Minutes 2000-05-15 MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, May 15, 2000 - 6:00 p,m, Council Chambers - 215 E, Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 1, CALL TO ORDER Mayor Michael A, Lady called the Special Meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. FLAG SALUTE Mayor Lady led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL City Council l Lady l Ferrara l Runels l Tolley l Dickens STAFF PRESENT Staff members present were Rick TerBorch, Interim City Manager; City Attorney Timothy Carmel; Kerry McCants, Community Development Director; and Kelly Wetmore, Administrative Services Director, CONSULTANT PRESENT Rick Harter, Envicom Corporation. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Kirk Scott, 520 Via Vaquero, submitted a letter for the record which addresses concerns in the Draft Land Use Element. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, submitted a document she wrote entitled "Arroyo Grande Prime Farmland, A National Treasure" for the record. The following members of the public spoke in opposition to the conversion of agric!Jlturalland. Tobie Charles, 174 Brisco. Jan Scott, 520 Via Vaquero, Tim Brown, 125 Allen, Bill McCann, 575 Crown Hill, Marcia Alter, 354 Corbett Canyon, John Silva, Arroyo Grande resident. Charlotte Wilson, 802 Bambi. Adam Saratari, 1038 The Pike. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 15, 2000 Dale Gallop. David Beaman, 333 Tiger Tail Drive, Bill Pierce, 687 Printz Road, spoke in opposition of changing the residential designation in his area of 1 unitl2,5 acre to 1 unit/1 acre as proposed in the draft General Plan Land Use Element. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara noted that in response to Mr. Pierce's comments, an adjustment had been made to the draft Land Use Map to retain 1 unitl2,5 acre density in the area of Printz Road, 5, DISPOSITION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT REQUESTS Community Development Director McCants gave a summary of the first group of applications for conversion from Agriculture to a more intense land use; and the second group of applications for annexation. Consultant Harter reviewed why these requests were not included in the draft General Plan Land Use Element Update, He said the public comments received tonight were consistent with the input received from the Long Range Planriing Committee, He stated that the Council could draft policies to look at ways to maintain agricultural land. There was discussion about the potential for a Transfer Development Credit program and the use of conservation easements. Council Member Runels asked if there was a definition of "prime" agricultural land and if it was tied to the dollar amount that the soil provides, Consultant Harter responded that the definition of prime agricultural soil is based on the U,S. Department of Agriculture standards. He stated he had relied on the CASP study criteria. There was further discussion about methods used to conserve agricultural land through conservation easements, Consultant Harter referred to two agriculture related policies that are in the Conservation Element (AG 1-4 and AG 1-4,2) that relate to this issue, Director McCants commented that policies could be put in place through the Planning Commission and City Council public hearing process, Council Member Dickens passed out data and charts he prepared which highlighted agricultural land ownership in the City of Arroyo Grande; the total acres of designated prime and non-prime agricultural land in the City; the percentage of commercial versus non-commercial agricultural land in the City; the number of agricultural parcels by acre in the City; and documentation dated 1977 regarding Greenwood Manor, 2 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 15, 2000 The Council began consideration of the disposition of the following requests for conversion from Agriculture to other land designations, APN No. 07-761-021 (Bean and Stava), 1167 and 1212 Flora Road, The request is that the designation of two parcels of 5,0 and 5,08 acres be changed from Agricultural to Residential use, Council discussion included whether or not there was a deed restriction on the property; what the intent of the "0" overlay on the agricultural zoning designation is; whether or not this property was considered "prime" agricultural land; and if there were restrictions on placing wells on agriculture land regardless of parcel size. All Council Members stated they were not in favor of changing the designation of the agricultural land, There was Council consensus to not include the request in the draft General Plan Land Use Element Update, APN No, 06-761-032 lHuQhes and Jones), 1189 Flora Road. The request is that 9.99 acres be changed from Agricultural to Single Family Residential. Otis Page, 606 Myrtle, stated he was not speaking on behalf of Mr. Jones; however, he did not think people were aware of what the Council was doing tonight. Council Member Dickens responded that specific letters were sent to the property owners