R 1244 c () RESOLUTION NO. 1244 A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A CONfLICT Of INTEREST CODE APPLICABLE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL PURSUANT TO THE POLITICAL REfORM ACT OF 1974. WHEREAS, the electorate of the State of California voted Into law the Political Reform Act of 1974, an Initiative measure; and WHEREAS, said law requires the disclosure of certain financial Interests by local government officials and prohibits their participation In governmental decisions when such may materially affect their Interests; and WHEREAS, saId law sets forth specifically all affIrmative and prohl~ltory previsIons required of and affecting leeal government offlcl.ls; and WHEREAS, said law has been Interpreted ~ the fair Pot It leal Practices Cemmlsslon as requiring the adoption of a Conflict of Interest Code applicable to the CIty Councllj and WHEREAS, this ConflIct of Interest Code, adepted In the spirit of said Interpretation of the Political Reform Act of 1'74, Imposes no additional reGJulrements of disclosure not already set forth In said Act. NOW, THEREfORE, the CIty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby resolves as follows: SECTION 1. ADOPTION Of CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE. In campI lance with 8873&0 of the Government Code, the City Council here~ adepts this Conflict of Interest Cue. SECTION 2. APPLICATION OF CODE. This Conflict of Interest Code shall be applicable to members of the City Council In their capacity as members of the City Council or as members of any City B<<Mrd or C_lulon. 'SECTION 3. .'BISCL&SURE. Council Members are alreaey requlrell to IIlsclose Investments, Interest In real property ane Inc:eme unGer 187200 and follewlng of the Government Cede. Therefore, no other or alldltlenal disclosure requirements are Imposed by thls.Confllct of Interest Colle, SECTION 4. CIRCUMSTANCES REQUIRING BISQUALIFlCATlON. Any _ber of the City Council, whether acting as. a Council Memberer as governlnr beard ~r.r cemmlssloner IIIf any city agency must disqualify himself or herself fram ...kln, or partIcIpating In the making of any decisions which will fores_bly have e material financIal effect, dlstlngulsh.ble from Its .ffect IIIn the publIc len.rally, on any eCGnomlc Interest, as lIeflned In Government Cede ,8n03 (a)-(d). SECTION 5. BEFINITIONS. Except IS otherwise Indlceted, the Geflnltl.ns centaln.d In the Political Reform Act of "14 (GIIIV.rnment Cod,,'tOOO> antI P.elulatlons adopted pursuent thereto are InCGrperated Into this C.nfllct of Interest Cede. SECTION &. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Conflict of Interest Code shall become effective September 10, 197&. . SECTION k; The City Clerk Is directed to forward a certified copy of this resolutlen to t e Fair Political Prectlces CCIIIIIIIlulon. On motlen of Councilman Schlegel, secoluied by Ceuncllman Qellagher and 01\ the follewlng roll call vete, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gal1agher,Schlegel, Millis anti Meyer tie Leen NilES: NGne ABSENT: Councilman Splerllng the foregGln, Resolution was passed and adopted this day Gf AUgust, ATTEST:~ L__ 1.~~/1~~.(') IT . RK