Minutes 2001-08-16 SP MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2001 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 214 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lady called the Special City Council meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Lubin, Dickens, and Runels; Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara, and Mayor Lady were present. City Staff: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; Director of Administrative Services Wetmore; Director of Community Development McCants; and General Plan Update and EIR Consultant Rob Strong, AICP were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Lady led the Flag Salute. 4. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS: None. 5. CON SID ERA TION OF THE 2001 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE POLICY DOCUMENTS AND ELEMENTS AND FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (FEIR) Community Development Director McCants gave a brief overview of the format for the meeting, which would include public comment on new items and a review of the Planning Commission's recommendations on the Land Use Study Areas. He explained that discussion regarding the Circulation Element should be deferred to the Special City Council Meeting of August 23rd, when the traffic consultant would be available. Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing. Members of the Public speaking to the Council were: Paul B. FarreJ, 765 Asilo Wayne King, 212 Porterville, Pismo Beach William Kapp, 617 Woodland Sara Dickens, 679 Branch Mill Road Anna Unkovich, 637 Asilo Special City Council Meeting August 16, 2001 Page 2 Otis Page, 606 Myrtle Doug T ait, 645 Asilo Don Dirkse, 637 Asilo Bob Brownson, 653 Asilo Wilfried Reichardt, 352 Rodeo Bruce VanderVeen, 1273 Branch Mill Road Neil Havlik, 672 Serrano Drive Dean Coker, 628 Moss Avenue (submitted letter for the record regarding Tract 1998) Mary Rivas, 324 Platino Lane The majority of public speakers addressed issues regarding Land Use Study Area #3, Rancho Grande/La Canada, expressing opposition to the development of Tract 1998 and favoring reclassification of the area to Conservation/Open Space. Citizens also spoke in favor of and in opposition to the following General Plan Update potential reclassifications of land: 1. Reclassifying to residential 12 acres of agriculture land South of East Cherry Avenue and East of Traffic Way - frontage. 2. Reclassifying from Residential Rural to Single Family Residential, Medium Density (subject to a neighborhood development plan) 22 acres on East Myrtle, East Cherry and East Cherry Extension East of Noguera Place and South of Arroyo Grande Creek, including Lierly Lane. 3. Reclassifying a parcel of land at 1110 Sunset Drive (A through G) from the currently zoned designation of 11 units per acre (multi-family apartments) to Single Family Residential, Medium Density. 4. Reclassifying land at 1273 Branch Mill Road from Agriculture to Single Family Residential, Medium Density. After all those requesting to speak were heard, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing. Director of Public Works Spagnolo gave a presentation on the City's water system, summarizing the available water supply; water consumption patterns; and identifying several possible water conservation measures. He gave a brief overview of conservation programs in the City's Water Master Plan and answered questions from the Council on the subject. Consultant Strong explained that the Planning Commission had reached unanimous consensus and recommendation for the land use classifications shown on the Public Special City Council Meeting August 16, 2001 Page 3 Review and Comment Distribution Draft Land Use Element Map for areas 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 briefly summarized as follows: 1) Oak Park Acres at James Way - reclassify from Planned Development (PD) to Community Facility (CF) reflecting the existing church, related school and off-street parking. 3) Rancho Grande/La Canada - reclassify from Planned Development (PD) to Conservation/Open Space and Planned Development combining designation (C/OS- PD), allowing 1 dwelling unit (du.) per 5 acres (enabling up to 5 units subject to PD approvaJ). 6) Camino Mercado - reclassify the frontage of Camino Mercado from Planned Development (PD) to Mixed Use (MU-PD) with Planned Development, combining designation, except the cemetery which would be classified as Community Facility (CF). 8) FredericklALC and Williams Properties Inside and Outside of City Limits and Sphere of Influence (SOl). a) Reclassify the portion of the FredericklALC property within the City from Residential Rural (RR) and ResidentiaJ Hillside (RH), the latter requiring Specific Plan to a "Specific Plan" classification without underlying land uses prescribed. (A mapping error unintentionally excJuding a 2 acres portion of this ownership southwest of South Traffic Way Extension will be corrected prior to LUE adoption). b) Classify the 185 acres adjoining FredericklALC property outside the City limits but within the LAFCO approved SOl as Specific Plan Reserve, and c) Classify the 201 acre separate 'Williams Property" (Moynihan) as Specific Plan Reserve subject to LAFCO approval to include this property as part of the City's SOL 9) Valley Road AgricuJture - These County, unincorporated area properties surrounded by the City should remain outside the City's Sphere of Influence and classified County Agriculture, and the nearby High School owned property within the City limits should be reclassified from Agriculture (AG) to Community Facility (CF) to reflect its' public agency ownership. 