regarding the date and time of the meeting, All Council Members stated they were not in favor of changing the designation of the agricultural land. There was Council consensus to not include the request in the draft General Plan Land Use Element Update, APN No. 07-791-022 (VanderVeen), 1273 Branch Mill Road. The request is that five acres be changed from Agricultural to Residential. There was Council consensus to not include the request in the draft General Plan Land Use Element Update. APN No. 06-341-018 (Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Dav Saints) Mayor Lady and Council Member Runels declared a potential conflict of interest on this item due to business and real property ownership, respectively, and stepped down from the dais. The property is located on Fair Oaks Blvd, The request i~ that four acres of a parcel of 13.15 acres designated Agricultural be changed to Public Facility to I 3 I SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 15, 2000 allow construction of a new church with the remaining 9+ acres to remain as Agricultural. ~eff Wagner, Engineering Development Associates, spoke as a representative on behalf of the Church, He stated that the Church bought the property to build a , I church, and that the property across the street was zoned Public Facility, He I , suggested that instead of redesignating the property, the Council make churches i an allowable use in the Agricultural zone, Howard Mankins, 200 Hillcrest Drive, stated he was a member of the Church which has 1,000 members. He spoke about the need for another church and that it would be close to the High School so that students could attend a program before school, He stated that the surrounding uses are com'patible; spoke about the Church's welfare program which uses agricultural products; and requested an opportunity to present a plan to use the property for religious purposes, Jim McGillis, a member of the Church, spoke about prime farmland, classification of soils, water issues, housing for farm workers, and stated that the parcel size mattered. He stated that the Church would be compatible with surrounding uses and would not be intrusive on the Saratari farm. Nanci Parker, 1127 Vard Loomis Lane, acknowledged the previous comments and stated that the issue is with prime farmland and this property was prime farmland, Karen Cross-Harmon, 390 Mercedes Lane, agreed that this was prime farmland and the neighborhood is farmland. She suggested an alternative site for the church and referenced a parcel near Rodeo Drive which she believed was not appropriate for homes, Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oak Hill Road, stated this was world class soil and is irreplaceable, Adam Saratari, 1038 The Pike, stated he farms next to the parcel in question. He stated that churches and schools are not compatible with farming and that Fair Oaks Avenue is the buffer be'tween the uses. Dennis Donovan, 337 Galardi, spoke in favor of retaining the property as Agricultural. Bill McCann, 575 Crown Hill, spoke in favor of retaining the property as Agricultural and stated there were other places to put churches. Kirk Scott, 520 Via Vaquero, spoke in favor of retaining the property as Agricultural and protecting the land. 4 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 15,2000 Otis Page, 606 Myrtle, stated it was obvious from the survey results that the community wants to retain agricultural land, . Council Member Tolley said the Saratari land would be affected and did not support the request. Council Member Dickens said the City needed to do everything in its power to help the farmers; spoke about the issue of parcel size in relation to farmiog activities; did not favor adding other uses to the current zoning designation; and did not support the request for conversion, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara spoke about the affect on the adjacent property owners; commented on Ms. Cross-Harmon's Rodeo Heights proposal; supported the suggestion of looking for an alternative site for the church; and did not support the request for conversion. There was Council consensus to not include the request in the draft General Plan Land Use Element Update. Mayor Lady and Council Member Runels returned to the dais, The Council began consideration of the disposition of the following requests for annexation. APN No, 75-011-041 and 75-011-042 (Ellsworth) The property is located on Halcyon Road adjacent to the City limits, The request is for both parcels to be annexed to the City and the designation changed on the second parcel from Agricultural to Residential. Director McCants noted for the record a letter received from Mr, Ellsworth requesting that if the Council scheduled a second meeting to consider the requests, that his request be considered then as he could not attend this meeting. Council and staff discussion included the location of the parcels and whether annexation would create an "island" of land between County and City limits, There was discussion about LAFCO requirements for annexation, Bill McCann, 575 Crown Hill, requested a more detailed map to show the current land uses, Leroy Saratari, stated he farms next to the parcels and reviewed the existing County and City land uses surrounding the parcels, Council Member Dickens commented on the intent of the proposed annexation and change in designation, He stated Mr, Ellsworth was not in the agricultural 5 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 15, 2000 business, he was.in the business of building homes, He stated he was not in favor of annexation for the intent of building residential. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara commented that the Economic Element which is coming to Council for consideration focuses on value-added agriculture, He stated he did not support the annexation, There was Council consensus to not include the request in the draft General Plan Land Use Element Update, APN No. 75-021-040 (Saint John's Lutheran Church), 959 Valley Road The property is 5,22 acres and the request is to annex to the City, Pastor Randy Ouimette, 327 Noguera Place, stated that the Church is located at the entrance to the City from Los Berros Road, He said a majority of the congregation lives within the Arroyo Grande City limits; police and fire services are currently provided by the County; the Church has a water well and a septic system; and the Church desires to be part of the City, Council Member Tolley asked if the City was mandated to provide water and sewer if the property was annexed into the City, Director McCants responded no. Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara asked about issues with maintenance of the creek. Director McCants replied that there was an Agreement with the County to maintain the creek and roads. The following members of the public spoke on the matter, Alice Reinhart, 580 Galarte, Otis Page, 606 Myrtle. Kirk Scott, 520 Via Vaquero. Interim City Manager TerBorch commented that in regard to fire services, the City responds to calls as part of an Automatic Aid Agreement, and the police respond to calls for service at request of the County Sheriff, Council Member Tolley stated he would support looking at annexation of this property. Council Member Runels spoke about issues with the Los Berros Creek and stated he did not support annexation. Council Member Dickens stated he did not see the benefit to the City; however, he would not be against studying the feasibility of annexation. 6 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 15, 2000 Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara commented that the property was outside the City's sphere of influence and asked if this would pose a problem, Director McCants replied that LA~CO would have to consider and approve changing the sphere of influence, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara stated he would not be opposed to moving to the next step of the process to consider annexation, He stated he needed clarification with regard to the creek; what the fiscal impact would be; and more clarification on the Church's potential to remain on a septic/well system, Mayor Lady commented he had no issue with exploring the feasibility of annexation, There was consensus of the Council to move forward with the application requesting annexation of this property, APN No, 75-001-045 and 75-001-046 (Hollywood). 770 Vallev Road The property is 27.7 acres and the request is for annexation into the City, There was consensus of the Council to not include the request in the draft General Plan land Use Element UP9ate. APN No, 47 -301-001 (Williams and Von Achen) The request is for the annexation of 200 acres located south of Arroyo Grande on the east side of Highway 101, adjacent to the Frederick's property. 'The current designation is Agriculture and the request is to change to Business Park/Light Industrial. Otis Page, 606 Myrtle, spoke in support of eventual annexation, Kirk Scott, 520 Via Vaquero, stated that growth down the 101 corridor makes logical sense, He suggested that the property be included in the City's sphere of influence. He stated that it was premature to consider annexation of this property, Alice Reinhart commented that a lot of the people want to maintain the rural character of the area. She stated it was very premature to consider including this property in the sphere of influence. Karen Cross-Harmon, 390 Mercedes lane, agreed that it was premature to consider annexation, She suggested looking at areas within the City before going outside the City limits, 7 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 15, 2000 Following comments, there was consensus of the Council to explore bringing this property into the City's sphere of influenc~ depending on the outcome of the Fredericks property/project, 6, . ADJOURNMENT Council Member Tolley moved, Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded, and the motion passed unanimously, to adjourn the meeting. Time: 9:35 p.m, ~ ERRARA,MAYORPROTEM ATTEST: tv ftJ.- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK . 8