Minutes 2000-01-25 CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES � TU�SDAY, JANUARY 25, 2000 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER � Honorable Mayor Lady called the regular City CounciilRedevelopment Agency meeting of the City of Arroyo Grande to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Citv Council: Redevelopment Aqencv: � X Councii Member Runels X Board Member Runels X Council Member Tolley X Board Member Tolley X Council Member Dickens X Board Member Dickens X Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara X Vice-Chair Ferrara ' X Mayor Lady X Chair Lady Staff Present: X Interim City ManagerlChief of Police � X City Attorney X Director of Administrative Services Director of Building and Fire X Director of Community Development X Director of Economic Development X Director of Public Works X� Director of Parks and Recreation X Director of Financial Services X Contract Planner X Consuitant Engineer 3. FLAG SALUTE Members of Camp Fire Club, An-Wa-Ca-O, led the Pledge of Allegiance. . 4. INVOCATION Rabbi Norman Mendel, Congregation Beth David, delrvered the invocation. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW ` Mayor Lady announced that a letter had been received from the Lucia Mar Unified , School District requesting Item 11.a. be pulled from the Agenda. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES . JANUARY 25, 2000 6.A. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY . Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7.a. CONSIDERATION OF A HOME-BASED BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLAN � Economic Development Director Sheeley highlighted the staff repo�t. Members of the audience present to hear the item were asked to sign in�for the record. She explained that the City had received a Pianning and Technical Assistance Grant from the State of California Community Development Block Grant Program to prepare a Home-Based Business Development Plan. She noted that Wes Ervin from Applied Development Economics was present. . After being assured that the public hearing had been duly published and all legai requirements met, Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing. Hearing no comments from the audience, Mayor Lady closed the Pubiic Hearing. � Council Member Tolley stated it was an interesting report with some interesting concepts. He referred to page 7 of the Plan titled "Element 1 — Committed locai leadership" and read the section for the record. He said that he agreed with the statements in the report and that the Council had been doing a good job in improving its commitment by adopting clear policies and programs. Council Member Runels agreed that it was a good report. He said it seems that most of the small businesses in the City are content to stay where they are. He said streamlining the regulation process so that smatl businesses could move forward was a good idea. � Council Member Dickens stated as a City looking after the small b�siness community, there was a need to promote an atmosphere to help small businesses be successful. He noted in the list of objectives the need to work collaboratively with the Economic Vitality Corporation and other professional development agencies to make sure that the City was supporting home-based businesses. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara commended the consultant on a good, comprehensive report. He referred to the staff report, noting two items listed as the City's best diversification opportunities. He said the issue of redevelopment was missing and redevelopment opportunities as they relate to promoting small home-based businesses. He said redevelopment was an area that the City needed to emphasize as a diversification opportunity. Further, he asked for clarification as he referred to conflicting statements in the report that the City shoutd encourage home-based businesses to grow, create new jobs, graduate into office, manufacturing, and other commercial space, while the survey results indicated that Arroyo Grande home-business owners are content and prefer to work at home. ' 2 . � � CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 Wes Ervin, Sr. Associate at Applied Development Economics, Inc., responded � that the original premise of the report was based on the fact that the City had a couple of home-based businesses which started out in garages and evolved into office space outside of the City. He explained that the office space needed was , larger than what Arroyo Grande had the capacity to provide. He said once the study of home-based businesses began, they found that home-business owners � were reasonabty happy with .their situation. He said there were about twenty companies that might be interested in growth and expansion. In response to diversification, he explained that in the report they were seeking to identify Arroyo Grande's best opportunities for economic growth and