R 1281 .. .. 10" Or '- r RESOLUTION NO. ~ .-- 1~8'/ A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCil Of THE CITY Of ARROYO GRANDr APPROVING AN AMENDED ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM fOR 1916-77 AND AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY & CITIES AREA PLANNING COORDINATING ; COUNCIL. IT IS HEREBY RESOlVED by the City CouncIl of the City of Arroyo Grande, ! j , that it makes a finding that there are no unmet transit needs that cannot \ ! reasonab1y be met with existing and proposed transit plans that are currently available. J ! i , BE IT fURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo ! I Grande, in accordance with Chapter 1400, Statutes 1971 and applicable rules and ~ j ( regulath)ns, approves the amended Annual Transportation Claim for 1976-77, as t per Exhibit "A" attached, and authorizes its submittal, along with all other documentation required, to the San Luis ObIspo County and CIties Area Planning ! ! Coordinating Council. On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilm.n Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierllng, Gallagher, Schlegel and Mayor Pro Tem Hillis NOES: None 1 ABSENT: Mayor de Leon I the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of May, 1977. . /tu:~ ATTEST:~:A- i(f'~ I ! CITY CL k I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luts Obispo, State of Calffornia, do hereby certIfy that the foregoing Resolution No. 1281 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 24th day of May, 1977. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed l this 25th day of Hay, 1977. C"iJt~~ CreMe i I ~ -, .. ," ..' .. . .,. -.,...,.-. ._.. ~ .,~ ",. ......~.-..~...-".._._-- '_._.~..- -~. . ...,.~.. .. . ..- .------- - .-- - . . . ,.. n4-_ . , ( SLOAPC . AMENDED AnNUAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM , . TO: San Luis Obispo County 6 Cities Area Planning Coordinat~ng Council 979 0505 St. Suite B San Luis Obispo, Calif. 93..01 .. FROH: Applicant: City of Arroyo Grande Address: P. o. Box 550 City: Arroyo Grande, Ca. Zip: 93420 Contact Person: Paul J. Karp, City Engineer Phone: 489-1303 The City of Ar~qxo Grande hereby requests, in accordance with Chapte~ 1"00, Statutes 1971 and applicable rules and re&u1ad.ons, that its annual transportation claim be approved in the aJDOunt of $ 77.131.81 ' for fiscal year 1976-77, , to be drawn from the local tr.inspoz;tation fund of 1be County of s- L.;s 1!!Jj;~". When approved, please transmit this claim to the County Auditor of the County of San Luis Obispo, for payment. Approval of the claim and p~ymentby the County Auditor to this applicant is subject to such monies being on hand and available for distribution, and to the pro- visions that such monies will be used only in accordanoe with the 1:eX'lll6 of the approved annual financial p~an~ APPROVED: San Luis Obinpo County & Cities Area City of Arroyo Grande Planning Coordinating Council l -$1. A~ By By Title Title MAYOR PRO TEM Date 19 Date MilY 24, 19lL - -.------ - -..--- -- ---. - - r ~\ 'l'P^_.j? SLO^PC AMENDED 1\.NNUAL PROJECT AND FINA..~CI^L PLAN (Use additional forms as necessary) Briefly describe all proposed projects and indicate propoced expendi- tures of your jurisdiction for the ensuing fiscal year.(i~.right-of-waL acquisition and construction of local streets and roads, including f~cilities provided for the exclusive use by.pedestrians and bicycles.) Give each project a title and number in sequence. Is this a major new Project 'l'itle and facility? Project Sources of Brief DescriDtion Yes or No Cost Fundina JL 1 1T . , - . -- . . DELETED -0- . . * 2 . DELETED -0- JL 3 1t ,Bike Path around Crown Hill (on State Highway 227) Yes $ 2,000 SB 325 . # 4 . Widen Halcyon Road (Fair Oaks to The Pike) $65,000 SB 325 - -- -. - - .. - / \ ,"PA-2 (contt~) x. tb.l.a . ..jor .... Projcct Titlo and facility? project Sources of nrief Description Yos or No C08t FW1ding # Reconstruct Traffic $10,13t.81 sa 32S. I 'nr,-FI Signal at the Intersection of Yes $12,655.00 . sa. 325, 1977-IH Elm Street and Grand Avenue $27,213.19 Gas Tax $50,000.00 TOTAL . 0- f . a. Applicant's total proposed annual expenditure. of all funds .. 367,000.00 b. Annual Transportation Claim .. 77 ,131.81 c. ~ of Clai. (b) of Total (a> 21 ~ 4. Xf Clatm is more than S~ of total proposed annual expenditures please justifYJ . . ---------- _._._..__..._~-- ---- r' ,~..; ._" . C.on~ld) Briefly describe the stlltus of current fiscal yoar annual transporta.. ,. . tlon 'claim including: a). project progress to date; .and b) income and . ~p~nditurcs to date. ;1Q 6dc1ition. provide _ projection of a and b , . . above to July 1. i CERTIFIED: By dLl..4 ~. ck[C'lnl/~' . , 'tide CITY CLERK ,..Date May 21" .- 197,7 : . .