Agenda Packet 2011-01-11City Con e1*1 Tony Ferrara, Mayor /Chair Caren Ray, Mayor Pro Tem /Vice Chair Joe Costello, Council /Board Member Jim Guthrie, Council /Board Member Tim Brown, Council /Board Member Steven Adams, City Manager Timothy J. Carmel , City Attorney Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL /REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2011 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE 4. INVOCATION 7:00 P.M. CC /RDA BOB LU N D ARROYO GRANDE IN BLOOM DR. MAYER HARNISH BAHAI FAITH 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5.a. Presentation by South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Regarding Flood Event of December 19, 2010 6. 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period December 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. 8.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deposits (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of November 30, 2010. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of December 2, 2010; the Special City Council Meeting of December 14, 2010, and the Regular City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meeting of December 14, 2010, as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Council Appointments to City Commissions, Boards and Committees (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve the appointments to City Commissions, Boards and Committees. AGENDA SUMMARY — JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) 8.e Authorization to Reject Claim Filed Against the City — Claimant: D. Slover (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Reject the claim and authorize the City Clerk to send a standard rejection letter to the claimant as recommended by the City's Claims Administrator, Carl Warren & Company. 8.f. Consideration of Resolution Declaring A Continued Local Emergency (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution declaring a continued local emergency. 8.g Consideration of Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Appoint the Cit Clerk and City Treasurer (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt an Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to appoint the City Clerk and City Treasurer upon the expiration of the current terms or upon the event of a vacancy. 8.h. Consideration of Amendments to Cellular Tower Lease Aareements with New Cingular Wireless (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the first amendment to the land lease agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for operation of a telecommunications site at 1275 Ash Street; and 2) Approve the first amendment to the land lease agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for operation of a telecommunications site at 300 Reservoir Road. 8.i. Consideration to Adoat a Resolution Acceatina Imarovements for Parcel Ma AG 08 -0078 Located at 127 Nelson Street and 138 Short Street Constructed by the Pruett Family Trust (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution accepting improvements for Parcel Map AG 08 -0078 located at 127 Nelson Street and 138 Short Street constructed by the Pruett Family Trust. 8.j. Consideration of Approval of Granting Utility Easements to The Southern California Gas Company and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Approve granting utility easements in Olohan Alley and in the City -owned area east of the Conrad House to The Southern California Gas Company and Pacific Gas and Electric Company and authorize the Mayor to execute the easements on behalf of the City. 8.k. Consideration of an Award of Contract to Crosno Construction. Inc. for Construction of Reservoir 6 and Oro Booster Station Uaarades. Proiect PW 2010 -11 (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for construction of Reservoir 6 and Oro Booster Station Upgrades to Crosno Construction, Inc., in the amount of $524,988.68; 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount $52,488.00 for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; 3) Approve a Fourth Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Wallace Group; and 4) Authorize the City Manager to sign the amendment. AGENDA SUMMARY — JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE 4 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration of Development Code Amendment 10 -003 to Amend Development Code Sections 16.04.070 and 16.32.030 to Allow Rounding Up for Fractional Units When Calculating Allowable Density in the Multi - Family Zoninq District (McCLISH) Recommended Action: Continue the public hearing to the next Regular City Council Meeting of January 25, 2011. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Consideration of Proposal to Purchase Groundwater and State Water from the Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve the proposal for either: 1) a permanent purchase of 100 acre feet of groundwater and 150 acre feet of State water from the Oceano Community Services District; or 2) a permanent purchase of 250 acre feet of unspecified water from OCSD that could be Lopez water, State water or groundwater as determined by OCSD on an ongoing basis. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideration of Leases with Options to Purchase and Agreements Affecting Real Property Regarding Properties on Le Point Street for Expansion of the Le Point Street Public Parking Lot (ADAMS) [CC /RDA] Recommended Action: 1) Approve a Lease with option to purchase and agreement affecting real property with John and Maureen Gutierrez; 2) Approve a lease with option to purchase and agreement affecting real property with Sunny Jacobson; 3) Authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to make modifications to the Gutierrez Lease and Jacobson Lease as determined to be necessary; and 4) Appropriate $12,500 from the Redevelopment Agency Fund unappropriated fund balance for rent and property tax payments for FY 2010 -11. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and /or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a) Request for PG &E Presentation on "Smart Meters" (FERRARA) b) Request for Staff Report on Status and Capacity of Retention Basins (COSTELLO) AGENDA SUMMARY — JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE 5 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and /or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence /Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability - related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805 - 473 -5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arroyogrande.org * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo- span.org THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK o INC0FPT 9 'r #� ���'L L7 ,C � JAk )] L� JULY 10. 1011 F MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA K AETSCH, DIRECTOR of ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE BY: FIANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION ATION of CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION DATE: JANUARY 11, 2011 R ECOMMENDATION: : It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements ents for the period December 1 through December 81, 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is a $8,991,686.64 fiscal impact t that includes the following items: 0 Accounts Payable Checks 147980-148301 $ 2,586 0 Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks $ 1, 06,661.12 BACKGROUND Cash disbursements are made weekly based on the submission of all required documents supporting the invoices submitted for payment. Prior to payment, A dministrative Services staff reviews all disbursement documents to ensure that they meet the approval requi rements adopted in the Municipal Code and the City's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual of February 2090. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations during the period. The disbursements are accounted for in the FY 2010 - budget. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Approve stafFs. recommendation; a Do not approve staff s recommendation; 0 Provide direction to staff. Agenda Item 8.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION JANUARY 11, 2011 PACE 2 ADVANTAGES: • The Administrative Services Department monitors payment of invoices for accountability, accuracy and completeness using standards approved by the Council. • Invoices are paid in a timely manner to establish goodwill with merchants. • Discounts are taken where applicable. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified as long as City Council confirms all expenditures are appropriate. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental revie w is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, .January 6, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the City's website on Friday, January 7, 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. December g1 — December 31, 2010 -- Accounts Payable Check Reg ister 2. December 03, 2010 — Payroll Check & Benefit Checks Reg ister 3. December 1 2010 — Payroll Check & Benefit Checks Register 4 December 2g, 201 — Payroll Check & Benefit Checks Reg ister Agenda Item 8.a. Page 2 � :96 LUtUOOM tZ0L00094 %M2 L917 4 L6V ZOO L 24444 0L 90 - / L L 9 - 9/ � I ZLZ 4 L 460 L 4 LJ I I - f 1 L O O Z f � I M 7 17 6 - 8/1 L Z9LL - 9 4 4 0 4 4 M ZL L 9 tZ2 LL OLIZL � ZZ L OL 0 W 4 L 0 WL 9900 M 4 0 4 WU 8 to Ul v(3 ploA/jeal3 snj ld3 0 1S VO 0 4� 000 0 L OZ/CO/Z 4 SHLt L Sa l nnr 4 4 L00 U MU 4 Z L� � 139vvniT 11M 00SW8 000000 O 402190!2 4 WE14 `1 O 1N D IS d N 3 L90000 O 40ZI OIZ L OO L 4 V01 3I V JO Y NVa 990000 0 40Z1 O1Z 4 696Li4 NIS OAS I 990000 O 4021 O1Z 4 OL � 1 '9 1 1 L09900 040ZI90IZ4 09' 4 4 4 0 40Z/0I4 4 99 Ltr 1 LO'9 9 0I OZ/60/ 4 L 00*9c 00 0 4OZ/6Z/ 4 4 9tr'4 9tr'L4 0 40Z /L4lt 4 00'90tr 00'09 0 WZ16 W 4 4 O OL � 00'904 0 WZ/9 W. 4 00'60 4 0 4OZItZ14 4 0014 4 0 4OZItZl4 4 ZO'i?1?0'9 9 4'0 4 0 40219014 4 00'9£ 0 40ZI0I4 4 zc , cg 040Z10I44 99'08 0 � OZ/90/ 4 4 V90 4 0� OZ/9014 4 4' 44 040Zl014 4 8 8 , 9Z9 0tOZl 0/44 tr' 04`4 0tOZl90144 W 99`Z 0 4OZI9014 I. 00' tr L 0 4 0 4 Z/ Z/ 4 4 L' tr 4 `tr tr0 9 t 0 4 OZ1 Z/0 L MCC 4't L't 0 40Z1ZJ0 4 00 4 c 00`0 0402 /tr l44 0 '40tr Z1 0/W 040 1 0144 00`000 00'000 0 40219 414 L 00`OLZ 00'OZ 040Z1Z144 U19 U19 0402124144 oo oo 0 40ZIZOIZ 4 00 00 O 40214012 4 I qOJL 1 PlRd jnn uu 0110(3 • UJ LUtUOOM tZ0L00094 %M2 L917 4 L6V ZOO L 24444 0L 90 - / L L 9 - 9/ � I ZLZ 4 L 460 L 4 LJ I I - f 1 L O O Z f � I M 7 17 6 - 8/1 L Z9LL - 9 4 4 0 4 4 M ZL L 9 tZ2 LL OLIZL � ZZ L OL 0 W 4 L 0 WL 9900 M 4 0 4 WU 8 to Ul v(3 ploA/jeal3 snj ld3 0 1S VO 0 4� 000 0 L OZ/CO/Z 4 SHLt L Sa l nnr 4 4 L00 U MU 4 Z L� � 139vvniT 11M 00SW8 000000 O 402190!2 4 WE14 `1 O 1N D IS d N 3 L90000 O 40ZI OIZ L OO L 4 V01 3I V JO Y NVa 990000 0 40Z1 O1Z 4 696Li4 NIS OAS I 990000 O 4021 O1Z 4 OL � 1 '9 1 1 L09900 040ZI90IZ4 L UK 1 O W (I N' 1 131 '060800 M O&COIZ 4 99 Ltr 1 N1 `YIYY Jl 3 3 0 N I I IV K 4900 040ZI O1Z4 926L S 1 1S 1N VVdin03 x 311V 990900 0M O1Z4 V96LK �J VINVOIVzni 0 X2800 O wz/co/z L C96D7 4 0 N1 iS3A l SVEM1 f 9 X 00 0WMO /Z4 Z86LI71 VII' 3 3H 8Z6LOO 0 � OZ /Z01Z 4 L 96L t? L 1 1' VY - IVAA M WO 0 402! 4012 4 O OL � JOPUGA 4 # 1 (Q M WN"S O O .40 A113 11 9 :off MIC040 :06Bd 1I 11 I JOISIG H 3 1 08 40 IH)I:Dd L lN 3WH3V.U V 00 0 cm E m 2 a m El Page: 2 apHist 1103/2011 10: 6AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Pa 2 Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 890979439 111991291 70.94 1300979426 1119912919 30.75 910.46 1 47994 12/03/2010 002776 C A ST DEPT OF HEALTH 11 30547 09/30/2010 1 6,1 235 16 1 47995 1210312010 009643 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 731 1 1/1612010 106.55 7314 - 449225 11/22/2010 21.57 7314-448480 11118/2010 5.63 1 33.75 1 47996 1210312019 003 CELLULAR ONE 90473 11/23/2010 73.79 73.79 147997 12/03/2010 006 344 CENTRAL COAST QUILT 112919 11/29/2010 330.00 330.00 147993 1210312010 005355 CHANNEL COUNTIES 120110 1210212010 25.00 25.00 147999 1210312010 0001 CLINICAL LABORATORY OF 91 1110812010 568.00 568.00 148000 1210312010 00018 CONSOLIDATED 7605 - 523103 11/08/2010 238.21 283.21 1 43001 1210312010 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 1 7922 1110212010 52.00 013963 1110212010 29.75 82.35 143002 1210312010 001840 DELL M AR K ETING LP X F4DN6377 1'110212010 404.21 404.21 148003 12!9312919 006848 DNB INDUSTRIAL U PP LY 549699 1111912010 197.92 197.02 148004 1210312010 006706 DORIS B F S TROPHIES INC 63 549 1110312010 145.00 145.00 148005 1210312010 005712 ELE TI IC AFT INC 4675 11/16/2010 643.53 643.53 148000 12/03/2010 0041 FEDE 7- 291 - 31806 1 1/12/2010 19.69 19.69 143997 12/03/2010 001 525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 6634451 1110812010 256.66 6640469 11/09/2010 87.93 6573759 1112212010 81.56 6640469 -1 11/16/2010 74.78 500.93 D 148008 12/03/2010 000005 THE GAS COMPANY 1018 -299 E 11/22/2010 1.43 1.48 c� C 148009 1219312910 993229 GOPHER EF ST I IPERS INC 13529 11/23/2010 325.00 825.00 0 148010 12/03/2010 008998 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION PIf 2008 -0 11129/2010 6 6,662.34 o0 148011 1210312010 999233 CITY F VE BEACH 11151 11/15/2010 70.77 70.77 CA iD Page: 2 c� c� CL 0) mo m c� c� 00 apCkHist 01103!2011 1 :26AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor 148012 12/03/2010 001237 HANS N AGG EG. MID 148013 12/03/2010 097883 ALAN HOOK 148014 12/03/2010 001388 H PKINS TECHNICAL 148015 12/03/2010 004050 ICC - 1NTL CODE COUNCIL., 148018 12/03/2010 002820 INDFF, INC 148017 12/03/2010 003730 INDUSTRIAL TOOL BOX 148018 12/03/2010 003949 KERN'S PAPER 148019 12/03/2010 008088 MATCO TOOLS 148020 12/03/2010 000417 MELL SON'S PUMPS 148021 12/03/2010 008226 MIDDLE PATH MEDICINE 148022 12/0312010 000429 MINER'S 'S ACE HARDWARE, AI E, 148023 12/03/2010 007202 NSSAMAN LLP 148024 1210312010 000488 OFFICE DEPOT 148025 12/0312010 908227 PACIFIC BELL Statue Clear old Date Invoice 11 24444 11105/2010 438.83 438.83 112010 11/2012010 150.00 1 50.00 201 026885 11/11/2010 555.75 555.75 2807387 111291201 1 00.00 1 00.00 1 761522 11105/2010 114.77 114.77 341 11102/2010 222.17 222.17 29559 10/19/2010 401.02 29751 11/23/2010 288.95 29557 10/19/2010 282.83 982.80 35389 11/18/2010 40.96 40.98 2871 11/22/2010 578.49 575.49 11 11/23/2010 1 0.90 10.00 K54695 11/17/2010 48.93 K54692 11/1612010 45.62 K54762 11/16/2010 43.49 X54574 11/15/2010 42.90 K41216 11/17/2010 42.37 K40555 11112/2010 18.20 K55544 11/23/2010 1 3.57 K55122 11119/291 13.02 K55013 11/18/2010 19.31 K41106 11/17/2010 9 K554 11/2212010 9.20 K55082 1 1/19/2010 7.80 K40588 11/12/2010 .18 303.81 378398 10/0812010 431.99 431.99 540790828001 11/11/2010 37.45 37.45 120110 12/01/2010 10.00 10.00 Inu msta Amnisn# D!miA f'hm^L- #n*aI Page: apCkH!st Check History Listing Page: 01/0312011 1 :26AM CITY OF ARROYO GRAND Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status DlearlVoid Date Invoice Inv. Data Amount Paid Check Total 1 48026 1 215312010 000431 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 11117 - 194097 1111712619 1492401 Page; 11/18-154503 1 1/18/2010 811.33 11116- 704689 1111 512019 121.22 15,756.56 148027 1215312919 068219 PARTNERS IN THE WIND 11 119 11/01/2010 105.69 169.50 148928 12/03/2010 001697 PET PICK -UPS 33149 10/25/2010 1,224.79 1 148929 1215312919 690498 PITN BOWES, INC 7658355-N V10 1111312916 655.09 655.60 148930 1210312919 090523 R & T EMBROIDERY, IDERY, INC 37501 1111912010 70.51 70.51 1 43031 12/03/2010 698226 BONNIE RICE 11161 1 11161291 65. 65.00 1 48932 12/03/2010 003031 ROBERTSON SUPPLY 3736 11/17/2010 225.93 08735 1111712010 58.59 324.43 1 48033 1210312919 000810 RRM DESIGN GROUP 1819'1 31 0517 11/08/2010 1 1,261.66 1 48034 1216312610 692932 RUTAN & TUBER, LLP 593941 10/11/2010 35.90 39.00 146035 1210312010 000533 B & L SAFETY PRODUCTS 764452 111181201 1 79.1 3 175.16 148036 12103/2010 008221 ,JUAN SARABIA 11131 11/18/2010 265.00 265.00 1 48037 12/0312010 008222 JERI SHARPE 111616 1111612010 30.00 30.00 1 48038 12/0312010 000598 SNAP TOOLS CORP 201586 11/03/2010 122.33 201761 11/1012010 64.54 201979 1111712010 31.27 216.14 146039 12103/201 008223 -DU1 E STERLING 016884 11/23/2010 137.00 137.00 148040 1210312010 008228 LAIN OFFICE OF BRUCE 12011 1210112010 5.00 5 148041 1210312010 004666 S RCB FEES 1lD- 0044547 1111612010 1,226.00 1 D 148042 12/0312010 007390 MARK TACY 120110 121011201 236.00 236.00 CL 0 148043 12/03/2010 006054 TIMES PRESS RECORDER 11051 11/09/2010 15,29 19.20 rok 1 48044 1210312010 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1043330 1110312010 197.38 1043395 1110912010 138.00 335.36 o0 �iD Page; apkHit Check History Listing 073063 11/17/2010 Page* 01103/2011 10 :2 A I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 073064 11117 12010 Bank code: boar 2,587.21 148049 1210312010 000650 USA BLUE BOOK Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 143045 12/03/2010 007515 ULINE 34708152 1 011212010 1 14.16 114.16 14 046 12/0312010 005252 ULTREX BUSINESS 1 20327 1013112010 396.63 396.63 148047 1210312010 000666 UNITED RENTALS 90672003 - 001 1110412010 191.49 191.49 148048 1210312010 006551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. 073236 11124/2010 1 063 60 11/18/2010 Page: 073063 11/17/2010 734.41 073064 11117 12010 739.20 2,587.21 148049 1210312010 000650 USA BLUE BOOK 279549 1 1/17/201 0 26.83 26.83 148050 12/0312010 002137 VERI ON WIRELESS 0912747551 11/07/2010 47.84 47.84 148051 1210312010 000690 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC 1050 1111 6/2010 4 1 800-00 4,800.00 143052 12/0312010 003224 DAN WRIGHT 112910 11/29/2010 333.00 333.00 148053 1210312010 008225 RICH Z ACHRICH 111810 11/18/2010 30.00 30.00 148057 12107/2010 004548 CAF MEL & NAC ASHA, LLP 13786,13787,13785 12/02/2010 19,063.60 19,063.60 148058 1210912010 008235 WILSON TROPHY CO OF aO8 - 1781 04/2912010 626.39 626.39 148059 1211012010 002670 f ICOH LEASING 7353338 0912512010 162.42 162.42 148080 1211012010 001259 AGP VIDEO, INC 4210 11/09/2010 2,210.00 2 143061 12110/2010 006130 ALLIANCE READY MIX, INC 12357 11122/2010 507.60 12325 1111 712010 476.82 984.42 148062 12110/2010 008236 AMREST LLC 12971 12/07/2010 265.00 266.00 148063 12/1012010 006507 AT &T 1789153 11128/2010 2 595.87 00001789149 11 /25/201 0 29.02 D 1789147 1 112512010 1 5.3 1 c� 000001789150 11/25/2010 14.19 2,654.39 c� CL 148064 12110/2010 001055 A O FIRE EXTINGUISHER 2416 0410812010 16.00 0 2415 04103/2010 8.00 24.00 148065 1211012010 008240 M. E. AVILA CONSTRUCTION PW 2008 -07C 1210712010 86 56,684.13 c� M 00 00 iD Page: aDkiet Check History Listing 146372 11/1712010 Page: 6 01/03/2011 10 :26AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 12/10/2010 000095 BURT E AND PACE OF AG, 2410786 11/16/2010 Bank code: boa 2410538 Check # Date Vendor Statue ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 148065 12/10/2010 000057 R BASER, INC PW 2010 -02 12/0212010 57,860.10 57 148067 12/10/2010 006188 BF GC ARCHITECTS 1010001135 10/08/2010 6 6,000.00 148068 12/10/2010 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER 146558 1210712010 12 70 Page: 6 146372 11/1712010 2.94 1 5.64 148069 12/10/2010 000095 BURT E AND PACE OF AG, 2410786 11/16/2010 74.28 2410538 11110/2010 41.02 2410158 11/02/2010 14.97 2410191 11/03/2010 12.76 2410714 11115/2010 9.61 2410120 11/02/2010 9.57 162.41 148070 12110/2010 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 7314-450920 12/01/2010 26.01 7314-451149 12/02/2010 7.74 7314-451807 12/06/2010 4.64 36.39 148071 12/10/2010 000577 LEONARD B DE LOB SANTOS 32458 11/12/2010 196.00 196.00 148072 1211012010 006848 DNB INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 549703 11/30/2010 550.26 550.26 148078 12/10/2010 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO 495173 11/2412010 69.60 69.60 1 48074 12/10/2010 004164 F E DEC 7- 267 -65880 10/22/2010 72.09 7-259-57373 10/16/2010 46.22 120.81 148078 12110/201 007940 FERRA ANTI GRADING & P 112010 -09 12/02/201 6 6 148076 12/10/2010 006383 PIA CARD SERVICES 11120-1331 1112012010 2,486.95 1 1120 -7845 11/20/2010 11036.47 11/20-5954 11 12012010 668.54 11/20-5330 11/20/2010 141.36 11/20-5782 11/2012010 135.00 11/20-9702 11120/2010 74.77 11120 -6321 11120/201 69.00 CL 11/20-7837 11/20/2010 1 0.84 41617.93 0 148077 12/10/2010 006149 FL -S STEMS INC F11969 -1O 440 11/15/2010 1 1 00 148078 12/1012010 000272 GIBBS INTERNATIONAL 94341 N 12/0312010 61.83 61-83 w iD Page: 6 D c� c� CL 0) c� �F o0) ap Hist Check History Listing Pag 110312011 10:26AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor Status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1 48079 12/1 0/2010 002358 GREAT WESTERN ALARM '101100013101 12/0112010 28.00 101 12/01/2010 28.00 101 12/01/2010 28.00 84.00 148080 12/1012010 001 HANS N AGGREG. MID 1128846 11/29/2010 424.13 424.13 1 48081 12/10/2010 000301 HEAL DK TRAILERS& TRAILERS 33458 12/03/2010 1, 430.25 1 1 430.25 148082 12/10/2010 002820 IN D FF, INC 1772955 11/23/2010 81.33 81.33 148033 12/1012010 006644 IRON M OUNTAIN CTF952 11/30/2010 150.12 150.12 148084 12110/2010 000348 J W ENTERPRISES 127 12/02/201 101.38 101.88 148085 1211 0/2010 005201 ,SAS PACIFIC B1 10597 11/08/2010 5 8,424.90 148086 12/10/2010 001 J J FELLER & ASSOCIATES, 008566868 11/17/2019 222.88 222.88 1 48087 12/10/2010 000426 MIER EROS LAN DSCAPE 172369 11108/2010 141.38 1 72397 1 1/09/2010 114. 172252 1110412019 87.00 342.67 1 48088 1211012010 009429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, K43100 12/03/201 81.50 /"42868 12/92/2010 5.74 K50958 10115/2010 1.95 39.19 148089 12/10/2010 900439 MOSS, LEVY & HART HEIM 6294 11/3012010 6 6 148090 12/19!2010 000441 MULLAHEY FORD F CS210859 11/1612010 248.92 FOCS210 19 11/19/2010 108.29 F CS219493 11/02/2010 80.82 432.94 1 48091 1211012919 007951 MW ARCHITECTS INC 10346.906 11115/2010 2 2 148092 12/10/2010 090468 OFFICE DEPOT 539028439001 1012812010 23.79 23.79 148093 12/19/2910 907453 PLANNING COMPANY ASSOC 879 11130/2010 5 896 11/3012010 5 10,489.98 148094 12110/2010 000503 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS, 218862 10/2512010 479.25 215984 10/29/2010 375.19 216646 11123/2019 230.87 Page: apCkH!st Chad( History Listing Page: 8 01/0312011 10 :2 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check Date Vendor Statue IearlVold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total D c� c� CL 0 U3 c� �F 148095 12/10/2010 007986 PRECISION CONCRETE 148096 12110/2010 000986 QUADRANT SYSTEMS, IN 148097 12/10 /2010 003031 ROBERTSON SUPPLY 146098 12110/2010 008237 ELIZABETH RUTH 146099 12110/2010 006536 S & L SAFETY PRODUCTS 146100 12110/2010 006575 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC 148101 12110/2010 008238 SDHEN ER ER, TAYLOR 146102 12110/2010 000550 SLO COUNTY AIR 146103 12110/2010 000596 SNAP TOOLS CRP 148104 12110/2010 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY 1 48105 12/10/2010 008042 TOM'S AUTO SERVICE E 148106 12110/2010 005252 ULTREX BUSINESS 148107 1211012010 000866 UNITED RENTALS 148108 12/10/2010 006551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. 148109 12/1012010 000822 US POSTMASTER 148110 12/10/2010 008239 VERDIN MARKETING ETIN INK 148111 12110/2010 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 148112 12/10/2010 007723 VILLAGE FRAMING 216394 216397 216343 215570 215569 AG- 120810 -02 1 0 11 29 -3 08812 120910 764492 563152 101810 13423 202270 193 194 198 384 120449 90988198 -001 073369 120710 120910 092661 0424 3211 11/1512010 11/15/2010 11/12/2010 1 0114/2010 1 0114/2010 1 2108/2010 0110312011 11130/2010 12109/2010 1 2105/2010 1 2102/2010 10/18/2010 12/01 1210112010 11/19/2010 11/1912010 11/19/2010 12/0112010 11/23/2010 11/23/2010 1210112010 1210712010 1210912010 11/22/2010 12/03/2010 151. 139.31 54.38 42.41 42.41 2 0 2 872-50 1 55.00 354.39 263.00 173.89 331.55 5,500.00 1,483.52 100.65 343.95 65.72 60.31 56.60 157.69 99.43 638.'18 88.00 679.60 67.20 45.24 1 1 515.55 20 1,155.00 354.39 263.00 173.89 331.55 5,500.00 1,483.52 100.65 469.98 5&60 157.69 99.43 638.1 83.00 679.60 67.20 45.24 Page: apCk Check History Listing P 0110312011 10 :26AM CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Bank code: boa C heck # Date vendor 148113 1211012010 002609 WATERBYS PLUMBING 1 48114 12/10/2010 00824 PAUL S. W D.C. 148130 1211412010 007124 COREY PATTN 148131 1211412010 008233 KENNETH CALIBRNE 148132. 1211412010 008234 RHNDA GAVERT 148133 12/14/2010 008203 CATHY JUBERT 14813 1211412010 000231 TEDDY J KADLUB W KI 148135 12/14/2010 008232 COLLEEN UHRAN 148136 12/15/2010 007568 CHERYL LANGF RD 148137 1211712010 000009 ADDICTION 1ED 148138 1211712010 004816 AIRGAB ZEST INC 148139 1211712010 005180 APEX OUTDOOR POWER 143140 12/1712010 003745 ARROWHEAD SCIENTIFIC, 148141 1211712010 000043 ARROYO GRANDE GLASS 1481 1211712010 006607 AT &T Statue Clear/Vold Date Invoice 120910 120910 11/1 Rf000107913 Ref001 0791 Ref000107914 Rf0001 07911 Ref 000107912 1024 121'11111 1 03192262 31068 47166 1380 000001789152 000001789165 000001784161 000001789184 000001789148 000001789161 1784'162 27042/27046 PIl20 -0 12'1410 NV 2010 Inv. Date 148143 1211712010 000060 AUSTIN'S PHOTOGRAPHY c� 9 9,499.24 CL 148144 1211712010 008261 BARAJAS &ASSOCIATES INC 0 40.00 40.00 1210812010 148146 12/1712010 000066 BRENDA BARROW 1210812010 45.32 46.32 1210812010 148146 1211712010 001917 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH �F 113.08 1 13.08 N 0 8.32 3.32 Statue Clear/Vold Date Invoice 120910 120910 11/1 Rf000107913 Ref001 0791 Ref000107914 Rf0001 07911 Ref 000107912 1024 121'11111 1 03192262 31068 47166 1380 000001789152 000001789165 000001784161 000001789184 000001789148 000001789161 1784'162 27042/27046 PIl20 -0 12'1410 NV 2010 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 1210912010 9 9,499.24 1 210912010 5 6 1111612010 40.00 40.00 1210812010 85.76 85.76 1210812010 45.32 46.32 1210812010 123.88 123.88 1210812010 113.08 1 13.08 1210812010 8.32 3.32 1211312010 1,270.39 1,270.39 1211412010 440.00 440.00 1113012010 33.81 33.81 11/10/2010 36.34 35.34 11/30/2010 349.04 349.04 1 112912010 26.00 28.00 11/25/2010 870.66 11128!2010 185.28 11 1221201 117.76 1112512010 86.08 1112612010 36.64 1 112612010 30.32 11/22/2010 28.11 1 1210712010 231.64 231.64 12/13/2010 84,843-37 84,843.37 12/14/2010 816.37 616.37 11/30/2010 138.00 138.00 Page: apCkHist Check History Listing 731 452589 12/10/2010 Page: 1 0110312011 1 :26AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 1211712010 005255 CBC I NN IS, INC 0305020895 10/31/2010 Bank code: boa 10.00 148153 12117/2010 906394 DPH -OCR' Check # Date Vendor statue Clear/Void Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 148147 12/17/2910 008183 NICHOLAS PETER 120410 1210412019 31.80 31.50 148148 12117/2910 900112 CA PARS{ & REC SOCIETY 004023 121101201 155.00 155.00 148149 12/17/2010 000128 CA ST DEPT OF CONSUMER 52510 10/2312010 128.00 125.00 148150 1211712010 000939 CAL -COAST INSIGNIA 2010 -036 1210212010 396.50 396.50 148151 1211712010 000603 CAR REST AUTO PARTS 7314 - 452679 12/101201 o 4779 25958 Page: 1 731 452589 12/10/2010 9.61 57.37 148152 1211712010 005255 CBC I NN IS, INC 0305020895 10/31/2010 10.00 10.00 148153 12117/2010 906394 DPH -OCR' 1 12/16/2010 65.00 65.00 1 48184 12/1712010 000149 CENTRAL COAST FENCE, 72932 09/1 5/2010 640.00 640.00 148155 12/1712010 000160 CHAPARRAL 326127 1210212010 14 1.43 1 41.43 1 481 12/17/2010 001990 CHARTER 1 12810 11/28/2010 221.98 221.96 1 48157 121/17/2010 000163 CHERRY LANE 29082 111161291 130.48 130.48 148158 12/17/2010 993042 COLLEGE TOWING SOUTH 25958 12102/201 438.00 436.00 148159 1211712010 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 014273 11/30/2010 39.75 70931 12/02/2010 1 7.66 63949 121021201 15.40 73.00 148169 12117/2010 007546 CSG SYSTEMS INC 68719 11129/2010 1 69078 11/2912010 523.90 1,844.64 1 481 12/17/2010 000203 DAME'S TREE SERVICE 3047 12/0712010 1,375.00 1 148162 12/17/2010 006703 SANDRA N. DEAL PH.D 111210 1111212010 325.00 325.00 148183 1211712010 005091 J DEERE LANDSCAPES 58518272 1112312010 7.94 t> 56482791 11/1712010 2.56 10.50 ^ CL 148164 1211712010 000208 J B D EWAR, INC 74 5980 11/16/2010 . 5 48.06 148165 12/17/2010 006848 DNB INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 549710 1210812010 77.94 77.94 ( � M � F W ice/ Page: 1 apkHit Check History Listing 31 2 7 1 1111512010 Pag 11 01/0312011 10:2 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 31376 12/03/2010 Bank code: boa 145.80 1 48171 1211 004372 DARING TAYLOR & Check # Date Vendor Status Clear/Vold Date Invoice Inv, Date Amount Paid Check Total 148166 12/1712010 002673 DOCTORS MEDPLUS MED ACCT #1902668 11 /1 112010 185.00 185.00 148167 12/1712010 666225 EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 235797 11/1612010 814.25 814.25 1 481 12/1712010 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO 488294 11/16/2010 18,40 18.48 148169 12/1712010 002308 CHRIS FOLKS 12 1410 12114/2010 30.00 30.00 148170 12/1712010 000262 FRANK'S LOCK KEY 31318 12102/2010 12350 1 218 -1500 Page: 11 31 2 7 1 1111512010 11.42 31376 12/03/2010 10.88 145.80 1 48171 1211 004372 DARING TAYLOR & WELL NO 10 12108/2010 18,285.05 18,285.05 148172 1211 7/2010 000805 THE GAS COMPANY 12/6 - 12108/2010 179.42 1216 -214 12106/2010 04.25 1212 -211 12/02/2010 73.64 12/8-910 12108/2010 31.71 1 218 -1500 12108/2010 18.18 1218 -21 12/08/2010 8.93 406.11 1 48173 12/17/2010 007048 GENERATIONS OF 10 -85 12/0212010 1, 700.00 1 1 4 174 1211712010 002358 GR WE STERN ALARM 1 011 02323101 12/011201 28.00 28.00 1 12/17/2010 001237 HANSON AGG EG. MID - 1129508 12/0112010 704.75 1129872 12/02/2010 427.66 1,1 32.41 148178 12/1 712010 008243 KELLY HART 121 12/1 412010 30.00 80.00 148177 12/17/2010 005456 J O H NATHAN H U RST 12061 12/08/2010 75.00 78.00 148178 12/17/2010 096332 i.B.E.W 121410 12/14/2010 342.50 342.80 143179 12/1712010 000340 I NT X I M ETERS, I NC 318833 1112812010 350.58 850.58 D 148180 12/17/2010 008244 MARIA ISABELES 112910 1112912010 42.00 42.00 c� C 148181 12/1712010 005201 JAS PACIFIC 131 10827 1210312010 4,584.00 4 148182 1211712010 001793 J J 1 ELLER & ASSOCIATES, 008581592 1210112010 570.88 870.88 �F '140183 '12117120' 0 005285 KID LOVE SOCCER DBA 201 OFAH 9 11/23/2010 1,417.50 1,4'17.50 Page: 11 apCkHist Check History Listing P age: 12 0110312011 1 :26AM CITY OF ARROYO RANDE Bank code: boa Check # Date Vendor status ClearNold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total Page: 12 148184 12117/2010 008246 ANGIE LYNETTE LOPEZ 1901452 12/07/2010 7.09 7.00 1481 12117/2010 008247 EL1I RA L 121410 12/14/2010 200.00 200.00 148186 12/17/2010 007878 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY 231825 11/22/2010 40.95 40,95 148187 12/17/2010 006237 MACE SECURITY ALARMS 1 4512 12/0112010 132.00 132.00 148188 12/17/2010 006088 MATCO TOOLS 37355 12109/2010 1 0.47 1 0.47 148189 12117/2010 007760 OLIVIA MILLER 120110 12/01/2010 243.00 243.00 148190 12117/2010 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, K57086 12106/2010 101.09 K56158 11/29/2010 92,43 K57205 12107/2010 88.00 K58370 12/14/2010 79.18 K57231 12/0712010 76.05 K37774 10/23/2010 66.96 K585 11/1712010 51.08 K35650 10105/2010 47.55 K51501 10/2012010 39.57 K5560 1112412010 35.65 K55408 11/23/2010 34.78 K578 12/10/2010 30.44 K5251 11/02/2010 28.23 K56074 11/29/2010 18.47 K57543 12/09/20"10 16.26 K43711 12/0812010 15.29 K58123 1211312010 14.22 K52379 10127/2010 4.34 K37610 10/22/2010 -1.09 830.61 D 148191 12117/2010 000441 MLILLAHEY FORD F CS210 36 11/24/2010 670.48 F C S2 10835 111161201 287.02 957.50 CL 148192 1211712010 007998 NARTEC INC 5697 1111612010 160.75 160.75 0 148193 1211712010 004338 NATIVE SONS NURSERY, INC 92318 1210112010 359.42 359.42 � 148194 12/17/2010 906328 NICK'S TELECOM ( BA) 4260 11130/2010 50.90 50.00 M F ♦� V ■ ice/ Page: 12 D c� c� CL 0) c� � �, �0) apCkHi t 01/0312011 1 :26AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 13 Bank code: boa Ch Date Vendor 148195 1211712610 000466 NOBLE SAW, IN 1 48196 12/17/2010 000468 OFFICE DEPOT 148197 12117/2010 008248 O STY INSURANCE AGENCY 148198 1211712610 007108 PARAMOUNT CLEANERS 1481 12/17/2010 008219 PARTNERS IN THE WIND 1 48200 1211 712016 000492 PETTY CASH 148201 12/1712010 004158 PHOENIX GROUP 148202 12/1712610 060498 PITNEY BOVINES, IN 148203 12/17/2010 068249 NICK E P 1 RA,JAD INC 148204 12/17/2016 002363 PRIMARY CARE DOG & CAT 148205 12/1712016 000523 R & T EMBROIDERY, INC 148206 12/17/2010 002751 RANGE MASTER 148207 12/1712016 000531 RICHETT1 COMPLETE WATER 148208 12/17/2010 062142 SAN LUIS PAPER CO 148209 12/17/2010 000552 SLO COUNTY 14821 12/17/2010 000553 SLO COUNT 148211 12117/2010 000555 SLO COUNTY DEPT OF 148212 1211712010 000598 SNAP- TOOLS CRP 14821 1211712010 003641 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY Status C lear/Vold Date Invoice 93942 543142038001 5431 41247001 541978203001 121610 3468 121410 PETTY CASH 1 7147128 -n10 P112610 -1 83847" 37543 4690 87351 614213 - 0 6142120 110410 1 21610 507 540 202271 3136544 3136765 3138329 Inv. Date 11/1012090 12/02/201 1 2/6212016 1 12/161201 11/30/2010 12/1412016 12/16/2010 11/10/2010 11/13/2010 1211 41201 12104/2010 11/3612016 11122/2010 12101 11/18/201 11/16!2016 11/04/2010 12/16/2010 11/01/2010 1210712010 12/0112010 1210112010 1210112010 12/01/2010 Amount Paid Check Taal 162.40 47.50 32.30 20.78 132.00 516.00 109.56 64.59 1 07.47 56.00 2 22.65 148. 