diversification. He said they narrowed it down to 1) growing small husinesses, including home- based businesses, and 2) creating additional land for more industrial uses, larger office and commercial spaces. He said at the time of the study, the Arroyo Linda project was being discussed and promoted. In response to redevelopment, Mr. Ervin stated that the Redevelopment Plan was an excellenf tool for assisting small businesses through loan programs and working with companies on relocation. ' Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked the Consultant to expand on the redevelopment issue in the report. Mr. Ervin stated it was mentioned as a tool; however, it could be looked at in more depth. There was discussion relating to the various loan programs available through the Economic Vitality Corporation and how viable the programs might be for small home-based business owners. There was further discussion about the involvement of the Chamber of Commerce in promoting the program and emphasizing its partne�ship with the City, and linking the Redevelopment Implementation Plan, and the Economic Development Strategic Plan with the Home-Based Business Development Plan for the City so that there was one strategy for the City. _ Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved to approve the final Home-Based Business Development Plan report prepared by Applied Development Economics as modified to include amplification in the report of the consistency with the Redevelopment strategy for the City as a diversifcation opportunity; and further amplification of the partnership with the Chamber of Commerce aligned with the eight-point program described in the report. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion. Voice Vote X Roll Call Vote 3 � � � . . � (� CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES , JANUARY 25, 2000 Aye Lady �e Ferrera Ave Runels Ave Tolley Ave Dickens There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 7.b. AMENDMENT TO PORTIONS OF TITLE 9. SECTION 13 (SIGN REGULATIONS) AND SECTION 18 (DEFINITIONS) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE Contract Planner Prutch highlighted the staff report. He explained that Council had previously directed staff to examine the possibility of allowing portable signs in the City. He stated that staff recommended the Council introduce an Ordinance amending the Development Code to allow portable signs within the C ity. Council Member Dickens asked for clarification on whether or not it was recommended that portable signs be separated by a minimum of 25 feet along building frontages. Contract Planner Prutch replied that this amendment was removed and would not be included in the portable sign standards. After being assured that the public hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Lady opened the Public Hearing. Hearing no comments, Mayor Lady closed the Public Hearing. Council discussion and questions included the intent to help small business owners be more creative in advertising; monitoring and enforceability issues; design standacds for portable signs; concerns about upkeep of portable signs; the possibility of allowing portable signs only for promotional or special events; sign permit expenses; and review of the comments made by the Architectural Review Committee and Planning Commission. Mayor Lady commented that the business owners and complaints about code enforcement brought this issue to his attention. He stated that the City has a responsibility to support business and portable signs have the potential to enhance a business. He suggested allowing portable signs on a trial basis. Interim City Manager TerBorch explained legal issues relating to the Development , Code. He suggested that if Council adopted the Ordinance and made the change, it could direct staff to come back in one year with an evaluation report of the effectiveness of portable signs. City Attorney Carmel confirmed that portable signs are currently prohibited under the Code and the Code would have to be amended to allow them. He said the most effective way was to enact the Ordinance, evaluate it in year, and if it was found to be ineffective amend the Code back to prohibit portable signs. 4 CITY COUNeIURE�DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES ' JANUARY 25, 200 Council Member Runels moved to introduce for first reading an Ordinance of the it Council of the City of Arroyo Grande amendiNg Co�able s gnsa and ff'rther C y , of the Arroyo to rbr n henissue back to�the' Council in one year for review. directing staff 9 IVlayor Pro Tem Ferrara secon�led the motion. Voice Vote . � X _Roll Call Vote p�e_, ,Lady q_�_Ferrara p�_,Runels No�olley . q_�_,Dickens There being 4 AYES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 8. CITIZENS' 1NPUT COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS tWO years Mike Titus, 404 Lierly Lane, sp oke about the formation of a focus group ag o to start the General Plan Update process. ,H concerns about where t e City has been spent on the process. He expressed is s tands today on the General Plan Update. He reqe on the statuseof he G neral . Council agenda item sc he d u l e d t o h a v e a f u l l u p a plan Update and an anticipated completion date. 9. CONSENT AGENDA q ulled because he couid not Council Member Tolley re uested that Item 9.f. be p suppo�the Resolution. Council Member Runels moved and Council M 9 a e�h�o 9h S9Se�owlth the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items recommended courses of action. a, Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. 