R 1167 " RESOJ:JTION NO. 1167 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING MINIMUM A!\<1J MAXIMUM COMPENSATION FOR POLICE OFFICERS BY AI)OPTING A SAlARY SCHEDULE AND POSITION ClASSIFICATIONS, ASSIGNING . 'GITY EMPLOYEES TO CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY STEPS WITHIN THE RESPECTIVE RANGES OF THE SALARY SCHEDULE ,AND DESCRIBING MET!<<>DS OF ADVANCEMENT AND REPEALING PREVIOUS SALARY RESOLUTIONS RElATING '10 POLICE OFYrCERS, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEReAS, the City Council has caused a wage survey to be made of the compensation of police officers of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, this Council deems it to be in the best interests of the City of Arroyo Grande and its police officers that minimum and maximum compensation be fixed for various classifications of employment in the police department of the City of Arroyo Grande as hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the minimum compensation as of date of employment and the intermediate and maximum compensation for such employment shall be as hereinafter set forth and shall be subject to all of the conditions and reservations hereinafter enumerated, effective July 1; 1975, and. tb.lt said police officers shall be assigned to salary steps within the respective pay range of the position classification as set forth in the City of Arroyo Grande Schedule of Salary Ranges specified in Resolution No, 1164 adopted on the 10th day of June, 1975, LIST OF ClASSES 1975.76 POLICE ClASSES RANGE NUMBER Li..utenant 68 Police Sergeant 64 Police ,Patrolman I 59 Police Patrolman II 62 ADMINISTRATION OF THE COMPENSATION PLAN All officers entering the employ of the City shall be paid at the first step of the salary range established for their classification. Salary step increases, as provided for herein, are not automatic, but based on performance and merit. Officers shall be placed on the step and qualify for increase in compens"-tion oradvanceroent to the next higher step of the pay ranges in the manner following: l. Officers may qualify for advancement to the second step, after completion of one year service, upon the recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Administrator. 2, Officers may qualify for advancement to the third step, after the completion of one year of service in Step TWo, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Administrator, 3, Officers may qualify for advancement to the fourth step, after the completion of one year service at the third step, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Administrator, 4. Officers may qualify for advancement to the fifth step, after _ __completion of one year of service in Step Four, upon recommendation of the S 7 ~epartment head and approval by the City Administrator. (6/75) --- -~.__.-.._-_.. --- ~ 5. ~. Offic~r8 ~y q'~lif~' for~d~~ncamant of one 'la1ary ransa above t:':l.~~t~" ~(js:l.d()l\, e:i.l!isdf:!"..d range upon receipt of an Intarme4~te .108f Certif1c&te or anAIsoci~tdd Arts Degree in. field relative to their job c1!:\:I~1f1c!>!ti')n, from an acc,l"sditod junior collepClrcol1ap, upOD rdccmmsr.ilation of the department head and ,approval by the City. AiIIIiU.tnUr. b. Officer~ may qualify for ,'ad17&ncement of two' a&J.ary raDIe. . above tb::d.t' pusition clasdfi",d rang"', upon receipt of an Adv&llCedJOlTCe&'ti- f.ic&td, bra rmchelor of Sc:l./jnce/Bachdor' of,. Arta Dtisree ,ina iielit rdl!:\t:l.ve to their job classification fromanaccr.ditad colle.e, upon rec~nd!Ot:l.on of the department head ,and approvel by the Cie, ,Mllinutrator. c. Exceptions: Where job classifications orrequirementl iDcludaaa Associated ,Arts or~chelorof :Sc1ence/Bachelorof Arta Deana,' SecUOD S.a. and Sect10n S.b'. above will not ,apply. 6. A performance report on each employee'recommended for:aavanc...nt sr~\ll. be submitted to the City'Administratorand Council repre.antati.ap&,io&'to fitl.al action dI1 such recommendation. Or, mctiC'ln of, CooncUwLnMil1i" seconded by CouncilunSpieru'ns.ad CIA the fcl1~Aingioll call vote, to wit: ') . AYES: ,dounc'i:imen Sl'ierling, de Leon" Sch1esel,Millil .ndMa)'O&' 'h11ay NOES: None ABSENT: None the f'ordgCJ1ngRa~01';;jtion waspaseed andadoptecl thil 24th day of June, 1975. ~00 ~- ~ MA~a ATTEST~~ CITY CLE1I.X 'I. Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk . of the City of Arr:oyo Granda, County of San ,Luis Obispo, Stat,! of California, do hereby certify that:tha fOl'a.01ns a"so1:t!UonNc. 1167 is a t1'tle, full and correct copy of aaid ..solutionp..... and adopted by the. C1t:",y'Council of the City of . Arrayo Gr.nda at . r.aulal' _eting of sdd ,C.:nsnc:Ll held on the 24th day of June, 1975. WITNESS my hand and the' Seal of the City of Arrayo Gr.nda ,aff1uc1 this 23th day of June, 1975. --d,,~. :A,cIJ~ City Clerk of the Cit,of, rr:oyo GI'..... (SEAL) t\ - --- ,- --------