R 0731 . - ) . ... , RESOLUTION NO. 731 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AOOPTING THE GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE SCALE. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby resolves that the fol- lowing general prevailing wage scale Is hereby adopted as the wage scale for all public works projects during the year of 1967. ~ .-, -- --I- . ...", ') . -" "-.. j < -I Basic Rate Employer Payments for ~01.lT ..... .. ClaSsification Hand W Va!:ation Pens ion klll~ Labor 2lt~phw/p $5.31'. Asphalt plant engineer za~phw/p 27phw/p 5.12,:. Asphalt plantfi reman Z It~~hw{p ZO~phw/p Z7phw/p 5.12 Boxmanor mixer box operator 30~phw/p 40~phw/p 30~phw/p 4.113 CarpenteT 23~phw/p 15~phw/p 30~phw/p 4./34 cement mason Z5~phw/p 25~phw/p ~phw/p 5.01 C5alnman and rodman 30~phw/p 30~phw/p ~phW/p 5.31 Concrete or 8sp~alt spreading tamping or finishing machine. operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.34 Driver of dump truck(Z5 yds or more water level)(slngle unit or combination of vehicles) 35~phw/p 25~phw 20~phw/p 5.78 Fence ierector 30~phw Z3~phw 25~phw 5.31 Grad1hecker 30~phw/p 30~phwl P 45~phw/p 5.31 Heav duty repairman 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.12 Instrunentman. 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.41 Motor patrol operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 4.92 pS.1 nter 18~phw ZO~phw ~phw 5~41 -Party chief 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 4.96 piledriver man, bridge or dock ca rpente r Z3~phwl p 15~phw/p 30~phw/p 5.83 Reinforc(~h9 Ironworker. 28~phw" 23~phw 25~phw 5.12 Roller operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.31 Rubber tired, heavy duty high speed earth moving machine operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.12 screed operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.31 S~bploader operator, wheel type over 3/4 yd up to & Including Ityds. 3()~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.41 Sklploader operator, wheel type over It yds. 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.41 Tractor loader operator 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.~1 Trector operator, drag typa Shovel,bulldozer,temper,scrapar,. and push tractor _ 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.12 Trenchlngmechlne operator(up to 6 ft depthcepac i ty, manufecturer's rating) 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.41 Trenching machine operetor(over 6 ft depth cap.c I ty ,menufecturer I s / retlng) 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 5.41 Universal equipment operator, shovel, backhOl,dragline,derrick- barge,clamshell,crane,plle~rlver & mucking machIne, derrick 30~phw/p 3D~phw/p 45~phw/p Intermediate Grede Lebor 4.53 Air compressor, pump or generator operator 'T....1' 30~phw/p 45~phw/p 4..06 Asphalt Ironer and reker 21 ~phw/p. 2DOphw 2Uphw/p 3.95 Asphal t 'sho.v.el,er 21 ~phw/p 20~phw 27~phw/p 4..00 Chucktende.r 21 ~hw/p 20~phw 2Uphw/p \ 4.04i:. ..Cor;tt.r.etecure;r, I.mpervlous:m_ brane and form oiler 2lt~phw/p 20~phw 27~phw/p 4.77 Concrete mixer operetor(skip type) 30~phw/p 30~phw/p 45~phw/p, ,--- ) \ , - -, , A . \ .... Bas i cRate Employer Payments for per Hour Classification Hand W Vacation Pens ion Intermediate Grade Labor-contd. $4.21 cribber or shorer 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p 4.30 Oriller,core;diamond or wagon 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p 4.14 Dri lIer(2t ft or longer steel) 21hphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p 4.50 Driver of dump truck(less than 4 yds water level) 35cphw/p 25cphw 20cphw/p 4.53 Driver of dump truck(4 yds but I ess then 8 yds water I ever) 35cPhw/p 25cphw 20cphw/p 4.58 Driver of dump truck(8 yds but less than 12 yds water level) 35cphw/p 25cphw 2Ocphw/p 4.66. Driver of dump truck(12 yds but 1 ess than 16 yds water level) 35cphw/p 25cphw 2Ocphw/p 4.88 Driver of dump truck(16 yds put less than 25 yds water level) 35cphw/p 25cphw 20cphw/p 4.50 Driver of truck(legal payload capacity less than 6 tons) 35cphw/p 25cphw 20cphw/p 4.53 Engineer, oiler, signalman 30cphw/p 30cphw/p 45cphw/p 3.95 Fine grader 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p 4.53 Heavy duty repairman's helper 30cphw/p 30cphw/p 45cphw/p 4.21 powderman 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p 4.04 Riprap stonepaver 2ltcPhw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p 4.11 Rock sl i nger 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27Cphw/p 4.5r. Water truck driver(under 2500 gals.) 35cphw/p 25Cphw 2Ocphw/p 4.68 Water truck driver(2500 to 4000 gals) 35cphw/p 25Cphw 20cphw/p 4.80 Water truck driver(4000 gals. or more) 35cphw/p 25Cphw 2Ocphw/p Unskilled Labor 3.85 Flagman 2ltcphw/p 20cphw 27cphw/p 3.85 Laborer 21kphw/p 20Cphw 27cphw/p HOTE: Any classification n6tincluded. in ~hislist shall be at the prevailing rate. A II the above wage rates wi II . be .subJ ect to any recent negotiations. On motion of Councilman Burt , seconded by Councilman Schlegel and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Burt, Levine, Schlegel and Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 24th day of January 1967. ATTES~~;/~/ _ ~~~/~-'J Mayor City C k I, POLLY S, MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No.731 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resoulution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council on the 2lith,day of January 1967. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 25th day of Janua ry , 1967. ,. -----