10) Farroll Avenue - The 10 acre unsubdivided, agricultural property classified as Residential Suburban (RS) with a Specific Plan required, should be reclassified as Single Family Residential Low Medium Density, (SFR-LM-PD), with a Planned Development combining designation to encourage cluster residential planned deveJopment of approximately 25 du and including possible expansion of Soto Sports Complex or private park and recreation/ponding basin potential. Special City Council Meeting August 16, 2001 Page 4 11) East Grand Avenue Mixed Use Corridor Boundaries. (and Adjoining Residential Area Density Determinations) - Retain the SingJe Family Residential (SFR), Medium Density classification for the subdivided, developed areas north and south of the East Grand Avenue Mixed Use (former General Commercial (GC) classified properties), except Alder House and two adjoining lots on AJder Street. The site specific exception would be reclassified from Senior Housing (SR) and Single Family Residential (SFR) to Multiple Family Residential, Very High Density with a Planned Development combining designation (MFR-VHD-PD) (the exception being a refinement evoJving from FEIR response to comments). Director McCants then reviewed the PJanning Commission recommendations on the remainder of the Land Use Study Areas 2, 4,5,7, and 12, which were accomplished by separate roll call vote of the Commission for each of the following areas and subareas: 2) Rancho Grande at Noyes Road - The 53 +/- acres composed of two parcels should be reclassified from Planned DeveJopment to Conservation/Open Space (C/OS, allowing 1 du per parcel rather than with Planned Development (PD) combining designation allowing up to 35 du maximum.) 4) Royal Oak Estates - reclassify from PJanned Development to SFR-LD-PD and Conservation/Open Space, SingJe Family Residential Low Density with Planned Development combining designation allowing a maximum of 20 du at 1 du per 1.5 acre, exclusive of the tree preservation easement area shown as C/OS. 5) Printz, Noyes and Oak Park Roads-Northern Sphere of Influence (SOI)-Exclude entire SOl area outside current City limits from City's Urban Reserve and request County referral to City Council of all development proposals, subject to County LUE amendment to require minimum parcel size of 2 % acres per dwelling unit. Revised the prior proposaJ to retain this as 35 acres within SOl adjoining Highway 227 for potential SingJe Family Residential, Low Density Planned Development subject to annexation. 7) Village Mixed Use Boundaries and Uses-This Land Use Study Area was discussed by geographic sub-areas and includes several controversial property owner requests for reclassification: 7Sa) Traffic Way Hiohway and General Commercial-reclassify the General Commercial classified and GC and HC zoned area south of the Village Core area (generally south of Poole Street) to Mixed Use. 7Sb) South of East Cherry Avenue, East of Traffic Way-frontaoe (Dorfman and Japanese Welfare Association }-retain the current Agriculture (AG), cJassification unless and until mitigation for conversion is provided Special City Council Meeting August 16, 2001 Page 5 consistent with the proposed General Plan policies. (See Ag 1-4.2 and Ag 3-14). 7W) SinQle Family Residential Subdivision West of the VillaQe-retain SFR-MD subdivided area along Larchmont, Wilton, and West Branch between Wesley and Vernon Avenues as Single Family Residential-Medium Density. 7N) SinQle Family Residential North Side of Le Point North of the VillaQe-retain as SFR-LD the Residential Rural (RR) zoned and developed lots on the hillside slopes north of Le Point Street. 7Ea) South Side of East Branch AdjoininQ Arroyo Grande Creek at East EdQe of VillaQe-reclassify from Village Commercial to SFR-MD and Village Core (VC) the properties east of junction of Crown Terrace and East Branch Streets. 7Eb) East Myrtle. East Cherry and East Cherry Extension East of NOQuera Place South of Arroyo Grande Creek, Include Lierly Lane (Stillwell, Estes, et. al}- reclassify from Residential Rural (RR) to Single Family ResidentiaJ, Medium Density (SFR-MD) the entire 22 acre area subject to a neighborhood development plan including infrastructure improvements (streets, water, sewer, drainage, parks, etc.) providing for agricuJture buffer to southeast and Commercial/Open Space along Arroyo Grande Creek to north and east. 7Ec) Nelson Green area East of Mason and South of NeJson Streets South of Arroyo Grande Creek-reclassify from Village Commercial (VC) and Office (0), the south side of Nelson Street and east side of Mason Street to Single Family Residential, Medium Density, (SFR-MD). 12) EI Camino Real - Reclassify from Residential Suburban, Multiple Family, Office, General Commercial and Industrial, the area along EI Camino Real to Mixed Use (MU) with the clarification that the former Industrial classification would continue to be allowed or conditionally permit industrial/light manufacturing uses. Mayor Lady requested discussion on Land Use Study Area #3 - Rancho Grande/La Canada. Council and staff discussion ensued with regard to the status of the property. City Attorney Carmel cautioned and advised the Council against designating the property as open space, allowing no reasonable development on the site, and explained that the property had a pending subdivision map application which would continue to be processed by the City in good faith. Council Members expressed the importance of protecting important environmental and sensitive biological resources and the desire for a minimum amount of