O 166 C.S. r~ :> ORliHNANCE NO. 166 C.S. AN ORWINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANWE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE ~, CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PRQPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. THE CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLL@WS: SECT!aN 1: That certain Ordinance kn0Wn as "Zaning Ordinance 0f the City of Arroya Granlile" is herewith amended as follaws: The "Zoning Map of the City af Arr(ilya Grande", referred to in Section .302 (ilf Title 9, Chapter 4 af the Municipal Code is amended so that the Z0nes and baundaries of certain districts shown therein and thereon are changed sa as ta be the zanes and boundaries as shown and designated on the Map attached hereta, and by this reference incorporated herein, which Map is entitled "A Section of the Z0nin9 Map of the City 0f Arroya Grande, Amended by Ordinance No. 166 C.S.of the City af Arr0ya Grande", and said Map and all netations and references shawn thereon shall be as much a part af this Ordinance as if the matters shawn on said Map were fully described herein, and the Bistricts and zlnes and baundaries af the property shawn therein fram and after the effective date af the adoption of this Ordinance. The praperties intended ta be rezGned and the changes in the zoning accomplished hereby are described as foll0WS: ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL.PRCPERTY SITUATEIlI IN T1-E CcD\;NTY, tF SAN, LUIS OBISPO, StATE OF CAI.IFCRNIA, A/IO PARTICOl..ARLY C>l:SCRIBm AS 'Fmu.mws. THAT PGlRTICIN OF LOT ~E HlJIIDREIlI FIVE (1(!)S), CF PARTS CF TI-E RANo-es CIERRAI. IE PIEl!lRA, !"ISM(;) AfIO BOL.SA [!)E CI-EMISAL, ~ IBY JAS. T. STRATTf'N, C.E.. SEPTEMBER 1893, IN TI-E CaJ-rry F SAN luIS OIBISPm, STATE CF CALIFmRNIA, ACCGJReING TO MAP FILEIlI FOR I'ECaAIiI IN TI-E CFFICE (iF T1-E CaJ-rry REC€JllmER OF SAIIi) CCUITY DEsCRIBED AS FI!U.ClWS. BEGINIIING AT Tt-E MOST SCIUTI-ERLY CCRIIER OF LOT 1 IN 8l.oo< 18, ACCCR)ING TO T1-E MAP F Tt-E WESTERN AooITI€N TCiI TI-E TmwN €F IIIIfImYCiI GRANDE, FILEIiI FOR RECORD IN T1-E CFFICE CF T1-E CaJNTY RE~ OF SAII1) CUTY, Pf>RIL. la, 1894, Tt-ENCE SOUTH 230a3' EAST 63.24 FEET, TI-EN SOUTH 1010' EAST 238.11 FEET TO Tt-E NORTHWESTERLY CCiIRfIER CF T1-E PRCFERTY CONVEYED TO H. ELISSAGI..E, ET UX., BY IilEEIiI I'ECCReED APRIL 13, 1937, IN BOOK 214 CiIF OFFICIAL. REC€JIIDS, AT PAGE 237, RECI!ADS CF SAIO COLNTY, ANI!! CONTINUING SOllTH 1010' EAST ALIJIIG T1-E WESTERLY LINE CF Tt-E PROPERTY $C) CCJNVEYED 218.72 FEET TO T1-E TR\.E POINT CF ElEGINIIING, THENCE F~ SAID TR\.E POINT CF ElEGINIIING Nc:RTH 88050' EAST 472.98 FEET TO TI-E EASTERLY LlIE €F Tt-E PRCPERTY $C) CONVEYEJi), TI-ENCE SaJTH 3018' EAST ALIJIIG SAID EASTERLY LIIE 183.01 FEET, T1-ENCE LEAVING SAIO EASTERLY LIIE AND RUINING SOUTH 88050' WEST 479.79 FEET TO Tt-E WESTERLY I.IIE IF Tt-E F'RIPERTY SCiI CClNVEYElh TI-ENCE NCilRTH lOla'WEST AL(J>jG SAIl!! WESTERLY LIIE 182.88 FEET TI3 Tt-E TRI..E POINT CF EEGINIIING. SAIl> PRCPERTY IS ALSCiI SHQWN AS A PORTICJN IF BLOCK 23, ACCI!RDING TO Tt-E MAP CF CHAlITAlXIUA PARK, FILEIlI FOR RECCRIJI IN T1-E CFFICE IF TI-E CCUITY RECt!RDER OF SAID CaJNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, Jl.LY 7, 1897. SAID PRCPERTY IS ALSO SHOWN €N LlCENSEIiI SURVEYOR'S MAP, RECCR>E@ APP!IL 6, 1937, IN BollI< 2 OF REcCR:> OF SlA'IVEYS, AT PAGE 43, RECI!RIS CF SAN LUIS OBISPO Col.NTY. Said property is rezoned fr0m "R-A-B-3", Residential Agricultural 1i11str1ct, to "R-l", Residential Single Family Zoned I!>istrict. SECT! 0N 2: This Ordinance shall be in full farce an~ effect thirty (30) ~ays after its passage, an~ within fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published 0nce, together with the names of the Councilmen voting there- on, in the Five Cities Times-Press-Recor~er. -- --, J Ordinance No. 166 C.S. Page 2 On motion of Councilman Splerllng, seconded by C~ncllman Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Splerllng, Gallagher, Schlegel, Millis and Mayo~ de Leon NGES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Grdlnance was passed and adopted this 25t~,day of Gctober. 1977. ~ H R ATTEST: ... ;/.'M, r;t. old ~,t)D CITY CLERK ' I, Ines A. del Campo, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Grd I nance No. 166 C. S. Is a true, fu 11 and correct copy of sa I d Grd I nance passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 25th day of October, 1977. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 26th day of October, 1977. ~~~-J~h~ ~o Grande (SEAL) t;; 4TI.'" "'8 R-A-B-3 . Z,J - = Q, . to R-I ..J .. ! c II F: . .. ci~ en J ."- EMAN CT. EXHIBIT "A" A SECTION OF THE ZONING HAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANOE, AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 166 C.S. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. I I -.,. --- -........ - -