R 1112 ~....... - RESOLUTION NO. 1112 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NAMING THE PARK ON HUASNA ROAD "STROTHER COMMUNITY PARK" WHEREAS, it has been establi.hed by Resolution No. 735 that the Parks and Recreation Commis.ion will recommend names for City Parks to the City Council for its approval and adoption; and WHEREAS, the 'ark. and Recreation Commi.sion he. con. ide red names to be u.ed for identification of certain park area. in the City of Arroyo Grande and ha. recommended that the n.w propo..d community park on Hua'Da Road be nam.d "Stroth.r Community p.rk" and b. approv.d .nd adopt.d by the City Council. NOW, THUlrOU, THE CITY COUNCIL, or TIll CITY or AUOYO GlANDI DOIS HUBBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: That the n.w oommunity p.rk loc.ted on Hu..n. Ro.d i. h.reby officially named "s TROTHER COMMUNITY PARK" in memory of, .nd to .cknowleda' the .ffcrt. of Virginia .nd N.w.ll Stroth.r, who w.r. in.trum.ntal in pl.nnina and dev.loping a park .y.tem in the City of Arroyo Grande, On motion of Councilm.n Milli., .econded by Counci~n Spierling and on the followina roll c.ll vot., to wit: AYES: Councilm.n Spierlina, d. Leon, SChleael, Millie and Mayor Talley NOES: Non. ABSENT: Non. the foreaoina a..clution w.. p....d .nd .dopted this 13th d.y of Auau.t, 1974, .~-\~ AnEs~JI!"", 2. ddl'''"rt!1''9 MAyoa CITY CURl( I, In.. A. d.l Campo, City Cl.rk of the City of Arroyo Gr.nd., County of San Lui. Obi.po, St.t. of C.liforni., do herlby clrtify th.t thl for'aoina R..olution No. 1112 i. . tru., full Ind corr.ct copy of .,id a..olution p....d and adopted by the City Council of thl City of Arroyo Orand. It I r.aular m..tina of .aid Council h.ld on the 13th day of Auauet, 1'74, WITNESS my hand and thl S.,l of tha City of Arroyo Grind. affixed thb 14th day of AUIU. t, 1974. ~.._, :;t,(P-, f"'~ City Clark of the City 0 Arroyo Granda (8 EAL)