63.08 15.66 448.67 1 6.84 804.60 50.00 1756 -250 252.46 292.32 112.16 112.16 162.40 100.58 132.60 516.60 1 69.56 64.59 107.47 66.00 29,320.27 22.65 148.89 63.08 16.00 864.91 304.00 56.66 1505 252.46 Page: 13 P 1 apkist 0'110 12011 1 :2 AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 1 Bank code: boa C heck # Date Vendor Status ClearNoid Date Invoice Inv, Date Amount Paid Check Total 3137917 12/01/2010 5.91 442.55 1 43214 1211 712619 666662 SOUTH SLO COUNT' SANIT 11301 1113012919 11 6 11 6,343.28 146215 12117/2010 003288 JEFFREY U A 991316 9911312010 795.32 795.32 1 4821 6 1211712019 664393 SP MAINTENANCE 33277 12101/2010 6,994.49 6,994.40 146217 1211712916 666612 STAPLES 1299957901 1110112010 772.87 772.67 1 4821 1211 712919 090616 STERLING 25886 11/10/2010 196.41 108.41 146219 12/17/2010 000622 SUN BADGE CO 319550 101081201 246.35 245.35 143220 12/1712010 000623 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH 2411 11/3012010 80.93 2331 10/31/2010 66.18 147.1 148221 12117/2010 002904 TEMPLET ON UNIFORMS 41990 1111712019 85.46 85.46 148222 1211712010 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 1043560 11/3012019 114.11 1043841 12106/2010 34.73 148.84 146223 12/17/2010 009641 T STE CONSTRUCTION 720 1210612910 449.99 440.90 146224 1211712010 094476 THE TRAINING NETWORK 2825 12/1512019 283.95 263.95 1 48225 12/17/2010 992377 TURF STAR, INC 6668121 -09 1112212019 21 3.65 213.65 148226 12/17/2010 007515 ULINE 35305162 11118/2010 55.28 55.25 143227 1211712010 006364 UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISES 121510 1211612919 199.94 109.04 146226 1211712619 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 9929853792 11/04/2010 566.70 566.70 146229 12/17/2010 000685 WALLACE GROUP A CALIF V 12/17/2010 0.00 0.00 148230 121171201 000635 WALLACE GROUP A CALIF 367 10/1112919 16,741.52 D 305 4 0911 5129'/ 9 13, 923.46 30791 111081201 19,031.39 30996 11/16/2010 7,821.65 30631 10/07/2010 6 3031 11108/2010 5 c� 39495 091091201 5 F 0 P 1 D t� c� CL 0) c� �F 00 0) a CkH1st 0 1/03/2011 10: 26AM Check History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page: 1 Banc code: boa Check # Date Vendor 148231 12/17/2010 000704 WITMER - TYSON IMPORT 148232 12/17/2010 008250 DAN WRI 148233 12/17/2010 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 148243 12/20/2910 000672 LAS POSTAL SERVICE 148244 12/20/2010 007634 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE 148245 12/20/2010 007723 VILLAGE FRAMING 148246 12/2212010 005607 AT & T Status Clearl1101d Date Invoice 3080' 30602 30809 30638 30637 30400 30636 80633 30635 30498 30500 30560 30812 30713 308'13 30634 30810 30501 30808 30811 30632 30496 30497 T8319 121410 0007059309 -0 1 22010 ESCRI/40010504 122010 1217 -0183 12/7 -7480 12/7 -3959 Inv, Date Amount Paid 11/08/2010 3,868. 09/09/2010 3 11/08/2010 1 10/07/2010 784.48 10/07/2010 483.00 09/09/2010 483.00 1 0/07/2010 319.50 10/07/2010 276.00 1 0/07/2010 276.00 09/09/2010 276 09/09/2010 276.00 09/13/2010 274. 11/08/2010 207.00 10/07/2010 172.50 11/0812010 103,60 10/0712010 103.50 11/08/2010 69.00 09109/2010 60.00 11/08/2010 34.50 11/08/2010 34.50 1 010712010 34.50 09/09/2010 34.50 09/09/2010 34.60 12/01/2010 500.00 12/14/2010 1 05.00 12/13/2010 1 12/20/2010 1 12/20/2010 260, 000.00 12/20/2010 186.00 12/0712010 188.44 12/07/2010 65.54 12/07/2010 32.27 Check Taal 78,333.62 500.00 106.00 1 1, 643.22 260,000.00 186.00 Page: 1 D c� c� CL 0) pD H ist 0 1103/2011 '10:2 AM Ch e c k History Listing CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa 148247 12/2212010 004149 BUNYON BR OS TREE 148248 12/2212010 000134 CA ST DEPT OF JUSTICE 1 48249 1212212010 006905 CAL DART INSIGNIA 148250 1212212810 003168 CELLULAR ONE 148251 1212212010 006039 CHEVRON & TEXACO CARD 148252 1212212010 090164 CHRISTIANSON CH EVROLET 148253 12/2212019 006733 DJAA 148254 12/2212010 000171 CLINICAL LABORATORY OF 148255 12/22/2010 004461 CRITICAL REACH 148256 12/22/2010 009208 J B DEIIAR, INC 148257 1212212010 097338 EAGLE COLLISION REPAIR 148258 1212212010 097452 EAGLE ENERGY INC 148259 1212212010 008252 FRAN FADDFIIN 148260 12/22/2010 007577 FAST UNDERCAR 148261 12/22/2010 806527 FBI- LEEDA, INC. 148262 1212212010 004164 F ED ESC 148263 1212212010 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, Status ClearNoid Date Invoice 12/7 -3956 EL CAMIN FARRL 817694 807533(2) 2010 -035A 00469 27778868 75907 75917 75949 75854 111 5 10 911598 11 -24 747275 464 126817 122910 114752 1221'10 7 -307 -45415 6699946 6706191 6703011 -1 6703011 Inv. Date Amount Paid 12/07/2010 32. 27 12/2012010 4,500.00 12/20/2010 1, 000. 11/05/2010 2 09/8712010 32.00 12/0712018 298.63 12/20/2010 73.92 12/0612010 215.12 1210912010 79.80 12/10/2010 78.23 1211 4/201 51.16 12106/2010 43.96 11115/2010 69.09 1 2/9712010 932.00 1211012010 265.00 11/30/2010 40.14 12/01/2010 191.33 12109/2010 276.67 12/2012910 65.00 1211012010 269.84 12/21/2010 100.00 1 112612910 79.99 12/0212810 662.60 12107/2010 558.47 12/97/2810 1 46.81 12/02/2010 48.94 Page: 1 C heck Total 318.52 5, 500-0 0 3,016.00 298.63 73.92 215.12 259.17 60.00 932.00 265.00 49.'14 191.33 276.67 65.00 269.84 100.00 79.90 1,406.72 P 16 apCkH[st Check History Listing Pa ge: 17 01103/2011 10: A CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE C heck Total l 727.21 248.04 63.07 533.75 1 05.50 1 ,579.80 28.39 254.59 60.00 294.15 261.13 67, 19.39 3,045.00 Page: 17 Bank code: boas Check # Date Vendor Status C lear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid 148254 12/22/2010 000605 THE GAS COMPANY 1 2/1 0 -1375 12/1012010 425.83 1 211 0 -350 12/10/2010 188.76 1 219 -200 12/0912010 11 2.82 1 48205 12/22/2010 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC 3015 12/14/2010 248. 1 48288 12/22/2010 000288 CITY O GR BEACH 112010 11/29/2010 53.07 148207 12/22/2010 000330 GSA-INFORMATION TECH 391 12/0712010 533.75 148288 12122/2010 008245 JERRY'S PLUMBING CREDIT 12/10/2010 105.00 148289 12122/2018 000393 LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL 110220 '1'1/0312010 1 1 1012112010 301.80 1 48270 12/22/2010 000405 CATHY M 121810 12110/2010 28.39 148271 1212212010 000429 MINER'S EF 'S ACE HARDWARE, K53342 11/05/2010 54.85 K49494 10101/2010 41.28 1'55 102 11/19/2010 38.03 080 10/14/2010 35.09 M2540 10/2912010 31.34 K53262 11/04/2010 24.81 158773 12/17/2010 9.22 53335 11/05/2010 8.45 X58493 12/1 5/2010 5.97 X57792 12/10/2010 3.30 K58529 12/1 5/2010 1.95 148272 12/2212010 008253 .SSE M 1 22010 12/2012010 50.00 148273 12/2212010 000488 OFFICE DEPOT 542440690001 11129/2010 211.55 540605703001 11/10/2010 82.50 D 1 48274 12/22/2010 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 12/10- 620838 12/10/2010 231.54 12/11- 781296 12/11/2010 19.83 CL 0 12/13- 190318 12/1312010 9 1 48275 12/22/2010 008254 PACIFIC EST ENERGY 1170 719.39 67,719.39 N o0 1 48276 12/22/2010 005595 PERRY'S ELECTRIC MOTORS 11 811 12/0812010 3 o� C heck Total l 727.21 248.04 63.07 533.75 1 05.50 1 ,579.80 28.39 254.59 60.00 294.15 261.13 67, 19.39 3,045.00 Page: 17 apCkH1st Check History Listing Page: 1 01103/201/ '10 :2 AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Bank code: boa Check Date Vendor 148277 12/2212010 008255 ANTONIO PILLE 148278 12/2212010 008260 PITNEY BOWES ES IN 148279 12122/2010 000458 PITNEY BOWES, ES, IN 148280 12/22/2010 008256 C. ALLEN POOH. 148231 12/22/2010 000523 R & T EMBROIDERY, IN 148232 1212212010 002751 RANGE MASTER 148263 12/2212010 004184 RETAIL ACQUISITION& DEV 148284 12/22/2010 008259 MI UEL R BLES 148285 12/22/2019 000570 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE 148286 12/22/2010 000575 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC 148287 12122/2010 000579 JOYCE SARU ATARI 148288 12/22/2010 006048 JEANETTE BEARBY 148289 12/22/2010 003838 SILVAS OIL COMPANY, INC 148290 1212212010 008257 SLO COURT DRUG ALUMNI 148291 12122/2010 007176 SPRINKLER KING INC Status ClearNoid Date Invoice 122010 1 732- 3130 -6 -9 7147128 -d10 ARB -08 -101) 37571 4760 126225 2074068' 112616 66022 563241 563266 121610 12'1810 248666 122016 1 7466 17467 3096 122210 42366 1048602 89334 073510 Inv. Date 148292 12/2212910 000613 STATEWIDE SAFETY 12120/2010 148293 12/22/2010 008258 BARBARA TEETS D 264.30 264.30 1211312010 148294 1212212010 002904 TEMPLET ON UNIFORMS 09127/2010 1,650.40 1 1 690.40 CL 148255 12/22/2010 002370 TITAN INDUSTRIAL 12/13/2010 64.15 11/11/2010 148296 12/22/2010 000504 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 0511712010 44.73 44.73 N co 148297 12122/2010 006551 UNITED STAFFING ASSOC. 11/19/2010 521.27 521.2 Status ClearNoid Date Invoice 122010 1 732- 3130 -6 -9 7147128 -d10 ARB -08 -101) 37571 4760 126225 2074068' 112616 66022 563241 563266 121610 12'1810 248666 122016 1 7466 17467 3096 122210 42366 1048602 89334 073510 Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 12120/2010 52.50 52.50 12110/2010 264.30 264.30 1211312010 56.00 56.00 09127/2010 1,650.40 1 1 690.40 12/03/2010 54.75 54.75 12/13/2010 64.15 11/11/2010 63.08 127.23 0511712010 44.73 44.73 12/21/2010 150.00 150.00 11/19/2010 521.27 521.2 12/0912010 568.82 12/1312010 566.82 1,137.64 12/16/2010 20.66 25.55 12/18/2010 32.60 32.50 1 2/03/2010 3 3,759.1 12/20/2010 31 7.50 317.50 12101/2010 576.00 12/01/2010 277.53 853.53 11112/2010 250.00 250.00 12/22/2010 150.00 150.90 12/06/2010 216.46 216.46 12/03/2010 71.40 71.40 12/00/2010 33, 522.82 33, 522.82 12/08/2010 1,023.72 1 Pegs: 18 a DkH!st Check History Listing P ag e: 10 01/0312011 10:26AM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Batik code: boa Check # Date Vendor Statue C lear/Vold Date Invoice Inv. Date Amount Paid Check Total 148298 1212212010 007599 WATER SYSTEMS 0196/0209 10131/2010 2 0199-AG 10131/2010 148.75 2532.25 148299 1212212010 0006871 AYE'S TIRE, INC 797927 12/03/2010 35.00 797882 12/01/2010 20.00 58.00 148300 12122/2010 007101 1 EDE1 'S PARCEL SERVICE 110810 11/03/2010 15.58 15.58 148301 12122/2010 000089 WEST P AYMENT CENTER 821831094 12/0112010 157.50 157.50 D c� c� CL 0 c� N o0 N 0 295 checks in this report boa Total: 2 Total Checks: 2 Page: 1 ATTACHMENT 2 CITY of ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 111121 011 -11 /25/201 1 2103/10 FUND 010 336 FUND 220 18 FUND 226 1 FUND 284 1,986.11 FUND 285 1 FUND 290 112 FUND 612 6 FUND 640 20 Holiday Pay 497 OVERTIME BY DEPARTMENT: Admin. Support Services 5 Community Development - Police 12,014.45 Fire 7 Govrnment Bldg Maint. - Engineering 5113 Fleet Maintenance 13,470.98 Pars - Recreation - A mn 5115 Rec - Special Events - Children In Motion PERB Retirement Soto Sport Complex - Public Works Maintenance 889.28 5123 20,70 .46 5101 Salaries Full time 196,830.24 5102 Salaries Part - Time - PPT 17,478.38 5103 Salaries Part -Time - TPT 25 5105 Salaries O verTime 20 5107 Salaries Standby 359.25 5108 Holiday Pay 33 5109 Sick Pay 5 5110 Annual Leave Buyback - 5111 Vacation Buyback - 5112 Sick Leave Buyback 5113 Vacation Pay 13,470.98 5114 comp Pay 5 5115 Annual Leave Pay 9,764.87 5121 PERB Retirement 85,051.75 5122 Social Security 21 5123 PARS Retirement 537.29 5126 State Disability Ins. 1 5127 Deferred Compens ation 708.21 5131 Health Insurance 51 1 643.34 5132 Dental Insurance 4,985.25 5133 Vision Insurance 1,166.17 5134 Life Insurance 542.1 5135 Long Term Disability 5143 Uniform Allowance - 5144 car Allowance 75.00 5146 council Expense - 5147 Employee Assistance - 5148 Boot Allowance - 5149 Motor Pay 150.00 5150 Bi- Lingual Pay 125.0 5151 Cell Phone Allowance 317.50 497 Agenda Item 8.a. Page 23 ATTACHMENT CITY of ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL L LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 1112612010 - '12191201 12/17/10 FUND 010 326,868-16 FUND 220 17, 879.73 FUND 226 1 FUND 284 1 FUND 285 1 FUND 290 117,365-14 FUND 612 8 FUND 840 22, 398.27 Holiday Pay 495,805.25 OVERTIME BY DEPARTMENT: T: Admire. Support Services - ommunity Development - Police 7 Fire 19, 773.87 Govrnment Bldg Maint. - Engineering -- Fleet Maintenance - Parls - Fecreatin - Adrnn - Fec - Special Events - Children In Motion - Soto Sport Complex 5122 Public Works Maintenance 898.89 5123 1 9,440.44 5101 Salaries Full time 217 5102 Salaries Part - Time - PPT 17,531.27 5103 Salaries Part -Tim - TPT 24 5105 Salaries OverTime 19,440.44 5107 Salaries Standby 372.75 5108 Holiday Pay 15 5109 Sick Pay 8,348.27 5119 Annual Leave Buyback 11 5.90 5111 Vacation Buyback - 5112 Sick Leave Buyback 14 5113 Vacation Pay 8 5114 Comp Pay 2 5115 Annual Leave Pay 1,'109.77 5121 PENS Retirement 78 5122 Social Security 22 5123 PARS Retirement 550.97 5128 State Disability Ins. 1 5127 Deferred Compensation 798.21 5131 Health Insurance 48 1 267.38 5132 Dental Insurance 4 5133 Vision Insurance 1 t 0 2.53 5134 Life Insurance 553.18 5135 Long Term Disability 963.59 5143 Uniform Allowance - 5144 Dar Allowance 675.90 5148 council Expense 5147 Employee Assistance 222.30 5148 Boot Allowance - 5149 Motor Pay 150.00 5159 BI- Lingual Pay 125.09 5151 Dell Phone Allowance 31 '.80 495, 805.25 Agenda Item 8.a. Page 24 ATTACHMENT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL TAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 12/1012010 - 12/23!201 212911 FUND 610 271 1 244.11 FUND 220 17 FUND 226 1 FUND 284 1 FUND 265 1 FUND 296 95, 573.12 FUND 612 5 FUND 646 17 Holiday Pay 412 OVERTIME BY DEPARTMENT: Admin. Support Services - Community Development - P lie 12 Fire 4 Govrnment Bldg Maint. - Engineering - Fleet Maintenance - Parls - Rereation - Admn 133.26 Re - Special Events - Children In Motion PERS Retirement Soto Sport Complex - Public Works s Maintenan a 3 5123 21,597.25 5101 Salaries Full time 206 5102 Salaries Part - Time - PPT 16 t 896.83 5103 Salaries Part -Time - TPT 25 5105 Salaries OVerTime 21,597.25 5107 Salaries Standby 495.39 5165 Holiday Pay 13,997.23 5109 Sick Pay 3,175.61 5110 Annual Leave Buyback - 5111 Vacation Buyback 51 12 Sick Leave Buyback - 5 113 Vacation Pay 11, 936.91 5114 Comp Pay 4,639.26 115 Annual Leave Pay 7, 74.95 5121 PERS Retirement 77 5122 Social Security 19,955.26 5123 PADS Retirement 531.35 5126 State Disability Ins, 1,269.13 5127 Deferred Compensation - 5131 Health Insurance 5132 Dental Insurance 5133 Vision Insurance - 5134 Life Insurance - 5135 Long Term Disability - 5143 Uniform Allowance - 5144 Car Allowance - 51 6 Council Expense - 5147 Employee Assistance - 5148 Boot Allowance - 519 Motor Pay - 5150 Bi- Lingual Pay - 5151 Cell Phone Allowance - 412,166.0 Agenda Item 8.a. Page 25 4 0p, R F A 0 16'G' G INCORPORATED JULY 10, 1911 w 1F MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE BY: MICHELLE MAYFIELD, TREASURER M P4 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: JANUARY I I, 201 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council receive and file the attached report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arr Grande, as f November 30, 2010, as required b Government Code Section 53646(b). FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no funding impact to the City related to this report. However, the City does receive interest revenue based on the interest rate of the investments. BACKGROUND: This report represents the City's investments as f November 30, 2010. It Includes all Investments managed by the City, the investment institution investment type book value, maturity date, and rate of Interest. As of November 30, 2010 the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The Director :tor of Administrative Services has historically submitted to the City Council a monthly report, providing the following information: 1. Type of investment. 2. Financial institution bank, savings and loan, broker, etc). 3. Date of maturity. 4. Principal amount. 5. Rate of interest. 6 Current market value for all securities having a maturity of more than 12 months. 7. Relationship of the monthly report to the annual statement of investment policy. Agenda Item 8.b. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of INVESTMENT DEPOSITS J AN UARY 'I 'I � 2011 4 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: R ecommended A ltemative - Approve staff s recommendation to receive and file the attached report listing the current investment deposits. Do not approve staff's recommendation - Provide direction to staff ADVANTAGES: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the City. Investments are undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. DISADVANTAGES: Some level of risk is present in any investment transaction. Losses could be incurred due to market price changes, technical cash flog complications such as the need to withdraw a non - negotiable Time certificate of Deposit early, or even the default of an issuer. To minimize such risks, diversifications of the investment portfolio by institution and by investment instruments are being used as much as is practical and prudent. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: N o environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, January 6, 2011. The Agenda and report were posted on the city's website on Friday, January 7 , 2011. No public comments were received. Attachments: 1. Portfolio Summary: November 30, 2010 Agenda Item 8.b. Page 2 ATTA 1 I �.l.i CL 0 1"F �.l.i 00 CITY F ft 'WC A L P IS�► CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary November 3 201 City of Arroyo Grande 214 B. Branch S t. A rroyo Grande, C A 93430 Phone: (805 )473 - 5400 Int erest I nvestments Boob Value Interest Rats Bats PY Date of Purchase Term Nl aturi Date o Portfolio Local Agency Investment Funds 16,804,749.55 0.454 0.611 91.31% .ertes o f Deposit - Banks First Federal Banc of Californian 00,000.00 2.53 S eptember 18, 2009 731 Se ptember 21, 2011 0.54% Redding Banc of Commerce 250,000.00 2.40% September 21, 2009 913 March 21, 2012 1.36% F irst Republic Bank 250,000.00 3.00% November 9, 2009 3 6 mos November 9, 2012 1.36% GOADS 1,000,000.00 1.91% Ju 1, 2010 24 mos June 28, 2012 5.43% Total Certificates of Deposit 1 8.69% Total Investm 1 100.00% W 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.b. Page 4 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING of THE CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER , 1 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BLANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NIA 1. CALL To ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the special city council meeting to order at :oo p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Council Members Joe Costello, Chuck Fellows, Caren Flay, Mayor Pro Tern Jim Guthrie, and Mayor Tony Ferrara were present. City Manager Steven Adams, city Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information Services /city clerk Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative services Angela Kraetsch, Director of Recreation and Maintenance services Doug Perrin, Director of Community Development Teresa McClish, chief of Police Steve Annibali, and Fire chief Mike Hubert were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ferrara led the Flag salute. 4 . PUBLIC COMMENT: Kristen Barneich recognized and thanked council Member Fellows for his service on the city Council. Susan Flores thanked staff and all City departments for their service and courtesy, and thanked the city council for their countless hours of service. 5 . PRESENTATION To COUNCIL MEMBER FELLOWS Mayor Ferrara acknowledged Council Member Fellows and presented him with a certificate of Recognition from the San Luis Obispo County Board of supervisors for his service to the community, as well as a plaque from the City in appreciation for his service to the community as Council Member from 2006 to 2010. city Manager Adams then presented outgoing council Member Fellows with a city jacket in appreciation and recognition of his dedication and service to the community. 6 . REMARKS MAR S BY DEPARTING TIN COUNCIL MEMBER FELLOWS Council Member Fellows acknowledged staff and expressed appreciation for their work; Mated it has been an honor and interesting serving on the council for the last four gears; ackno wledged the Council and the dedicated volunteers who serve on the city's Commissions, Boards, and Committees; and stated that this is a wonderful community. He acknowledged his family and stated how fortunate he was that they all live in Arroyo Grande and said he looked forward to spending more time with them. He indicated he would continue to be active with the south County Historical society, planting trees with the Tree Guild, and serving on the Architectural Review Committee. He commented further on the active volunteerism which makes this a strong community and encouraged community members to get more involved. In closing, he acknowledged incoming council Member Tian Brown who will do a wonderful job. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 1 finute City Council Special Meetin tin December 2, 2 Page 2 7. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE CERTIFICATES OF THE COUNTY CLERK[ CERTIFYIN THE RESULTS OF THE CANVASS OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE NOVEMBER 2 2010 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION City Clerk Wetmore presented the staff report and recommended the council adopt a Resolution accepting the certificates of the county clerk certifying the results of the canvass of al votes cast Novem ber 2, 2010 at the consolidated General Municipal Election. Action: council Member Fellows moved to adopt a Resolution No. 4324) as follows: "'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING THE CERTIFICATES OF THE COUNTY CLERK CERTIFYING THE RES L TS OF THE CAN1 ASS OF AL.L VOTES CAST NOVEMBER 2, 2010 AT THE CONSOLIDATED GENERAL MUNICIPAL. ELECTION, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ". Mayor Pro Tern Guthrie seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Fellows, Guthrie, Costello, Ray, Ferrara NOES: alone ABSENT: alone 8. OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED BY CITY CLERK City clerk Wetmore administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Tony Ferrara, council Member .doe Costello, and council Member Tian Brown. 9 . REMARKS BY COUNCIL MEMBER BROWN Council Member Brown stated this has been a long road for him, dating back prior to the General Plan Update. He thanked his friend Jim Dickens and acknowledged their shared passion for agricultural land within the city limits; ,bane Line, who helped on a lot of campaigns over the years; and Jars Scott, a member of his campaign committee. He noted the group effort on his campaign and election and expressed thanks to his campaign committee. He acknowledged Steve Henry, who has been a big part of his life over the past few years. in closing, he acknowledged Chuck Fellows who has become a good friend, thanked him for running his campaign, and thanked the Fellows family for their support. 10. REMARKS BY COUNCIL MEMBER COSTELLO Council Member Costello thanked his family for their support; thanked the people of Arroyo Grande for re- electing hire again; expressed appreciation for the confidence they have shown in hires; and for the willingness to have him deal with the issues that come before the council; and stated he would look forward to working with new council Member Brown and with the remaining members of the Council. 11. REMARKS BY MAYOR FERRARA Mayor Ferrara echoed several of the comments that have already been made, including what a great City and a great community Arroyo Grande is; that people are committed and dedicated to not only maintaining the city, but looking at the future and making sure that the decisions that are made are the right decisions so that this community is preserved for the future and future generations. He stated this was his fifth terra; that this job is not easy; and as we move forward in this economy and in these times, it gets more difficult. He acknowledged the dedication and commitment of the council and every level of City staff and commented on the pride and closeness than makes this community unique. He stated that as Mayor, it rakes him proud humbled and honored to sit on the council. He believed the Council is poised to meet the challenges that the city fakes. He thanked the community and stated that the Council is here to work and make sure that the values and principles of this community remain intact. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 2 Minutes of City Council Special Meeting December 2, 2 Page 12. CONSIDERATION of COUNCIL APPOINTMENT To PLANNING COMMISSION City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve the recommendation of council Member Brown to appoint Lisa Sperow to the Planning Commission. Mayor Ferrara invited those in the audience who wished to comment on the ratter, and upon hearing no comments, he closed public comment. Action: Council Member Brown moved to appoint Lisa Sperow to the Planning Commission, Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the follo wing roll calf vote. AYES: Brown, Costello, Flay, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 12. SELECTION of M PRO TEAR City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the council appoint Council Member Ray as the Mayor Pro Tern for the next one -}rear period, pursuant to council policy. Action: Council Member Costello moved to appoint council Member Ray as the Mayor Pro Terry for the next one -gear period. council Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES: Costello, Brown, R ay, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 13. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. to the Regular lar Meeting of December 14, 20 10 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers, 215 E. Branch street. Tory Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Melly Wetmore, city Clem (Approved at cc Mtg Agenda Item 8.c. Page 3 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 201 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BLANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferrara called the special meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Council Member Jim Guthrie, Council Member .Joe Costello, Council Member Caren Ray, Council Member Tina Brown, City Manager Steven Adams, and City Attorney Tiny Carmel were present. 2 . PUBLIC COMMENT: Bone. 3. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8: Property: APi : 007-192-023; Located at Le Point Street Agency [Negotiator: Timothy Carmel, City Attorney Negotiating Party: Gutierrez Family Trust, .John and Maureen Gutierrez, Trustees Under (Negotiation: Price, Terms and Conditions of Potential Purchase b. CONFERENCE WITH REAL L P OPEF TY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8: Property: APN: 007-192-068; Located at Le Point Street Agency Negotiator: Steven Adams, City (Manager (Negotiating Party: Jesse A. Jacobson Under (Negotiation: Price, Terms and Conditions of Potential Purchase 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Mayor Ferrara announced that there was no reportable action from the closed session. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 p.m. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 4 Minutes of City Council special Meeting ngR December 94, 2010 Page 2 Tony Ferrara, M yor ATTEST: IkeIIy Wetmore, city clerk ( Approved at CC Mtg Agenda Item 8.c. Page 5 MINUTES REGULAR UL MEETING of THE CITY COUNCIU EDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2010 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BLANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL To ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular city Council /Redevelopment edevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2 . ROLL CALL City Council/RDA: council /Board Member Joe Costello, Council /Board Member Jinn Guthrie, Council/Board Member Tian Brown, Mayor Pro TemN[ce chair Caren Ray, and Mayor /chair Tony Ferrara were present. City staff Present: city Manager Steven Adams, city Attorney Tim Carmel, Director of Legislative and Information services /city clerk belly Wetmore, Director of Administrative services Angela Kraetsch, Police chief Steven Annibali, Fire chief Michael Hubert, Building official Johnathan Hurst, and Community Development Director Teresa Il celish. 3 . FLAG SALUTE Bill Weitkarnp, representing Arroyo Grande valley Kiwanis club, led the Flag salute. 4 . IN Pastor Robert Banker, open Door church, delivered the invocation. 5 . SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA D EI EVIL 6.a. ordinances Fad in Title only. Council Member Costello moved, council Member Brown seconded, and the ,notion passed unanimously that all ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read by title only and all further readings be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMME 1TS AND SUGGESTIONS ora High referred to property at couartland and E. Grand Avenue and spoke in opposition to a grocery store at this location, and favored uses that would benefit the youth. Roberta Burgess south Elm Street, spoke on behalf of seniors and youth and opposed a grocery store at courtland and E. Grand Avenue. Tracer del Rio representing Huasna valley Association, invited the Council to a dedication ceremony on December 18 at 12 noon for the new Huasna V alley Community Sign at the corner of Huasna Load and Huasna Townsite Road. Ann Steele spoke in opposition to a big-box store at courtland and E. Grand Avenue and expressed concerns about truck turning radius' on South c uirtland, volume of truck traffic, and air quality impacts. she also inquired when construction would start on El Camino Beal. 1anetta Bennett, Allen street, spoke regarding the inadequacy of the temporary restrooms. on Short Street. she also addressed the Farmer's Market location and stated she did not favor the JJ's Market location, and suggested closure of East Branch Street for Farmers' Market. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 6 Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meeting Tuesday, December 14,, Page 2 Il antha Renells spoke in favor of a grocery store at courtland and E. Grand Avenue. Thomas Coin talked about the constitution, Bill of Fights, and the role of Judges in interpreting these documents. He requested the council adopt an Ordinance stating that the Bill of Rights is the raw of the land. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor /Chair Ferrara invited members of the public who wished to comment on any consent Agenda Item to do so at this time. No public comments were received. Council/Board Member Brown requested Item 8.1. be pulled. Mayor Pro TeamNice Chair Flay requested Items 8.c. and 8 -m. be pulled. Action: council /Board Member Brown moved, and Council /Board Member Castello seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.o., with the exception of Items 8.c., 8.1., and 8.m., with the recommended courses of archon. city Attorney Carmel read the full tale of the Ordinance in Item 8.f. The motion passed on the following roll -Carl vote. AYES: Brawn, Costello, Guthrie, Ray, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: Nave 8.a. cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period November 16, 201 through November 3, 2010. 8.b. consideration of Acceptance of the Redevelopment Agency's Annual Financial Deports. [RDA/COUNCIL] Action: Received and filed the res pective Redevelopment Agency's Annual Financial Reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010. 8.d. consideration of a Resolution Accepting the Status Report on Development Impact Fees (AB-1600). Action: Adopted a Resolution lution No. 4325) as follows: ` "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING THE STATUS REPORT ON DEI EL DPI IEN T l 1PA CT FEES AE- 9 600)' 8.e. conslderatlon of Approval o f Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special and Regular city Council Meetings of October 12, 2010, and the Special and Regular city Council Meetings of November 23, 2010, as submitted. 8.f. consideration of Adoption of an ordinance Amending Municipal code section 16.44.040 Regarding Allowed Uses in the Public/Quasi-Public Zoning District. Action: Adopted an Ordinance No. 828) as follows: "'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 10-005 TO AMEND SECTION 16.44.040 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE DE MUNI CIPAL. CODE REGARDING ALLOWED USES IN THE PU LIC t o S1- PUBLIC PF ZONING DISTRICT' f 8.g. consideration of a Resolution Approving the Quitclaim of sanitary severer Easements in Tract 2792 and Replacing the Quitclaim Easement Recorded as Instrument No. 2010014529. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 7 Minutes: Cif CouncillRedevelopment Agency cy Meetin Page Tuesday, December 14,, 201 Action: Adopted a Resolution olution I o. 4828) as follows ` "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING THE QUITCLAIM of SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS IN TRACT 2792 AND REPLACING THE QUITCLAIM EASEMENT RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2010014529 8.h., consideration of a second Amendment to the Agreement with Dyer Engineering for the Le Point Street Parking Lot Improvement Project. Action: 1 Approved a Second Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with Dyer Engineering to increase the "not to exceed" amount by $25,000 to prepare final plans and specifications for the Le Point Street Parking Lot Improvement Project (PW-2010-15); and 2 Authorized the city Manager to execute the Agreement. 8J. consideration to Approve Additional Funding for the South Elm and Ash street Sidewalk and Bicycle Lane Improvements, Project PW 2008-07C. Action: Approved additional funds from the Pavement Management Fund, in the amount of $13,500, to address additional contract change orders for the South Elm and Ash Street Sidewalk and Bicycle Lane Improvements Project. 8.j. consideration of Acceptance of the Nest Branch street Resurfacing Project, P11 2008 -8. Action. 1 Accepted the project improvements as constructed by Granite Construction Company in accordance with the plans and specifications for the vet Branch Resurfacing urfacing Project, 2 Directed staff to file a Notice of Completion; and 8 Authorized release of the retention, thirty -five 8 days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.k. consideration of Acceptance of the Tally Ho Sidewalk Improvement Project, P II 2009 -. Action: 1 Accepted the project improvements as constructed by Barajas & Associates, Inc. in accordance with the plans and specifications for the Tally Ho Sidewalk Improvement Project; 2 Adopted a Resolution olution I o. 4827} as follows. "A RESOLUTION N F THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT EI T NG. 010-N TO ADMINISTERING AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT NO. 05-5199R FOR THE TALLY FIG ROAD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT EMENT PROJECT'; 8 Directed staff to file a Notice of completion; and 4) Authorized release of the retention, thirty -five 8 days after the Notice of completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.n. consideration of a Resolution Adopting an Amendment to the Full Flex cafeteria Plan Section 125. Action: Adopted a Resolution olution I o. 4828) as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY GIB ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE PALL FLEX CAFETERIA PLAN SECTION 125 TO UPDATE TE THE CAFETERIA PLAN RATES FOR 2011' 8.o. Consideration of Castillo Del Mar to Arroyo Grande High school Bike Path Project and Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Castillo Del Mar Roadway Extension. Action: 1 Approved the Castillo Del Mar to Arroyo Grande High School Bike Path Project; and 2 Approved an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Castillo Del Mar roadway extension with the Lucia Mar Unified School District, J.H. Land Partnership and John Taylor, Trustee. