R 0737 � .� . ._ i. �. RESOLUTION NOo 7:37 ' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF ARitOYO GRANDE RESCINDING RESOd�UTION NOS. 705 and 706 AND AUTHORI2ING PAYMENZ° OF CERTAIN MONIES WF�REAS the City Cou�ncil of td?e Citv of Arroyo Grande adopted Resol�xt.ion No. 705 authorizing c�suve�ance of cert�in real property to Dox�ald Curzora for the considera±ion of ,�26.01; and Wf�REAS the City Council. of tkxe Ci�y of Arroyo Grande adopted Resolution No. 706 authorizing conveyance of certain real property to Ruth Paulding for the consideration of $25.00y and Wt-�REAS the certain real property had previouely been eold to Mrs . Campbell and said real property had been paid for by " Mre. Campbell although the deed executed in her favor had not been recorded. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Arroyo Grande City Resolution No. 705 authorizing conveyance of tlhe property described therein to Donald Curzon ia herebv rescindPd and the Cit4� Clerk is authorized to refund the conaideration o£ $25.01 to Donald C�.rzon, 2. Arroyo Grande Ci.k:y Resolution No. 706 authori2ing conveyance bf the groperty described therein to Ruth Paulding ia hereby reacinded and the City Clerk is authorized to refund the consideration of $25.00 to RutY. Paulding. On motion by Councilwoman Thompson, aeconded by Council- man Levine and by the followin�a roll call. vote, to wit: AXES: Cr�uncilwoman Thonpson, Councilmea Levine, 6chlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood. NOES: None HRSENT: None the foreqoing Reaolution was adopted thia 14th day of March, 1967. �/�,.�/�!i!�.laeGl� � . MP.YOR ATTE3 . CITX �RK. I, PoLI�Y S. MILLER, City Cierk of the City of Arroyo firand�, County of San Ltiia Obiepo, SZate of Cal.ifornia, do her�by c�rtii`y that the foregoin.g Resol.ution No. 737 ie a true, £ul,l and coxr�ct copy o! �aid reeol.utio.n paseed and adopted by �}ze City Council ot th� City o! Arroyo c3rande a+r. a regv,l.ar meeting of said Council oa th� 14th day o! March, 1967. WITNESS my hand. and t:he aeal of the Ci.ty of Arroyo arand� aitixad this 1.S�.h, da,y of March., 1.967. � ,��R,�.• �///L!l � Ci,t;,� C rk of th� City o! Arroyo Granct� __