R 1136 ,.,--" \ RESOLUTION NO. 1136 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Crn ~F ,ORROYO GRANDE COMMENDING HOWARD D, EVANS FOR HIS SERV:CE5 TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. WHEREAS, Assistant Fire Chief Howard D. Evans, has Served the City of ArrogQ Grande with Dedication and Honor for TWentg TWo and a Half Years &5 a Volunteer Fireman and Assistant Fire Chief; and ~IRBAS, the Citg Council of the Citg of Arrogo Grande Congratulates HOWN D, Bv~a on hia Service to the Citg of Arrogo Grande as a Volunteer l'J.r._n ~d Aad.tet l'J.r. ChJ..f, NOPI, rH~I'OU, u rr ItBSOLVIID Ir rRB crrr COUNCIL 01' THB CITY or AMOl'O GltANDB, AI I'OUJOJIS I rhet GIll BeII.J.f of Idd CJ.t1/ CounCJ..1, both aa a CouncJ..1 and Ind1v1dulIl1y, and on ..hdf of the CJ.tJ."na ~ Arml/o GNnde, HOWARD D, IVANS 1. congratulatecl for lIJ.a DedJ.Cated S.rvJ.ce to the CJ.U..na of the CITY 01' ARROYO GRANDE. On MotJ.on of CouncJ.lllllll2 Millis, Seconded bg Councilman Spierling and on the I'Gllowing Roll C!Ill Vote, to Wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Schlegel, Millis and Magor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the Fore~ing Resolution was Passed and Adopted this lOth Day of December, 1974> ~, - l;]it (j= MAYOR ATTEST, _ ,","'IAJ.;:t- r.6 ~ {/~ CITY CLERK I, Ines A, del Campo, Citg Clerk of the Citg of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of CaHfornia, Do Herebg Certify that the Foregoi,ng ResolutJ.on No, 1136 is a True, Full and Correct Copg of said Resolution Passed and Adopted bg the CJ.tg Council of the Citg of Arrago Grande at II Regular Meeting of Sdd CouncJ.l Held On the lOth Dag of December, 1974, WITNBSS mg Hand and the Seal of the Citg of Arrogo Grande Affixed this 11th Dag of December, 1974, ~.A/'1h'/~ Citg Clerk of the Citg of rrogo Grande (SEAL)