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 8 M 0 City Councill edevelo me rt Agency Meeting Page 4 Tuesday, December 14, 2 ITEMS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 8.c. Consideration of Annual Financial Report — Fiscal Year 2009-10 receipt and use of Water and Sever capacity and connection Fees /charges. Recommended Action: Receive and file the annual report of the receipt and use of grater and sewer capacity and connection fees and charges, in compliance with Government code Section 66013. In response to questions by Mayor Pro Tern Flay regarding the Annual Financial Report as it relates to water Facility Transfers and project completion percentages for FY 2010 -11 current Projects, Director Kraetsch acknowledged a formula a error, stated the percentage figures world be reviewed and corrected, and a correction memo would be issued to the council. Action: Mayor Pro Tern Flay moved to approve Item 8.c., contingent upon the correction. Council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES: Fay, Costello, Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.1. Consideration of shift of Funding Sources for city Hall Improvements and Police Building Project. Recommended Action: 1 Reduce the amount of Local sales Tax funds budgeted for the city Hall upgrade project by $300 2 Appropriate $300,000 for the city Hail upgrade project from the General Fund unappropriated fund balance; and 3 Program $300,000 in Local Sales Tax funds in FY 2010 -11 for the Police Building project. In response to questions by council Member Brown regarding the financial impact statement that there will be no net change to the Local Bales Tax Fund, city Manager Adams clarified that was because there is excess savings from last year's budget that can be transferred from the General Fund to the city Hall upgrade project, and the Local sales Tax funds that are no longer needed for the city Hall upgrade project are recommended to be shifted to the Police Building project since that high priority capital project is not currently fully funded. Action council Member Brown moved to: 1 Reduce the amount of Local sales Tax funds budgeted for the cit Hall upgrade project by $300,000; 2 Appropriate $300,000 for the city Hall upgrade project from the General Fund unappropriated fund balance; and 3 Program $300,000 in Local sales Tax funds in FY 2010 -11 for the Police Building project. Mayor Pro Tern Lary seconded, and the notion passed on the following roll -call vote. AYES: Brown, Ray, Costello, Guthrie, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 8.rn. consideration of Declaration of Surplus Property and Approval of Disposal. Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution declaring miscellaneous used office furniture and equipment as surplus property for sale, donation or disposal. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 9 Minutes:. City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meeting Pare Tuesday, December 14, 2010 Mayor Pro Tern Ray suggested that any surplus sterns that are not sold be offered to the Lucia Mar Unified School District. Action: Mayor Pro Tenn Ray moved to adopt a Resolution olution I o. 4329) as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY c G UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING ITEMS TO BE S L S AND AUTHORIZING THE ITEMS FOR SALE, DONATION OR DISPOSAL IN, and to direct staff to offer any surplus items that are not sold to Lucia Mar Unified School District. council Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll -call vote: AYES: Flay, Costello, Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara DES: Bone ABSENT: Done 9 . PUBLIC HEARINGS g.a. consideration of Preliminary Approval Of Community Development Block Grant CDBG Projects for Year 2011. Community Development Director McCli h presented the staff report and recommended the Council provide preliminary approval of proposed projects to be funded with the city's allocation of CDBG funds for the Year 2011. Staff responded to questions from Council. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing. The following members of the public addressed the council, thanking them for their past support, for considering this year's funding request, and speaking briefly about their respective organizations: Dennis Bachelor, Planning Director, DAPSL Carol Florence, President, Big Brothers Big Sisters Ken , Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters Sidra Knapp Outreach Coordinator, GRID Alternatives — Central coast Steven Fernandez, Regional Director, GRID Alternatives — central coast David R , Executive Director, Mission Community Services corporation Roy Deed President, Alliance for Pharmaceutical Access Laura Moh arl r , Executive Director, Alliance for Pharmaceutical Access Dee Torres, Director, Homeless Services, Maxine Lewis Memorial Shelter Upon hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the public Dearing. Council comments Included support for the proposed public service grants to be funded with the City's 2011 allocation of CDBG funds; acknowledgement that the city has limited funds to allocate to many organizations; that this is a wise investment at a lover per person cost; and that the allocation proposal provides for an equitable distribution of funds. Council Member Guthrie stated because of his service on several boards, he was familiar with the county's CDBG application process and he suggested staff inquire whether the number of applications can be reduced by consolidating several applications into one grant application; for example, CAPSL has several programs that could potentially be combined into one grant application. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 10 Minutes: City CouncillRedevelopment Agency Meeting Tuesday, December 14, 2070 Page Action: council Member Costello moved to provide preliminary approval of proposed projects to be funded with the City's allocation of CDBG funds for the Year 2011. Council Member Brown seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call Grote: AYES: Costello, Brown, Guthrie, Flay, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None 9-b- consideration of a Proposed Ordinance Amending Portions of Title 8 and Title 1 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal code Related to Adoptions of California Fire, Building and construction codes. Building Official Hurst presented the staff report and recommended the Council adopt an Ordinance amending Arroyo Grande Municipal Code chapter 8.04 related to the adoption of the California Fire code and International Fire Code; amending chapter 8.08 related to Fireworks; and amending Chapter 15.04 related to the adoption of the California Building Code, California Residential idential Code, California Electrical code, California Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Green Building Code, California Elting Building Code, California Energy Code, California Historical Building Code and the International Property Maintenance Code. Staff responded to questions from Council. M ayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and hearing no comments, he closed the public hearing. Brief council comments ensued in support of the proposed ordinance. Action: Council Member Costello moved to adopt an ordinance No. 827) as follows: `'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8.04 RELATED TO THE ADOPTION F THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE; AMENDING G CHAPTER 8.08 RELATED TO FIREWORKS; AND AMENDING DID G CHAPTER 15.04 RELATED TED TO THE ADOPTION F THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL A L E, CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING CODE, CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING DING CODE, CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE, cA L IF RNIA HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE AND THE INTERNATIONAL I AL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE Council Member Ray seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call Grote: AYES: Costello, Flay, Guthrie, Brown, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Ferrara called for a break at 8 :20 p.m. The council reconvened at 8:25 p.m. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. consideration of Temporary Farmers' Market Location. Agenda Item 8.c. Page 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.c. Page 12 R A. IN ORP013ATED JULY 10. 1911 F MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER9 Y: KELLY WETM RE, DIRECTOR R F LEGISLATIVE AND INFORMATION SERVICES/CITY CLERK SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO CITY COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES DATE: JANUARY 1'1, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve the appointments to City Commissions, Boards and Committees pursuant to the attached lists. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact from this action. BACKGROUND: O January 14, 1 997, the City Council adopted Ordinance fro. 481 C.S. amending the composition of applicable Commissions and Boards from seven to five members and also adopted Resolution fro. 3192 establishing Council policy as it relates to the appointment procedure to the Commissions, Boards and Committees. mittees. The Ordinance tames that the M ayor and each respective member of the Council shall recommend a representative to each of the vari ous City Commissions, Boards and Committees subject to the approval by ar majority Grote of the Council. All Commission, B acrd, and Committee Members serve at the pleasure of the Council. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: After each election year, the City Council makes appointments and/or reappointments to the various City Commissions, Boards and Committees for those members whose terms expire on .January 31". Mayor Ferrara and Council Members Costello and Brown have solicited applicants to serge on the various Commissions, Boards, and Committees. A list of the recommended appointments and/or reappointments is attached, as well as the applications for each applicant. Agenda Item 8.d. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TMENTS T CITY COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES MITTEES JANUARY '11, 2011 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve the recommended appointments and/or reappointments; 2. Do not a pprove the recommended appointments and/or reappointments; 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: These appointments will provide full representation on the various City Commissions, Boards, and Committees. The proposed appointments are consistent with past practice. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages are identified as long as the appointments reflect the Council's desired community representation o n these Commissions, Boards and Committees. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: II: No envi review is requ ired for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agendas was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, January 6, 2011. The Agenda and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, January 7, 2011. No public omment were received. Attachments: 1. Recommended Appointments/Reappointments List and applications Agenda Item 8.d. Page 2 MAYO R F E IRARA RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENTS / REAPPOINTMENTS 0 PLANNING COMMISSION PARS AND RECREATION N COMMISSION 0 TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDED ENDED APP INTME 1T /REAPP INTME T KRISTEN BAR IEICH GREGORY KING GARY BRDA DOWNTOWN PARKING ADVISORY BOARD ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE GREG HIRE THOMAS G SS (Reappointment) (Reappointment) (Reappointment) (Reappointment) (Reappointment) • HISTORICAL RESOURCES NORMA HARLOE (Reappointment) COMMITTEE Agenda Item 8.d. Page 3 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR OF CITIZENS,rrO SERVE r Pl Comm - P and R Commis � 2 Traffic Commission Yeas Lived in Arco Grande Senior Advisory Commission R Voter of Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee Yes No Downtown Parking Advisory Board (must o wn business in the pillage area) Special Boards/ Committees (varies) NAME � HOME - PRESENT EMPLOYER I Au�W� JMW[is]:I�i BUSINESS ADDRESS'� PHONE ED UCATIONAL BACK ND 1 igh Schaot I � U h Colf eqe ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION 1A (qC! I CO MMUNITY . A l_ D IVI C-t !tTE E TS rl r�ITVi <CQ_ R The City Council would like to have the names of three Arroyo Grande References: NAB A99 ARE YOU WILLING TO SERVE 0 THE COMMIS l 0 NICOMM ITTE ARD MEETIN G TIMES SHOWN 8 ELOW: Planning Commission, First and Third Tuesday of each month,, :00 PM Yes -No. Parks and Recreation Commission, Second Wednesday of each month, :30 PM Yes No— Traffic Commission, the day (Monday) before the third Tuesday of each month, 7."00 PM Yes � No Senior Advisory Commission, First Wednesday of each month, 3:00 PM Yes No Architectural Review Com rnittee First Monday of each month, 3 15 PM Yes lo._._. D o w nto w n Parking Advisory Board - beets as needed Yes o. Special Boar slCo mitte s ( Data The Arroyo Grande city Council requests information about your interest (and education, if applicable), in serving on a c ommission or committee, specifically your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Plannin C ommission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission, senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review Committee or a Special Board/ Committee. Please note such information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your Interest. THIS FORM IS A MATTER of PUBLIC RECORD IF APPO I NI ED. COJAPLEII 0 N OF A STATE CQN FLIDT of II NT ER EST FORM IS R EQU IR E B 8!2004 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 4 CITY C)F ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR C>F CITIZENS TD SERVE f X Planning Commission RECEIVED X Parks and Recreation Commission IT Y ;= ,� R R 0Y0 G ���yD E Traffic Commission Years Lived in Arroyo Grande 5.S �� e. 08 SEP 19 AM 10: 0 1 Registered Voter of Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee Yes X_ No Downtown Parking Advisory Board (must own business in the Village area) < Historical Resources Committee f Special Boards/Committees (varies) NAME Cregnry K% HOME ADDRESS PHONE PRESENT EMPLOYER 60'1� O�SIV7 40TS %f -"M � 10 ^ems - . R;(< PosmoN I?edil To I J �0,g Awrci -s-er BUSINESS ADDRESS � PHONE EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Hich School College - ?01.1 .fir L- A L EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION Cc Tol S�o 0 L.) . �Eer S c_ .+ 6A�;scc-:40 5Nk nt> 1nc-1-Memb q 14 t o Y99 C 1 tk Son 06 -wv tJ c A eoio 1��rp�4r ZXZ COMMUNITY AND CIVIC INTERESTS & � 10 ^ems - . The Ci Counci would like to have the names of three Arroyo G R e f erences: NAME ADDRESS 1. Zo e A . 3. Fro ARE YOU WILLING TO BERME ON THE COMMISSION/COMMITTEE/BOARD MEETING TIMES SHOWN BELOW: Planning Commission, First and Third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 PM Yes -X-No- Parks and Recreation Commission, Second Wednesday of each month,, 6:30 PM Yes 2L No Traffic Commission, the day (Monday) before the third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM Yes -2L No Senior Advisory Commission, First Wednesday of each month, 3:00 PM Yes -NoX Architectural Review Committee First Monday of each month, :1 PM Yes X No Downtown Parking Advisory Board - Meets as needed Yes - Nom Historical Resources Committee - Quarterly meetings anticipated Yes _KNo- Special BoardsIC ittees varies Yes X No • Z/ Signature Date The Arroyo Gran y Councll sts information about your interest (and education, if applicable), in serving on a commission or committee, specifically your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review Committee, Historical Resources Committee, or a Special Board/ Committee. Please note such Information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your interesL THIS FORM 15 A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD IF APPOINTED, COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM IS_REQUIRED Agenda Item 8.d. 312005 Page 5 TO 2ERVE -- # Para and Recreation G lee ion � Driver a License o. � —�.Fia oning cc ls a ion . Years Llrred in Arrayo rate . • Parking and reffic Comm se ion Registered Voter Arroyo Grande YES ' A ' - C i t t e e - THIS FORA I S A MATTER OF PUB L I C RECD Mr s. ; XLS s <!:� ta et x - A (Please circle one) ROME gi�SIDG ADDRE S ' � � P Dn . MARI T AL B'IUS UMER OF CHILD M L .A--.... PRESENT EN'S F O "ICE SITOI` -A cc ADDRESS BUS INESS EDUdATIONAL BACKGROUND RLSh Colleg C4 Z. V, 4 ADDITIONAL - ED. . INFO � A/ f Are You aware thst You may + he rkquired to fill, out a ' • CONF INT Form. YES O , IMPLOMM S Do you represent Deny special 'group YES NO If as please, . &Lire u= e of gro tip . AND C rNIMTS Th e City Council would like t have the Maine of thxee Arroyo Grande References: , ADDRUS 2. -T MWISS19N METING NIGHTS--SRYAN 1. s F PULS 6 RACREATION CONHISSTON METINGS, 2nd Wed, of rA , Month YW NO PLANKI C MMSS O P.TMGS # lot 7 3rd Tues. of Ea. Mouth YES NO PARKING ING & TR.Arr] :C COMHISSION NEICTINGS, Monthly Heetinge YES � No �� } SPEC COHWTTEZ Various • YES . � O DATE XCHAW dP The Arroyo Grade Council reeds soma Information about your interesta ardduoationf applicable) n ser Lag an s Co�mie3ion, apecifieally ►our oaments and views rolattve to the role and respoguLbilitieg of the Planning Comjsr tea Fariu and Baffin Ccasalsein or a penal Cas�onittea.apsscd ot erasioa Goa��asfo�, t reverse side of this form. � e such information an Agenda Item 8.d. Page 6 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESERVaIR OF CITIZENS TO SERVE P PlsnningCommission Ct�TY F, RRpyO C�.;�,Y� Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic 4 JUN 16 PM 4 50 Years Lived In Arroyo Grande Senior Commission r Advisory Commission Registered Voter o rroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee Yes A No C Spea al Committee (Long Range Pl�a ing ommittee, etc.) �odu�t�w� �.. Advr � NAME �Rc&- '41 /Q F `, PHONE � ADDR PRESENT EMPLOYER, N�� t` Z > C�A17 BUSINESS ADDRESS � � PHONE cov ColleQe / 5 i ADaITfONAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION AW 4 Es t I► i 4 , 4 :7 -r-IAIPZ� . The City Council would like to have the names of three (3) Arroyo Grande References: NAM ADDRESS / 3. ARE YOU WILLING TO SERVE 0 r THE C O MISSIONICO MlTTEE M EETI NG TIMES SHOWN BEL W*4 Planning Commission, First and Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 Ptw Yes- NQ Parks and Re reaUon C ommls lon, Second Wednesday of each month, 6:30 PM y � 'traffic Commission, the day ( Monday) before the third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 Pull Yes�..No . Senior Advisory Commission. First Wednesday o f each month, 3:00 PM yes. o = Arch It tur l R evi e w Comm ittee First Monday of each month, 3:15 Pill Special Co mI Kees (L Range PIannIng Comm I toe,, etc.) Me ting dates va Signature The Arroyo and views relaUve to the role and responsibilitie3 of the Plannin COMM13slan, Parks and Rsnr a on Commission, T raffic CommIssion, Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural - F eview Com mittee or it Special Committee. Please note such Information an the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your I nte re st I A PP01 NTIE 0. CO M PLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INT R EST-FO REQUIRED 02101 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 7 CTI'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE R-ESER"VC>1a C>F C1'"r1zE111%Z1SyC> SERNVIE Planning Commission sion Parks and Recreation Commis REC . t ,. nears Lured in Arroyo rands _J4 Traffic Commission f ,- .. } i � � ;- ; �;; c i � � ; t ,, of Arroyo Grande Reg Vote r Architectural Review Committee .; Yes No. D Parking Advi Board r�nu� o �Wbgll n�; O A�the V e area Historical Resources Committee Special Boards /C ( varies ) NAME HOME ADDRESS PHONE PRESENT EMPLOYER 4- ucd P BUSINESS ADDRESS PHONE E DUCATIONAL BACK9jR0UND i h school I - Colle g k� I h1 L, EDUCAJIONAL INFORMATION COMMUNITY AND CIVIC INTERESTS • `- AS The City Council would like to have the names of three Arroyo Grande References: I SAM E ADDRE ARE YOU Wl LLING To SERVE 0 N TIE COM MIS IONICO M MITTEE/BO D M EETI NG TIMES SHOWN BELOW: Planning Commission, ion, First and Third Tuesday of each month, :00 PM Ides --No. Pants and Recreation Comm Isslon, Second Wednesday of eac month, 6 :30 PIS Yes �.-- o. Traffic Commission, the day Monday before the third Tuesday of each month, :go Pill Yes -No. jL .__ Architectural Review Committee First Monday of each month, 3 :15 PM Yes - o.� Downtown Parking Advisor Board - Meets needed Yes . Historical Resources Committee �- Quarterly meetings anticipated Iles � o,. Sp ecial BoardslCo ees (varies) 1 No ,. The Anrcnm Grande City Council requests Information about your interest (and education, if applicable). In serving on a commission or committee, specHkally your comments and mews relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning Cornrnission Parka and Recreation Commission. Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review Committee, Historical resources Committee, or a Special EloardMommittee. please note such information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your Interest. T HIS FORM IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD IF APPOINTED COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTERE§T INTEREST FORM IS RE IRE 312005 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 8 ra ARE YOU Wl LLING To SERVE 0 N TIE COM MIS IONICO M MITTEE/BO D M EETI NG TIMES SHOWN BELOW: Planning Commission, ion, First and Third Tuesday of each month, :00 PM Ides --No. Pants and Recreation Comm Isslon, Second Wednesday of eac month, 6 :30 PIS Yes �.-- o. Traffic Commission, the day Monday before the third Tuesday of each month, :go Pill Yes -No. jL .__ Architectural Review Committee First Monday of each month, 3 :15 PM Yes - o.� Downtown Parking Advisor Board - Meets needed Yes . Historical Resources Committee �- Quarterly meetings anticipated Iles � o,. Sp ecial BoardslCo ees (varies) 1 No ,. The Anrcnm Grande City Council requests Information about your interest (and education, if applicable). In serving on a commission or committee, specHkally your comments and mews relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning Cornrnission Parka and Recreation Commission. Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review Committee, Historical resources Committee, or a Special EloardMommittee. please note such information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your Interest. T HIS FORM IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD IF APPOINTED COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTERE§T INTEREST FORM IS RE IRE 312005 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 8 CITY C)F ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR OF CITIZENSTO SERVE Planning Commission Parks and Recreati Commi ssion Traffic Commission Years Lived in Arroyo Grande Senior Advisory Commission Registered Voter Gf Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee s Yes No Do unto vn Parking Advisory Board (must own business ire the Vi ha a area) Historical Resources Committee Special Boards/ Committees (varies) k r NAME o 14 a 0 - f�' HOME ADDRESS PHONE PRESENT EMPLOYER R et i .� �1J �r B USINESS ADDRESS .�._ ., ..._.,,__.........�. } D U C ATI O A ..BA R l High School College /6�'c An/ A2 EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION COMM UN JJ Y AN INTER . The City Coundil would like to have the names of three ( Arroyo Grande References: NA ME ADD Wt z.. ARE YOU W1 LL1NG TO SERVE ON THE COMMISSIONlCOMMlTFEElBOARD MEETING TIMES SHOWN BELOW: Planning Dorfimission, First and Third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 PM Yes Ro� Parks and Recreation Commission,,. Second Wednes&y of each month, 6:30 pill Yes , No.. Traffic Commission,, the day ( Monday) before the third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 Pill Yes f _- Senior Advisory Commission, First Wednesday of each month, 3:00 PM Yes � o�-- Architectural Review Committee First Monday of each month, 3:15 PM Yes lo� Do v town Parking Advisory Board - Meets as needed Yes __No. Historical Resources Committee — Quarterly meetings antidipated yes � o.. Speclal Boards/Committees varies Yes : ,,,No. • - Eon: The Arroyo Grande City Council requests Information about your Interest (and education, If applicable). In Serving on a commission committee, speclicstly your comments and views relative to the role aid re ponstbilitles of the Planning Coournlssio , Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review commlttes. Historical resources Cornmittoo. ors poelal Boardl ommit es. Please note such Information on the reverse aide of this form. Thank your for your Interest ,*1UqJA,101t4 @11M1q1[*)Al2 It-=W :&-t dIGIN RN 18NA0 III I!-" 312005 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 9 COUNCIL MEMBER COSTELLO RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENTS / REAPPOINTMENTS RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENT/REAPPOINTMENT 0 PLANNING COMMISSION ELIZABETH RUTH (Reappointment) ppointment 0 PADS AND RECREATION EATION SHANNON KESSLEF (Reappointment) COMMISSION • TRAFFIC COMMISSION MATTHEW BI O VNLEE (Reappointment) ppointment DOWNTOWN PARKING - PENDING - DVISOIY BOARD • ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW WARREN HOAG (Reappointment) ppointment COMMITTEE • HISTORICAL RESOURCES SHIRLEY GIBBON (Reappointment) COMMITTEE Agenda Item 8.d. Page 10 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR OF Qa;XFNS TO SERVE ,A i Y OF ARROYO GRANDE V Planning Commission Parks and Recreation Commission 08 MAY 23 PM 3 * 34 Traffic Commission Senior Advisory Commission Architectural Review Committee ✓ - Special Committees (Long Range Planning Committee, etc.) NAME S. _may • _(= The Arroyo Grande City Council requests information about your interest (and education, If applicable), in serving on commission ion or c ommittee, specifically your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Plannin Commission, P and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Revie Committee or a Special Committee. Please note such Information on the revere side of this form. Thank you for your interest. THIS FORM IS A MATTQ3 OF PU LIQ RE CORD P kI IF PETINTE t COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT, OF If TERESIE RI 0 IS RE QUIRED Agenda Item 8.d.� Page 11 CITY C)F ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR C)F C1 SERVE r Planning Commission Parks and Recreation Commission 1 " ECN- ! I � :) Traffic Comm ission F � `' nears Lined in Arroyo Grande +4{ Registered Voter of Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committe � � � � � � �� ! Yes N Downtown Parking Advisory Board (must own b usiness in the Village area Historical Resources Committee Special Boards /Committees (varie NAME Cs ' HOME ADDRESS PRESENT EMPLOYE BUSINESS ADDRESS, ED!1CATIMIAL _ Q ` PHON - college ADDITIONAL EDUCATIO IN 1= The City Council w like to have the names o f three A rroyo Grande References: NAM E N I . .L.7 f 2. 3. OWN BELOW. Yes o. Yes x No. Yes No. Yes No. Yes �No. Ye Y_No Yes Na The Arroyo Grande City Council requests IGnformatlon about your interest and ed ucati on, if applicable), in s rvhV on a commission or co mmittee, speelflcally your comments and views relative to the role and responsibili es of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review C ommittee, Historical Resources Committee, or a Special oa rd/ ommittes. Please note such Inf ormation on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your interest TH i @1JQ RE IF APPOINTED. COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM IS REQUIRED 3!2005 PHONE Agenda Item 8.d. Page 12 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - if if RESERVOIR OF C1'"r1ZENS"r0 SERVE Planning C ommiss i on Pars and Recreation Commission 35 Traffic Commission Years Lived in Arroyo Grande Senior Advisory C ommission Vii; � � Registered Voter of Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee Yes No Downtown Parking Advisory Board (must own business in the pillage area) Special Boards /Committees (varies) NAME A HOME ADDRESS � �' PHONE ] -~ � & PRESENT EMPLOYER 1,0 G t Gt /V IGt 1` U r �r'ed 5C14& ,lbttS hWPOSITION ' QC- 1 1e� BUSINESS ADDRESS PHONE EDUCATIONAL BACKr2R N Hi4h School J o � ra rViQ Std I Col , SCD ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION �QOCAA\,a , Cf �� ca C Ind wtcr QtA COMMUNITY AND CIVIC INTERESTS FA The City Council would like to have the names of three (3) Arroyo Grande References: NAME ADDRESS �� 2. OL V\, ��`� 3 . �� V\' (A v� SO ✓%, ARE YOU W 1 LLING TO SEF E 0 THE COMMISSI N /COM M ITTEEIBoARD M E ETI NG TIMES SHOWN BEL W: Planning Com mi ssion , First and 'Third Tuesday of each month, :00 PM lies -No__ Parks and Recreation Cori mission, second Wednesday of each month, :30 PM Yee -No- Traffic Commission, the day (Monday) before the third Tuesday of each month, :00 PIA Yes No. Senior Advisory Commission, First Wednesday of each month, :00 PM Yes -No- Architectural Review Committee First Monday of each month, 3:1 PM Yes -No � Downtown Parking dvi B Ord - Meets as need Yes �No. special Boarc *o m 9s ari Yes -N signature W M4AM The Arroyo Grande City council requests information about your interest (and education, if applicable), in serving on commission or committee, specifically your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning C ommission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission, senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review Committee or a special Board/Committee. Please note -such information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your interest. THIS FORMA Is A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD IF APPOINTED, COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTEREST_ FORM Is REQUIRED Agenda Item 8.d. Page 13 U 1 t CITY OF ARROYO (AWMDE FEB 1993 Planning Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Years Lived in Arroyo Grande_ Traffic Commission Registered Voter o Arroyo Grande Senior Advisory Commiss, on Yes X N o Special Committee ii.e, Teen Advisory, �-- say, Architectural Advi etc. . a ' Miss Warren • � Tease circle ogre) HOME ADD PH M ARITAL STATUS W=ied NUMBER OF CHILDREN­ PRESENT PRESENT EMPLO 00� PLwwdm & Bldg Dept, POSITION! ft'i PL rrjer P OFFICE qty GOv 't Darner BUSINE ADDRESS Sari TAII Dom, CA, 93408 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Hi cr l; i erra H.S. r Wh c#; Col • • k &� graduated 1919 - ,L � B.A. 317 ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION � 1 'Tl Meted are year of year Masters of ban axed State Fresa�o, 17� � �,�C�al � . ttuiM ex�ati rt�o�pated ralnercus -of pla ning and r �}G''�16 1 wide variety ty development subjects and issues Are you a ware that you may be required to fill out a CONFL OF INTEREST Forrrm* Yes No EMPLOYMENI FX1!r;1311EJNCE fif AnnJ1caW veer 18 � awls as at l al lard per. 51 twO YSars with the city of QMW &0ch and 15 yen= with S r,0 achqmm �� �i a wide x�arr of deelat review, tiara of land use ar d �ir�g � �' fm=Uitx design de1� and review w of • °►rtnul�a►tior� of Do you represent an ia! p�'ojec�s. group? Yes-. N . , If so, please give narrre of group. MY cif is interest t is to swm an the ArchitectumjL Adviscry amrnittee as a way to acntribute mfr Professicr al experien and blcwledge to t city #8 efforts in quality a rxi �t # �i I also have a gerse rad livable r�ei effective and ,d � � F��q and �i • coil '�tics�l a �+atianal The City Council balanoe ra �rrce o Ire narrr r I� W Grande Ref '� e�rences: -NAMF I *,s Nuk Natn . � WOULD YOU. BE WILL - ING TO SERVE ON THE COMMISSION MEETING NIGHTS SHOWN B ELOW: Planning Commission. First and Third Tuesday of each nwn04 7:30 Parks and Recreation Cornmission, Third Wedne da f each mo p� No Traffic omr�ni iOn MOrw aY Previous Third "Tuesda of each rn month 7:00 p• • Yes � -No Sensor Advisory Commission, First W� Y t :0 p.:n. Yes., No th, 7:00 p.m. Special Committee (i . Teen Advisory y � No -�- '�y ettrra! Ad�ri etc*, Various meeting tunes a dates Yes o SIGNATURE DATE J anuary 28,, 1593 The Arroyo Grande City Council needs srrr i tion about ynrp� interests han in serving n Cr�issi d education, � applicable) o , peci icallY your comments and views relatlowe to the role and responsibilities O f the Planning Commission, Parks and Ration ommission, Traffic Co miss or a Special Committee. Please note such infarrrratlon mission, Senior Advisory Corry for your interest. on the reverse side of this foray. Thank you CSC * ynatfm- THIS FORM IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD Agenda Item 8.d. "", Page 14 .H Y WAfiAUGER'S OFFICE ARROYO GRANDE Driver's License Teo. R 025 . 3812 ILL,, /c:: —c CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR OF C sEi Planning Commission RECE1YE0 Parks and Recreation Commission 111; Y OF ARROYO G�{. +NDE Traffic Commission Years I ved in Arroyo Grande Senior Advisory Commission N- Registered Voter of.Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee 08 APR 16 12 • 0 6 Yes No Downtown Parking Advisory Board (must own business in the Village area) Historical Resources Committee Special Boards/Committees (varies) NAME <� vc WU Tr) � ci HOME ADDRESS � COUNCIL MEMBER BROWN RECOMMENDED APPOINTMENTS RECOMMENDED APP I T M E NT /REAP I T E N T • PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MARCY BETITA (Appointment) • TRAFFIC COMMISSION DOWNTOWN V N PAR ING ADVISORY BOAl l ARCHITECTURAL REVIE W COMMITTEE JIM CARSON J EREMY DAVENPORT CHUCK FELLOWS (Reappointment) (Reappointment) (Appointment) • HISTORICAL RESOURCES BILL HART (Reappointment) COMMITTEE Agenda Item 8.d. Page 16 RECEZ�D CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE n � 2015 "Reservoir of Citizens to Serve" 214 E. Branch Street s- TZ0y0 GRANDE Arno yo Grande, CA 93420 z� l�l-Y CLERK Application to Board, Committee, or Commission PLEASE PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE B ARD M M nTE E/ COM M ISSION FO R 1 HI H YOU WOU LD LIKE TO APPLY You may make more than one selection): -' Planning Commission Parks and recreation Commission Traffic Commission Downtown P arking Advi Board Architectural Review Committee Historical Resources Committee Special Subcommittees Date of Application 01t 2-Z0,'2 at " walff4u Last First %. Home or Cell Phone Business Phone Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande's lies >< N Are you a registered voter? Yes No Occupation J C (f Employer on (Include professional or vocational licenses or certificates) Co mmunity involvement (List organization memberships and committee assignments Zview C 61AktOL &PV &4wt/p Please describe anv ba karoun . training, education or interests that qualify you a s an appointee ( PLEASE COMPLgJE REVERSE F THIS FORM Agenda Item 8.d. Page 17 A I 'a&QLfLLr W - (Please attach add Wonalpa es if necessar A dv1sory BoardlCommitreelCo A pplIcation Page What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory board, committee or commission for which you Please list three Arroyo Grande ref eren ces. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMIS FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Name: ��el��l� �41 ��1 US r � Address: C urrent meeting schedules are indicated below: Planning Commission, 1 st and Bid Tuesday of each month, :oo p.m. Parks and Recreation Commission, 2nd of each month, 6:30 p.m. Traffic Commission, Monday before the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m. Do wntown Parking Advisory Board, Quarterly, 4th Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. Architectural Review Committee, 1 st Monday of each month, 2:30 p.m. Historical Resources Committee, 2nd Friday of each month, 10:00 a.m. Are y willing to commit to the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or commission? Ye I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. ApplicarkOg nature Date Notice to A 1. Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oaths of Office. 2 . Mate laver and the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Members, and Commissioners file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving an appointed office e.g. sources of income, loa gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3 . This appllcaion is a mater of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. Please return completed Application to: cIT1f MANAGER'S OFFICE 214 E. Branch street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 18 CI Y OF ARROYO G� AT'sTIDE RESERVOIR C)F C1'"r1ZE1*%TS"rC> SERVE Planning Commission _ Parks and Recreation Commission 2 �,. ✓- Traffic Commission Years Lived in Arroyo Grande J Senior Advisory Commission Registered Voter of Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee Yes No Downtown Parking Advisory Board (must owe business in the Village area) Historical Resources Committee Special Boards/Committees (varies) �- j NAME , I //o 1 - _ � ? .. HOME ADDRESS PRESENT EMPLOYER OR BUSINESS ADDRESS. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Hi g h School l �jj 4A2 - CoIIe g e � y ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION � . ` , � • � ~� 14 ;� . 4. dk _ . CO M M N 117 A N D CIVIC IN TERESTS •` + •' Y - - ' #c•'& 10 il ( 'k 4j- j, I!y The City Council mould like to have the names of three Arroyo Grande References: NAME ADDRESS .�r ! 2 . 3. ARE YOU WILLING I To BERME ON THE COMMISSION/COMMITTEE/BOARD MEETING TIMES SHOWN BELOW: Planning Commission, First and Third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 PSI Yes �No. Parks and Recreation Commission, Second Wednesday of each month, 0:30 PM Yes No. Traffic Commission, the day before the third Tuesday of each month, : PM Yes z No. Senior Advisory Commission, First Wednesday of each month, 3:00 PM Yes -No. Architectural Revi ew Committee First Monday of each month, 3:15 PM Yes -No. Downtown Parking Advisor Board - Meets as needed Yes -No. Historical Resources Committee - Qyarterly meetings anticipated Yes �No. Special Boards /Dorn 'ttee varie Yes o r r = ., Date Si '. The Arroyq- r nde city council requests information about your interest (and education, if applicable), In serving on a commission or committee, specMcally your comments and view3 relative to the role and respo sibilftles of the Planning commission, Parks and ReoreaUon Commission, Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory commission, Architectural Review Committee, Historical Resources COMMlttee, or a Special Board/committee. Please note such Information on the revers side of thIs form. Thank you for your interest_ �, THIS FORM IS A MATTER of PUBLIC RE RD REQ IF APP NTED IViPLETIN OF A STATE CONFLICT OF IITEFEST FRilll I UIRED gen a item 8 d. V 2005 • Page PIE �- •� CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ang;t-d 9 RESERVOIR OF CITIZENS TO SERVEC" A*L6' cl, .,.;; Planning Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic Commission UXUOVV=� � Advisory Commission Architectural Review Committee Special Committees (Long Ran�W NAME wob Years Lived In Arv o Registered Voter of Arroyo Grande Yee No tinning Committee, etc.) 1 0 � OL I P 6;� jop— W — HOME '�� ADDRESS- - PHONE PRESENT EMPLOY POSITION V 'Lc. lJ�'P I!' BUSINESS ADDRESS `� ; ` � PHONE 1 School 901lege arm , vim. t C U Vt_ 6,v, 18 C OL CIA? cnlulMUNiTY AND CIVIC INTEf3 , L 1 �, •� � 0 1 e � " h c S 5 n� i,J fie. ✓' The City Council would like to have the names of three 3 Arroyo Grande References: NAME ADDREB§ 2 . 1 C AL- c- 1. ARE YOU WILLING TO SERVE O THE COMMISSION/COMMITTEE MEETIN TINES S HOWN BELOW: P lanning Commission, First and Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PIA Ye . No.... Parka and Recreation Cornmisslon, Second Wednesday of each month, :30 PM Yes No..... Traffic commission, the day (Monday) before the third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM Yew No�.. Senior Advisory Commission. First Wednesday of each month, :oo PIA Yes.—No Architectural Rev le ommIttee First Monday of each month, 3:15 PM ye � Special committees (Long Range Planning committees etc.) Meeting dates vary Y es _.___I � Sinatu I- . ` The Arroyo Grande City council req uests inf ormation about your Interest (ari e ducation, if a pplica ble), in serving on a commission or committee, specifically your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic. Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review Committee or a Special Committee. Please note such information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you f or your interest. THIA 1 i! 1 ! 5 A 11 ■ a O L D* j + l 1 E 11 1 0410 2/01 Agenda i • Pa 20 gECEIVED CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE "Reservoir of Citizens to Serve" NOV 19 20 214 E. Branch Street ARC Y CL RKDE Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Application to Board,, Committee, or Commission PLEASE PLACE A CHECK MARK NEXT TO THE BOARD C M M ITTEE COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU WORLD LIKE TO APPLY You may make more than one selection): ' Planning Commission Pa and Recreation Commission Traffic. Commission Dow ntown P a rking Advisor Board Jelrchitectural Review Committee Historical Resou Committee Special Subcommittees Date of lic ation � � 1 2 r 111e L e / �o , �- )ems C ('I l, , 0-. Last First Hone Address , �' ' - Pone L �- E-mail address (Optional) � Do you reside within the City limits of Arroyo Grande? Yes No Are you a registered voter li No Occupation Employer r Education Include p rofessional or vocational licenses or certificates � 6 io 1 0 V1 C� Community involvement List org memberships and comm ittee assig �- oj)_,y V , 14-i C,�ALIA,4-Vl Ly,,Z41,k-eA /4 Cr, tfLlvi. Z,ue.e`i tart fkI �,fq - f J ) Please describe any background, training, education or interests that qualify you as an appointee �s cv, rkbe, Please attack addIdonal pages ff necessary) P E THE REVE E H M Agenda Item 8.d. Page 21 Advisory BoardlCommitteelCoi"misslon Application Page What do you see as the objectives and goals of the advisory bo rd, committee or commission for which you are applying? �' I -- , ._ . ' . - (+� � k � v � r � f+� Please list three Arroyo G rande re PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM A S A REFERENCES N ame: I � ">n Address: Phone: � - Are you willing to commit to the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of an appointment to a Board, Committee or Commission. Yes No I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of nay knowledge and belief. ? Applicant Signature it- ice - (E�� Date Not ice n i. Applicants appointed by the City Council are requires to take an oath of office. 2 . Mate laver and the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Board Members, Committee Members,, and Commissioners file Statements of Economic Interests Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving an appointed office e.g. sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). . 3. This application is a matter of public. record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ _ _ _,_ _. - _ _._ ._. ._ ._._._._._._._.�.�.�..�._._._._ Please return completed Application to: CITY MANAGEWS OFFICE 214 E. Branch Street A rro y o Grande CA 93420 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 22 RESERVOIR OF CITIZENS TO SERVE 'Planning Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic Commission Years Lived in Arroyo Grande Senior Advisory Commission Registered Voter of Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee Yes Na ✓ Downtown Parking Advisory Board (m stc�wr� busines jr�ti� e Village area) V`01 Historical Resources Committee ��` ;�' J r Special Boards /Committees (varies) NAME -- fat HOME ADDRESS PHONE PRESENT EMPLOYER POSITION,.,,,_ ,_... BUSINESS ADDRESS � � - PHONE EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND . � �- High School � � 5 0 `7 5 a 1 P ;- 1 P -- C College ADDITIO NAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION �� �j�� /X (SlS ZI / yzv! /O* �'�' GCTr /(�t',S <� •1 S/,GGa !��/�iv/ctSc COMMUNITY AND CIVlC_IN TERESTS L.���GL�� .Sly Cr-� 10 .90 6 The City Council would like to have the names of three Arroyo Grande References: DAME ADDRESS otti Ge s z.. f0o<0/l� &/, zi ARE YOU WILLING TO SERVE ON THE COMMISSION/COMMITTEE/BOARD MEETING TIMES SHOWN BELOW: Planning Commission,, First and Third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 PM Yes - o. Parks and Recreation Commission, second Wednesday of each month, 6:30 P M Yes -No Traffic Commission, the day M before th third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM Yes -N o. senior Advisory Comrnisslon, Frst Wed nsday of each month, 3:00 P1 Yes _No. Architectural Rev iew Committee First Monday of each month, 3:15 PM Yes - o_ Downto Parting Advisory Board - Meets as needed Yes No �. Historical Resources Committee - [quarterly meetings anticipated Yes � lo Special Boards /Committees (varies Yes -NO. Signature Date _z The Arroyo Grande City Council requests Information about your interest (arid education, if applicable), In serving on a commisslon or committee, speclflcally your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning Commission, Parks and l ecreaUon CommIssion, Traffic C ommission, senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review Committee, Historical Resources Committee, or a Special Boa rdl omrnittee. Please note such information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your interest. THIS FORM IS MATrER OF PUB _f RECORD IF APPOINTED, COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM IS REQUIRED 3!2005 tr nrvumI , c UMPLET' F STAB F� � � �= �� TERF T r t - Agenda Item 8.d. ��- Page 23 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.d. Page 24 IN RPORATED JULY 10. 19 11 MEMORANDUM F IS To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY I ETMOF E, DIRECTOR of LEGISLATIVE AND INFORMATION OJ SERVICES /CITY CLER BY: DITTY NORTON, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT DEPUTY CITY CLERK lk�l SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TION To REJECT CLAIM FILED AGAINST THE CITY CLAIMANT: D. SLO El DATE. JANUARY 'I'1, 2011 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Council reject the claim and authorize the City Clerk to send standard rejection letter to the claimant as recommended by the City's Claims Administrator, Carl Warren & Company. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact from this action. BACKGROUND Donovan Slover filed a timely claim against the City on September 13, 2010. Carl Warren & Company, the City's claims administrator, is recommending that the claim be rejected on the basis of its investigation and to authorize the City Clerk to send a standard rejection letter to the claimant. The statute of limitations will run sic months from the date the rejection letter is sent. ANALYSIS of ISSUES. As a member of the Californian Joint Powers Insurance Authority C PIA , the City has general liability coverage which includes bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage to a third party that is the result of the City's activities. The CJPIA contracts with Carl Warren & Company "claims administrator) to investigate and respond to claims. Upon completion of Its investigation of the claim submitted by Mr. Slover, the City's claims administrator has recommended that the claim be rejected. The City Council can take no action, and the claim will be deemed rejected by operation of law 45 days after it was presented to the City Clerk. By allowing the claim to e rejected by operation of law, the time period in which a court action may be filed is two ( 2) years from the date of occurrence. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF REJECTION N F CLAIM AGAINST CITY — D. SL OVER JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE Alternatively, the City Council may choose to reject the claim at a public meeting and send written notice of the rejection. This reduces the time period in which a claimant may file a court action to six months following the rejection. ALTERNATIVES: ES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Reject the claim and authorize the City Clerk to send a standard rejection letter to the claimant; Take no action; however, this will extend the statute of limitations to two years. ADVANTAGES: If the Council rejects the claim at a public meeting, the claimant's statute of limitations for filing a court action is reduced to sic months. DISADVANTAGES: TAGES: If the Council does not reject the claim, the claimant's statute of limitations for filing court action is two years. ENVIRONMENTAL IIIENTAL I E 1EVIL: No environmental revie w is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, January 6, 2011. The Agend and report w ere posted on the City's website on Friday, January 7, 2011. N public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.e. Page 2 IRPAATED Jkxy 10. 1911 O N qq MEMORANDUM T: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MAN GERIDIRECT R OF EMERGENCY SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION F RESOLUTION DECLARING A CONTINUED LOCAL EMERGENCY DATE: ,JANUARY 11, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt aw Resolution declaring a continued local emergency. FINANCIAL IMPACT: While there is no direct cost as a result of the proposed action, the City has incurred significant overtime costs for public safety and maintenance division staff as a result of activities associated with the storms. By declaring a local emergency, the City may be able to receive state and/or Federal reimbursement for expenses incurred in response to the emergency. BACKGROUND: The City o Arroyo Grande has experienced n overwhelming amount of rain over the past several weeks. The large amount of unusually heavy rains resulted in heavy runoff which has significantly impacted property within the City. In particular, the following conditions have been experienced: The City's drainage basins located at Ash and Elm streets reached near maximum capacity. During extreme rain Retention Pond Igo. '1, when exceeding arpacity, overflows into Retention Pond ##2. When Retention Pond No. 2 exceeds capacity, the water flows onto Fawrroll Avenue via the storm drain. To keep the water from flowing onto Farroll Avenue,, the storm waters are diverted to Ikeda and Volunteer Sports fields. Turf renovations at Ikeda and Volunteer Fields, including four thousand dollars ( $4,000) in top soil and sic thousand dollars ($6,000) for h dr seeding had just been completed on December ember , 2010. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION F RESOLUTION DECLAIMING A CONTINUED LOCAL EMERGENCY JANUARY 'I I , 2011 PAG E 2 The water diversion to the Soto Sports Complex severely damaged, if not destroyed, the turf at the Soto Complex sports fields. Rainwater undermined the support and nearly exposed a sports light standard. Persistent heavy rainfalls caused localized area street flooding, slope failures, and land subsidence within the City. Rainwater rater washed out the bank in Retention Pond No. 2 and exposed the sidewalk adjacent to the tennis courts. • With additional rains forecasted, heavy ground saturation and partially completed public and private drainage improvement vement projects in the South Eastern portion of the City, there is the potential for significant wide spread additional flooding. Additional flooding has the potential to cause a break in the levy located on the Arroyo Grande Creek, immediately liately Bret of the City boundaries creating a potential threat to the health, safety and welfare o f the residents of the City o Arroyo Grande and the County of San Luis Obispo. • A site within the City limits served as regional temporary 24 hour emergency housing shelter located at Arroyo Grande High School for those residents that were displaced from their homes in neighboring jurisdictions. • Maintenance staff spent a substantial amount of man hours from Sunday (December 19, 2010) through Tuesday might (December 21, 2010 managing storm grater, cleaning drains, patching streets and cleaning downed trees and limbs. Additional storms on January 1 and 2, 2011 have inhibited clean up efforts. O December 22, 2010, a determination was made by the Acting Director of Emergency Services that a local emergency situation exists and a proclamation was issued declaring the existence of a local emergency effective December 19, 2010. These and other related conditions were beyond the capacity of the services, personal, equipment and the facilities of the City o Arroyo Grand including but not limited to: Lair Enforcement Fire Department 0 Maintenance Services 0 Disruption of essential City services. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION DECLARING CONTINUED LOCAL EMERGENCY JANUARY 11 , 2011 PACE 3 ANALYSIS of ISSUES: At an emergency meeting held on December 22, 2010, the City Council adopted Resolution [o. 4331 confirming the Acting Director of Emergency Services /City Managers' Proclamation of Existence of a Local Emergency. Pursuant to Government Code Section 8630 and the City's Emergency Plan, declarations for a local emergency must be reviewed by the governing body at least once every 30 days until the governing body proclaims the termination of such local emergency. The City has incurred, and may continue to incur, significant overtime costs for public safety and maintenance division staff as a result of activities associated with the storms. Materials and equipment have been used over and above normal operational levels. The City of Arroyo Grande has minimal staffing to accomplish regular activities. Therefore, the City may have to rely upon the assistance of outside agencies to provide support and services. Due to the ongoing response and recovery efforts necessary to restore City facilities and ether infrastructure to pre -storm conditions to the degree possible, there is a need for the City to continue to operate under the authority of the local emergency proclamation. ADVANTAGES: Adoption of this Resolution keeps the local emergency proclamation in effect which allows the City to promptly procure services and supplies immediately necessary to recover from storm damages and to mace and issue orders and regulations on matters necessary for the protection of life and property. This action may also provide the City with the opportunity for potential cost recovery for expenses 'incurred in this emergency. DISADVANTAGES: TAGES: No disadvantages have been identified regarding this item. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Adopt a Resolution declaring a continued local emergency; 2. Do not adopt the proposed Resolution and direct staff to prepare a Resolution to terminate the local emergency; or 3. Provide staff direction. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION DECLARING A CONTINUED LOCAL EMERGENCY JANUARY 11 , 2011 PAG E 4 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agendas was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, Janu ry 6, 2011 and on the City's web site on Friday, January 7, 2011. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 4 RESOLUTION No. RESOLUTION N of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, DE, C LIFOF NIA, DECLARING CONTINUED LOCAL EMERGENCY WHEREAS., EAS., California Government Cede section 8630 authorizes local governing bodies to declare local emergencies when such events occur as described in California Government Code section , and that the need for such declarations be reviewed by the local governing body at least once every 30 days until the governing body terminates the local emergency; and WHEREAS, EAS, the heavy storms, which occurred during December 2010, have resulted in heavy runoff which threatened property within the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, on December 22, 2010 the Acting Director of Emergency Services /City Manager Steven Annibali found and determined that a condition of extreme peril to the safety o f persons and property existed within the City and was likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of the City, requiring the combined forces of other political subdivisions to combat; and WHEREAS, on December 22, 2010, Acting Director of Emergency services /City Manager Steven Annibali proclaimed a Local Emergency in the City of Arroyo Grande which took effect retroactively to December 19, 2010; and WHEREAS, at an emergency meeting held December 22, 2010, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 4331 ratifying and confirming the Proclamation of Existence of a Local Emergency, as issued by the Acting Director of Emergency Berries; and WHEREAS, EAS, the above action was taken pursuant to section 8.12.060 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal ipal Code and the City's Emergency Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that such local emergency continues to exist in the City of Arroyo Grande. NOW, THEREFORE, E, E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that pursuant to California Government Code Section 8630, a continued state of local emergency is declared to exist in the City of Arroyo Granite. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the local emergency shall be deemed to continue to exist until its termination is proclaimed by the City Council. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call Grote, to grit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Resolution w adopted this day of January, 2011. Agenda Item 8.f. Page 6 RESOLUTION C* PACE TONY FER A# A, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: T: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J+ CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.f. Page 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.f. Page 8 R INCORPORATED t� r� JULY 1 1911 lF FROM: CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION F ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPOINT THE CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER DATE: JANUARY 11� 2011 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council adopt an Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to appoint the City Clerk and City Treasurer upon the e of the current terms or upon the event of a vacancy. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact from the recommended action. B ACKGROUND : At the June 8, 2010 meeting, staff presented recommendations to place measures on the November 2, 2010 ballot to make the City Clerk and City Treasurer positions appointive rather than elected, along with draft measures and ballot arguments, which were approved at the June 22, 2010 meeting. At the dune 8, 2010 meeting, the City Council also directed staff to place on a future agenda an Ordinance to delegate appointment authority to the City Manager if the measures were approved by a majority of the voters. Measure C- 10 passed by 58.74%, which met the majority voter approval required for changing the City Clerk position from elective to appointive. Measure D -1 g passed by 55.94%, which met the majority voter approval required for changing the City Treasurer position from elective to appointive. Therefore, from and after November 6, 2012, or upon earlier vacancy in the offices of city Clerk or City Treasurer, these shall be appointive positions. The Ordinance was drafted by staff and planed on the December 14, 2010 meeting agenda for council consideration. It was introduced by council at that meeting on a unanimous vote. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPOINT THE CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS of ISSUES: Government Code Section 34856 provides that the City Council can, by ordinance, delegate its appointment authority to the City Manager. This will match the City's organizational structure with current practice and ensure it continues in the future, which staff believes is working well. Kelly Wetmore ore will continue as the Director of Legislative and Information Services /City Clerk. Director of Administrative Services Angela Kraetsch, who currently performs the majority of the treasurer's responsibilities, will also be designated as the City Treasurer. If a vacancy occurs in the future, the same selection process used for other director positrons will be used to ensure a qualified candidate is hired to fill the position. The other sic cities in the County address these positions as follows: Atascadero Grover Beach Morro Bay Paso Robles Pismo Beach San Luis Obispo Elected City Clerk appointed by City appointed by the City Council Appointed by City Manager Elected Appointed by City Manager Appointed by city Manager Manager/ City Treasurer Of particular note, the City of San Luis Obispo recently transferred authority for appointment of the City Clerk from the City Council to the City Manager through a City Charter Amendment measure on the ballot. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Adopt the Ordinance; Do not adopt the Ordinance; - Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Since the City Clerk position is responsible for coordinating election activities and processing recall and referendum petitions, potential conflict situations that can occur when the City Clerk is appointed by the City Council would be avoided. It would help attract the most qualified candidates when vacancies occur because potential candidates may be deterred from applying when the positions are appointed by a Council due to concerns of professional instability that could result from reporting directly to a political body. Supervision and performance evaluation would be provided most effectively since most day to day direction and oversight is provided by the City Manager. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER T APPOINT THE CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER JANUARY 11 PAGE 3 DISADVANTAGES, No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental ental revie is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, January 6, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, January 7, 2011. No public comments were received. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 3 ORDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING SECTION 2.08.070 of THE ARROYO GRANDE DE MUNICIPAL CODE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER To APPOINT THE CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURE E The City council of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Purpose and Authority. At the November 2, 2010 General Municipal Election, the City of Arroyo Grande electorate approved Measures c -10 and D -10 changing the offices of city clerk and city Treasurer from elected to appointed positions. The purpose of this ordinance is to authorize the city Manager to appoint the City clerk and City Treasurer. This ordinan is adopted pursuant to California Constitution, Article 11, Section 7, Government Code Section 36510, and other applicable lair. SECTION 2 Subsection P of Section 2.08.070 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal code relating to the powers and duties of the city Manager is hereby amended to read a follows: "P. city clerk and city treasurer: pursuant to the authority in Government code Section 3651 o, to appoint the city clerk and city treasurer of the City." SECTION 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its final adoption. This ordinance shall apply to the City clerk position upon the e of the terra of office of belly Wetmore, the city clerk who was appointed on August 21, Zoo as if elected on November 4, 200 8. This ordinance shall apply to the city Treasurer position upon the expiration of the term of office of Michelle hayfield, the city Treasurer who was appointed on August 21, 2008 as if elected to the office on November 4, 2008. SECTION 4. Publication. Within fifteen (1 days after passage of this ordinance, it shall be published once, together with the names of the council Members embers voting thereon, in a n of general circulation within the City. O n motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member and by the following roll call note, to wit: AYES: NOES. ABSENT. The foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted this � day of January, 2011. Agenda Item 8.g. Page 4 ORDINANCE NO. PAGE TONY FEFAFA, MAYOR iil 1IF KELLY WETMO E, CITY CLERIC APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED VET S TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.g. Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.g. Page 6 RO INCORP RATED `m y 10' loll MEMORANDUM T: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO CELLULAR TOWER E1 LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS ELESS DATE: JANUARY I I, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: N: It is recommended the City Council: 1 approve the first amendment to the land lease agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for operation of a telecommunications site at 1275 Ash Street; and 2 approve the first amendment to the land lease agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for operation of a telecommunications site at 300 Reservoir Road. FINANCIAL I ICI PACT: The combined revenue of the two leases will be $48,000 per year. This represents a reduction of approximately $8,000 per gear. BACKGROUND: On May 23, 2006, the City entered into a lease with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for property at 1276 Ash Street (Soto Sports Complex) to install and operate a cellular tower telecommunications site. On September 12, 2006, the City entered into another similar lease for property at 30 Reservoir Road (Reservoir #1). The initial terms of the agreements were fire years, which will be automatically extended for four additional five -year terms unless terminated at the end of the term. The lessee recently contacted the City and indicated they would rene w the lease if the City will consider renegotiation of the monthly Cease cost. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Cell tourer leases represent a significant revenue source. Therefore, it is important for the City to renew these and other leases as they reach the end of their first term. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS To CELLULAR TOWER LEASES JANUARY 'I 1 , 2011 PAGE 2 The leases both contain provisions that escalate the lease payment by % each year. Beth leases began at a rate of $2,000 per month and are currently approximately $2,250 and $2,433 per month. Since these leases are the oldest the City entered into at this rate, which was higher than earlier leases, the current rate exceeds all of the other existing lease amounts. Therefore, staff believes it is reasonable to adjust the payment amount in order to secure the extension. Reversing the monthly payment to the original $2,000 is recommended, which will maintain a rate consistent with the highest of the other existing cellular tower leases. The lessee has also requested the escalation factor be changed from % annually to 15% per five year terra, which staff also believes is reasonable. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternative locations were identified for consideration: 1 . Approve the recommended amendments to the leases; 2. Do not approve the recommended amendments and require the lessee to maintain the existing terms or terminate the lease; 3. Direct staff to negotiate an alternate amount; 4. Provide staff other direction. ADVANTAGES: The recommended amendments ensure extension of these leases and revenues for an additional five gears, while at the same time maintaining terms consistent and competitive with other existing cellular tower leases. DISADVANTAGES: The amendments will result in a reduction to the current revenue amount. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item since they are existing facilities. Environmental revie w was completed when the facilities were initially approved. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, January 6, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, January 7, 2011. No comments were received. Attachments: 1. First Amendment to Land Lease Agreement for 1275 Ash Street 2. First Amendment to Land Lease Agreement for Soo Reservoir Road Agenda Item 8.h. Page 2 FIRST AMENDMENT To LAND LEASE AGREEMENT EEMENT This FIRST AMENDMENT To LAND LEASE AGREEMENT T (hereinafter referred to as the "First Amendment" ) is made and entered into this � day of " 2011. by and between the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation formed under the laws of the State of California "LANDLORD" and New Cing lar Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, having a mailing address of 6100 Atlantic Boulevard, Norcross, GA 30071 ("LESSEE"). WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Land Lease Agreement dated May 23, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement "; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, LESSEE leased a portion of real property owned by LANDLORD located at 1 275 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 to allow LESSEE to install, operate and maintain a telecommunications site and related appurtenances; and WHEREAS, EAS, LANDLORD and LESSEE now desire to amend certain portions of the Agreement as set forth in this First Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, E, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffi of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. This First Amendment shall become effective as of March 1, 2011. 2. Section 3 of the Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: T,�, This Lease shall have a term of fire years commencing March 1, 2011 ( "Commencement Date"). This Agreement shall automatically be extended for four (4) additional five year terms unless either party terminates the Lease at the end of the then current terra by giving the other party writt notice of the intent to terminate at least sic 6 months prior to the end of the then current terra. 3. Section of the Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: Rent. On March 1, 2011, and on the first day of each month thereafter, LESSEE shall pay to LANDLORD D Two Thousand and No /100 Dollars $2,000.00 per month "rent"), LESSEE hereby guarantees rent to LANDL for a period of no less than ninety six ( 96) months commencing on March 1, 2011. Rent for any fractional month at the beginning or at the end of the Term or Renewal Terra shall be prorated. Rent shall be payable to LANDLORD at City of Arroyo Grande, P.O. Box 550, Arroyo Grande, DA 93421; Attn: Administrative Services Director. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 3 4. Section of the Agreement is hereby amended in Its entirety as follows: Rent shall b increased automatically on the first day o every five year Term renewal by an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the rent for the previous year. 5. Except as modified herein, all terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, LANDLORD and LESSEE have executed this First Amendment o the day and year first set forth above. CITY F ARROYO GRANDE NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC A Delaware limited liability company STEVEN ADAMS, City Manager ATTEST. Kelly Wetmore, re, City Clerk APPROVED As TO FORMA AND LEGAL EFFECT: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, City Attorney By . Print Dame: Its. Date. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 4 FIRST AMENDMENT T" T LAND LEASE AGREEMENT EEMEI T This FIRST AMENDMENT T T LAND LEASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "First Amendment" ) is made and entered into this day of , 2011, by and between the City o Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation formed under the laws of the State of California ("LANDLORD") F D" and New Cingul ar Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, having a railing address of 6100 Atlantic Boulevard, Norcross, GA 30071 "LESSEE" . WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Land Lease Agreement dated September 12, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, LESSEE leased a portion of real property owned by LANDLORD D located at 300 Reservoir it Road, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 to allow LESSEE to install, operate and maintain a telecommunications site and related appurtenances; and WHEREAS, LANDLORD and LESSEE now desire to amend certain portions of the Agreement as set forth in this First Amendment. NOVA, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, wledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. This First Amendment shall become effective as of March 1, 2011. 2. Section 3 of the Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: Terre This Lease shall have a terra of five yearn commencing March 1, 2011 ("Commencement Date"). This Agreement shall automatically be extended for four (4) additional five year terms unless either party terminates the Lease at the end of the then current terra by giving the other panty written notice of the intent to terminate at least sic months prior to the end of the then current term. 3. Section a of the Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: Fes. On March 1, 2011, and on the first day of each month thereafter, LESSEE shall pay to LANDLORD Two Thousand and N/1 g Dollars ($2,000.00) per month "rent"). LESSEE hereby guarantees rent to LANDLORD for a period of no less than ninety sic (96) months commencing on March 1, 2011. Rent for any fractional month at the beginning or at the end of the Term or Renewal Terre shall be prorated. Rent shall be payable to LANDLORD D art City of Arroyo Grande, P.O. Box 550, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421; Attn: Administrative Services Director. Agenda Item 8.h. Page 5 4 . Section 5 of the Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: Rent shall be increased automatically on the first day of every five 5 year Term renewal by a n amount equal to fifteen percent 15% of the rent for the previous year. 5. Except as modified herein, all terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, LANDLORD and LESSEE have executed this First Amendment on the day and year fiat set forth above. CITY of ARROYO GRANDE E NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCs, LLC A Delaware limited liability company STEVEN ADAMS, City Manager ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk APPROVED E AS To FORA AND LEGAL EFFECT: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL,, City Attorney By: Print fie: Its: Date: Agenda Item 8.h. Page 6 INCORPORATED JULY 10, 19 11 C at IN MEMORANDUM I IF OR TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA IIDLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: LES EVANS, PROJECT ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP AG 8 -0078 LOCATED AT 127 NELSON STREET AND 138 SHORT STREET CONSTRUCTED BY THE PRUETT FAMILY TRUST DATE: JANUARY 11, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt a resolution accepting improvements for Parcel Map AG 0-0078 located at 127 Nelson Street and 138 Short Street constructed by the Pruett Family Trust. FUNDING: There are minor financial impacts in that maintenance of these facilities will be funded from City maintenance funds in future years. The Developer will provide a one -year warranty bond insuring any defects that may appear in the improvements. BACKGROUND: The City Council approved Final Parcel Map AG 08-0078 n June 23, 2009, subject to conditions of approval. The conditions included requirements from the Communit Development, Building and Fire, Parks Recreation and Facilities, and Public Works Depa rtments. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: As a condition of the development, the applicant was required to provide the following public improvements: Replace the existing drop inlet at the northeast corner of Bridge Street and Nelson Street with a curb opening drop inlet with fossil filter insert. 0 Install curb, gutter and sidewalk on the frontage o f 127 Nelson Street. All improvements have been completed and inspected. Agenda Item 8J. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP AG 8 -0078 LOCATED AT 127 NELSON STREET AND 138 SNORT STREET JANUARY 11 o 2011 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Accept the improvements and release the bond. - Do not accept the improvements or release the bond . Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: By accepting the public improvements the City will have ownership of facilities in the public right-of-way and within dedicated easements. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No envi review is required. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda for this meeting was posted at City Hall o Thursday, January 6, 2011 and the agenda and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, January 7, 2011. As of the writing of this staff report, no public comment had been received. Agenda Item 8J. Page 2 RESOLUTION CVO, A RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP AG -0078, LOCATED AT 1 NELSON STREET AND 138 SHORT STREET CONSTRUCTED UCTED Pr UETT FAMILY TRUST WHEREAS, the City Council approved Final Parcel Map AG 08 -08, located at 127 Nelson Street and 138 Short Street, on .June 23, 2009; WHEREAS, S, the project was conditioned to construct certain public improvements; and WHEREAS, EAS, the developer has constructed the improvements required by the conditions of approval for Parcel Map AG 8 -08; and WHEREAS, staff has inspected the improvements and finds they are constructed in accordance with the approved plans for the project; and WHEREAS, EAS, the developer has provided the 10% warranty security as required by the conditions of approval, to be released at the conclusion of the one -year warranty period, provided the improvements are still in satisfactory condition. NO W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the following for Parcel Map AG 08 -00: 1. The drop inlet at the northeast corner of Bridge Street and Nelson Street with a curb opening drop inlet with fossil filter insert. 2. Curb, gutter and sidewalk installation at 127 Nelson Street. On motion of Council Member Council Member # seconded by Council Member, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of January 2011. Agenda Item 8J. Page 3 RESOLUTION N. PAGE TONY FER AF A, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY 1 ETMO E, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8J. Page 4 R INCORPORATED *� MEMORANDUM JULY 1o, loll C NN To: CITY COUNCIL C FROM: TERESA I ICCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Y, LES E ANS, PROJECT ENGINEER DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION of APPROVAL of GRANTING UTILIT EASEMENTS To THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY AND PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY DATE: JANUARY 11, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended mended that the City Council approve granting utility easements in 01ohan Alley and in the City - owned area east of the Conrad House to the Southern California Gas Company "Gas Company" and Pacific Gas and Electric Company ("PG&E and authorize the May to e the easements on behalf of the City. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with granting the utility easements. B ACKGROUND: O n August 24, 2010 the City Council approved Nesting Tentative Parcel Map 10 -002 and Conditional Use Permit 10 -002 for The Shops at Short Street a one story 5,802 square --feet retail commercial development at 200 East Branch Street. The project is under construction and is scheduled for completion prior to July 2011. Gas and electric service to the building requires easements on City-owned property. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: In order to serve the new commercial project, a utility easement on City property in Johan Alley will be required for the Gas Company and a utility easement in 0 1ohan Alley and on City - o wned property east of the Conrad House will be required for PG &E. The new gas line, serving the Shops at Short Street, will connect to an e gas line in Short Street and will extend to the existing gas meter at the Conrad House. The proposed 10 -foot wide easement will be adjacent to the City NKT property line. The new electrical service line will connect to an e electrical line in are existing easement along the east side of the Conrad House property (now owned by ITT Commercial, LLC ) and will then extend onto City -owned property east of the Conrad Agenda Item 8.j. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of APPROVAL AL CAF GRANTING SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY AND COMPANY JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE 2 UTILITY EASEMENTS To THE PACIFIC Gels AND ELECTRIC House property where a new transformer box will be set. An alternative transformer location on the Conrad House property was rejected to avoid impacts to several large trees and a tree dedicated to the City in memory of a departed loved one. The location of the new PG&E easement in 01ohan Alley will coincide with the new Gas Company easement. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Approve the granting of the utility easements. - Do not approve the granting of the utility easements. Direct staff to revise the easement locations. Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Approval will enable development of the previously approved commercial project to proceed on schedule. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: 1EW: No environmental review is required for this ministerial item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda for this meeting was posted on Thursday, January 6, 2011 at City Hall and the agendas and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, January 7, 2011. As of the writing of this staff report, no public comment had been received. Attachments: Grant of Easement to the Southern California Gas Company Easement Deed to Pacific Gas and Electric Company Agenda Item 8.j. Page 2 RESOLUTION No. RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING UTILITY EASEMENTS To THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GIs COMPANY AND PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY WHEREAS, S, the city council approved a commercial development at 20 East Branch Street; and WHEREAS, the project was conditioned to relocate existing utilities including those owned by the Southern California Gas Company and Pacific Gas & Electric; and WHEREAS, EAS, the relocated utilities are most effectively located in easements on property owned by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, E, E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande, as follows: 1. Hereby grants a non-exclusive utility easement to the Southern California Gas Company as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and authorizes the Mayor to execute the easement. 2. Hereby grants a non-exclusive utility easement to Pacific Gas and Electric Company as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and authorizes the Mayor to execute the easement. O motion of Council Member and by the following roll call vote, to it: seconded by Council Member AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2011. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY FERIRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERIC APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER ER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY . CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Agenda Item 8.j. Page 4 Exhibit "A" Recording Requested by Southem California Gas Compan When recorded mail to: South em California Gas Company W. 5th St. 5 M. GT 26C'2 [, s Ange le s, CA 940 1 -1011 Attn.: Land & Right of 4 {air SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDEWS USE Atlas ## SLo 7060 -1 APT: 007 - 492 -004 R.W. 258,3 5 3 I)OCUMENTALRY DLA NSFER TAX 0 Sou b rn California Gas Company GRANT O E ASEMENT CITE'' OF ALRRoyo G - ro , h grants to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA G COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA OR RArTIO . its successors an assigns t o G� . "TE r� - exclusive easement to construct, maintain., operate, add to, extend, one or more pipelines, together w ith metering, and other appurtenances (all hereinafter referred to as the "Facilities") for the distribution of natural gas, with the reasonable fight of ingress and egress to the Facilities, located in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, In the State of Califomia. 10.00 foot strip of land, lying 5 .00 feet on each side of the centerline described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit `'B ". lying within and being a part o the parcel d ri' ed a follows A portion of Lot. 16 in Block 6 of Subdivision of Property belonging to lAT.N. Short, T.J. Mason and W. Whiteley, in the City of Arroyo Grande. County of San Luis Obispo State of Calxfomia, according to 'nap filed October l , 1.887 in Boob. A, Page 4 8 o f Maps, in the o ffice of th C ounty Recorder of said County, and a portion of lot 82 of parts of the Ranchos Corral de Piech - a, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemi al, in the City of rroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State o C:alifomia, a to reap filed N'o emb r 2 4, 18 8 6 in B ook A, 'age of Map s, in the offi c e of the County Recorder of said County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these presents are hereby sighed this day of 20 CITY of ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation: TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS To FORM: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK TIMOTHY J. C ARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY F orm 1390 -A � .............. Agendry ojo Page 5 1211 4110 DH-C EXHIBIT " A" Legal Description fo r GAS EASEMENT A 1 0.00 foot wide strip of land located within a portion of Lot 16 in B lock S ubdi v i si on of Property belonging to W.N. Short, T.J. Mason and W. Whiteley, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of Sari Luis Obispo, State of alif mi a, according to snap filed October 1, 1887 in Book A, Page 48 of Maps, in the office of the County recorder of said County, and a Portion of Lot 82 of parts of the Ranchos Corral de. Piedr , Pismo and Bolsa cue Chemi al, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to map filed November 24, 1886 in Book A, Page 63 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, lying 5.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said Lot 16, said point also being the north corner of said Block 6; thence southeasterly along the westerly line of said Lot, South 33 °01'09' East, 1 6.93 feet., said line also being the northeasterly right of Short Street as shown on said map; thence southwesterly at right angles to the westerly line of said Lot, South 56 °58'51" West, 13.00 feet; thence southeasterly and parallel to the westerly line of said Lot, South 33 °01'09" East, 53.55 feet; thence northeasterly at right angles to the westerly line of said Lot, North 56 °58'5 1 " Bast, 13.00 feet$ thence southeasterly along the westerly line of said Lot, South 33 °01'09" East, 42.50 feet to a point on a parallel line, distant southeasterly 5.00 feet, measured at right angles from the southeasterly line of that property described in Grant Deed to The Shops at Short Street, LLC recorded October 20, 2010 as Instrument Number 2010052571 on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County, said point being the True Point of Beginning; thence along said parallel line and its northeasterly prolongation, South °09'32" Bast 82.83 feet to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the westerly line of that property described in the Grant Deed to Nicholas J. Tompkins recorded October 20, 2010 as Instrument lumber 20100525 75 on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County, thence along said prolongation Forth 32 °50'27" West 16.37 feet to the southwesterly corner of said Property; the side lines of said strip to be lengthened or shortened to terminate on the southeasterly lines of those properties described in said Grant Deeds. Containing; 987 s.f. more or iANo Legal Description prepared by or under the Supervision of: �a +� O. 93 w Cristi E. Pry L.S. 8356 Page 1 of 1 IIS1ovakuItlsharreV BSI 1 1,00 5 5 41Legal D ser1ptionsl A S LINE E SEMENT.doc Agenda Item 8.j. Page 6 .A I Agenda Item 8.j. Page 7 Distribution Easement (Rev. 0 109) RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND RETURN TO: PA CI IC GAS AND ELECTRIC '1 C COMPA N Land Services Office 4325 South Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Location: CityUninc Recording Fee Document Transfer Tax [ This is conveyance where the comideration and value is less than 100.00 (R&T 11 11 [ ] Computed on FuH Valve ofPmperty Conveyed, or ] Computed on F uU Value Less Liens & Encumbrances Re afi - dng at Time of Sale. Side of d echv& t or agent dung tax Exhibit "B" (SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE OILY) L # 2232 -1 _ AS VENT DEED CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a. municipal corporation, hereinafter called first party, hereby grants to PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a Califomia. corporation, hereinafter called second party, the aright from time to time to construct, reconstruct, install, inspect, maintain, replace, remove, and use facilities of the type hereinafter specified, together with a right of way therefor, within the easement area as hereinafter set forth, and also ingress thereto and egress therefrom, over and across the lands of first party situate in the city of Arroyo , C01Mty Of San Luis Obispo. state of California, described as follows: APN 007 - 492 -004 (portion) Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Block 6 of the .Subdivision of Property of W.N. Short, T. J. Mason and W. Whiteley as said lots and block are shown upon the map filed for record in Boob A of Maps at pace 48, San Luis Obispo County Records, and that portion of Lot B2 of the Subdivision of parts of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisal as said lot is shown upon the map filed for record in Book A of Maps at pace 63, Saxe Luis Obispo County Records lying northwesterly of the centerline of Arroyo Grande Creek; excepting therefrom the portion thereof lying within the boundary lines of the city street known as East Branch Street. Excepting therefrom the parcel of land described in the deed from City of Arroyo Grande to The Shops at Short Street, LLC dated October 15, 2010 and recorded as Document Dumber 2010-052571, Sari Luis Obispo County Records. Excepting therefrom the parcel of land described in the deed from City of Arroyo Grande to Nicholas J. Tompkins dated October 15, 2010 and recorded as Document Number 2010 - 052575, San Luis Obispo County Records. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 8 Distribution Easement rev. 07109) Said facilities and easement area are described as follows: Such underground conduits, pipes, manholes, service boxes, wires, c . les, and electrical conductors; aboveground marker posts, risers, and service pedestals; s; underground and aboveground ground s Itc es, fuses, terminals, and transformers with associated concrete pads; and fixtures and appurtenances necessary to any and all thereof, as second party deems necessary for the distribution of electric energy and communication purposes located wit i.n the strip of land described as f ollows: See Exhibit ""A and Exhibit "B"' attached hereto and made a part hereof . First party further grants to second party the right, from time to time, to trim or to out down any and all trees and brush now or hereafter within said easement area, and shall have the further right, from time to time, to trim and cut down trees and bush along each side of said easement area which now or hereafter in the o irdon of second party may interfere with or be a hazard to the facilities installed hereunder, or as second party deems necessary to comply with applicable licable state or federal regulations. First ply shall not erect or construct any building or other structure or drill or operate any well within said easement area. First party farther grants to second party the right to assign to another public utility as defined in Section 216 of the Califor la Public Utilities Code the right to install, inspect, maintain, replace, remove and use communications facilities within easement area (including ingress hereto and egress therefrom). First party acknowledges that they have read the "Grant of Easement Disclosure Statement"', Exhibit "C"'), attached hereto and made a part hereof The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and bind the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. Dated 1 20 12108110 Los Padres Division San Luis Obispo Land Services Office Electric Di t r ibijt d.an (ID, x`325, 813E ) (See. 21, NDi of SEA) (Sec. 2 2 , N WI ,, 4 o f S'AT;i} FE RC: NIA Dwg . Exhibits Plat - -09 Affected LD : A Cross Ref- D : / Interest: 04, 06, 43 BE: NIA P I: 30810'692 N. 1A County: San Luis Obispo Utility Notice A 851 Approval Application 851 Approval Decision # trplcj L# 51'786.doc CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation: TONY FERRARA, MAYOR F av KELLY I ETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY .-Age-nda Item-8 0j. - Page 9 12/13/10 CF EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description for ELECTRIC EASEMENT Those 10.00 foot wide strips of land located within portions of Lots 15 and 16 in Bloch 6 of Subdivision of Property belonging to W.N. Short, T.J. Mason and W. Whiteley, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of Sari Luis Obispo, State of California, according to map filed October 1, 1887 in Book A, Page 48 of Maps, in the office of the County recorder of said County, and a portion of Lot 82 of parts of the ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and >olsa de Chemisal, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of Sari Luis Obispo, State of California, according to map filed November 24, 1886 in Book A, Page 63 of Maps, in the office of the County recorder of said County, lying 5.00 feet on each side of the followin described centerlines: Commencing at the northwesterly corner of said Lot 16, said point also being the northwesterly corner of said Block 6; thence southeasterly along the westerly lire of said Lot, South 33'01'09" East, 1 6.93' feet, said line also being the northeasterly right -of -way of Short Street as shown on said map; thence southwesterly at right angles to the westerly line of said Lot, South 5 °58'51" Vest, 13.00 feet; thence southeasterly and parallel to the westerly line of said Lot, South 33 °01'09" East, 53.55 Feet; thence northeasterly at right angles to the westerl y line of said Lot, North 5 6'5 8'51" East, 13.00 feet; thence southeasterly along the westerly line of said Lot, South 33 °01'09" East, 42.50 Feet to a point on a parallel Brie, distant southeasterly 5.00 feet, measured at right angles from the southeasterly boundary of that property described in Grant Deed to The Shops at Short Street, L,L C recorded October 20, 2010 as Instrument Number 2010052571 on file in the office of the Counter Recorder of said County; thence along said parallel Tine North 5 °09'32" East 12.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said parallel line and its northeasterly prolongation, Forth 5 °09'32" East 38.00 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "A "; thence continuing along said northeasterly prolongation North 5'7 °09'32" East 32.82 feet t a point hereinafter referred to as Point "B""; thence continuing along said northeasterly prolongation North 57'09'32" East 45.52 feet; thence Forth 12° 10'20" East 3 0.2 9 feet; thence North 32 °5 ' 19 "' W est 3.33 feet; thence South 5 °02'41" west 2.54 feet; thence North 8 9 °04'42" Vest 15.77 feet to a point on the easterly Brie of that property described in the Grant Deed to Nicholas J. Tompkins recorded October 20, 2010 as Instrument Number 2010052575 on file in the office of said County Recorder. Beginning at said Point "A"; thence Forth 32'50'27" West 15.39 feet to the terminus of said centerline at a point on the southeasterly boundary of said property described in said Grant Deed to The Shops at Short Street, LLC and said centerline there terminating. Page 1 of 11S1ovau1tlshare\J BS\1 1.00554NLegal DescriptionsTLEC EA EMENT.do Agenda Item 8.j. Page 10 Legal Description fo r E L ECTRIC RIC ASEME T ( Cont inue d . .. 1 CF Beginning at said Point "B "; thence Forth 32 °50'27" West 15.39 feet to the southeast corner of said property described in said Grant Decal to The Shops at Short Street, LLC; thence along the easterly line thereof, Forth 32 °50'27" West o. 98 feet to the terminus of said centerline at the southwest corner of that property described in said Grant Deed to Nicholas J. Tompkins, the side lines of said strip to he lengthened or shortened to terminate o n the southeasterly boundaries of those properties described in said Grant Deeds. Containing: 1,893 s.f more or less Jj, NQ. 8358 �Y If AF CAS -t Legal Description prepared by or under the Supervision o: Crlstl E Fry L.S. 8 P age 2 of 2 11 lovaultl har VOBs111.00 41Lega1 DescriptionsTLEC EA EMENT.do Agenda Item 8.j. Page 11 EXHIBIT ' A' ELECIR /C EASEMENT EXH /B /T 02 1E, MM SEC 21 N EISE �' SEC 22 NWISW h 0 4ti trW/h&m awc SCA LE: — J PM 30816692 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 12 BRANCH 5 TREE P. D. S. ROAD AND U7 7UM S OFFER OF DEDICA 7" 5 DEM9 4 6 # A r S56 58'51 O W 1 3.00" UK . I'll Mrrav 2010 - 062575 3 PROPDS D BUILDIN PARCEL PM AG 10-0 N89 x'42 *'W " N56 8 *� 1 T Ail P �����6 1.5# 77 1,100 0 ' S WOPS SHORT SMET lrL STING I D S57'02 1'"W 2.34 MTO 871 09111RAD D. 9 N3250`271ow 500* ffl " 1539' ,i 2 C # ,2 9 57 19"W 1 • * ■ # � X 32 � N7 � CL 10 ' N5 7 V9 "32T Pow "A 10 PaN;r 08'0 5.00 o- ELEMRIC EA smiw r 12 . 00 I • r 0. ice• .0' jo s aryOF ARROYO CoRANDE 02 1E, MM SEC 21 N EISE �' SEC 22 NWISW h 0 4ti trW/h&m awc SCA LE: — J PM 30816692 Agenda Item 8.j. Page 12 Distribution Eacrncnt acv. 07109) Pacific Gas and Electric Company EXHIBIT "C" GRANT OF EASEMENT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT This Disclosure Statement will assist you in evaluating the request for granting an easement to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) to accommodate a utility service extension to PG &E's applicant. Please read this disclosure carefully before signing the Grant of Easement. • You are under no obligation or threat of condemnation by PG&E to grant this easement. 0 The granting of this easement is an accommodation to PG&E's applicant requesting the extension of PG&E utility facilities to the applicant's property or project. Because this easement is an accommodation for a service extension to a single customer or group of customers, PG&E is not authorized to purchase any such easement. • By granting this easement to PG &E, the easement area may be used to serve additional customers in the area. Installation of any proposed facilities outside of this easement area will require an additional easement. • Removal and/or pruning of trees or other vegetation on your property may be necessary for the installation of PG&E facilities. You have the option of having PG&E's contractors perform this work on your property, if available, or granting permission to PG&E's applicant or the applicant's contractor to perform this work. Additionally, in order to comply with California fire laws and safety orders, PG&E or its contractors will periodically perform vegetation maintenance activities on your property as provided for in this grant of easement in order to maintain proper clearances from energized electric lines or other facilities. 0 The description of the easement location where PG &E utility facilities are to be installed across your property must be satisfactory to you. 0 The California Public Utilities Commission has authorized PG&E's applicant to perform the installation of certain utility facilities for utility service. In addition to granting this easement to PG&E, your consent may be requested by the applicant, or applicant's contractor, to work on your property. Upon completion of the applicant's installation, the utility facilities will be inspected by PG &E. When the facility installation is determined to be acceptable the facilities will be conveyed to PG&E by its applicant. By signing the Grant of Easement, you are acknowledging that you have react this disclosure and understand that you are voluntarily granting the easement to PG &E. Please return the signed and notarizcd Grant of Easement with this Disclosure Statement attached to PG&E. The duplicate copy of the Grant of Easement and this Disclosure Statement is for your records. Agenda Item 8.j. Page 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.j. Page 14 RO GN INCORPORATED " M MEMORANDUM JULY lo, 1911 OF Vt T: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TE ESA I I CLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: MIKE LINN, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION F AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO CROSNO CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESERVOIR AND ORO BOOSTER STATION UPGRADES, PROJECT PW 2010-11 DATE: JANUARY 11, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Award a contract for Construction of Reservoir it and Oro Booster Station Upgrades to Crosno Construction, Inc. in the amount of $524,877.68; 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $52,488.00, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project (total construction costs = $524,877.88 + $52,488.00 = $577,365.68); and 8. Approve a Fourth Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Wallace Group; and 4. Authorize the City Manager to sign the amendment. