O 200 C.S. ~~~ \ OKDINANCF; NO, _..2.UU_~ AI GlJ)UWlCP. OF Tit..: CITY r:tt ARROYO 1:lWIm: Al'tF.NDIIIG " ~ or till U*111G *' OF TIIi: CJ1'Y OF 411aorG -- If ......m to 1" SECt'1011 . )02 ()II tITLE 9, CIIAPI'D 4 Of tHl! MUNICIPAL CODI'. SO AS to RF.ZOII! CDDIII ,IOPEIlTY IN TilE CIn Qt' AllIlOVO (:ltANU.:. ... Clft CCQlCu. OF nlE CITY 01' AllROYO GRANU!! DOltS OQUII AI ra.uIfJ: . IICIIGI 1: 11aat certain Ordinsncc: known "a the "loR'''' on'".n of tM CltJ of Ane,o GI'...... 18 herewith _nded ..a followa: n. "1Iai... .... of the City of Arroyo Grande", r&f.n" Ce M ...i. ..a of Yi". t. ClYpter 4 of the Mual<:ipal Code. h ai-ad.. .. .... .... .... ... ..-f-t...... of ceruIn diet-riel's ....own thnoID _ tho..... ~wtr t .. f a. to" ClIo _. aad boundadee a~ ahown artddelll.pated . tilt.. ..'It-''' "ec-.c.. .. II, cllte reference incorporated herdn, which ... .. ..iC.... "A 1Ift_ . t. UIIIIG MI., 01' '1'HE CiTY OF AlUtOYO <It~, '1 1 ... If W-1IU" 10. a.r., or 1111 CITY or' oW(OYO 1:Io\HOO", and aald ..., ... .11 ......... .... "k'lT Ir. ... thereon ahall ba .. _eh a part of thh WI..... .. lf tha ..c.teW. ..... OD aaid map were fully descrlb~~ hero'.. ... 1M ........'ct. ... ..... ... "m4ui.. of the property III"Nn therein Cr. ... aft_ ...... effect#.". "to .f the adoption of thia ordioance. The ,...1'1..... "at ~ 1 to .. I'fI'" r .. tIN clul.... in the zQnina acc....U.1Hod ......, on ........ a. fol'-: ... 1. tile Clt, of Arroyo Grande, County of S.. Luil Gllilpo. State of Califotnh, r.ouuty As...sor'. 'arc.l 110. 7~1'.11 -01. a portion of COunty A.......... 'arcol Ie.. 7-191-37 and 7-191-36. Said prapen..... .n located lenerally north of the exteoa1on of Io4t rol.t Stre.t. It ,. pI~le" that the above ueacribed prop.rty be r...... ,... "-1", 11..10 '.1, aoew.aUal District to "e-B-D" Central Buli..... ....CI'UC. IIcn.- 2: tbia Ordin4l\ce shall b.. in full force and effect tIiIln, (.) daf. .f., U. ......., .nd within fift....n (5) day.. aCter #.1.1 ,..,r". #.t ~l .. pUIIl...... onc., together with the n~a of tho c.u.c#.' I' n... Yat.... tharee.. i. tho rive Cltt.. ti...-Preaa-Mecorder. 011 ......... of COuncil Me...... de leQf\, ~econded by Council ......,. Well .. tbe r...a.u. ...U call wt., to wit: A'II: eoc.neU ......1'. ...11891>81', d.. l..eon, Smith an4 *,... *..11.. -: .... MtlU't ~U ......1' P<>p<! .. r.1'T.t.. on&"""" ... p....d aad adopted thh lJrd clay flit 0111' r J4 1.". " ft.. ~ t .nur:iifI1iwr :... -. ... I, 1IiN'IJ ('In.... Deput, City Clark of the Cit, of A.....,. Or_ II, ~, " of........ .,.... ltato of Califonh, do ..areby cuUff ..... .. .LUIT.... ~-.~1'..~.1. 0 truI. full and correct copy .f .... "~np~7' ",... .. , tM Clt, COlmeil of tbe City of u...,. .Hr1t~ .. . ..l..l-lnt........ CouDcll hold.. the ~""ot~ at........ Mt:Ia 111_ ~~ _ the Seal of the Cit, of ."I'OJO 0...... ....... ... _ .. , 192!-. o.put, elM'" !"^~.. ~...~fl,~l.J, 11 ~ ~_-..,..'I-.'.': '~-'~,...~~.".. .~~',......-.. '........."'" ".,,;.,- ". ,.,'.....,,..... ,j Jr' ~l' ,-ft,'" Y L.,.. .,,!" \:,\,._;b..,.. J J : _' ," ,'( .-,,,,-' , ' . " ' " ,," 'co,,, .. '..~,"" . I , , I .~-"!' ~I ..' ./ ,! . '.: .': ... " c' ." ",,".' ~tt: \ ~-, ~ :~':,\. ';~~;'.>' ,~:'L.t"; ", 'I)':;'~/:" '>(~r. i " '( " " ','." . I ',1' '. ,!~;'.:. ,--;;~"" '" ',j". " .; .... .~ ,,, ,,' . J {. I ,~' ~~~:. ~.'> \~)!~<;:' \.\^.. ',' I . ~;' ',~" >~,.' '\".~,~.~' .;;\; }::'i~": .{~ ":,,,~:,: ',: j"Y;i!~\"\;;',j",..1 f"'f"~' "".:,~~ ' 'i:'~~ ./:},,~'h,.~:i:::..:';:~'tf.:~":\" ,'. . .., , .. ,.. ...': "c-a..!)" - : ", " "'t.': " ,'-.\':., , ,'> -':I t:,j " " . '" r I , , I I \ , ' q Ii; , ' " I ~.." L; ~~-=-.... 'r " I; jL,,' '_h. _ EXHIBIT "A" A SECTION or TIlE ZONING MA P Ol-' ,'1m CITY OF AaROYO GAAIIDE, AMENDE I) HY ORDINANCB 00. 200 C.S. m' 1'm: C.IY OF AIUU)YO GRAllDE. ~;' ,