R 1066 -.--- - --- m__.-,.,,___,,_ ~-, - -,'-~,-'.'. .- ----_.- 354 .. .. RESOLUTION NO, .J.2f5_ A RESOWTlON OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING RESOLUTION NO, 1011 RELATING TO CERTAIN TIME LIMITS ESTABLISHED IN UNDERGROFND UTILITY DISTRICT BRANCH STREET NO, 1. WHERF:AS, th", Arro:!o Grande City Cnun,c:!.l ,,$ l:abl:!.sh"d Undurge,wmd Ld.llty Dbtri.ct: Branch Stt'""t N,-,. 1 by Resolution N,), 1011, adopt"d on N"v,',mh"r: 14, 1972 ~ and WHEREAS, th" r<'.solut.ion s~tsthe dat,-, of N')'Rmher 30, 197::1, "8 1;].", dl'it" nen the ..ffect~d propert:..... cwn~rs nm.st 'be rli:.:n.d'J-" to re,\:,.t;!lv~;: s:(rrqlcf_~ a,nd St;__~!: March 31, 1974, as the datco on or h"fcr'1 which all puhHc 1.1101111:1,,8' (f"~d :rh'\..~Hd stnlctures ",',,:n1 t" be r<"l1Iov"d and undergrC'\md faciliti,",s'^,,,re to b" it1~t"llc,d; and WHEREAS, it has been neccssary to chang" the tim,) sch"duled for Fnd"r- ---'-gr."i~l~,1 HHItty District Br,mch Street No, 1" " NOW. TliER}:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CIn cO:n'<ic:n, OF' THE CUY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS FOLLOWS: T~j-at ~;Jrr.talu parag:t'npti In R':'~:Bolrt'tion N'J. lOJl,r ~;ild.c,1:.~ f:t>_\:~~4 t'h.:'. d,'.;i'i:i'::__~ t b d t i 'h d' f 11 pr';)p~";!r :; -":"J.m~":'.r.~ ~~,)1,., t t::~ r~~';;;:i':;' '0 rt~C(~ Vt!: ~ c.::t"VJ.C!:;: ~ ,t~ ~r~\(_~n ,I:')l. ;;t.s ::n.. ,L'~i:'; ; BE II FFRTHER RESOLVE!} that th,', COfmc:L1 do',';e :I"',',r,';by fix that aft',..rr wr::U:t:('m n0tic,t-:~ 8.nd dH~,':\and deliVtn~\,~d to P1:'~)p(~,r't:;. V~t"ln.(~rs;: ~~~.:f.d '~"'1'. 'r.-_ ,".:-. iY..ffr.'!c.t~d ':}'T'l"'_fiifl1J:"t:Y (i",V,7J1l!'!!rs 'ffi1I(!8tt~~:re~t-iy ;t\~'. 'rt::e.~iVt~ se~;:-;""'7i(~",~ !-ry' . April 1, 1974: .rind t'.l.~~:. CC'~.1.n.cil d.oes h~jl'~~b:i' i~'rd.I<::::.t' :r:f-,LJ,n',,;ra.1. b,~ aJ.1 p;19,~'1i.c ut:U:!.tl.e,. of all PQles, \..~v\..'!:rhaad w:f.r!:.s and 8,$,-?;o{,.:V:i.fx,:d \)"\'t:-:rh.'_".-J.J. :.;t't."i.~'.t.:t:'JY:'i ;~',: ('~:x:c{;')pt fO'l'poles 't/i::i.th ov(;"\rh,~ad str(2td: 11.ght:tng :ff.ic:i.l:f.tit'):~ \i.ft,ic',~~, r::c:",d,n Ln p1ac:i~ nnt:f.l r(-:pl.::tced by m:~":'\r st:t'8(!t: 1:Lg1.1,t1.ng s~.r::t'\"'~d. -b:,' nl(':!u::-~'5r; ',!~.n,:r fac.i.:U.t"i(:~~.. and th(~~ C(:'U,ncil does h.t;:'.r:t;.b::;.' er('-'-;'f:th,,-~ 'rm.d.L-'~I:g'r,".1";.n.d tnst:f11l;~';li':n of s.d.d 'iilir('-:'ls a.nd fa.c:i.ll.1:.l":::s ff~r' :'F.q't'l~r:Ln.g f::~:!,;:,).c~:',ric C'.:":'~:rn,r:d."' catl'~'llS:: ::.-:t.rn:llllr j'=r as:;oc:f.at;(~(t s\-\;r\/1.c~s wit'hJ.n 1.h".dt:':'t:'grQ'i'm.u. r:'!:tli::~'.' Dis !:',f..:~.C'.t; Bt:a.neh Stre~~~t 'Nr.;,. 1.!, en. or bl'.fon.~. J(m,(;~ :'0 ~ 1~7,~.. On met ion of Councilman Millis, seconded by C"uncihn<<n d" L.-:ult and C'1t th" following r'ol1 call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Talley, Mill:ls, WQod, d<!, Leon and Mayor Schlc:gcl NOES: Nont~ ABSENl: NOt\i'::; - for'~g"lng re'~ol'liti'm was passed and adopted this 25th day of Sept'Jmber, 1973, {l{L-~4 ~ - . _ (6 MAYOR . AnEST:~cY. C&..R ~..aJ CITY CLERK ' "'"'I ,-, I, IneB A, del Campo, City Clerk of the City "f Arroyo Gnm(k, C"'.1nl::;" of San Luis Obispo, Stat," of California, do hereby certify that th" r..'r"g,YLng R<esolutioo N(), 1066 :l.s a tn',,,, full and oorr'Jct copy of s.dd rr,so1.ut:i.cn p"s~ed and adopt'"d b:, the C:l.ty CO".mell of th', City c,f Arroy" Grand." ;'11: ae,:;!;,,:!,'J." ml!l~ting of said CUlmc:Ll lwld. on th" 25th day elf Supt"",,bcr, 197.3, WITNESS my hand and th" "",,1 of the City of Arr"y" Grand" tlffix,}.d thl. Z6th day "r S"ptoc",ber, 1973. ~~..A. @..~~ City Cl"rk of the C:I.!:y of Ai:r0Y" Gnll1d8 (SEAL) -- --------