R 0717 " . :") RESOLUTION NO. 717 A RESOLUTION FINDING CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS SUR- PLUS AND ESTABLISHING METHOD OF SALE OF SAID PROPERTY. WHEREAS ~he Ci~y of Arroyo Grande has purchased cer~ain real proper~y for s~ree~ improvemen~ purposes, and , WHEREAS, ~he house loca~ed on said real proper~y is surplus proper~y ~o ~he Ci~y of Arroyo Grande, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by ~he Ci~y Council of ~he Ci~y of Arroyo Grande, ~ha~ ~ha~ cer~ain personal proper~y being ~he ho~e loca~ed a~ 1194 Fair Oaks Avenue, Arroyo Grande, California, be sold ~o ~he highes~ and bes~ bidder, under sealed bids ~o be opened a~ 2:00 P.M., Oc~ober 11, 1966 a~ Arroyo Grande Ci~y Council Chambers. On mo~ion by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Bur~, and on ~he following roll call vo~e, ~o-wi~: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Bur~ and Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABSENT: None ~he foregoing Resolu~ion was adop~ed ~his l3~h day of Sep~ember, 1966. _,h-~~~/~.u~ yor ATTEST:a L..7(;z' ~:>. //~ Ci~ Clerk I, POLLY S. MILLER, Ci~y Clerk of ~he Ci~y of Arroyo Grande, Coun~y of San Luis Obispo, S~a~e of California do hereby cer~ify ~h4~ ~he fore- going Resolu~ion No. 717 is a ~rue, full and correc~ copy of said resolu~ion passed and adop~ed by ~he Ci~y Council of ~he Ci~y of Arroyo Grande a~ a regular mee~ing of said Council on ~he l3~h day of Sep~ember, 1966. WITNESS my hand and ~he seal of ~he Ci~y of Arroyo Grande affixed ~his l4~h day of Sep~ember, 1966. Grande - ____n __,~