R 1007 v -- '--' KJ.SO;"UT ION Nn .. , REo; '-h) I n',i~ lIf THE: CITY COIJNCIOI 01 ," Gf{i\NDL ADOPTING THE INTERIH OPEN SPACL J:HJj,,,, 'i GENERAL PLAN, WHEREAS, tJH",Plamung Commission of trH" CLry tI{ ArnJyii Clan.:', f,e:.," prepared a gene'ral plan rf.::port~ I;'.ntitled tIlt"": IIInt,,",,--rim Op.:.Ji Spo'i.l':," Ej.,'1"Ttl1 '.' did all things legally dud t,;:;,chnica.11'y requir'~:;J. by law to c,<:~,~'.:-:lop ;)("Pl_/( ( adequate in SCOpi": and :iuthori ty to serVE the purposf~s of 1.1, gicnE.'T6,l p ],..,i1 -did ~lHEREAS, tht', City Council of the Cit:;, of An.'ayo Grand!'-:: h};;s C<" L'Ij,)t"{J the prt:-~pared general pian report entitlf:d trH-:: "Ine,criTH Open Spa.ce El,<,(~,.-nt:lI and did all things h'gaIly and technically l'c'quir,:d by law to d",vdlop .'i !'.'port adequate in scope and authority tv St::rvt'>, the purposes of a gLncrdl pi,n'; ;md WHEREAS 1 pvrs'CI,ant to Government Codt, S,;:l:t:1..pn 65'501 ~;,t f;Cq, C j tv Cou,llci:l gav'i:: ye'q'o::i.led [\o'clc" and diJ hold :j, p':it'l1.:Lc, "~~'<l:C:lr"',, or. ,.,." 1972.) for th",-~ pn,rpost..~ or cOIlsidc:I:ing th~;:~ adopcion 01.' t!.J:i(' nlnt~,_,'('L',,; ;-Ir'" Element" of rhe, gi'n""r;,:;l pldn r~~pot:'t) and /;it which public hi~,:(ri.ng Cfl,;,' lInt Open Spa-Ct.: El\.~::t&~nt.:11 wa.s tl,,':portf'd ':J.pon; and. WHEH.LAS.~ 'LD\.: "lnU:l'rm Opi',n Spac~:; Elc:":h:',l1t" of fr;,~ gtfmi:":ral pIan i ,:P01:'!..: is nEcE~ssdt'y for sound. f,..T'cr-<:,; Cmm1l\iIlity d(';,rtdopmt~nt~ t'ih-::', p1.'CB":~["Jd'[,~,"""~l 01 Cl.].mrnunity vahkS j and tJl'2-, promotion of th~': gl"''Doral 'hbalth, snf~-;t:',;', (:,,;-:) ".':J1tcm:;f: and w{:lfart:, of tbt;: cirJ.zf;ns of the City of Ar,"royo Gl,"ande; NOW, TIiEI<EFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ARROYU GiiANUL nOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS F()~LOWS: See tion 1, The Ci. ty Cotinci 1 of thfj Ci ty of ArroYj} Gran~k: does hereb)' find a.nd d,:tf~r~mi.n(:, that the pub li.c.Lnt,cn,:'.s C j c.onvf:_ni~."nce and nt"c(:s~dty rl2;quir2: that: t~-i~':;'~ "lnt,;.'.:rim Open Sp,2i.c.;::' E1.crn;:>,nt;l1 of Ch" G<n~ral Plan be adopt"Q, Section 2, The City' Council of the City of Arroyo G't'and~:: does I)-~r:::~by adopt rh(;,: "l!1tt';rim Ope,n SpacE' El(::mt~nt" of the G('n~rd.l Plan" On motion of' Councilman Millis, second.t:-,d by Councilman Talh:-.y f:tnJ on the fol1owing roll call vote, to wit: ,AYES: C('\ll1ci1:mc.-n Millis j Tallf;Y} 'wood and Ml::iYol' SC'hlcg.:: 1 NOES: N0rk ABSENT: Counci,l,"a,n de L,,;on the for<cgoing Resolution was passed and adopl:d, this 26!:h day of S{-,ptt'mbct', 1972, /-1 /\ / (:JU' ') 1,) '/j~ /, /J / '.1/ 1/ f ~. ,e; k~ MAYOR "'''~,,~,.. -;/7 CITY CLE K I, PULLY S, KINGSLEY, City Ckrk of tCL City of Arroyo Gr'Juk, CO'.lIltv of S"Hl L;,ds Obispo, Statn of Califol'nia; d.;) her'eby ck~l'tLfy that thf~ fort_~:.,:,.,>Lng R(~solu,tion No~ 1007 is a. truE) full a.nd c.orr{:,:ct copy of said. t'~solut:i()n p,~'Ssf:d and adopt(~.d b:,,- fh~~ Clt}~ Conneil of t'fte C:1.t~l of Arroyo Grand.;,,: at d r.,.g"i),lRJ meetJ,ng of said Conneil hc<ld, on the 2fth day of S~~ptFTI1bf~r; 190P2.. WITNESS IllY hand and tht';\ s<::~f.i.l of thi:' City of: AITOYO Gl','intr f f Lx.' d t1',i ':' 27 tl' day of S(':pt(;mb~;',I ~ 19j"2o ( SEAL) ~ ".... --- -"...-...........-...",..-...~ -- '-'>""'~ _..--:-:o,j' -i. '~""~',,,,--. ~ ~. ""~b".....".wl~___ ,~~, o.i..../