R 1164 , - .---., "-"" ~,-_..- - r -~ - RESOLUTION NO. 1164 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISillNG MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM COMPENSATION BY ADOPTING A SALARY SCHEDULE AND FOS ITION ClASS IFICATIONS, ASS IGNING CITY EMPLOYEES TO ClASSIFICATIONS AND SAlARY STEPS WITHIN THE RESPECTIVE RANGES OF THE SAlARY SCHEDULE, DESCRIBING METHODS OF ADVANCEMENT AND REPEALING PREVIOUS SAlARY RESOLUTIONS. THE CITY CO~IL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, this City Council has caused a wage survey to be made of the compensation of various employees of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, this Council deems it to be to the best interests of the City of Arroyo Grande and its various employees that minimum and maximum compensation be fixed for various classifications of employment in the various departments of the City of Arroyo Grande as hereinafter provided, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the minimum compensation as of date of employment and the intermediate and maximum compensation for such employment shall be as hereinafter set forth and shall be subject to all of the conditions and reservations hereinafter enumerated, effective July 1, 1975, and that said employees shall be assigned to salary steps within the respective pay range of the position classification as set forth in the following sections which are hereby adopted as follows: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SCHEDULE OF SAlARY RANGES RANGE RANGE NO. ....L ....L ...L ..!1... -L 00& ....L ....L -L ..!1... -L 16 $310 $325 $341 $358 $376 46 $644 $676 $710 $745 $782 17 317 333 349 367 385 47 660 693 727 763 801 18 325 341 358 376 395 48 676 710 745 782 821 19 333 349 367 385 405 49 693 727 763 801 841 20 341 358 376 395 415 50 710 745 782 821 862 21 349 367 385 405 425 51 727 763 801 841 883 22 358 376 395 415 436 52 745 782 821 862 905 23 367 385 405 425 447 53 763 801 841 883 927 24 376 395 415 436 458 54 782 821 862 905 950 25 385 405 425 447 469 55 801 841 883 927 974 26 395 415 436 458 481 56 821 862 905 950 998 27 405 425 447 469 493 57 841 883 927 974 1023 28 415 436 458 481 505 58 862 905 950 998 1048 29 425 447 469 493 517 59 883 927 974 1023 1074 30 436 458 481 505 530 60 905 950 998 1048 1100 31 447 469 493 517 543 61 927 974 1023 1074 1127 32 458 481 505 530 556 62 950 998 1048 1100 1155 33 469 493 517 543 570 63 974 1023 1074 1127 1184 34 481 505 530 556 584 64 998 1048 1100 1155 1213 35 493 517 543 570 598 65 1023 1074 ll27 1184 1243 36 505 530 556 584 613 66 1048 llOO ll55 1213 1274 37 517 543 570 598 628 67 1074 1127 1184 1243 1306 38 530 556 584 613 644 68 1100 1155 1213 1274 1338 39 543 570 598 628 660 69 1127 1184 1243 1306 1371 40 556 584 613 644 676 70 1155 1213 1274 1338 1405 41 570 598 628 660 693 71 1184 1243 1306 1371 1440 42 584 613 644 676 710 72 1213 1274 1338 1405 1476 43 598 628 660 693 727 73 1243 1306 1371 1440 1512 44 613 644 676 710 745 74 1274 1338 1405 1476 1551 45 628 660 693 727 763 75 1306 1371 1440 1512 1588 (6/75) '''.