be provided at a 50% discount from the garbage service rates for the specified level of service required. )Yll~C: l;t,~AN !=QO $ ,gf:IA~~ E~?~Li:;l9Y$IQ)YIE8S":f, fb:i}:c : : 1t·'.~J,:~t?t :;1~;~/Jr::~: .. )/.'".;J::\J\l:1:)ti~tt:-:,;~•::~~;t;t, \H :;~,:: :!·::~j:~}·\. ·:;::~ .:~l:Jt-~.:ti :~';\'.. ).'•:'. 11 ) uvers1acKea l,,aroage & extra bags Minimum/unit each $5.51 $1.51 $7.02 uverstacKea ljreenwaste & extra bags Minimum/unit each $2.77 $0.7E $3.53 uverstacKea t:11ue t:11n 1x extra bags Minimum/unit each $2.91 $0.7S $3.70 J\tra Kecyc1e 0L, o4, or l:lo waste wheelers per month $1.55 $0.42 $1.97 In yara service (per can or commodity) IN ADDITION TO STANDARD GARBAGE RATES per month $13.76 $3.7E $17.52 Monthly charge for additional 96-gallon green waste service per month $3.80 $1.04 $4.84 Extended Vacation Service per month $12.82 $3.5( $16.32 Vacant Rate per month $15.79 $4.31 $20.10 Waste wheeler cleaning each time $20.52 $5.61 $26.13 Trip charge each time $13.76 $3.7E $17.52 I I I, I I I: i I I I; I I' I I I I r- i i' RESOLUTION NO. 5207 PAGE 8 each time $13.76 $17.52 □ □ □ I ' l I \ I ( I ! D D D Non-payment redeliver waste wheeler each time $13.76 $3.7E Non-payment reconnect service each time $33.07 $9.02 Small item pickup (TV, toilet) each $32.27 $8.81 Appliance pickup-residential each $45.51 $12.4~ Lock Charge $7.66 $2.0S I Garbage extras on your scheduled pickup day per yard $11.62 $3.17 I l:iaroage extras -NU t UN YOUR SCHEDULED PICKUP DAY per yard $31.25 $8.54 I Gommerc1a1 vvaste vvneeler rent per month $4.26 $1.1E Re-deliver bin on stopped acct each time $39.44 $10.77 Large Compactor(> 4 yards) per yard $16.90 $4.6, I ::;mall c;ompactors \4 yaras & below) assume 3 to 1 compaction 3 times the garbage rate Sunday Service (in additional to garbage service level) per month $68.87 $18.81 Recycle bin rental per month $7.66 $2.0S Stand by time per hour $66.28 $18.1( Extra bin cleaning $61.55 $16.81 I Larger than res1dent1a1 appliance by quote only llJamage/lJestruc11on ot bins or waste wheelers by quote only Short Term Dumpsters: Delivery & Pickup-Bin $39.46 $10.71 Delivery & Pickup-Waste Wheeler $13.76 $3.7E Rental Per Day $2.92 $0.8( Empties Per Yard $31.25 $8.5, : Mattress: Twin Each $17.91 $4.8S Double Each $17.91 $4.8S Queen Each $17.91 $4.8S King Each $17.91 $4.8S ' ~~---."'~ 'JJi:;>g11;19~A12'!J~F.cmMAr1.ci.~;,~1::.~,9u.~.orc:,)V1r;g~:1'.\t\:::~:;•:1·:1.,t·rt;;;·,l::!?f :::.,,f:/:·r:c~:.<,•t,·i!)}:,i:•··•1.·.t\,;ti'';~i• $17.52 $42.10 $41.08 $57.94 $9.75 $14.79 $39.79 $5.42 $50.21 $21.52 $87.68 $9.75 $84.38 $78.36 $50.24 $17.52 $3.72 $39.79 $22.80 $22.80 $22.80 $22.80 --,,f'" \;',','. :,;\,1/', 1· l I I' I I I, I. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE10 1. Customers requesting Temporary Bins or Roll-off Box Service can call the office for current rates 2. Polystyrene (Styrofoam, Plastic 116) is not collected for recycling ilnd should be thrown away as trash. Please bag Styrofoam packing peanuts before placing in trash container. 3. It is encouraged to bag your trash in the t;arbage container but do not bag your recyclables or green waste in their respective containers and keep it loose. --···-···-··-·-- 4. Recycling, Greenwaste/Organics and Garbage containers should spaced 3 feet apart away from any obstacles (i.e mailboxes, cars, etc) before 6:00am on collection service day. 5. The fee schedule above only includes the Garbage Company rates and does not include IWMA fees, which are separately noted on the billings. 6. Late Fees are imposed for residential customers over 30 days delinquent. The fee is 1.5% per month of the outstanding charge, with a minimum fee of $5.00. No prior notice is required, as this late fee policy is stated at the bottom 7. Customers can be responsible for contamination foes Any additional recycling, including greenwaste/organic services are charged out at 50% of the garbage rate. 0 D 0 D D 0 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, JESSICA MATSON, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached Resolution No. 5207 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting ·of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 14th day of June, 2022. WITNE~S my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 17th day of __ -June/2022. · c