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Capital Improvement Program gran budget includes $877,592.00 for the project. Based on the lowest responsive bid received, the estimated total to construct the project is approximately $875,000-00, including design, testing and contract administration. BACKGROUND: O February 10, 2009, the Council revised the Capital Improvement Pr gram to include construction of an additional grater storage tank in lieu of a connection between the Rancho Grande and Oro pressure zones and approved a second amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Wallace Group to complete the revised project design. O October 12, 2010, the Council adopted a resolution for a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project and approved the construction plans and specifications. Agenda Item 8.k. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of AN AWARD of CONTRACT To CROSNO CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION of RESERVOIR 6 AND ORo BOOSTER STATION UPGRADES, PROJECT, PW 2010-11 JANUARY 11 o 2011 PAGE The project will be performed on two separate sites as follows: Reservoir No The work shall consist of the construction of a new 250,000 gallon above - ground gelded steel water storage tank, measuring 26 feet in height and 44 feet in diameter. Tank appurtenances include; outside and inside ladders, roof hatch, vent, Monobot r anway overflow/drain, guard railing walkway, tie -downs and clips, handhoies to accommodate future cathodic protection anodes, and an inlet outlet pipe with an internal mining system. The scope of work includes site grading, paving and drainage improvements. Oro Booster station The booster station, located on Oro Drive north of Platino Lane, provides water to the existing Reservoir No. 3 and the proposed Reservoir No. 6. The project will remove the existing pumps and electrical from the pump house, increase the pipe diameters, 'install two new 25 hp pumps oo gpm and update the electrical and SCADA controls. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: On December 7, 2010, nine bids were opened for the Construction of Reservoir 6 and Oro Booster Station Upgrades project. The lowest responsive bid, from Drosno Construction, Inc., was in the amount of $524,877.68. Staff has determined the bid to be responsive and recommends the award of a construction contract to Crosno Construction, Inc. Staff further requests that Council approve Wallace Group Contract Amendment No. for the estimated amount of $41,900.00 to provide engineering support services during construction. The scope of work includes; attendance at pre - construction and project meetings, ans wering requests for information and change order review, review of design submittals and the development of record drawings. All work shall be performed as directed by City staff during construction on an hourly basis. The contract time is Zoo calendar days. Work is expected to begin in February and complete by the end of September. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staffs recommendations to a ward a construction contract to the lowest responsive bidder and approve the consultant contract amendment; Agenda Item 8.k. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TF ACT T CROSNO CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESERVOIR 6 AND ORO BOOSTER STATION UPGRADES, ES, PROJECT, PW 2010-11 JANUARY 11, 2011 PACE 3 2. Do not award a construction contract nor consultant contract amendment for the project at this time; or 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The construction of Reservoir 6 creates redundant water storage and allows Reservoir it 3 to be taken out o service for cleaning and maintenance, which has not been performed since its construction over 32 gears ago. The additional tank enables the City to meet the fire storage needs for the existing customers within the area. The project will also modernize the Oro Booster Station by increasing its pumping capacity to supply the reservoirs to meet California Department of Public Health Standards. The City contracted with the Wallace Group to perform design services for the project. Contract Amendment No. 4 ensures continuity and efficiency in having the original designer respond to questions and assist City staff in administering the project. DISADVANTAGES: There are no disadvantages identified at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: : On October 12, 2010, Council adopted a resolution approving a Negative Mitigated Declaration for the project and a Mitigated Monitoring Plan in accordance with CE QA guidelines. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hail on Thursday, January 6, 2011. The agenda and staff reports were posted o the City's website on Friday, January 7, 2011. No public comments were received as o f the time of preparation of this report. Attachment: 1. Bid Tabulations 2. Fourth Amendment to Wallace Gaup Consultant Services Agreement Agenda Item 8.k. Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF gain t- -W =- f BID OPENING LOG SHEET ; > A L F0 R N A _ Deadline: December 7, 2010; 2:00 p.m. f Construction of Reservoir 8 /Oro Booster Station SU BMITTED BY: TOTAL. Paso Robles Tank, Inc $ 881 ,482.00 Hemet, CA B rough Construction, Inc. $ 588,982.50 Arroyo Grande, CA Baker, Inc. 5399177.00 Arroyo Grande, CA SIess Construction Co., Inc. 5479700.00 Santa Mara, CA MGE Undeground $ 777 Paso Robles, CA .John Madonna Construction Co., Inc. $ 881 San Luis Obispo, CA Avila Construction 834,088.00 Santa Margarita, CA Vinciguerra Construction $ 641,373.00 Pismo Beach, CA Crosno Construction Inc. $ 5247877-68 Arroyo Grande, CA Kitty i , Deputy City Clerk * City Manager Director of Community Development Assistant City Engineer Agenda Item 8.k. Page 4 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT EEIMENT ATTACH MEI T 2 AMENDMENT I. This Fourth Amendment "Fourth Amendment" to Consultant's Services Agreement ("CSK) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and WALLACE GROUP is rude and entered into this day o January 2011, based on the following facts: WHEREAS, the parties entered into a CSA dated March 11, 2008, to design the Pressure Zone Connection Project; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a First Amendment to CSA dated October 11, 2008, to analyze alternatives to the Oro Pressure Zone Connection Project; and WHEREAS, EAS, the parties entered into a Second Amendment to CSA dated October 11 , 2008, to revise the scope of the design for the Pressure Zone Connection Project to the design of Reservoir it No. 6 and Oro Booster Station Upgrade Project; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Third Amendment to CSA dated August 25, 2009, to include landscaping and environmental documentation for the Construction of Reservoir No. 6 and Oro Booster Station Upgrade project; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the CSA as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, F E, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. To include the additional services at the increased cost as specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the CSA, as amended, shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, E F, CITY and CONSULTANT T have executed this Fifth Amendment the day and year first above written. WALLACE CE G UP . CITY F ARROYO GRANDE Tony Ferrara, (Mayor Agenda Item 8.k. Page 5 CONTRACT AMENDMENT Project Name. Reservoir 6 and Oro Booster Station Client Name: City of Arroyo Grande CA No. 4 Proj ect/Phase N o. 0232 -5910 Attention: alike Unn Date: October 2 6, 201 o Address: 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California 93420 Wallace Group requests the Client's authorization to proceed with revisions to the contract agreement for the above referenced project as herein described. Approval below incorporates this document as a part of the original contract signed March 1 1 r 2008 If approved, please return one signed original Contract Amendment to Wallace Group. Description and Purpose of the Revision(s) Task 1; Engineering Services During Construction Wallace Group will provide support services to the City of Arroyo Grande during the construction of the Oro Booster Station and Reservoir 6 Project. It is estimated that the contract duration will be no more than 200 calendar days. The following services will be provided during construction; • Wallace Group will attend a pre - construction meeting with City staff and the Contractor - two ( ) Wallace Group staff at four (4) hours each. Wallace Group will prepare the meeting agenda and minutes for this meeting. • Wallace Group will attend on -site meetings with City staff and the Contractor at the City's request. For budgeting purposes, WaI lace Group assumes that we will attend the meetings weekly for a total of 2 meetings at four () hours each. It i s assumed that the City staff (per specifications) will prepare the agendas and meeting notes for these meetings. At the City's request, Wallace Group can prepare the meeting agendas and minutes. • WaIIace Group w!11 review up to 25 submittals (two () reviews per each submittal) per the specifications. The submittals will include, but not be limited to: Project Schedule and work Plan - Pothole Reports - Tree Protection Plan Traffic Control Plan Asbestos Cement Pipe Handling Plan -- Layout of Site Barriers and Fences Fxcavation Safety /Shoring Plan - Sieve Analysis Piping and Fittings and Associated Appurtenances - Dlsinfectin a rid hydrostatic Test Plan Chlorinated water Disposal Plan O&M Manuals - operational Validation and System Validation Test Plans Procedures Plan - O&M Training Schedule/Plan - Substantial Completion Submittal Coatings Product Data - Hydrodynamic Mixing System - Va Ives Shop Drawings for Electrical Utility System Agenda Item 8.k. Page 6 - Electrical Equipment and Appurtenances Fencing and Gates - Double Ball Expansion Joint Tarok Drawings Water Utility Pumping Station - Pumps and Control Valves • Wallace Group will revie w and respond to Requests for Interpretation and Clarification (RFI and RFC . Wallace Group has estimated forty ) hours to respond to RFl and RFC requests. • Wallace Group will review and respond to up to Contract Change Order ) Requests, Wallace Group has estimated forty () hours to respond to requests Tai : Record Drawings Wallace Group will prepare record drawings for the City of Arroyo Grande in accordance with the project specifications. Wallace e Group assumes that the Contractor and/or the City's Inspector will provide sufficient detail (horizontal and vertical ) oof all facilities, existing and constructed, that are different than what is shown on the signed plan set. Our fee for this task is based on c mpleticn o record drawings for 26 sheets. Wallace Group will provide the City with one (1) set of signed mylar drawings and an electronic PDF of th record drawings. Revision(s) Represent: Revision(s) Fee: a charge in previous instructions ) hourly (time & materials) $41,900 X a change in Scope of Services progress billing: ( ) other: } not-to-exceed w/o authorization; Revisions) will be invoiced a: increase to an item within the existing contract X a ne w item added to existing contract Issued b, WALLACE GROUP, a California Corporation Avor ve l by Client Signature: Signature: Print Name: Steven G. Tanaka, PE 49779 Print Name. Title: Director of Water Resources Title: Date: October 26, 2010 Date: Agenda Item 8.k. Page 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.k. Page 8 ROY A. INCORPORATED rM JULY 10. 1911 XF 1 FQ� MEMORANDU TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BELLY HEFFERNO , ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: ITEM 9a: CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CASE NO. 10-003; AMEND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTIONS 1 6.04.070 AND 1 6.32.030 TO ALLOW ROUNDING P FOR A FRACTIONAL UNIT OF 0.51 OR GREATER WHEN CALCULATING ALLOWABLE DENSITY IN THE MULTIPLE-FAMILY MF ) ZONING DISTRICT; APPLICANT — CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION CIT DATE: JANUARY Il 2011 RECOMMENDATION: Continue Item 9a to the January 25, 2011 City Council meeting. BACKGROUND: This Item is being continued to the January 25, 2011 City Council meeting to allow the Planning Commission time to consider the item and make a recommendation to Council. ANALYSIS: The item w originally scheduled for the January 4, 2011 Planning Commission meeting, which was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. It has been rescheduled for the January 18, 2011 Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: A Public Hearing Notice was published in The Tribune on December 31, 2010. No written comments have been received to date for the proposed Development Code Amendment. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 9.a. Page 2 INCORPORATED MEMORANDUM JULY 10, 1911 IF Vt TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE GROUNDWATER AND STATE WATER FROM THE OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (OCSD) DATE: JANUARY 11 # 2011 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve the proposal for either: 1 a permanent purchase of 100 acre feet of groundwater and 150 acre feet of State water from the Oceano Community services District CSD); or 2 a permanent purchase of 250 acre feet Of unspecified water from O CSD that could be Lopez water, state grater Or gr as determined by OCSD on an ongoing basis. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The estimated initial Ongoing cost of purchasing 100 acre feet of groundwater from CSD is $1 05,000. This is based on a per acre foot cost o f $1 ,050 arrived at through the direct cost of State grater minus the cost of pumping the groundwater. The initial estimated annual cost of purchasing State water is approximately $21 0,000, which includes the current State water cost of $1 ,325 per acre foot plus $75 per acre foot for drought buffer. A one -time payment Of $750,000 to CSD for capital costs associated with State Water is proposed. It is recommended that the capital payment and the first year of groundwater purchased be funded from the Water Availability Fund. There is currently a fund balance in the Water Availability Fund of approximately $1.5 million. When eliminating the current temporary water purchase agreement, this will result in a net annual cost increase o f approximately $'165,000. It is recommended to avoid any increase in rates the first year by funding the initial year of the agreement through the Hater Availability Fund. It is estimated that the purchase would result in a future rate increase of approximately 4.8% thereafter. Please note than there will be an additional increase in rates due to other capital and operating cost increases, as well as a potential need to compensate for lost revenue experienced from the conservation efforts. However, this is the amount of the increase that would be directly attributable to this recommendation. mendation. Agenda Item 10.a. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL OCSD HATER PURCHASE JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE 2 If the grater source is unspecified, ongoing costs would vary, but would be somewhere in the range of $200,000 and $350,000 based on existing costs of these g rater sources. The net cost 'increase w uId be between $110,000 and $200 # 000. It is anticipated that the initial up front capital cost would remain the same. BACKGROUND: In August 2005, the City entered into a tiro -year temporary water purchase agreement with O CSD for up to 100 acre feet as necessary. Under this agreement, the City was only charged for water it used. The City's water usage remained within its existing allocation during this period of time, so no water was actually purchased. In January 2003, after using o 99% o f the City's water supply, the city rene wed the Agreement with OCSD, but this time for a -year period. The objective was to provide sufficient time to develop other supplemental water supply alternatives. The grater purchased has been utilized through the second year of the Agreement. Staff has been in discussions with OCSD staff regarding an increased permanent purchase of grater supply. Negotiations involved the purchase of 200 acre feet of Lopez grater. However, at a November 11 meeting, the OCSD Board of Directors voted 3 -2 not to pursue a sale of Lopez crater to Arroyo Grande. At the December Stn meeting, the Board again voted to reject a recommendation from their staff to sell 100 acre feet of Lopez water to Arroyo Grande. It is staffs understanding the basis for the OCSD Board of Directors' decision is that they determined they do not want to sell Lopez grater given the reliability and limited existing allocation. At the sane meeting, their Board decided to pursue a sale of 300 acre feet of State grater to to private developers seeping to annex to the City of Pismo Beach. The sale of the water would be through a transfer of allocation to the City of Pismo Beach. They also expressed a preference at the November 11 meeting to sell groundwater. Therefore, at the December 1, 2010 meeting, staff presented recommendations to Council to direct staff to develop a proposal with 0C.SD staff for a permanent purchase of gr and/or State water. Staff has met with OCSD staff and agreed on a proposal to purchase on a permanent basis 100 acre feet of groundwater and 150 acre feet of state water. The proposal will be considered by the OCSD hoard of Directors at their January 12, 2011 meeting. ANALYSIS SIS of ISSUES Water usage has been decreased to 88% of supply in FY 2009 -10 through conservation efforts and increased rainfall. It is expected to further dr dine to continued success of conservation and activation of Well 10. However, it is estimated that an additional water supply is needed in order to meet future needs at buildout of the City's General Plan. At the June 8th meeting, the City Council approved grater supply strategies, which included further expansion of the City's Agenda Item 10.a. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL OCSD WATER PURCHASE JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE 3 conservation program, potential acquisition of State water, and future potential development of recycled water. Meanwhile, OCSD has a water allocation well in excess of demand. The majority of this rater is from State and Lopez water that is charged whether or not it is used. They are currently facing a significant rate increase. Sale of a portion of their water supply can help reduce that increase. Since both sources have different issues of reliability during drought periods, it is recommended to purchase a combination of the two. A higher amount of State water is recommended because this represents a new source and will help to better diversify the City's water supply. The permanent purchase of groundwater from O CSID will require an agreement with CSD and may require approval of the other parties to the Gentlemen's Agreement. It does not appear that an amendment to the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin adjudication judgment would be necessary. lender the proposal, the payments for 10 g acre feet of ground grater will become effective once any necessary actions have been completed. A public vote is required in Arroyo Grande in order to purchase State water, which was established by a measure approved by the voters in 1990. Therefore, an agreement to purchase 150 acre feet of State water would be contingent upon approval of a ballot measure, which is recommended to be submitted to the voters at the first opportunity to consolidate a special election with the net statewide election. This is likely to be in conjunction with the presidential primary in February 2012. Under the proposal, the existing temporary water purchase agreement with OCSD would be terminated at that tune. Approval by the Central Coast Water Authority may al be necessary. The cost of State water would be the actual cost paid by OCSID. It is also proposed the City be provided the ability to purchase drought buffer from the County through CSD. At minimal cost, the County provides the ability to purchase e water supply capacity, which enables them to meet full delivery during drought years when the State reduces its deliveries to only a fraction of the allocation. The $750,000 payment to OCSD is to reimburse them for some of the past costs paid to fund their portion of capital costs of the State water system. The amount is based on the offer made by the two developers proposing annexations to the City of Pismo Beach, which was $500,000 per 100 acre feet of water. This amount has been determined to be significantly less than ghat would be charged by the CCWA if it were to approve a future direct purchase of State grater to the City. Another option that has been discussed that is acceptable to OCSD staff would be to purchase a lump surer amount of 250 acre feet of water from OCSID and the source Agenda Item 10.a. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL OCSD WATER PURCHASE JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE would be unspecified and determined by OCSD on an annual basis. This is similar to the current temporary agreement, but would add State water as an option. It would require leaving out State water until a ballot measure could be pursued and the measure would require approval of a purchase of up to 250 acre feet of Mate water rather than 150. The advantage to the city is that OCSD would be contractually obligated to provide the full amount of water on an annual basis. Therefore, the City could be less likely to be impacted by reductions in water delivery from specific sources during drought conditions. Procedural steps and approvals associated with implementation of this option have not all yet been determined. It is recommended both options be provided to OCSD for their consideration at this time. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the proposal and direct staff to prepare a formal agreement with OCSD if the proposal is approved by their Board of Directors; - Direct staff to modify the proposal to include only groundwater or only Mate water; - Direct staff to modify the proposal to include only one of the options; - Do not approve a proposal to purchase grater from CSD; or - Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: If successful, the recommendations would enable the City to meet a significant portion, if not all, of its future water needs in the most cost effective way currently available. It enables the City to purchase State water without the need to negotiate the purchase of pipeline capacity from the CCWA, which would take a long time and may not be successful. It would also more effectively reallocate water supply in the basin based on need. DISADVANTAGES: Purchase of OCSD grater does not increase the overall supply of water to the water basin and purchase of State grater may result in increased usage of groundwater b y CSD, which could impact seawater intrusion concerns. However, the amounts discussed are minimal and should have little impact. When added to other cost increases and revenue reductions, it will also have an impact on rates. However, it would be less than other options identified to meet the City's future grater needs. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No formal action committing to the water purchase is recommended at this time. Therefore, no environmental review is required at this stage in the process. If interest is expressed by OCSD to proceed, environmental review will be required at the time a formal agreement is developed. Agenda Item 10.a. Page 4 CITY COUNCIL OCSD WATER PURCHASE JANUARY '1'1, 2011 PAGE PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front Of City Hall on Thursday, January 6, 2011 and On the City's we site On Friday, .January 7, 2010. No comments were received. Agenda Item 10.a. Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 10.a. Page 6 R INCORPORATED MEMORANDUM JULY 10. 1811 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 10.A SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REGARDING CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE HATER FROM THE OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT SD DATE: JANUARY 11, 2011 BACKGROUND: Based on Council direction at the December 1 , 2010 meeting, staff negotiated a proposal for the permanent purchase of 250 acre feet of water from the Ocean Community unity Services District CSD), which will be presented for consideration to the City Council at the January 11, 2011 meeting and the OCSD Board of Directors at their January 12, 2011 meeting. Following distribution of the agenda, staff received final water consumption data for calendar year 2010. Based on the level f decrease experienced, staff determined additional analysis was warranted to verify the City's projected water demand prior to making important decisions on a long -term water acquisition commitment. In doing so, other additional information was also obtained that necessitates Council policy consideration and direction. The timing involved with this item has presented a challenge. It is important to make water acquisition decisions based upon the most accurate demand projections possible, but at the same time a limited window of opportunity exists to cost effectively purchase ad water from O CSD cost effectively due to decisions currently under consideration by their Board of Directors. The goal of staff's planning and recommendations is to develop strategies that attempt to balance the ability to meet future water demand, while minimizing the cost to the City's customers. This involves developing crater supply amounts designed to meet projected demand through drought conditions, while avoiding costs for unnecessary ex cess supply. Discussion and decisions by the Council on long - terra strategic direction for the City's water supply will be required to accomplish this. Given existing time constraints, staff has attempted to prepare the best possible information and grater demand projections based upon available data, as well as identify relevant policy issues for additional Council consideration. While the Council is not asked to take any final action on purchase o water at this upcoming meeting, it CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 10.A OCSD WATER PURCHASE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ,JANUARY 11 � 2011 PAGE is appropriate to avoid changes in information presented to CSD if possible since they are also rating decisions regarding their crater supply and rates. It is important to note that while OCSD staff has endorsed the recommendation in the staff report, none of the options have yet been considered by their Board of Directors. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to provide and seek additional information. Ultimate feasibility will be based upon feedback received from OCSD. SUMMARY Y F WATER DEMAND ANALYSIS: The following is a summary of Arroyo Grande water use and rainfall history: Year Amount (acre f Per Capita (gallons per da Rainfall inches 1 986 3 9 027 196.5 13.5 1989 2 7 936 186.2 6. 1999 2 7 922 172.2 6.6 1991 2 7 666 163.0 29.4 1 992 2 1 662 162.2 14.9 1 993 21 747 162.7 16.7 1994 29 763 159.3 12.5 1996 2 9 626 161.4 29.9 1996 2 169.9 26.3 1 997 3 0 067 1 77.6 13.0 1998 2 1 766 159.3 27.3 1999 3 9 173 179.6 12.6 2996 3 1 364 199.6 16.6 2661 3 7 303 183.6 19.7 2662 31 503 191.9 1 6.6 2663 31 517 188.9 16.9 2664 3 1 694 192.9 1 8.7 2965 31 416 182.8 17.7 2666 3,824 178.9 19.9 2667 3 1 590 199.1 8.2 2668 8 1 518 188.9 14.6 2669 3,266 179.2 11.6 2616 2,956 163.1 32.6 Prior analysis has indicated a need for additional grater in the range of 366 to 466 acre feet per year, which was based on analysis of past consumption. However, based on the progress of water conservation efforts, staff believes it is necessary to update these figures. One of the primary difficulties in analyzing grater usage history is accounting for the amount fluctuations are attributable to rainfall. Hater consumption amounts are impacted significantly by rainfall since irrigation accounts for roughly half of the CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 10.A OCSD WATER PURCHASE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE residential water used. However, Other factors preclude the ability to predict grater demand solely on rainfall patterns. The following chart shows the past 10 -year history of the percentage rainfall deviated from the average compared to h o w much water usage deviated from the past 10-year average. It demonstrates that while there is a relationship, particularly in very high or lover rainfall years, it is far from a direct correlation. Rainfall reached the unusually high amount of 32.6 inches in 2010, well above the average o f 17.16 inches. Therefore, the value of 2010 data is limited in making future projections given that it represents such an anomaly. However, if a historical 10 -year average o f water usage is instead used, it also does not accurately account for the results o f recent conservation efforts. Average usage over the 1 -year period ending in 2009 is 185.1 gallons per capita per day. Staff has identified two simple approaches to determine likely future water demand based on existing policies and programs that appear to create consistent results. Flat, 2009 is the only year that reflects recent results of conservation with rainfall amounts close to average. Rainfall was 11.6 inches and usage was 170.2 gallons per capita per day. When applying assumptions to adjust this amount for deviation from average rainfall and water conservation measu implemented, usage is projected to decrease to somewhere in the range o roughly 16 gallons per capita per day. