R 1127 /',. '....... RESOLUTION NO, 1127 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T'HE CIT\' OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO TO PROVIDE ANIMAL CO~'1'ROL SERVICES WITHIN THE AREA OF SAID CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, WHEREAS, the Connty of San Luis Obispo, on September 1, 1974, implemented its animal control program under the Department of Animal Regulations Control; and WHEREAS ~ ;j;.,' ..':d>;Ht,:;"~~'"i-::!,Ii~ :h)r;i~ty is C.(~, li;:!lg~;:!~ r~~'(~"Ti.d.ing animal regulations control serv,L=:'i~~':\ t.,' t::1h C~;'>ty of Arroyo Gra..w,\r....; ar.n~~ WHEREAS, UJ.",-~ C,,/i,J.nJ::p l"lf San Luis Obispo is '1;1Lll:tn;:..s to provide Animal Regulation ContI 'II ",,<;t'~; '~C,(:~:;; to the City (hlrin_,~ t't;;l2j rqs::~:Jud of time in which a final contract j" 'i'\-'.;;;gotta tee.; ilnd WHEREAS, du', Ci ~,'.t A:rroyt' Gran.de :t~~ l:lJJ.ing:\.:on~imburse the County of San Luis Obis. po t:r,'"".' :';I;;;,,,~....~j-,:'q,":'J r~_~nd.eJ:ed ~ ha.,s;~d 'i.t.ppn, (~n,t,'..:ri.ng into an agreement with th",,: Coun:,;.:}' ll'!: ;);n.~J Jj,r.5,.~J Obi8pO~ and WHEREAS, r:h;,;:: h'~~:~:i.]..~:I":I. ,:a1.l! aaf.ety o.t: the; C],t:L"A,;:,'[1t<:J,: of: the City of Arroyo Grande will be protecte,l tltt:~.!'f~f~h SI,:U,o'~'ing the Count)'!" t{) p-cov:tdo Animal Regulation Control Services. NOW, THERE,FORE ~ f\E IT RE$OLVED by the Ch:y Ca,:.mcH of the City of Arroyo Gra.nde, County D.t :;:;,;~.i~ i-rL1>\':: Ob1.~po~ State. of C[t.lif..:;,:t:-niiJL:. tfaat the City of Arroyo Grande gives a'jJd1tYr:;.i~)!tio'('it, t..-:, the CoU'aty of Sal!. L1.1J..~ Obispo to provide Animal Regulation Contr.c!J. :-:~~";r'\ll.(;ezwithin the.: ineorpor8t-[~d ~'iT\::,aB of the City. BE IT Fl'RTi.tf:R I<F';OINED that th,~ City of An,,,,yo Grande authorizes the County of San Luis Oblsr1o i:..) (;n.[o'!..'c.c i.'ill City Ordi~1.a.nc~a :r<:,la,'t0d to animal regul,ation(control~ On motion. ::-:d::: Ct:'l1tk, Ux::a~ll Spierl:hlg, s,el'-.on.d.f~<1, "b::;> Councilman de Leon and on the following T<,ll c.",g " ""c, to ".i(d.f:~ AYES: C~7iJ,nc:~1;::j,::'TI Spiel'ling, dif;. IA:'lerJ.:,. Hll1j.~; i3.nd Mayor Talley NOES: Non':':. ABSENT: CO'[u1,;::,ilr:.,11i'J Schlf;g:el the foregoing Res.o1:nti;"!(~ '3tJJi pas.;3cd ~r~d ad.opt'i."~d. d~X.a 29th day of October, 1974. __~'~_~~0.'.:'ff~ (&1QCj - A TIES T: -<..iz?'_/J.. MAYOR .')f {.b'f &-n:>.a' CITY CLERK I, InfO" A, de.} Cn,'"?",,, City Clerk of th" City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obisp:;" S,t,>it~; of California, u.O h.;:;l',;::by c~rtify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1127 1.3 fl tru.e, full and correct G0~Y of said Resolution passed and adopted by t:",," Ci Co,mcil of the City af A,rl'GYlJ Grande at a regular adjcu.rned meeting of said CU'~"L,t,;il !\t:::ld en the 29th d,:1)"" of October, 1974, WITNESS my han,.!. "Lei to!,,, Seal of the City of An:o:,'" Grande affixed this 30th day of Dc tG',,,,,r, 1974. ~ .:.:..4. dp.! (7n~/ City Cl"rk of the City of Arroyo Grande (SEAL) _.._--~