R 1064 - - RESOLUTION NO. ._10(~:Lc_ A RESOWnON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEClARING SEPTEMBER 2l.TH THROUGH 30TH, 197:) > AS "TRAFFIC SAFETY WEEK" IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAt;DE. WHEREAS> traffic accidents take an ucacc,,;ptabi,: tv1.t in 1,';Sci.fl Lih" injury and propertv dltT:1[-1g,,;,; and WHEREAS, tnd fie accidents will conti.ncl'::, t,:,:,) in,cr;.:.a.s~-~'-. in pr0p0rtion to the number of r:lotot' "\YehLc Ies regis ten:;;d, drivsr'.:> ~i_cens~d ;lnd ~:Gtar n~iles traveled; and WHEREAS, rraffic accidents are caus8d bv driv~r inatt~ntion, d.i.sc.ourt""sy and loss of self-cancrol; :illU WHEREAS, acc:,dc~Lt pr:.:\'':.~ntiull must atal~t 'c':i.t'! Ind'J..vidnGii driv\,;ro! accepting their rbspu0sibilirv to drive .att8nti~~~ ,ami d,.:LmsLvt'. J NOW THEREFORE, BE 11 RESO;LVED> t hJ2~ C i t :rv C<~r,:_:'!,'~ t. 1,:L 0 t t: h", C:i t;; o t' Arr,'u,ce' Grande herEby d">CU.it'~5 S, t rmd)~,r 24th thnA;gh JO:e 197 ".s "irafi i.c Sa,[e: ty Week" in the" C ':. t., l,f At 1"0>,' Gt'Einde:' and rcq:Es rs L\ ,,'; V'.C, eLl: i:.Zt,n L.::(L,d.lca:t:8 hirr,se1f to dli'!.Lng, ,Jalktng and bicyc1.ing ba.fe . On r.;;.tiur; of C~"0nclblan de: Leon> seconded C,:utt<..i :.Vcitl Millis ,j.nd Uti the following 1('; 1 cali V..C,';;, > ::'0 ""it: AYES: C0Jocilmep Talley, Millis, Wood, dc;.. Lt'.o1: and Mayor Schleg(;J. NOES: None ABSENT; >;:;.n< the foregoing r,,o,,101uti i."D ;..hiS pas3e:d and adopt:-::,.d I:h1s 11th day ,)[ Stoptember; 19'73 0 r1L,~~ ATTEST:~fl. ck~ &4np> MAYOR CITY CLERK I. Ine3 A. d,~d Campo, City Clt,rk of th." City ,'f Atr'Y7(' Grandl': County of San h.ds Obispo, State ()f California. do r-.>"t8D, cc,rttf that: the foregoing Resolution N(~. 1061 Jsa tn,,, > full and correct cop~ 0f said resolution passed and adopt(~d by en"" Ci CC"unc i1 of the Cit~ of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeticg of saId CcnlnciL h,21d on thE 11 ch ciav I) f S,",p t;",.mb,:.t:. 1973. WITNESS,])y ba.nd and r:b~ seal of th~ Ci "f ArrojC' Grand:" affix(~d this 12th dav of S,~pr:":;;I~b.,r> 19!J.