dwelling units on the site. Special City Council Meeting August 16, 2001 Page 6 Council Member Lubin requested discussion on Land Use Study Area #7Sb. - South of East Cherry Avenue, East of Traffic Way frontage. He recommended the Council reconsider retaining the current Agriculture cJassification and supported converting the area to single-family residential, medium density due to the residential homes and infrastructure already surrounding the property. Mayor Lady and Council Member Runels concurred with Council Member Lubin. Council Member Dickens stated that it was important that this vital agricultural resource be protected. He referred to the City's Right-to-Farm Ordinance and read portions of it for the record. He stated that if the zoning was converted because farming was inconvenient for the surrounding area, then the City should repeal the Ordinance. He asked the Council to consider continuing discussion on this land use area in order to consider additional information. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara referred to the petitions received, which indicated far more persons in favor of preserving agriculture than developing it. He stated that the sentiments of the public speakers do not outweigh the results of the survey, and that the surveys should not be overlooked. He felt that efforts to urbanize this parcel should not be considered as it would set a precedent. He stated he would not support conversion and asked the Council to consider other aJternatives. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the General Plan Update review process, and specifically, the sequence used by the Council to discuss Jand use study areas and General Plan policies. City Manager Adams explained the process. Following further discussion, there was consensus of the Council on Land Use Study Area 7Sb to revise the recommended designation in the draft General Plan to convert the area from Agriculture to Single-Family Residential, Medium Density. Mayor Lady called a break at 9:10 p.m. At 9:21 p.m., Mayor Lady reconvened the meeting. Mayor Lady requested discussion on Land Use Study Area 7Eb - East Myrtle, East Cherry and East Cherry Extension East of Noguera Place South of Arroyo Grande Creek, Including Lierly Lane. Council Member Dickens declared a conflict of interest due to property reJated interests and stepped down from the dais. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the designation of a conceptual neighborhood development plan for the area with a range of densities for the subject 22 acres. There was consensus of the Council to pursue this alternative. Special City Council Meeting August 16, 2001 Page 7 Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara requested discussion on Land Use Study Area 4 - Royal Oak Estates. He referred to problems surrounding the area such as slope instability, siltation issues, traffic/air quality impacts, and water supply impacts. Following discussion, there was consensus of the Council to revise the recommendation to allow a maximum of 15 dwelling units at 1 dwelling unit per 1.5 acres, exclusive of the tree preservation easement area shown as C/OS. Mayor Lady requested discussion on Land Use Study Area 2 - Rancho Grande at Noyes Road. He stated that the recommendation of 1 dwelling unit per parcel was not reasonable. He stated he supports the original Planned Development (PD) combining designation allowing up to 35 du maximum. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara stated that there were not 53 buildabJe acres in this area. He spoke of the high liquefaction factor of the terrain and the accompanying risk factors associated with developing the property. He suggested that the Council revisit this Land Use Study Area after review of the Safety Element. Mayor Lady and Council Members Lubin and Runels supported the original recommendation to classify the area as Planned Development (PD) combining designation allowing up to 35 du maximum. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara requested discussion on Land Use Study Area 5 - Printz, Noyes, and Oak Park Roads - Northern Sphere of Influence. Following Council and staff discussion, there was unanimous support to exclude the entire Sphere of Influence area from the City's Urban Reserve and to request County referral to the City Council of all development proposals, subject to Co~nty LUE amendment to require minimum parcel size of 2 1/2 acres per dwelling unit. Mayor Lady referred to the parcels on Sunset Drive (Kapp/Karp) and Alder Street (Alder House) and supported retaining the current classifications so as to avoid creating any non-conforming status of the parcels. The Council concurred with this recommendation. Council Member Dickens referred to comments previously made by Mr. King regarding the Vanderveen property. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding preservation of agricultural property. The Council concurred in discussing this parcel further following deliberations on the proposed General Plan policies. Mayor Lady suggested and the Council concurred to adjourn the meeting prior to beginning consideration of the draft General Plan Update Policy Document and Elements and to defer the discussion until the Special Meeting on August 23, 2001. Special City Council Meeting August 16, 2001 Page 8 6. ADJOURNMENT At 11 :00 p.m. Mayor Lady continued the Public Hearing to a Special Meeting on Thursday, August 23, 2001, at 6:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 214 E. Branch Street. MiCha~~ ~/;UfJ~ Kelly tm re, Director of Administrative Servicesl Deputy City Clerk