R 1217 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 1217 A RESOlUTi ON OF THE C ny COUNt U L OF tHE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVIING THE ANNUAL TRANSPORTAtiON CLAiM AND AUTHORIZING ns SUBMiTTAL TO THE SAN LUiS OB~SPO C.OONTY AND C I Ti ES AREA PlANNI NG COORD I NATi NG COUNt I L BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the City Ceunci i of the City of Arroyo lirande. in accordance with Chapter 1400, Statutes 1971 and applicable rules and regulations, approves the Armuai Transportation Chim for '1976-77, as per Exhibit "Au attached, and authorizes its submittal,a~on'9 with an other documentation required, to the San Luis Obispo County and toties Area Planning Coordinating COWtcIL" On motion of Cound hl8n Hi V 1 is\> seconded byCeUAci11D1H1 Gal taghe'r, Jr. and on the fo Howi ng 1"01'1 ca 11 vQte, to wit ~ 'AYES: Councilmen Spieriing, Gal1agher,Jr., Millis and MaYQr de Leon NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Sch]ege] the foregoing Reso1utlon was passed and adopted this 27th day of April. 1976, ffi~ .~~~~ > . MAYOR . ATTEST: -i~~__. J(. cfLP C'o-n~ CtTY CLERK r I. Ines A. de1 Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande. County of San Luis Obispo\> State of Call fornia\> do hereby ce'rtify that the foregoing, Resolution No. .!ill is a true~ fun and correct copy of said Reselutian passed and adopted by the City Councii of the Clity of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of sand Counco] held on the 27th day of Apru~, 1976. WITNESS my hand and the Sea 1 of the City of ArrQYo Grande aff i xed this 28th day of April, 1976. ~4t;f.1J; ~ . C1ty Cerk 0 the CIty 0 rroye Grande (SEAL)