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 10,A OCSD WATER PURCHASE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE Secondly, the average rainfall during the period of 2001 through 2003 was 11.6 inches. Average usage was 191.23 gallons per capita per day. When co mpared t o 2009, when rainfall was a comparable 11.7 inches, usage has decreased by 11%. When applying this decrease to the past 10-year average, the result is 164.74 gallons per capita per day. Therefore, with a continued emphasis on conservation, staff believes it is feasible to maintain a future average usage o f approximately 1 gallons per capita per d ay. When applying this amount to the future General Plan build out population of approximately 20,000 people, a total supply of approximately 3,695 acre feet o water would be needed. Staff recommends mends the City not exceed 90% o f supply in average rainfall years in order to accommodate drought periods with the remaining 10% supply. To do this, a supply of 4,105 acre feet o water would be needed. The following is a summary of existing water supply: Source Amount (acre feet} Lopez 2 AG Basin Groundwater 1 Well #9 90 Well #10 (projected) 90 Total 3 Therefore, 321 additional acre feet of grater is needed to meet demand based upon these assumptions. Additional more detailed analysis can and will be provided through the upcoming update f the Urban Water Management Plan. However, staff is believes the projections for future usage when based upon past usage combined with existing conservation efforts will fall within the range of 160 and 165 gallons per capita per day. As a result, additional water needed is likely to be in the range of 200 to 320 acre feet per year. Staff projects that the proposed 0 C.SD water purchase could meet future water demand needs at buildut under current policies and programs. WATER CONSERVATION ACT OF 2009: Senate Bill x7-7 was enacted in November 2009 and creates additional issues related to the City's strategies o meeting future water demand. It requires a 20 reduction in grater use by 2020. Application of the law is complicated and cities are still obtaining details regarding its implications. The primary penalty at this point for non - compliance is ineligibility for State water grants and loans. There are different alternatives regarding calculation of compliance. The one most likely to apply to Arroyo Grande is a reduction o 20% from the highest 10-year average per capita water use beginning in 1995. This has been calculated to be 186.1 gallons per capita per day. If the City achieves this, it would result in a CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 10,A OCSD HATER PURCHASE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION JANUARY '11 2011 PAGE projected demand at build out of only 3,335 acre feet o water per year, which equates to approximately 3,705 acre feet o water if usage is maintained at 90% of supply. Therefore, no additional water acquisition would be needed under this scenario. However, the feasibility of achieving this level o water reduction is unknown. The City has experienced substantial success in its conservation efforts, but to obtain this level of per capita usage would likely require much more aggressive enforcement of mandatory measures and implementation of a recycled water system, which has been determined to be cost prohibitive absent grant funding and a partnership with neighboring jurisdictions. This presents a policy dilemma that must be addressed in Council's decision. Purchase o f additional water supply at this time will better ensure the City's ability to meet the community's future demand for water, but it will d ivert funding from efforts to comply with SB x7 -. It will also result in a substantial need for increased water revenue if the City simultaneously acquires additional water supply and reduces use. WATER RATES: In ,dune 2009, the Council approved a 5-year Water and Severer Date Study. This included approval of annual water rate increases of 7° from FY 2010-11 through FY 2013-14. Therefore, the current proposal to purchase OCSID water may require an adjustment in the FY 2013-14 increase from 7% to 11. %. In addition, Water Fund revenues dropped dramatically the past year due to the heavy rainfall, conservation and homes vacant and foreclosed. Existing reserves are sufficient to address the loss of revenue during the past year, but additional rate adjustments may become ne if this trend continues. ALTERNATIVES: Staff has developed the following more detailed alternatives for consideration due to this additional information: Alternative A — General Plan Build out Supply_ „Alternative The alternative recommended in the staff report is identified as the "General Plan uildcut Supply Alternative” because it is based on the objective of taking action at this time to meet projections o water supply necessary for demand under the City's General Plan build out population. While the General Plan projections are now ten years old, recent census data is consistent with the growth projections. This alternative is designed to provide the bast capability to continue to meet grater demand of the community in the future during drought conditions. It is much more cost effective than any other strategies previously considered by the City Council to accomplish this. However, it will impact future rates and may cause rates in excess of what is necessary if the City is able to comply with provisions of SB x7 -7. CITE COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 1 0,A OCSD WATER PURCHASE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION JANUARY 11, 2011 PAGE Alternative B — Conservation Alternative Alternative B would maintain and commit all available resources towards conservation and recycling programs to attempt to achieve compliance with SB x7 -7. It would avoid casts of acquiring water that may be unnecessary if conservation efforts meet the requirements of S13 x7-7. however, It may require costly improvements to construct a recycled water system, more stringent impacts on residents during drought conditions, and increases the ri o f not being able to meet future water supply demand that the City recently c ame close to experiencing. Alternative C — Combined Alternative Under this Alternative, Council would direct staff to negotiate an alternative proposal that would purchase a reduced amount of water from OCSD somewhere in range of 100 to 200 acre feet of water. This would increase costs, but maintain some resources for conservation and possible recycled water efforts. If it were all identified as groundwater, it would reduce costs and prevent the need for approval of a ballot measure, although some level of initial one -time payment is Nicely to be requested from OCSD. If only State grater is purchased, the cost would be significantly higher, but it would better diversify the City's water supply and provide a more reliable increase in supply if seawater intrusion were to become a problem in the future. CONCLUSION: Alternatives have been prepared to address different scenarios based on the overriding objective identified. Therefore it is first necessary for City Council to determine if it is comfortable with the assumptions staff has used to project grater demand. Second, direction is needed from City Council on the future objectives of the City's water supply strategy which will then dictate the appropriate alternative. Desired strategies may then need to be adjusted based upon feedback received from the OCSD Board of Directors. 'lease let me know w if you have questions or would life additional information. RO MYCORPORATED J ULY 10 ' '0" MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COU NCI LIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY � ANAG ER/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION F LEASES WITH OPTIONS TO PURCHASE AND AGREEMENTS AFFECTING MEAL PROPERTY REGARDING PROPERTIES ON LE POINT STREET FOR EXPANSION OF THE LE POINT STREET PUBLIC PARKING LOT DATE: JANUARY Il 11 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council /Redevelopment edevelopment Agency; approve a lease with option to purchase and agreement affecting read property with John and Maureen Gutierrez (the "Gutierrez Lease "); 2 approve a lease with option to purchase and agreement affecting real property with Sunny Jacobson (the "Jacobson Lease "1 3 authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to make modifications to the Gutierrez Lease and Jacobson Lease as determined to be necessary; and appropriate $12,500 from the Redevelopment Agency Fund unappropriated fund balance for rent and property tax payments for FY 2010-11. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The net annual cost of the two leases is approximately $30,000 per year for rent and property takes, which is proposed to be funded by the Redevelopment Agency. Based upon FY 2009-10 Redevelopment Agency revenues, it is projected that sufficient future revenue will be available to corer these costs. BACKGROUND: In 200 6, the Redevelopment Agency acquired property adjacent to the existing public parking lot on Le Point Street. The acquisition was made for the purpose of expanding public parking to serve pillage businesses. Eased upon a comprehensive parking study, it was determined that this property provided the only remaining opportunity to take advantage of undeveloped land in the Village core area. Therefore, the property was acquired prior to an anticipated proposed development on the site. The site was also targeted as an opportunity for future construction of a parking structure if additional parking is needed in the future. No plans for a parking structure e at this time. Agenda Item I I.a. Page 1 CITY CQUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION OF LEASES WITH OPTIONS TO PURCHASE AND AGREEMENTS AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY REGARDING PROPERTIES ON LE POINT STREET FOR EXPANSION OF THE LE POINT STREET PUBLIC PARKING LOT JANUARY 17, 2091 PAGE 2 A feasibility and preliminary design study on the site determined that parking and design efficiency could be enhanced by incorporating the adjacent property. Negotiations were pursued regarding a potential joint development project concept that would combine parking expansion with development of the streetrront portion of the property. However, negotiations of this concept were discontinued due to the impact of the current economic climate on the feasibility of the mixed use development component. Lease and subsequent acquisition of the sites were instead pursued. ANALYSIS SIS of ISSUES: A comprehensive study of parking in the pillage has Identified a need for increased parking to meet existing and future needs. Additional parking is also necessary to replace spaces lost from development of the parking area between the Conrad douse and the former Short Street Building and Life Safety Division Building. The additional properties are necessary to address the following issues: Increase the design efficiency of the proposed parking lot expansion; 0 Maximize the number of spaces that will be created; 0 Provide pedestrian access from the parking lot to East Branch Street for individuals with disabilities; and • Provide secondary vehicle access to the parking lot from Le Point Street. Acquisition of the properties will allow for disabled pedestrian access by providing an area for a pathway connection to the walkway unrest of the Branch Street Deli. It will also eliminate the need for construction of a secondary vehicle access to Le Point Street by providing the ability to connect to the existing parking area leased from the Ian ins Family Trust. This will provide the additional benefit of improving circulation of these public parking areas. Prior plans to purchase the properties at this time were deemed infeasible when the State transferred the full fund balance of the City's Redevelopment Agency Fund. Therefore, the concept of a lease with option to purchase was instead pursued. This will enable the City to secure the property for parking expansion at this time within a cost that is feasible to fund by the Redevelopment Agency until additional funding is available for permanent acquisition. The agreements were negotiated and prepared by the City Attorney. Under the terms of the agreements, a portion of both properties necessary to meet initial parking needs will be leased based upon appraised values. The option to purchase includes a larger area of the properties to meet future parking needs. The Gutierrez property will include lease and removal of the existing storage shed. The property including the existing Agenda Item I I.a. Page 2 CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONSIDERATION OF LEASES WITH OPTIONS TO PURCHASE AND AGREEMENTS AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY REGARDING PROPERTIES ON LE POINT STREET FOR EXPANSION OF THE LE POINT STREET PUBLIC PARKING LOT JANUARY 11, 2017 PAGE 3 house is not included in the lease at this tune, but is included in the area that will be acquired in the future. The terms of the Gutierrez lease agreement also include provisions that address current access issues involving the house and Branch Street Deli parking area. The property leased from Gutierrez is 7,500 square feet with an option to purchase 9,500 square feet. The Jacobson lease includes approximately 1 ,455 square feet with an option to purchase 2,906 square feet. The lease agreements are established for a term of 10 years. The City may exercise the option to purchase at any time after 5 years. This will ensure the property o wners achieve reasonable revenue from the lease, while providing the Redevelopment Agency sufficient time to generate revenue for the purchase. The future purchase price of the property will be the current appraised value or appraised value at the time the property is purchased, whichever is greater. The agreement sets forth specific provisions to determine the appropriate value at the time the property is purchased in order to avoid any disagreements or confusion at that time. A portion of the Gutierrez property on the Le Point Street frontage is also necessary to widen the street to meet current city standards. This portion of the property is being provided at no cost to the City in exchange for the City constructing the street and sidewalk improvements at no cost to the property o wner. The preliminary parking lot design was presented to the D owntown Parking Advisory Board on January 6, 2011 to receive their feedback. They have scheduled a special meeting on January 20, 2011 to consider their recommendation. The parking lot design and specifications will be presented to the City Council for consideration at the January 2, 2011 meeting. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council /Redevelopment edevelopment Agency Board of Directors' consideration: - Approve the lease agreements; Do not approve the lease agreements and limit p development to the existing City proper Direct staff to pursue other terms in the agreements; or - Provide direction to staff. Agenda Item I I.a. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL REDE EL PI TENT CONSIDERATION OF LEASES AGREEMENTS AFFECTING REAL POINT STREET FOR EXPANSION LOT JANUARY 11 2011 PACE 4 AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITH OPTIONS TO PURCHASE AND PROPERTY REGARDING PROPERTIES ON LE F THE LE POINT STREET PUBLIC PARKING ADVANTAGES: The lease agreements provide a win-win arrangement for the parties involved. It ensures the properties are not developed for other uses and enables the City and Redevelopment Agency to secure the property necessary to optimize the parking expansion with available revenues, while ensuring the ability to acquire the property necessary to meet long- terra needs when feasible. Meanwhile, the property owners will realize revenues from currently unused properties, while also receiving fair market value in the future should the City exercise the option to purchase. DISADVANTAGES: Leasing the properties increases overall costs when compared to purchasing the properties at this time. However, staff does not believe than option is feasible. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for these agreements. Environmental review will be presented for consideration when approval of design specifications is considered by the City Council at the January 25, 2011 meeting. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, January 6, 2011 and on the City's website on Friday, January 7, 2011. No public comments we rece ived. Attachments: 1. Lease with Option to Purchase and Agreement Affecting Deal Property with John and Maureen Gutierrez 2. Lease with Option to Purchase and Agreement Affecting Real Property with Sunny Jacobson Agenda Item I I.a. Page 4 ATTACHMENT Recording requested by and when recorded return t: City of Arroyo Grande Attn: city Clerk PO Box bbo Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 LEASE WITH OPTION To PURCHASE AND AGREEMENT AFFECTING DEAL PROPERTY THIS LEASE WITH OPTION To PURCHASE AND AGREEMENT AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY TY (this "Agreement" ) is made as of this 1st day of February, 2011 (the "Effective Date"), by and between John and Maureen Gutierrez, Trustees of the Gutierrez Family Trust dated , (collectively "Gutierrez" ) and the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation of the State of California ("city", RECITALS WHEREAS, Gutierrez is the owner of record of all of that certain real property situated in the City of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, CA, commonly known as 202 Le Point Street {the ;Gutierrez Property ", pictured and depicted as five separate "Areas" A through E, inclusive) in the attached Exhibit A, and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit B, both of which are incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Gutierrez is also the owner of record of all that certain real property situated in the City of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo county, California, commonly known as "Branch Street Deli," 203 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA, which is currently being used as a restaurant deli with outdoor patio and parking facilities (the "Deli Property "; and WHEREAS, City desires to lease from Gutierrez Areas B, C and E (the "Lease Property" ) for the purposes of constructing, operating and maintaining a public parking lot and related parking improvements; and WHEREAS, by this Agreement, the parties desire to ensure that the house located at 202 Le Point street in Area D (the "Houser) has independent legal access which is consistent with City's use of the Lease Property and therefore, by this Agreement, City shall grant to Gutierrez access easements located across the City property located immediately east of the Gutierrez Property (the "City Property" ) which are depicted in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, EAS, City shall, at no cost to Gutierrez, construct access improvements within said easement connecting the Gutierrez Property to a public tight of gray; and WHEREAS, city also desires to obtain from Gutierrez an AA access, utility and drainage easement within Area E as further depicted in Exhibit C, in order for the City to construct certain AC A, utility and drainage improvements and related facilities; and WHEREAS, in addition, city desires to accept an offer of dedication from Gutierrez for that area depicted as Area A in Exhibit A In order for City to, at City's sole expense, Page I of 8 Agenda Item I I.a. Page 5 widen Le Point Street to current City standards and install pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk along the South side of Le Point Street; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to provide for a n option (hereinafter the "Option" ) to allover City to purchase Areas B — E, inclusive {hereinafter the "Option Property ", pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, as consideration for the Option, city has agreed to credit Gutierrez with eight parking spaces per Condition of Approval Igo. 32 of Conditional Use Permit - 5 o. city will allover Lots 1 and 2 to remain as currently configured. Additionally, City shall record a parcel reap or equivalent) to create a separate legal lot comprised of the Gutierrez Property. AGREEMENT T NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Gutierrez and city hereby agree as follows: Section 1, Recitals The above Recitals are true and correct and are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. Section 2. Lease of Property Gutierrez hereby leases to city and City hereby leases from Gutierrez, the Lease Property on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement (the `Lease ". City shall have the right, without limitation, at city's sole cost, to construct, improve, install, operate, ;maintain and repair a public parking lot facility and related improvements and utilities within the Lease Property. city shall have the right to demolish and remove the storage shed located in Area c in order to accommodate its improvement plans. Section 3. Term The terra of the Lease shall be ten (1 0) years (the "Term" ) commencing on February 1, 2011 (the "Commencement ent Date" ), and, unless sooner terminated or extended as herein provided, shall terminate on ,January 31 } 2021. Section 4. Rent City shall pay to Gutierrez as rent two thousand dollars $2,000.00 on the first day of each month throughout the Terra of the Lease. Section 5, Takes and Assessment City small pay to Gutierrez, during the entire Term;, before delinquency, its, share of all real property takes and assessments which are or may during the Terra be levied, charged, assessed or imposed upon or against Areas A, E, c and E of the Gutierrez Property. Page 2 of Agenda Item I I.a. Page 6 Section 6 offer o f Dedication and Grant of Easements (a) Offer of Dedication of Area A. Within ten (1 0) days of the Effective Date, Gutierrez shall offer to City that portion of the Gutierrez Property depicted as Area A, in the form of an offer to dedicate (the "Offer" ) attached hereto as Exhibit D. Upon City's acceptance of the Offer, City shall, at City's sole expense,' widen Le Point street to current City standards and install pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk and related improvements along the south side of Le Point Street. (b Grant of Easements; Use of Easements; Character of Easements,. a. Access Easements City hereby grants to Gutierrez and Gutierrez hereby accepts from City: 1. An access easement over, on, under and above the City Property located immediately east of the House as more particularly depicted in Exhibit C (the "House Access Easement" ) which is intended to provide the House with separate legal access; and 2. An access easement over, on, under and above the City Property located immediately east of the House as more particularly depicted in Exhibit C (the "Deli Access Easement" ) which is intended to provide the Deli Property with separate legal access. ii. City shall, at no cost to Gutierrez, construct the following improvements: 1. An access driveway and related improvements between the City Property and the Deli Property as described and depicted in Exhibit C. The parties acknowledge that the access driveway may require the loss of up to three 3 parking spaces on the Deli Property parking lot which shall be credited to Gutierrez. 2. ADA access improvements as more particularly depicted in Exhibit C. iii. The House Access Easement and Deli Access Easement granted herein are non-exclusive and are appurtenant to the dominant tenements, the Gutierrez Property and the Deli Property, respectively. The House Access Easement and Deli Access Easement shall remain in full force and effect in perpetuity, unless terminated by the Gutierrez or by operation of law. The parties acknowledge that the House Access Easement shall terminate by operation of laver upon transfer of the Option Property to City. Gutierrez agrees to cooperate rrith City in good faith to relocate the Deli Access Easement as necessary to accommodate City's long term improvement plans for the adjacent City Property and Gutierrez Property. Page 3 of Agenda Item I I.a. Page 7 b. ADA Access/ Utilit Drainage' Easement i. Gutierrez hereby grants to City and City hereby accepts from Gutierrez an' AA access utility and drainage easement {the "ADA Access/ Utility Easement" ) over, on under and above that property identified as Area E and more particularly depicted in Exhibit C. ii. City shall have the right to construct, improve, install, use, operate, maintain and repair ADA access, utility and drainage improvements and related facilities within the ADA Access/ Utility Easement, including the right of ingress and egress thereto. iii. The ADA Access/ Utility Easement shall be exclusive and in gross for the benefit of the City and shall remain in full force and effect in perpetuity, unless terminated by the City or by operation of law. Section 7, city option to Purchase option Pr_1rt [ ( a) Gutierrez hereby grants to City an Option to purchase the Option Property on the following terms and conditions: a. The Option shall not be exercised prior to the fifth (5th) year of the Lease Term {the "option Terra "; b. The Purchase Price for the Option Property ( "Purchase Price" ) shall be the greater of four hundred twenty eight thousand dollars $2 or the appraised value of the Option Property at the time of purchase pursuant to this Option. i. City and Gutierrez shall select a mutually agreed upon appraiser to provide the appraisal. ii. Should City and Gutierrez b e unable to agree upon an appraiser, both City and Gutierrez shall select one appraiser and those two appraisers shall select a third apprais All three 3 appraisers shall provide appraisals, and the average of the three 3 appraisals shall determine the option Purchase Price. The parties shall each pay for the cost of the appraisal prepared by the appraiser they select and the cost of the third appraiser shall be shared equally. c. Upon City's exercise of the option as provided hereunder, City and Gutierrez shall execute a Purchase and sale Agreement substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E. ( b ) Consideration for option As consideration for the Option, City has agreed to credit Gutierrez with eight parking spaces per Condition of Approval No. 32 of Conditional Use Permit 97-550. City will allow Lots 1 and 2 to remain as currently configured. Additionally, City shall record a panel neap or equivalent) to create separate legal lot comprised of the Gutierrez Property. Lastly, City agrees that so long as there is no expansion of the structures on the Deli Property, no additional parking shall be rewired, regardless of a change in use. Page Agenda Item I I.a. Page 8 {c Exercise of Option Provided City is not in default under this Lease this Option may be exercised by City's delivering to Gutierrez at am time during the } Option Terra and before the ex piratio n of the Lease Terra, at feast six 6 months written notice of the exercise ("Exercise Notice"). ( Gutierrez warrants that Gutierrez is the owner of the option Property and has marketable and insurable fee simple title to the Option Property clear of restrictions, leases, liens, and other encumbrances, except as described on the attached Exhibit F. If this Option is exercised by City, Gutierrez shall convey title to the Option Property b y grant deed. Throu hoot the Terra of the Lease and until the Option Property is conveyed to City, i this Option is exercised, Gutierrez shall not substantially alter or encumber the Option Property in any way nor grant any property o r contract right relating to the option Property without the prior written consent of city, which consent may be granted or withheld at City's sole and absolute discretion. .Section 8. Quiet Enioyment During the Term of the Lease, City shall peaceably hold and quietly enjoy the Property without hindrance, molestation or interruption by Gutierrez or by anyone lawfully or equitably claiming by, through or under Gutierrez. Section 9. Insurance During the term of the Lease, City agrees to provide the general liability insurance for the Lease Property afforded it through the California .Joint Pourers Insurance Authority. Section 10. Indemnity, (a) To the fullest extent allowed by lair, City covenants and agrees that Gutierrez shall not at any time or to any extent whatsoever be liable, responsible or in anyway accountable for any loss, injury, death, or damage to persons or property which, at any time may be suffered or sustained by City or by any person who may at any time be using, occupying, or visiting the Lease Property or be in, on or about the Lease Property, from any cause whatsoever, except when such loss, injury, death, or damage shall be caused by or in anyway result from or arise out of the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of Gutierrez. Furthermore, city shall forever indemnify, defend, hold, and sage Gutierrez free and harmless of, from and against any and all claims, liability, loss, or damage whatsoever on account of any such loss, injury, death or damage occasioned by any cause other than Gutierre 's intentional or negligent acts or omissions. City's indemnity obligation set forth in this Section shall survive the termination or expiration of the Lease with respect to any claims or liabilities arising out of injury or damage to person or property which occurs during the Term. (b) To the fullest extent allowed by laver, Gutierrez covenants and agrees that City shall not 'at any time or to any extent whatsoever be liable, responsible or in anyway accountable for any losses, damages, or any other claims which, at any time may be brought against, suffered or sustained by City or by any person who may at any time be using, occupying, or visiting the Deli Property and Area D (including, but not limited to the Home) or be in, on or about the Deli Property and Area D (including, but not limited to the Home), resulting from the failure of any o f G tierre 's representations made herein. Furthermore, Gutierrez shall forever indemnify, defend, hold, and save City free and harmless of, from and against any and all claims, liability, loss, or damage whatsoever on account of any such misrepresentation. Gutierre 's indemnity obligation Page Agenda Item I I.a. Page 9 set firth an this Section shall survive the termination or expiration of the Lease with resp ect to any claims or liabilities arising during the Terra. Section 11. ci ' Defaults and Gutierre 's Remedies it shall be an event of default hereunder (each an "Event of Default" ) if i default shall ll be made b City in the punctual payment of any rent r other moneys due hereunder and shall continue for a period of ten 10 days after receipt of written notice thereof by City; li default shall be made by City in the performance or observance of any of the other ag reements, covenants o conditions of this Agreement on the part of City to be p erformed and observed and such default shall continue for a period of thirty ( 30) days after receipt of written notice thereof by city, or, in the case of a default which cannot be cured by the payment of money and cannot be cured within thirty (30) days, shall continue for an unreasonable period after receipt of such written notice; (iii) city shall abandon the Lease Property. Upon the occurrence o f any Event of Default by city hereunder, Gutierrez shall have the right, its addition to all Other rights and remedies of Gutierrez provided hereunder or by lava, to terminate City's Lease, in which event City shall immediately surrender possession of the Lease Property, and pay to Gutierrez all rent and all other amounts payable by city hereunder to the date of such termination. Section 12, Nonwaliver If any action o proceeding is instituted or if any other steps are taken by Gutierrez or City and a compromise part payment or settlement thereof shall be made, either before or after judgment, the same shall not constitute or operate as a waiver by Gutierrez o r City of any agreement, covenant or condition of this Agreement o o f any subsequent breach thereof. Section 13. covenants Faun With Land (a) The agreements, covenants and conditions in this Agreement are and shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Gutierrez and City and their respective successors and assigns. (b) All references in this Agreement to "City 1 r Or "Gutierrez" shall be deemed to refer to and include successors and assigns of City or Gutierrez, respectively, without specific mention of such successors or assigns. Section 14. Notices Except as otherwise provided hereunder; any notice o communication t o Gutierrez or City shall be in writing and be mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid. Notices or communications shall be addressed as follows: To Gutierrez: To city: City of A rroyo Gra nde Attn: city Manager P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 -0550 With Copy t: Tom Gutierrez 'age With copy t: Carmel & Naccasha LLP Attn: Timothy J. Carmel 1410 Marsh Street Agenda Item 11.a. Page 10 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Section 115. Over This Lease shall terminate without further notice upon the expiration of the Terra, and an holdin over b City after the expiration of the Terra shall not constitute a renewal hereof or give City any rights hereunder or in or to the Lease Property, except as otherwise herein provided, it being understood and agreed * that such Lease cannot be renewed, tended or in any manner modified except in writing signed by Gutierrez and City. Section 16. several In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for an reason a held to a invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, any this Agreement, illegality or nenforceability shall not affect any other provisions o , but this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provisions had not been contained herein. Section 17. Consents Unless otherwise specified, whenever in this Agreement the consent or approval of either Gutierrez or City is required or permitted, the party requested to give such consent or approval will act promptly and will not unreasonably withhold its consent or approval. Section 18. Specific Enforcement In the event that City exercises its Option to purchase the Option Property from Gutierrez on the terms and conditions set forth in section 7 hereof, Gutierrez and City both acknowledge that legal damages are an insufficient remedy at laver and that City's rights under such section shall be specifically enforceable, without limitation on the right of City to resort to any other remed available at laver. Section 19. ante ration This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between Gutierrez and City with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior offers and negotiations, oral or written. This Agreement may not be amended or modified in any respect whatsoever except by an instrument in writing signed by Gutierrez, City and, if required by any Lender, by Lender. Section 20. Amendments This Agreement may be modified only in writing and only if signed by the parties at the time of the modification. s ec i n 21. Governing Lava • Venue This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be the Superior Court of San Luis Obispo County. Page 7 of Agenda Item I I.a. Page 11 Section 2 . Subordination This g reement and any modifications shall unconditionally be and at all times remain p rior and superior to that deed of trust recorded as Document No. • is recorded in the official records f San Luis b Count IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. CITY OF ARROYO i AI E GUTIER E: Gutierrez Family Trust Dated Tony Ferrara, Mayor* Approved as to Content: Steve Adams, City Manager Approved as to Form: : Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney ,John Gutierrez, Trustee's Maureen Gutierrez, Trustee* SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT T THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT EEMENT RESULTS IN YOUR SECURITY INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TY BECOMIN SUBJECT TO AND F LOWER PRIORITY ITY THAN THIS AGREEMENT T In consideration of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the undersigned, present owner and holder of the note dated and beneficiary of deed of trust recorded as Instrument No. in the Official Records of San Luis Obispo County, hereby consents, approves and declares that said deed of trust and note is and shall unconditionally be and remain at all times inferior and subordinate to this Agreement. Baxter` uate. * Names must be notarized Page 8 of 8 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 12 EXHIBIT "A" Agenda Item 11.a. Page 13 - - - . . - ... .. .. . . 