R 1061 CIt"'. "-" RESOLUTION NO. JOfL~ A RESOWTlON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEClARING SEPTEMBER 2/+TH THROFGH 30TIJ, 1973, AS "TRAFFIC SAFETY WEEK" IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA!>DE. WHEREAS, traffic accidents take an unaccii.':prblb'j_,~ t(,ll in b5;;'!1\;:~n l:l.f~~: injury and property daro"ge; and WHEREAS, traffic accidents will contimh1,~:(} increa;~h:'. in pr.()porti~)n to the number of 1":1otur. \h.'-hic tes regis tered ~ drivexs lic't'..:;ns,;:,d ;lr\d 't;::.':!~:'0r 1Ki.h:;s traveled; and WHEREAS, traffic accidents a.re C811S8d by driv..~r in.fit~:.:;nt:Lon: discourtt::sy and loss of self~control; ~nd WHEREAS, acc:'.d:;:',r:.t Fy'--.:::v.;:;nti~.)n must start T;Jit',~! 1.[1dlvid.'!j'31 d.ri'\/dr~ accepting thefr tt:sportsi.bi :U..ty to drive.att{-..:ntivc':~ a.rl~ d,:d:ii;~n.s:b,'eiy', NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City' C,):;."!'.Lvi.i ot the City of Arr0~':;c' Grande b.ereCi5' dl'-::c,nH8S SE~Ft(,~~J~:'8r 24th th:tm,~gh ]Q-,t"i:',,_ :t.973 ~ as "',;'..:r:a.ffLc Saff,ty' Week" in the C 1. t} of Array..::. GT.':and\:~ and r,',q"..lF;'6rS tl,clt ,:v-";',~r^'. t:itLz:t.::!1, -r,\-;:~d~<dJ.catB hili.self to dl',1:\\ing~ -~Jalki.l1.g and bicyc1.ing sa.fcl:i_ On r:;)tlor. of C~'..':.:;.nc:!,lman d.e l...eon) seconded h:7 C;.::,',lIH.:;llmdfi Millis a.nd on the following 1'0:.1,1 cali V(:':~ ~ to ~,.iiii t: AYES: CUc!ncj I",,,,, Tal ley, Millis, Wood, de 1..,,01: and May"r Schlege,j. NOES: None ABSENT: N")nt." the foregoing r,asolutic." "'as pas,~ed and adopted ,hi.. 11th day or Septembor, 1973. (]f. ,~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~p",.,~, deP fa......aD CITY CLERK I, Ines A, del Carep", City C18rk of th" City of Atn""" Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do h,eteby c'2rt:if' that the foregoing Resolution No, 1061 .i 9 a U'H", full and corr~ct: copy of said re::lOlution passed ar.d adopted by th" City Counci1 of the Ci ty of Arr"'y" Grande at a regular mee,ting of said Council. held on th<' 11eb dav of S,.c"pt,.,.mb"r, 1973, WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City ,'f Arroj c' Grand," affixed this 12th day .of SC'ptembet:, 19'13 . ~r!!'t~t;~~o Grande (SEAL) - ----,"------