't Em loyer) Payment of Member Contributions to t��e ��ifornia Public b. C� Y � p Employees' Retirement System. Resolution N5 2000 and January 11, 2000. �, Minutes of City Council Meeting of January � Approved. roved. d, Waiver of Fees — SoutStreetnto HHalcyon' Roadt P o�ect No. 60-70-90-98-6, e, G r a n d A v e n u e, E l m roved. � Progress Payment No. 6. App Voice Vote X Ro11 Call Vote 5 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES � JANUARY 25, 2000 CitV Council pye Mayor Lady � • qye Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara • : �e Council Member Runels , �pye_Coun�il Member Toliey p�Council Member Dickens There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared.to be passed. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked for discussion on item 9.f. Council Member Tolley stated that he disagreed with findings 1 through 4 Iisted in � the Resolution, and he could not support it. Council Member Dickens moved to adopt a Resolution denying the appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of Conditional Use Permit No. 99-014, appHed for by L.C. LaVine, for a second residential unit located at 137 Tally Ho Road. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara seconded the motion. g,f. Resolution Upholding Planning Commission's Denial of Conditional Use ..Permit No. 99-014. Resolution No. 3426 Adopted. Voice Vote X Roil Call Vote CitY Council A�e Mayor Lady � Aye Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara Ave Council Member Runels No Council Member Tolley Ave Council Member Dickens There being 4 AYES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. ' Council Member Runels moved, Council heme ommended course of act ont��n to approve Consent Agenda Item 9.g.,with g,g. Acceptance of Audited Annual Financial Reports. Received and filed. Voice Vote X Roll Call Vote Citv Councii Ave Mayor Lady Aye Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara Aye Council Member Runels Aye Council Member Tolley Ave Council Member Dickens 6 CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES � � . JANUARY 25, 2000 There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Board Member Runels moved, Board Member Tolley seconded the motion to � � . approve Consent Agenda Item 9.g.,with the recommended course of action. g,g, Acceptance of Audited Annual Financial Reports. Received and filed. Voice Vote � X Roll�Call Vote Redevelopment A_�encY p�e Chair Lady qye Vice-Chair Ferrara � . pxe Board Member Runels , p�e Board Member Tolley p�e Boar-c! Member Dickens . There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. VILLAGE GLEN —ALTERNAe�I thatVhe was unable to take part in the vote on Council Member Tolley comment the Village Glen project due to a conflict of �n feet from his property thereforevhe a City water source which was located 5,700 . did not have a conflict of interest. Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the Staff Report•e Deer Ta�W�� staff recommended the City o°as mitiPati neforethe Village Glen Water Demand, " site and payment of $266,20 g rade pro ect and the and direct staff to apply the funds to the Reservoir 3 Upg 1 Rancho Grande—Oro Pressure Zone project. , Mayor Lady opened the discussion for public comment. C.Z. Brown, 350 Old Ranch Road, stated he was suppo�ive of the:.Viliage Glen ro'ect; however,•he needed clarification on the �+'�auest oned the advisabil ty of P l about the importance of water resources and q rior storing water in larger reservoirs for this Pratedtand tes,ed w'th regardto quality Council action that the well would be dedic , and quantity. He questioned if there would be sufficient water resources in the future. � Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady closed the public comment and brought the discussion back to the Council. C ouncil Member Tolley asked staff to address Mr. Brown's comments about the quality and quantity of water at the well site. 7 CiTY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES �pNUARY 25, 2000 _ Director Spagnolo responded that if and when the well w{hed�a�e �metepresent there would be additional facilities buiit to make sure � standards. He said based an P entm'He stated that the e was anuex st ng well support the Village Glen developm that is very close to