R 0710 RESOLUTION NO. 710 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIl, OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHNENT OF BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS. BE IT "RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDS That the Chief of Police of the Lo herowLth authorLzed and dLrected to roi'move: On the northeamt corner of FAIR OAKS AVENUE and ELI( STREET so am to stop all trGffiC traveling vest on FAIR OAKS AVENUE at EI, N STREET. On the southeast corner of FAIR OAKS AVENUE and ELM STREET so as to stop all trc~f~c traveling north on EI, H STREET at FAIR OA~ AVENUE. On the northwest corner of FARREL ROAD and ELM STREET so as to stop all traffic traveling south on ~,M STREET at FARREL ROAD. On motion by Councilman Burr m®condod by Councilmen Levine and on the relieving roll cal~ vote; AYES: Councl 1woman Thompson., Counci ]men Levin.e, .Schlage], Burr and Alayor ~/ood NOES: Non · ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted. JlA~/~ ~//~~ this 26th_ day of Ju]_7 1966. ~; PO~Y 8. Hl~ City Clerk of the Ctty o~ Arroyo gr~e; Co~ty o~ 8~ LuL. ~.po, State o~ Cal~orn~a; do hereby certify tha~ the foregoing Resolution No. 710 ~o a true, full and correct copy o~ said Resolution ~ss~ and adop~ by tho City Co~cll of i the CLty of Arroyo Orande a~ a re~lar meeting o~ Mid Council of the City o~ Arroyo Orand.; on the 26~h day of ~ulY ~966. ~EN8 mY hand and the sea~ 0~ the C~ty of ~royo ~r~e ~fix~ th~s 27~ day o~ ~uJy ~966. ,/