O 214 C.S. ...... - , . ; . ORDINANCE NO. 214 C.S. All ORO I NANCE OF THE C!TY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMEND I NG A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANOE REFERREO TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9. CHAPTER 4, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That certain ordinance known as "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE" is herewi th amended as fa II ows: [ The "ZON I NG MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE", referred to inSect ion .302 of Title 9, Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code is amended so the RAB-3 District, as shown and designated on the map attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated here in, wh i ch map is ent i tied "A SECTI ON OF THE ZON I NG MAP Of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 214 C.S. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE", and sa i d map and a 11 notat ions and references sha./n thereon, sha II be as much a part of th is ord i nance as if the matters shown on sa i d map were all fully described herein, and the Districts and zones and boundaries of the property - i shown therein from and after the effective date of the adoption of this ordinance. I The properties intended to be rezoned are described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. I SECTION 2: DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS The following recommendations of the Arroyo Grande City Public Works and Planning Departments are included herein as requirement for development of said property: I. That the development be substantially as shown on the Master Con- ceptual Plan and the Preliminary Architectural Elevation Plans on file with the Planning Department. 2. That concrete curb be installed between paved and landscaped areas as approved by the Planning Department and Public Works Department. 3; That all ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and all other mechanical equipment, whether on the ground or elsewhere, the structure be reasonbly screened from public view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. . 4. That street numbers of all buildings be posted so as to be easily read from the street at all times, day and night. 5. Tha t a I I 1 ightingbe constructed in suc~,.a manner that glare is dicected away from, surrounding properties and public rights of way. 6. That all mechanical equipment be constructed in such a manner that noise emanating from it will not be perceptible at or beyond the property plane of the subject property in a normal environment for that zoning district. 7. That if signing is desired for the development, an overall comprehen- sive signing program be submitted to the City for review under separate application. 8. That all trees used in private landscape areas shan be a minimum [ of 15 gallon in size and all shrubs a minimum of 5 gallon in size. 9. That all trash and refuse be contained completely within an en- closed area which is architecturally compatible with the main structure. 10. That a lighting plan be presented for staff and Planning Commission app rova 1 . II. That all parking spaces be striped and provided with bumper stops unless they are fronted by concrete curbs, in which case sufficient areas shall be provided beyond the ends of all parking spaces to accommodate the overhang of automobi les. 12. That all dwelling units in the development be constructed to meet P.G.&E. Energy Conservation Home Standards promulgated by P.G.&E. in 1976. 13. That the developer shall provide water conservation plumbing fixtures to the extent possible. 14. That the developer submit improvement plans for all portions of the development which the developer is obligated by ordinance to construct, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for review and approval by the Public Works Dept. ------ 304 15. That the developer submit a building permit survey and a site development plan, and that these plans be approved by the Director of Planning prior to issuance of a building permit. 16. That the Site Development Plan include all required information to design and construct site grading, paving and drainage. 17. That the paving sections for parking areas be designed on the basis of an R Value Test, and Traffic Index to carry the anticipated traffic loads. - This design shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. The minimum AC pavement slope shall be 1%. 18. That all utilities required to service the development be installed underground. 19. That the developer install street frontage improvements pursuant to City ordinance to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. These I improvements shall include, but are not limited necessarily to, grading, curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, storm drain, sanitary sewer and water facilities. 20. That the developer shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the City prior to construction. 21. That the emergency phone number of the 'Fire ,Department be posted , near all telephones on the site immediately following the beginning of con- I struction. 22. That the construction site be kept free of fire hazards from the v start of construction until final inspection. 23. That the developer shall include in his development plans, the planting of newly created banks or slopes for erosion control or to minimize their visual effect. 24. That Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 9-4.1026 shall not apply to the subject property, and that in lieu of the reversionary 'clause, the phasing of the development shall determine the compliance of the "P-D" Planned Development District. 25. That the entire open space as proposed on the revised Conceptual Master Plan shall be administered by a Home Owners' Association composed of all of the residents in the project area. Said administration and maintenance program for the open space shall be incorporated on a C.C.&R. document to be presented to the City for review and approval. Said C.C.