the site. Tim Cieath, Cleath and Associates, spok O k Pa k�areaf or't e past fifteen yearse � project; working on water issues in the identification of the acquifer at the Deer Trail site; and testing that has been done on the acquifer. . Council Member Runels commented that.this was a 9 a�aitPes to increase water favor of using the funds to upgrade the City s existing storage with the option to drill the well in the future. . Councii Member Dickens commented that if the well Wase the'Master Water Plan not in a situation where it needed the water now becau suggests that the City would need additional water resources at bhere was'a approximately nine to eleven years. He said that on the other side, General Plan policy dealing with City boundary expansion that requires there be no impact on available water resource as�his unders anding'thatthe w Ilhwo Id reviewed the annexation proposal, it w be the mitigating factor to address water resource issues. He read comments made by the City's consultant, David FO to�su'atort the trecomm ndat n without wells. He stated that it would be difficult pp assurances that there would be sufficient water resources'fcant to develop he asked staff if the Council's direction was to require the app well site as mitigated in the EIR, could the City use water fund balances to complete the two projects identified in the staff report within the next two years. Director Spagnolo responded that the money from the deveHe ex Vla nied that toward the funds required for the two construction pro�ects. P the projects were included in the capitai improvement program; however, the funds were to be determined. There was further discussion about projects in the capitacia P at oneonPfundi g priority status of the capital improvement pro�ects, issues; and timing of completing approved capital improvement projects. � In response to questions from Council, Mr. Cleath explained that the Department of Water Resources evaluated the acquifer and recognized it as having significant storage. � Council Member Runels moved to approve the dedication of the Deer Trail Well site and payment of $266,200 as mitigation for the Village a'de projecto dathe and direct staff to apply the funds to the Reservoir 3 Upg 8 .CITY COUNElL1REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES - JANUARY 25, 2000 Ranc ho Grande — Oro Pressure Zone project. Council Member TolleY seconded the motion. � Voice Vote , � , X Roil Caii Vote q�e_Mayor Lady pye Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara pye Council Member Runels pye Council Member Tolley No_.Cauncil Member Dickens YES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. There being 4 A 10.r. A pPROVAL OF THE BRISCO ROADIHAI.CYON FtOAD/ROUTE 101 PROJECT STUDY REPORT (PSRl nolo hi hli hted the Staff Report. He stated that Director of Public Works Spag 9 9 the dr aft PSR was distributed for a 30-day public review�a{h �e Ponses from. he stated that a list of the comments received along consu Itant has been included in the staff report. He �Spset to meet the fund n'g � ` to approve the report was based 'a ned that bec use technical comments were requirements of AB 1012. He exp ear the PSR would be approved by received today from CalTrans, it did not app the Cit the deadline of February 15t. He said that staff was recommending Y i1 ost one approval of the PSR and continue tns ommentsat staff could Counc p P Cal Tra . review and incorporate all comments including Council Memb er Tolley asked SLOCOG Executive Director Ron DeCarli to address the Council. Ron D eCarli, SLOCOG Executive Director, stated that Arroyo Grande was one of only two local jurisdictions in the State that subments. He expla ned the s atus funding applications t hroug h i t s C o u n c i l o f G o v e r n m of th e pSR; an d s ta ted that SLOCOG would recom ne�nd funding for t he pro j e c t when the PSR is comp le te t h r o u g h a n F T I P a m e n d m e discussion relating to advance development w o r k and pro ject There was further . alternatives. Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comment. Howard Mankins submitted written comments on the PSR to the Councii and read them for the record. John Keen, 298 N• Elm Street, spoke in supp ort of extending the review period; obtaining more public input; and exploring other options. 9 CITY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 _ Carter Hooker, Spanish Moss Lane, spoke about the access going east to west across the freeway. He said this o�east to west'should be ev iewed the 101 as a street. He said a11 the accesses fr Hearing no further comments, Mayor Lady .closed the public comment and brought the discussion back to the Council. Council Member Runels commented that he was n�her areasr He a'greed w th freeway ramps because it could add to probiems �n o the public comments that addressed the 'need for alternative �routes for east to west access. Council Member Dickens asked if any comments had been received from the County. Consultant Wendy Tkacheff from Dokken Engad no comments on the PSRCounty was not taking an interest in the pro�ect and h Council comments .included discussion about the regional �9iif�the regionai � project. Council Member Dickens requested that the report a p fy significance of Brisco. . Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara agreed with Coun sta ed hat �he was 'n t part cularly in emphas�zing the regional importance. He favor of the alternatives that �+`�eoutt he e ott nt al concep of widen ng thee Br'sco . no �discussion in the report ab p underpass; and no mention of fixing Sa�a�icu arsa eaEandaco'nditione SHe sa d there were no strategies affecting thi p there was potentiai for concepts relatee Waslnoament on of potential signali ation addressed in the report. Further, ther in the strategy. He stated that the project ast n favor of c nt nu ng he itemnand and not circulation system oriented. He w . bringing it back to Council with other potential alternatives. There was Council consensus regardin a �ab�n P g the PSRr back wi h other regarding the alternatives �n the report 9 potential alternatives. Council agreed to continue the item. Mayor Lady called a break at 9:05 p.m. Mayor Lady reconvened the meeting at 9:10 p.m. 10.c. FIVE CITIES CENTER— REDUCTION �f in ere t an�d steppeld down from the Council Member Tolley declared a confl�ct o dais.. � Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara stated that over the past o°pmiss o (FPPC)h He stated several contacts with the Fair Political Practices C 10 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES ' - JANUARY 25, 2000 t he FPPC did not feel that the circumstances of th�ntation o f act on takennby the interest. He explained that this was an impleme Councii in June 1998, therefore does not repres on the�tem t� He stated with the direction received from the FPPC, he would vote Director of Public Works Spagnolo highlighted the Staff Report. He stated that st aff recommended the Council approve a reduction in the amount af the Letter of Credit securing completion of on-site impro seWOUi� �over only the'remaen ng from $750,000 to $314,340. He explamed thi „ . items of work to be done. Councii M ember Dickens stated the improvements were t anc c He asked when eight months after issuance of the first Certi�cate of Occup Y the first Certificate of Occupancy was issued. , , esentin the Five Cities Center, stated the firste several pads Ty Greer�, repr 9 Occupancy was issued one Yh ch do�not haveatenant ain th m yet. He said the that need to be developed w 'm rovements that they are requesting not be done are those that couid be i p removed by a future tenant. Counc�l Mem ber Dickens asked what the intent of the con eition was if the � improvements were not compieted within the specified timefram ' Cit Attorney Carmei explained that the intent�uilt outreement was to adequate y Y protect the City to ensure that the project was � There was ciarification that all of the off-site improvements had been completed. Parks and Recreation Director Hernandez e�etefwork ohn areas nearbuilding Department estimated was based on the �ncomp pads I, L, and M. Ma or Lady opened the discussion for pubiic �nd b ou ht the issue back to the y u b l i c c o m m e n t e r i o d a 9 Mayor Lady close d t he p P Council for consideration. Council Member Runels stated it was a� reasonable request and he had no probiem with reducing the amount of the letter of credit. Council Member Dickens stated that reducing the Letter of Credit was a reasonable request, although he had difficulties wita�h n a reasonable amountnof He said he would li ke to se e t h e p r o j e c t m o v e f o r w �ace. He s ta te d t h a t t i m e t o w a r d c om pletion W�tetterlof Cre di twou l d m a n t a n p r o t e c tion for the City. reducing the amount of the L a or Pro Tem Ferrara said the improvements need to be addressed when the M y P roject was built out and the Letter of Credit served as a security measure s 11 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES � JANUARY 25, 2000 when the pads were developed, landscaping and infrastructure wou�d be installed. He supported the reduction. Mayor Lady agreed it was fair and equitable to the developers while giving fair protection to the City. Council Member Runeis moved to approve aovements at the Five C t es Center Credit securing completion of on-site impr from $750,000 to $314,340. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion. Voice Vote � X Roll Cail Vote q�_Mayor Lady p�e _Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara � p�e Councti Member Runels Absent Council Member Tolley q�_Council Member Dickens There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11. NEW BUSINESS " 11.a. WAIVER OF UTILITY CONNECTION FEES BY LU G ARTS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE CLARK CENTER FOR PERFORMIN The applicant requested that the item be pulled. � 12. CiTY COUNCIL REPORTS: a, MAYOR MICHAEL LADY (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). 