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Page 18 RECORDING REQUESTED Y AND WHEN REC RETURN To: City Clerk City of Arroyo Grande 274 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 FOR USE ONLY EXHIBIT "D" IRREVOCABLE AND PERPETUAL OFFER To DEDICATE THIS OFFER To DEDICATE is ,Wade this � day o f 2011 by John and Maureen Gutierrez,, Trustees of the Gutierrez Family Trust dated hereinafter termed Offeror: WHEREAS, Offeror is the owner of record of all of that certain real property situated in the City of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County described in Exhibit A and depicted In Exhibit B (the "Property") and W HEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande (the "City" ) desires to improve the Property by widening Le Point Street to current City standards and installing pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk along the South side of Le Point Street (the "Le Point Street Project); and WHEREAS, by this instrument, Offeror desires to m an irrevocable and perpetual offer t o dedicate a fee simple interest in the Property to the City to enable construction of the Le Point Street Project. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, said Offeror covenants and promises as follows: 1 . That said Offeror is the owner of the Property. 2. That said Offeror does hereby irrevocably and in perpetuity offer to such governmental entity a dedication of a fee simple interest in the Property the Property described in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B. 4 . That said Offeror agrees that said offer of dedication shall be irrevocable and that such a government entity may, at any time in the future, adept said offer of d edication of the Property, 5 . That said Offeror agrees that this irrevocable and perpetual Offer to Dedicate icate is and shall be binding on its heirs, legatees, successors and assignees. IG TU FEES TO FO LL OW N N EXT PAG E Agenda Item 11.a. Page 19 IN WIT ESSS WHEREOF, F, this Offer is hereby executed by the said Offerors on the day and year first above written. Gutierrez Family Trust dated John Gutierrez, Trustee Maureen Gutierrez, Trustee This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the IRREVOCABLE AND PERPETUAL OFFER TO DEDICATE, dated January ., - 2011 from John and Maureen Gutierrez, Trustees of the Gutierrez Family Trust dated to CITY OF ARROYO CRANE, a municipal corporation of the State of California is hereby accepted by Resolution of the City Council Of the City of Arroyo Grande on f 2011, and the City of Arroyo Grande consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officers. TINY FERRARA, MAYOR ATT KEL VI ETM RE, CITY CL Agenda Item I I.a. Page 20 EXHIBIT "E" Agenda Item 11.a. Page 21 EXHIBIT "E" PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement' ) is entered into as of this day of 1 20 (the "Effective Date") by and between John and Maureen Gutierrez, Trustees of the Gutierrez Fancily gust dated collectively referred to herein as "Seller") and the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation of the State of California collectively referred to herein as "Buyer"). Recitals WHEREAS, Seiler is the o wner of certain real property located in the City of Arroyo Grande, California, commonly referred to as 202 Le Point Street (the "Property" ) and more particularly described in ExhibK A attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, by this Agreement, the parties wish to provide terms and conditions for Buyer's purchase of the Property from Seller. o�lll�, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of w hich are acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ; SECTION 1 Purchase and Sale. Purchase and sale. Seller shall sell the Property to Buyer and Buyer shall purchase the Property from seller on the terms and conditions stated in this .Ag reement. SECTION 2 Purchase Price. Purchase Price. The purchase price for the Property shall be ($ ) ("Purchase Price"). SECTION Due Diligence. There shall be no due diligence period for this transaction. Buyer acknowledges that it has had sufficient opportunity to inspect the Property and hereby waives all due diligence contingencies. Agenda Item I I.a. Page 22 SECTION Escrow. Upon execution of this Agreement, Seller and Buyer shall establish an escrow for the close of the sale of the Property ("Escrow") with First American Title Company, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 'Escrow Agent'). If the Escrow Agent is unwilling or unable to dorm, Buyer shall designate another Escrow Agent. A grant deed ("Grant Deed" shall be recorded and the Property transferred from Seller to Buyer ten 10 days after the Effective Date ("Close of scrota' ). SECTION Closing Deposits. On or before Close of Escrow, Seller and Buyer shall deposit with Escrow Agent the following documents and funds: ( a) Seller's Deposits. Seller shall deposit with Escrow Agent the following: W Deed. The original executed and acknowledged wrledged Grant Deed conveying the Property to Buyer "Grant Deed"); ( ii) Affidavit. The original Nonforeign Affidavit executed by seller; and (iii) Additional Documents. Any other documents or funds required of Seller to close Escrow in accordance with this Agreement. . ( b) Buyers Deposits. On or before the Close of Escrow, Buyer shall deposit with Escrow Agent the following: ( i) The Purchase Price; ( ii) Closing Costs. Additional cash in the amount necessary to pay Buyer's share of closing costs, as set forth in Section ; and (iii) Additional Documents. Any other documents or funds required of Buyer to close Escrow in accordance with this Agreement. SECTION . Closing Costs. Buyer shall pay all escrow fees, costs of any title insurance and any endorsement and the costs of recording the Grant Deed. 2 Agenda Item I I.a. Page 23 SECTION Prorations. Real p ro p erty takes, assessments, property operation expenses and other recurring costs shall be prorated as of the Close of Escrow. SECTION Seller's Warranties. Seller warrants and represents to Buyer that as of the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing: ( a) That the E scrow instructions have been, and all the documents to be delivered by Seller to Buyer at Closing shall be, duly authorized, executed, and delivered by Seller are or shall be legal and binding obligations of Seller, shall be sufficient to convey title, are or shall be enforceable in accordance with their respective terms, and do not and shall not at Closing violate any provisions of any agreement to which Seller is a party; (b) That at the closing there shall be no outstanding contracts made by Seller regarding the Property and that Seller shall cause to be discharged all encumbrances and liens including, but not limited to all trust deeds, mortgages, mechanics' and materialmen's liens arising from any labor or materials furnished prior to ' Closing which pertain to the Property; and ( c) That Seller is not a "foreign person" within the meaning of section 1445(0(3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1954, as amended, and that Seller shall furnish to Buyer, prior to Closing, an affidavit in a form satisfactory to Buyer confirming the same. The continued accuracy in all respects of Seller's representations and warranties shall be a condition precedent to Buyer's obligation to close. All representations and warranties contained in this Agreement shall be deemed remade as of the date of Closing and shall survive the closing. SECTION Indemnification. Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer free and harmless from any losses, damages, costs, or expenses (including attorney fees) resulting from any inaccuracy in or breach of any representation or warranty of Seller and any breach or default by Seller under any of Seller's covenants or agreements under this Agreement. 3 Agenda Item I I.a. Page 24 Section '1 Notices. Except as otherwise provided hereunder; any notice or communication to seller or Buyer shall be in writing and be mailed by certified rail, postage prepaid. Notices or communications shall be addressed as follows: To Gutierrez: To city: City of Arroyo Grande Attu: city Manager P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 3421 -0550 VVi h Copy to: With copy to: Carmel & Naccasha LLP Tom Gutierrez Attn: Timothy J. Carmel 1410 Marsh Street Ban Luis Obispo, CA $3401 Section III Liquidated Damages. IF BUYER FAILS TO COMPLETE THE PURCHASE PROVIDED FOR IN THIS AGREEMENT BY REASON OF ANY DEFAULT of BUYER, SELLER SHALL BE RELEASED FROM SELLER'S OBLIGATION TO SELL. THE PROPERTY TO BUYER AND MAY PROCEED AGAINST BUYER UPON ANY CLAIM OR REMEDY THAT SELLER MAY HAVE IN LAIN OR EQUITY; PR IDED, HOWEVER, THAT, B INITIALING THIS SECTION 11 , BUYER AND SELLER AGREE THAT IN THE EVENT F DEFAULT BY BUYER, . A IT WOULD BE IMPRACTICAL OR EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO FIX ACTUAL DAMAGES} THE SUM OF FIVE PERCENT 5% ) OF THE PURCHASE PRICE SHALL CONSTITUTE BTITUTE LI UIDATED DAMAGES PAYABLE TO SELLER; c TIME PAYMENT OF THE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES TO SELLER SHALL CONSTITUTE THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY 1EDY F SELLER; D SELLER MAY RETAIN THAT FIVE PERCENT % ) OF THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR THE PROPERTY AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES; AND E PAYMENT OF THAT SUM T SELLER AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES IS NOT INTENDED AS A FORFEITURE OR PENALTY WITHIN THE MEANING OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTIONS 3275 R 3369, BUT INSTEAD, IS INTENDED TO CONSTITUTE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES TO SELLER PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 1671, 16769 AND 1677 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE. INITIALS 4 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 25 Section 12 Attorney Fees; Litigation Costs. If any legal al action or other proceeding, including arbitration or an action for relief, is brou ght to enforce this Agreement r because of a disp te breach, declaratory a . . default or misrepresentation in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party efa t p shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and other costs, in addition to any other proper relief. Section 13 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreem ent is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected. Section 1 Waivers. No waiver or breach o f any provision shall be deemed a waiver of any other provision, and no waiver shall be valid unless it is in writing and executed by the waiving arty. No extension of time for performance of any obligation or acct shall be deemed an extension of time for any other obligation or act. Section Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The execution of this Agreement shall be deemed to have occurred, and this Agreement shall be enforceable and effective, only upon the complete execution of this Agreement by Seller and Buyer. Section 16. Governing Lave. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with California laver. [Signatures are on the following page] k Agenda Item I I.a. Page 26 The parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. BUYER: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Tony Ferrara, Mayor Approved as to Content: Steve Adams, City Manager Approved as to Form: Timothy J. Gannet, City Attorney SELLER: Gutierrez Family Trust Dated John Gutierrez, Trustee Maureen Gutierrez, Trustee 0 Agenda Item I I.a. Page 27 EXHIBIT "F" Agenda Item I I.a. Page 28 ATTACHMENT 2 Recording requested by and when recorded return to: City of Arroyo Grande Attn: City Clerk PO Box bo Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 LEASE WITH OPTION To PURCHASE AND AGREEMENT AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY THIS LEASE WITH OPTION To PURCHASE AND AGREEMENT AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY (this "Agreement" ) is made as of this day of t 2011 (the " Effective Date"), by and between Jesse Jacobson, "Jacobson" and the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation of the State of California ( RECITALS WHEREAS, Jacobson is the owner of record of all of that certain real property situated in the City of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, CA, commonly known as 132 Le Point Street (the "Jacobson Property ", pictured and depicted as two separate "Areas A and B in the attached Exhibit A, and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit B, both of which are incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, City desires to lease from Jacobson Area A (the "Lease Property" ) for the purposes of constructing, operating and maintaining a public parking - lot and related parking improvements; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to provide for an option (hereinafter the "Option" ) to allover City to purchase Area B (hereinafter the "Option Property" pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, as consideration for the Option, City has agreed, at City's sole cost and expense, to prepare -and record a parcel map to create a legally separate lot comprised of Area B and to construct and dedicate two parking spaces adjacent to the .Jacobson property for its use. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Jacobson and City agree as follows: Agenda Item 11.a. Page 29 Section 1. Recitals The above Recitals are true and correct and are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. Section 2. Lease of Property Jacobson hereby leases to City and City hereby leases from Jacobson, the ` ' Agreement (the "Lease . Le ase Proper n the terms and conditions set forth in this Agree Le � � , Cit shall have the right, without limitation, at City sole cost, to construct, improve, � lilt install, operate, maintain and repair a public parking lot fac ility and related improvements and utilities within the Lease Property. Section 3. Term The term of the Lease shall be ten 10 years (the "Term"). commencing on , 2011 (the "Commencement Date"), and, unless sooner terminated or e xtended as herein provided, shall terminate on , 2021. Section 4, Rent City shall pay to Jacobson as rent three hundred and ninety dollars ($300.00) on the first day of each month throughout the Terra of the Lease. Section 5. Taxes and Assessment City shall pay to Jacobson, during the entire Term, before delinquency, its pro rata share of all real property takes and assessments which are or may during the Term be levied, changed, assessed o imposed upon or against the unimproved portion of the Jacobson Property. Section 6. city's option to Purchase Option _ (a) Jacobson hereby grants to City an Option to purchase the Option Property o n the following terms and conditions: a. The Option shall not be exercised prior to the fifth (5th) year of the Lease Term (the "Option Term"); . The Purchase Price for the Option Property "Purchase Price" shall be the greater o f one hundred and thirty thousand, seven hundred and seventy dollars ($130,770,000) or the appraised value o the Option Property at the time of purchase pursuant to this Option. i. City and Jacobson shall select a mutually agreed upon appraiser to provide the appraisal. ii. should City and Jacobson be unable to agree upon an appraiser, both City and Jacobson shall select one appraiser, and those two appraisers shall select a third appraiser. All three 3 appraisers shall provide appraisals, and the average o f the three 3 appraisals shall determine the Option Purchase Price. The parties shall each pay for the cost o f the z Agenda Item I I.a. Page 30 appraisal prepared by the appraiser they select and the cost of the third appra shall be shared equally. c. Upon City's exercise of the Option as provided hereunder, City shall, at City's sole cost and expense, prepare and record a parcel map in order to create a separate legal lot comprised of Area E. d. Upon recordation of a parcel map as described in Section above, r City and Jacobson shall e a Purchase and Sale Agreement substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C. (b Consideration for option As consideration for the Option, City has agreed to p rovide two parking spaces adjacent to the Jacobson property dedicated for its use. ( c ) Exercise of Option Provided City is not in default under this Lease, this Option may be exercised by City's delivering to Jacobson at any time during the Option Term and before the expiration of the Lease Term, at least ix month mitten notice of the exercise ("Exercise Notice"). ( d) .Jacobson warrants that Jacobson is the owner of the option Property and has marketable and insurable fee simple title to the Option Property clear of restrictions, leases, liens, and other encumbrances, except as described on the attached Exhibit D. If this Option is exercised by City, Jacobson shall convey title to the Option Property by grant deed subject to the terms and conditions hereof. Throughout the Terra of the Lease and until the option Property is conveyed to city, if this option is exercised, Jacobson shall not substantially alter or encumber the Option Property in any way nor grant any property or contract right relating to the Option Property without the prior written consent of City, which consent may be granted or withheld at City's sole and absolute discretion. Section 7. Quiet Enio ment During the Terra of the Lease, City shall peaceably hold and quietly enjoy the Lease Property without hindrance, molestation or interruption by Jacobson or by anyone lawfully or equitably claiming by, through or under Jacobson. Section 8. Insurance During the term of the Lease, City agrees to provide the general liability insurance for the Lease Property afforded it through the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority. Section 9. in emnit ( a) To the fullest extent allowed by law, City covenants and agrees that ,Jacobson shall not at any time or to any extent whatsoever b e liable, responsible or in anyway accountable for any loss, injurer, death, or damage to persons or property which, at any time may be suffered or sustained by City or by any person who may at any time be using, occupying, or visiting the Lease Property or be in, on or about the Lease Property, from any cause whatsoever, except when such loss, injury, death, or damage shall be caused by or in anyway result from or arse out of the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of Jacobson. Furthermore, City shall forever indemnify, defend, hold, and sage .Jacobson free and harmless of, from and against any and all claims, liability, 3 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 31 Ions, or damage whatsoever on account of any such loss, injury, death or damage Toned b an cause other than Jacobson's intentional or negligent acts or omissions. City 's indemnity obligation set forth in this occasioned section shall survive the termination or expiration of the Lease with respect to any claims or liabilities arising out of injury inJ `u or damage to person or property which occurs during the Term. ( b ) To the fullest extent allowed by law, Jacobson covenants and agrees that city shall not at any time or to any extent whatsoever be liable, responsible or in anyway accountable for an y losses, damages, or any other claims which, at any time may be . brought against, suffered or sustained y City or by any person who may at any time be r g g or be in n or about the using, occupying the Jacobson Property excluding, Area A g Jacobson Property e Area A, resulting from the failure of any of Jacobson's rep resentations made herein. Furthermore, Jacobson shall forever indemnify, defend, ` a an and all claims liability hold, and sage city free and harmless of, from and ag y a loss, o damage whatsoever n account of any such misrepresentation. Jacobson's • g � r expiration of indemnity obligation set forth �n this Section shall survive the termination p the Lease with respect to any claims or liabilities arising during the Term. section 10. city's Defaults and Jacobson's Remedie It shall be an event of default hereunder (each an "Event of Default" ) if i default shall be grade by city in the punctual payment of any rent or other moneys due hereunder and shall continue for a period of ten (1 0) days after receipt of written notice thereof by city; (ii) default shall be made by city in the performance or observance of any of the other agreements, covenants or conditions of this Agreement on the part of City to be performed and observed and such default shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice thereof by City, or, in the case of a default which cannot be cured by the payment of money and cannot be cured within thirty 3 days, shall continue for an unreasonable period after receipt of such written notice; (iii) City shall abandon the Lease Property. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default by city hereunder, Jacobson shall have the right, in addition to all other rights and remedies of Jacobson provided hereunder or by law, to terminate City's Lease, in which event city shall immediately surrender possession of the Lease Property, and pay to Jacobson all rent and all other amounts payable by City hereunder to the date of such termination. Section 11. 1 onw iver If any action or proceeding is instituted or if any other steps are taken by Jacobson or city, and a compromise part payment or settlement thereof shall be made, either before or after judgment, the same shall not constitute or operate as a waiver by Jacobson or city of any agreement, covenant or condition of this Agreement or of any subsequent breach thereof. Section 12. Covenants Faun With Land (a) The agreements, covenants and conditions in this Agreement are and shall b e deemed to be covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Jacobson and City and their respective successors and assigns. b All references in this Agreement to "City" or "Jacobson" shah be deemed to refer to and include successors and assigns of City or Jacobson, respectively, without specific mention of such successors or assigns. Agenda Item I I.a. Page 32 Section 13. Noti Except as otherwise provided hereunder; any notice or communication to � � , .. mail postag p Jacobson or City shall a in writing and be railed by certified a g [Notices or communications shall be addressed as follows: To Jacobson: To City` City of Arroyo Grande A ttn: City Manager P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421-0550 With copy to: Carmel & Naccasha LLP Attn: Timothy J. Carmel 1410 harsh street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Section 14. Holding over This Lease shall terminate without further notice upon the expiration of the Terra, and any holding over by City after the expiration of the Term shall not constitute a renewal hereof or give city any rights hereunder or in or to the Lease Property, e as otherwise herein provid it being understood and agreed that such Lease cannot be renewed, extended or in any manner modified except in writing signed by Jacobson and City. Section 15. severat ilit I n case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Agreement, but this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provisions had not been contained herein. Section 1. consents Unless otherwise specified, whenever in this Agreement the consent or approval of either Jacobson or City is required or permitted, the party requested to give such consent or ap proval ill act promptly and will not unreasonably withhold its consent or approval. Section 17, s ecific Enforcement In the event that City exercises its Option to purchase the Option Property from Jacobson on the terms and conditions set forth in Section 6 hereof, Jacobson and City both acknowledge that legal damages are an insufficient remedy at laver and that City's Agenda Item I I.a. Page 33 rights under such Section shall be specifically enforceable, without limitation on the right of City to resort to any other remedy available at law. Section 19. Integration This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between Jacobson and City with rest to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior offers and ., respe � r modified i an negotiations, ns, oral or written. This Agreement may not be amended o g b Jacobson City and if respect whatsoever e y an instrument �n writing signed y ty required by any Lender, by Lender. Section 20. Amendment This Agreement may be modified only in writing and only if signed by the parties at the time of the modification. section 21. Governing Law; Venue This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance w ith the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be the Superior Court of San Luis Obispo County. Section 22. subordination This Agreement, and any modifications shall unconditionally be and at all tunes remain prior and superior to those documents recorded as Document ument I os. recorded in the official records o San Luis Obispo County. [Signatures are on the following page] D Agenda Item I I.a. Page 34 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE JACOBSON: Tony Ferrara Mayor* Jesse .Jacobson* Ap proved as to Content: Steve Adams, City Manager Approved as to Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT RESULTS IN YOUR SECURITY INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BECOMING SUBJECT TO AND OF LOWER PRIORITY THAN THIS AGREEMENT T In consideration of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the undersigned, present owner and holder of the note dated and beneficiary of deed of trust recorded as Instrument N. in the Official Records of San Luis Obispo County, hereby consents, approves and declares that said deed of trust and note is and shall unconditionally be and remain at all times inferior and subordinate to this Agreement. Date: Agenda Item I I.a. Page 35 * Names rust be notarized Agenda Item I I.a. Page 36 EXHIBIT A Agenda Item I I.a. Page 37 EXHIBIT B Agenda Item I I.a. Page 38 EXHIBIT C Agenda Item I I.a. Page 39 EXHIBIT "C" PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into - as of this day of , 2 (the "Effective Date") by and between Jesse Jacobson ( referred to herein as "Seller' and the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation of the State of California collectively referred to herein as "Buyer"). Recitals WHEREAS, EAS, Seller is the owner of certain real property located in the City of Arroyo Grande, California, commonly referred to as 132 Le Point Street (the "Property") and more particularly described In Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, by this Agreement, the parties wish to provide terms and conditions for Buyer's purchase of the Property from Seller. NOW, , THEF EI^Oi E, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: SECTION Purchase and Sale. Purchase and sale. Seller shall sell the Property to Buyer and Buyer shall purchase the Property from Seller on the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement. SECTION Purchase Pace. Purchase Price. The purchase price for the Property shall be ($ ) ( "Purchase Price"). SECTION 3 Due Diligence. There shall be no due diligence period for this transaction. Buyer acknowledges that it has had sufficient opportunity to inspect the Property and hereby waives all due diligence contingencies. Agenda Item I I.a. Page 40 SECTION 4 Escrow. Upon execution of this Agreement, Seller and Buyer shall establish an escrow for the close of the sale of the Property "Escrow'" with First American Title Company, Arroyo Grande, CA 9342 ( "Escrow Agent"). If the Escrow Agent is unmfilling or unable to perform, Buyer shall designate another Escrow Agent. A grant deed ("Grant Deed shall be recorded and the Property transferred from Seller to Buyer ten 1 days after the Effective Date "close of Escrow"). SECTION Closing Deposits. On or before Close of Escrow, Seller and Buyer shall deposit with Escrow Agent the following documents and funds: ( a) Seller's Deposits. Seller shall deposit with Escro w Agent the following: ( 1) Deed. The original executed and acknowledged Grant Deed conveying the Property to Buyer "Grant Deed"); 00 I lonforeign Affidavit. The original Nonforeign Affidavit executed by Seller; and (iii) Additional Documents. Any other documents or funds required of Seller to close Escrow in accordance with this Agreement. ( b) Buyers Deposits. On or before the Close of Escrow, Buyer shall deposit with Escrow Agent the following: i The Purchase Price; ( H) Closing Costs. Additional cash in the amount necessary to pay Buyer's share of closing costs as set forth in Section ; and (iii) Additional Documents. Any other documents or funds required of Buyer to close Escrow in accordance with this Agreement. SECTION 6. Closing costs. Buyer shall pay all escrow fees, costs of any title insurance and any endorsements and the costs of recording the Grant Deed. 2 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 41 SECTION 7 Prorations. Real property takes, assessments, property operation expenses and other recurring costs shall be prorated as of the Close of Escrow. SECTION Seller's Warranties. Seller warrants and represents to Buyer that as of the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing: (a) That the Escrow instructions have been, and all the documents to be delivered by Seller to Buyer at Closing shall be, duly authors ed executed, and delivered by Seller, are or shall be legal and binding obligations of Seller, shall be sufficient to convey title, are or shall be enforceable in accordance with their respective terms, and do not and shall not at Closing violate any provisions of any agreement to which Seller is a party; ( b) That at the Closing there shall be no outstanding contracts ,Wade by Seller regarding the Property and that Seller shall cause to be discharged all encumbrances and liens including, but not limited to all trust deeds,, ,mortgages, ,mechanics' and materialren's liens arising from any labor or materials furnished prior to Closing which pertain to the Property; and ( c ) That Seller is not a "foreign person" within the ,Weaning of section 1445(f (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and that Seller shall furnish to Buyer, prior to Closing, an affidavit in a torn satisfactory to Buyer confirming the same. The continued accuracy In all respects of Seller's representations and warranties shall be a condition precedent to Buyers obligation to close. All representations and warranties contained in this Agreement shall be deemed remade as of the date of Closing and shall survive the Closing. SECTION Indemnification. Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer free and harmless from any losses, damages, costs, or expenses (including attorney fees) resulting from any inaccuracy in or breach of any representation or warranty of Seller and any breach or default by Seller under any of Seller's covenants or agreements under this Agreement. 3 Agenda Item 11.a. Page 42 Section 10 Notices. Except as otherwise provided hereunder; any notice or communication to Seller or Buyer shall be in writing and be mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid. Notices or communications shall be addressed as follows: To Jacobson: To City: City of Arroyo Grande Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande,, CA 93421 -0550 With Copy to: Carmel & Naccasha LLP Attn: Timothy J. Carmel 1410 Marsh Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Section 11 Liquidated Damages. IF BUYER FAILS TO COMPLETE THE PURCHASE PROVIDED FOR IN THIS AGREEMENT BY REASON F ANY DEFAULT OF BUYER, SELLER SHALL BE RELEASED FROM SELLER'S OBLIGATION TO SELL THE PROPERTY TO BUYER AND MAY PROCEED AGAINST BUYER UPON ANY CLAIM OR REMEDY THAT SELLER MAY HAVE IN LAIN OR E UITY; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT, BY INITIALING THIS SECTION 11, WRYER AND SELLER AGREE THAT I N THE EVENT T F DEFAULT BY WRYER, A IT WOULD BE IMPRACTICAL OR EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO FIX ACTUAL DAMAGES; B THE SUM OF FIVE PERCENT % ) OF THE PURCHASE PRICE SHALL. CONSTITUTE STITUTE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES PAYABLE 'ABLE TO SELLER; C THE PAYMENT OF THE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES TO SELLER SHALL CONSTITUTE STITUTE THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY of SELLER; D SELLER MAY RETAIN THAT FIVE PERCENT % ) OF THE PURCHASE PRIDE FOR THE PROPERTY AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES; AND E PAYMENT IT F THAT SUM T SELLER AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES IS NOT INTENDED DED AB A FORFEITURE OR PENALTY WITHIN THE MEANING OF cALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTIONS 3275 R 3369, BUT INSTEAD, IS INTENDED TO CONSTITUTE STITUTE LIQ IDATED DAMAGES TO SELLER PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 1671, 1676 AND 1677 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE. INITIALS 4 Agenda Item I I.a. Page 43 Section 1 Attorney Fees; Litigation Costs. If any legal action or other proceeding, including arbitration or an action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce this Agreement or because of a dispute, breach, default, or misrepresentation in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and other costs, in addition to any other proper relief. Section 1 Severabllity. If any term or provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected. Section 14 Waivers. N waiver or breach of any provision shall be deemed a waiver of any other provision, and no waiver shall be valid unless it is in writing and executed by the waiving party. No extension of time for performance of any obligation or act small be deemed an extension of time for any other obligation or act. Section 1 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The execution of this Agreement shall be deemed to have occurred, and this Agreement shall be enforceable and effective, only upon the complete execution of this Agreement by Seller and Buyer. section 16. Governing Lave. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with California la. [Signatures are on the following page] 5 Agenda Item I I.a. Page 44 The Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. BUYER: SELLER: : CITY of ARROYO G AN DE JACOBSON: Tony Ferrara, !Mayor Approved as to Content: Steve Adams, City Manager Approved as to Form: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney Jesse Jacobson C Agenda Item I I.a. Page 45 EXHIBIT D Agenda Item I I.a. Page 46