-'\ , - '~ SI!IIIfIIATIC '_T~T 01' CT.A..qsES 1975-76 AJ>>mUSTRATIVE ClASSES JWII;E RJIIBEIl Director of P\Jblic Works 75 Police Chief 72 Parks and p1annh'g Director 71 Fire Chief 72 Finance Director 69 City Engineer 75 BUILDDC IBSPEC'lOIl, PAKKS AIm BIlr.RRATIOlf Building Inspector 60 Park Foreman 55 Maintenance Man II 47 CURICAL AIm FISCAL ClASSES Secretary to City A....inistrator 51 Clerk Typist II 46 Accounting Clerk II 44 Clerk Typist I 34 Accounting Clerk I 41 PUBLIC WIlKS ClASSES Pnblic Works Foreman 62 COD!Itruction Inspector 58 Mechanic I 51 Mechanic II 56 Equipment Operator 52 Water Meter Jlepair 53 Maintenance Man II ,47 Draftsman 48 Engineering Aide 48 Maintenance Man I 45 Janitor 44 A1WTWT!:'I'IIATIOlf OF TIIR I!fIMPRIIII:ATIOlf PIAlf All officers or ......loyees entering the ......loy of the City sball be paid at the first step of the salary range established for their classification. Salary step increases, as provided for herein, are not au~tic, but based on perf<maance and .erit. x.ployees sball be placed on the step and qualify for increase in coopensation or advancement to the uex:t higher step of the pay ranges in the ....nn....' following: 1. Hmph.yees _y qualify for advancement to the second step, after completion of six _ths service, upon the rec. ""..tion of the dep~t bead and approval by the City ,.....inhtrator. (El<cept Police, one year period of service is required.) 2. Haoployees _y qualify for advanc-..t to the third step, after the c<llpletion of one year of service in step two, upon rec. nd-timJ. of the deparment bead and approval by the City AdoriniRtrator. 3. Baployees _y qualify for adVIIDCeooent to the fourth step, after the co.pletion of one year service at the third step, upon rec.. .......tion of the deparbent bead and approval by the City A.dndnf~trat:or. (6/75) - 2 - ." .,.. --. 4. 1!IIIp1oyees wry qualify for adV".- nt to the fifth step. after c.-p1etion of ODe year of service in step four. upon ree. ~.m.tion of r:be deparl:llent head aud approval by the City Aihainht:J:abJr. 5. a. J!IIp1oyees..y qualify for advanc_t of ODe salarv r.mge above their position classified r.mge upon receipt of an Associated Arts Degree in a field relative to their job classification. ~ an accredited .Junior College or College. upon rec. ...r1::.tioo. of the deJ>art:-nt bead aud approval by the City AoMfnht:rator. b. I:IIplo:JeeS ..y qoal1.fy for adv...... ..I: of I:vo salary ranges above their position classified r.mge, upon receipl: of a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree in a field relative 1:0 their job classifical:ion. frea an accredited College, upon rec' ~_f.ll'tiOD. of the ~I: head aud approval by the City AoMfni"t:J:at:or. c. Rw-P#IIDttc..- : Where job classifications or requirel!lents include an Associat:ed Arts or Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree, (including City AoMfni"t:J:ator aud all <lepart3ent beads within the service of the City), Section 5. a. aDd Section 5. b. above will nol: apply. 6. A perfo~e report: on each e.ployee rec-niled for ad1l8DCtsenl: shall be sm-itt:ed to the City AdooinfRt:J:at:or aud Council representative prior to final action on such rec:. ..dation. On IIIDl:ion of COUIIICiJ.an Hlllis. seconded by CounciJ.an Spierling and on the following roll call vote. to wil:: AYES : Couucit.en Spierling, de Leon, Schlegel, Hlllis aud Mayor Talley R)I!S : Bone ABSKII'r : !lone the foregoing Resolution was passed aud adopt:ed t:hiB 10th day of .June, 1975. ~.o-J - ICl~ KAIDR i_-Al . -;r- dJ f/o.~ ATD!ST:.. CIn CIJ!ItK I. !nea A. del Caoopo. City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Wis Ubispo, State of Cal:ifornia, do hereby certify thaI: the foregoing Resolution 110. 1164 is a true. full aud correcl: copy of said Resolnl:ion passed and adopl:ed b-.f the City Cooncil of the City of Arroyo Graude at a regular meel:ing of said Couocil held on the 10th day of June. 1975. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of r:be City of Arroyo Grande affixed it .-- this 11.-11 da:y of June. 1975. 4r", ..::1- ""'/~""i /1n City Clerk of I:he City of Arr<:tyo Grande (SEAL) (6/75) - 3 -