1) Adopted a brine disposal ordinance fee; 2) Replaced sludge grinder � pumps; and 3) Approved employee medical insurance change to PERS. , (2) Other. None. . b, MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA � Discussed (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA). � the Cit of item on the APCD Agenda relating to the new burn rule; 2) Y Morro Bay has terminated its contract with RALCCO; and County Environmental Health is continuing to monitor RALCCO; 3) Through • regional JPA, the cvmposite �diversion rate is 51% which meets the requirements of AB939. However, if the region falls 4,D scussed . � i n d i v i d u a l d i v e r s i o n r a t e s g o back to each of the cities; C o l d how constructionldemolition waste could impact diversion ra te; Canyon is opening a construction recycling center; met with Community Development Director to discuss amending recycling agreement to include constructionldemolition. 12 C1TY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES � JANUARY 25, 2000 b, MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA (cantinued): (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). No report. (3) Air Pollu'c DevelopmenttTaskAForce. No repo. February 17, 2000 is (4) Econom the next meeting. . (5) Other. None. �, COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS o Discussed (1) Zone 3 Advisory Board. 1) Dam has 66/oGa eaupdat s relating to potential fees for use of recreational area; 3) Worksho s on Lopez Dam remediation .project; 3) Discussed having P the Bond issue, and asking the citi a� a�meetng wili betheld toPevi w the bond measure; 4) Reported th the preliminary Budget whic�a.te contracts% increase for Arroyo Grande; and 5) Discussed new Committee (WRAC)• Met �and (2)- County Water Resources Advisory discussed routine business. (3) Other. None. d, COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY - - (1) Long-Range Planning Committee. No report. (2) South County Youth Coalition. No report. (3) San Luis Obispo Council of Governmentsl1an SLORTA Spev ewe'dn a Transit Authority (SLOCOGISLORTA). ) piscussed performance audit; 2) SLOCOG appointed new officers; 3) � Route 46 corridor project update and Route 46 corridor safety improvement. � d; COUNCIL MEMBER STEVE TOLLEY (continued) 4) Other. 1) Attended League Employee R aa3% a t 50 and� b nding ( meeting w here t o p i c s d i s c u s s e d i n c l u d e �o ee Re la tions . arbitration; and ti W���,Educ ting ethe uElec e'dg Official on Human Institute presen g , ResourceslLabor Relations". e, COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT). Wiil communicate concerns of Arroyo Grande City Council at next SCAT meeting. (2) Economic Development Committeel Subcommi t emm A�• a9gress ve (3) Five Cities Recreational Center � presentation schedule is planned ta a r enc es such as the City' of comments and feedback from are g Grover Beach, SLO County, City °�POceanoegroup ns involved to Unified School District. An non-pro raise funds for a municipal pool. 13 C1TY COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2000 r- e, COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS (continued): roved purchase of (4) Economic Opportunity Commission. 1) p►pP property in Kerman for a Head-Start Program; 2) Received funds from SLOCOG for complete count program and will utilize EOC staff for Census 2000; 3) Reporte�drtmentor aCiance;'and 4) EOC is looking for Grant request from EOC f a permanent office location. � � (5) Other. None. � 13. COUNCiL COMMUNICATIONS . . Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara reported the sa d t e rinc palassue was Proposuto'n Safety Policy Committee meeting. H P 1A and Indian gaming. The Policy Committee rejected a request for support from the League of California Cities. . Mayor Pro -Tem Ferra�a spoke about rede eetin m oft the Redeveelopment consensus from Councii on conducting a m g Agency so that staff could provide a status of the Redevelopment Plan. He said he was interested in what was being n's thatt e Cityrm'ght'be missing � strategy of the Plan. He expressed conce . out on opportunities by not aggressively pursuing redevelopment. interim City Manager TerBorch suggested scheduling a Special Redevelopment Agency Workshop. There was consensus of the Council to hold a Special Redi nelopment Agency Meeting to receive a status report on the Redevelopment P . Council Member Runels provided an update on the Santa Maria groundwater basin lawsuit. � ' 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 15. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Tolley moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Time: . .m. � . MICHAEL A Y, O � ATTEST: � KELLY WE O �, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUT�f CITY CLERK 14 