&R. document shall be recorded and the City shall be made a third party. Further, should the City be required to administer and maintain the C.C.&R.'s, said cost shaH be a direct lien on the properties within the project. 26. In approving any Tentative Parcel Map, a final map for the overall Wildwood development will be forthcoming and will have to be approved by the City Council for recordation. After recordation, the parcel developments which follow will conform to the conditions and various development plans and phasing I which were attached to the original tentative map. Future Public Improvements I Phasing Plan shall be subject to additional improvement requirements as deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works upon review of future developments. 27. That the development shall be subject to the following surcharges: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE-$400.00 per single family dwelling unit, to include cluster housing. ~ 28. Final development plans shall be subject to the City's architectural review and approval. Furthermore, the development plans shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Council for compliance with the City's applicable ordinances and conditions of approval. 29. Tree removal plan. The Grading Plan shall be signed by Planning I , Director approving specific tree removal (prior to issuance'of Grading Permit). i. i ! 30. Platino Lane shall have curb and gutter on both sides. 's i dewa I ks ! i shall be installed according to the Approved Conceptual Plan. Platino Lane I shall be graded according to an approved grading plan at approximately its present grade; its street width shal I be no less than 28' width and drive access l i to the existing homes on Platino Lane shall be regraded to 28' minimum width ! with drainage control. New water and sewer hook-ups on Platino Lane for existing homes shall be completed by developer. 31. Development access from Platino Lane shall be designed to create an estate type entrance to discourage through traffic, subject to approval of the Planning Director and Public Works Department. ''"'-'--'-~~''''''"'''''ii-m~~'''' -'~.;"':t',:_:f,;~:,,',,'~ -::..,~~~-,~~.,., ;;~.'ii;,;pt~'"I1 ',' ,'?, - .:"-,", "-f'~'.::,'i,,,.> .:""",:,;.,"<,.-,:'.i._ <"""","'_;q.<__~,_",,":"" _~ ..,'., "";.,,,,-,;,~ . ' . '. ',,,",V'o",,,,, ",.,;~::;r;.Jf,h'''''i"./~''''';t~i(''!.;+1it~ . 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'.' .,..'.' .~. .' -"-, \ , ",~,."'. N, ,. "LU "" ..ib ' lL ',,- ' , " I \~'I ._.. - ,_ .. .____ '"_"",_~"_~__. I :~.~ ...... . c' ,.,,,-_ . ....":'.. . .' ;'i '.tl' . };'-~;,iJ:~~:~~~~,i .:....',11"-..., .t_ ..,,' '",' '..c ". ." ~~'" ,,""f','''''' <7"~ ..-,-..~,.,'.'..,_.-;,~. .-.., . . ~ -:':.,~'" .,_"-'.", 't....-,... ..'.". ...'.,..,.. -'_......,~ "'-;'~':-...;O""5'i: . ., "tJ . 32. Minor Streets-two 12 ft. driving lanes, curb and gutter. Improved width per approved development plan, and no less than 28 ft. wide from curb to curb. 33. Dedication and improvements for Corbett Canyon Road may be required by the City to conform with the City's General Plan and CaJ Trans Encroachment << Permi t. ., ~' 34. Street and directional signs as required by the Public Works Dept. ,Y 35. Drainage. Retarding basins shall be required as shown on the APproved II' j. . 'Conceptual Plan. 36. All lots shall be served with a water system looped in a manner . approved by the City of Arroyo Grande's Public Works Department. The High Pressure System assessment shall be collected by the City prior to recordation of final map. [ 37. Alllotsshallbesewered. 38. No recreationaJ vehicle storage area shall be aJlowed and the C.C.&R. 's shall include a provision restricting the parking of recreational vehicles within the proposed residential area. 39. Structural sections for all streets shall be minimum of 2" A.C. over 6" Class 2 aggregate base. This minimum may be increased during the design or construction phase of said development. 40. City shall be granted easements for access to all streets and public utilities, including sewer. 41. That all driveways shall have a minimum length of 24 ft., with the except ions of Lots 35 and 38. I 42. The Developer shall present a comprehensive landscaping plan, noting plants and materials, treatment of graded areas and irrigation system for the Commission's review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 43. That final development plans depicting the final locations of buildings and final architectural exterior considerations be presented to the Planning Commission for review and information prior to the issuance of a bui ldingpermit. 44. Any proposa 1 that wi 11 change any port i on of the land use or the conceptual master plan shall be deemed a change in the approval of this Ordinance. Said changes will require reconsideration of the undeveloped portions of the project through the full and proper Zone Change procedure with the public re- taining all of their rights regarding said zone changes. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Smith and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYE~ Council Members Pope, Gallagher, de Leon, Smith and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 25th day of March, 1980. --;l;J~~ [ ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ . DEPUT C I TV frERK , I, Terry Carver, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County bf 5an Luis Obispo, State of Cal ifornia, do hereby certify that the foregoing . Ord i nance No. 214 C. 5. is a true, fu 11 and correct copy of sa j d Ord i nance passed .~nd adopted at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 25th day of March, 1980. I further certify that said Ordinance was duly published in accordance .wlth the law and order of said City Council in the Five Cities Times-Press-Recorder, a newspaper printed and published in said City, in the entire edition of March ,1980. . WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this day of March, 1980. ~ ~ DEPUTY IT~K OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - -----