O 201 C.S. , ,,~u \ OIlDtNAHCf NO._~OI C.S.. All .,.DIIWKE OF THE CITY Of MROYO liMltOl AMENDING THE ^R~OYO GRANDEMUNICI'Al COD( IV REPEALINC CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE 8 CONCE..ING TIfE REGULAT! ON OF WAllS AHO FENCES. THE CITY COOtKll Of TltE C ITV OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES DAOAIN AS FiKJ.CIWI: SfCTlON I: ~t Chapter 7 of Title 8 of th~ Arroyo Grande ~Icf,.t ~ Is hereby 1'.,..1.4. Uetl.2: This Ordinance ~hall be in full force and effect t.lrty (JO) days .'ter It. ,....... eftd within fifteen (IS) day~ after Its pass.... It ~II be publl"-4 __, totether with the n_s of the Council Members \lOti..., tMNOIt. In the 'Iye Cltl.. TI",-'re.s-Aecorder. . Oft _t 10ft of c.-II_ lOa Ilagher, seconded by Counc i ,_ SIal th .. _ the followllll roll call lIIDte, to wi t: AYIS: toIMcl I ......1'. Gallagher, de Leon. Sml th and l1ayor Hillis _$: ..... M$EtI1': C-W:, 1_ Pope the ~III9 ~I.... ..s ,.ned and adopted this 23rd day of OctolMr. "1'. ... ~~ AnEST: I, Terry Carwr, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Gran". c-ty of San I.uls ObISfllO. Stete of California. do hereby certify that the fOf'tlll"1It OrcllMACe 110. HI C,,' Is a trIM. full end correct copy of said 01'41.... ...... eM ..teel IIy tile e ty c-cll of the City of Arroyo Grande et . r.'w '-'1It of said CouAcH he1d Oft the Urd 4.., of October. 1979. ",.,." .. ...... .... the Sa.1 of the City of Arroyo Grande aft 1_ t.IiI'. J~t' .... of Ict~. ,,,,. '? ~ &:)~ ~ Deputy C t., Irk Q t. . J ~ fr.... (SIAl.)