R 1292 ~ ') RESOLUTION NO. 1292 A RESOLUTION BF THE CITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NAMING AN AREA IN THE BASEBALL CGHPLEX AS "FRANK PILG FIELD". IJHUE:As', It has been established by Res/lllutlon No. 735 that the Parks and Recreation Commission will reccoxnmeml names for City Parks t/ll the City Council f/llr Its approval and adoptl0n; and WHEREAS, the Parks and RecreatIon CommIssion has considered names to be used fGr IdentlflcatiGn of certaIn park areas In the CIty I/If ArreYI/I Grande and '-- has recommended that the Little League fIeld In the western portiGn of the City's Basebal1 CGllllplex /IIn Ash Street at Elm Street, be named "FRANK PILG FIELD" and be appr0ved and adopted by the City Council. NOW, THEREFBRE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRGYO GRANDE BGES HEREBY RESIILVE AS FOLLBWS: , That the area In the baseball cQmplex, l/IIcated /IIn Ash Street, used for little League and Youth Footbal1, Is hereby /IIfflcial1y named "FRANK PILG FIELO", to commemorate the name of Frank PI I, for his many years of participation and dedicatIon to the community's youth prGgrams. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Ceuncllman Schlegel and on the following roll call vQte, to wit: AYES: CQuncllmen Splerllng, Gallagher, Schlegel, MII1Is and Mayer de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: NElne the feregolng Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day o~ June, 1977. ~d~~~.~~ MAY0R ATTEST: .-::1.. _ c~icr.(. C~/jn I, 'nes A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Lu Is Ob I spa, State of Call fern I a, do hereby cert I fy that the forego! ng Res01utlon Ne. 1292 Is a true, full and correct copy of said Resalutlen passed and adopted by ~Clty Council Gf the City ef Arr0YG Grande at a regular meeting of saId CGUncl1 held on the 14th day of June, J977. ~, WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the CIty of ArroY!ilGrande affixed thl s 15th day of June, 1977. -i ' ~.cM~ City C~rk 0 the CIty 0 r.r0Yo Grande .~. (SEAL) --_.._---~,.--_._--- -..--