O 132 C.S. "'- :> DRD'. ",ANCE NO" 132 C. . , - AN ORDINANCE Of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP Of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 Of THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO R~ZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY Of ARROYO GRANDE. ".. THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That certa1n Ordinance known as "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE" is herewith amended as fQl1ows: I ! The "Zonlng Mep of the City of Arroyo Grande", referred to In Section .302 of Title 9, Chapter 4 of the MunicIpal Code Is amended so that the zones and boundaries of certarn DIstricts shown thereIn and thereQn are changed so as to be the zones and boundaries IiI5 sha./n and desIgnated on the Map attached hereto, and by thIs reference Incorporated herein, Whlcr Hap Is entitled "A SectIon of the Zoning Map of the CIty of Arroyo Grande, Am~nded by OrdInance No. 132 C.S. of the City of Arroyo Grande", and said Map and <1]1 notatIons .nd references sha./n thereon shall be as much a part of this Ordinance as If the matters shown on said Hap were all fully described hereIn, and the DIstricts and zones and boundaries of the property shown therein from and after the effective datil of the a!ioptlon of this Ordinance. The properties Intended to be rezoned and the changes In the ;onlng accomplIshed hereby are described as follows: THAT P~TION OF I.OT 107 Of THE ~,4NC1oI05 CCFlRAL DE PIEDRA. PISIII) ANI!) BCX-SA DE CHAMISAI.. SU3DIVlOED II!Y JAS. T. STRATTON, SEPTEMBER. 1873. ... IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COI,INTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. STA~ OF .~- CALIFORNIA, ACCQ'iDING TO MAP Fll.-J;D FOR REC~D IN THE OFFICE OF TI-E /" COUIITY ~ECtRDIiR OF SAID COUIITY, PES<:RIBa> AS FOLLOWS. BEGINI4ING AT TI1: INTlRSECTtCN OF 11'if: SOUTH UN: OF SAID LOT WITH THE lEST LINE OF THE ARROYO GRANDE P\,JI9L.IC ROAD, (COLNTY ROAD NO. 2$), AS SAID lEST LINE EXISTED CN JIA..Y 3~, 188~1 Tt-ENCE WEST ALONG TJ-E SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT, !!82.1 FEET TQ THE SQUTt-EAST CCRNeR OF Tt-E PRCPERTY CCJ-jVEVEC TO W. H. OOIELL, BY DeEP DATED FEBRUARV I, 1898, AND RECORDED FEBRUARY 3, 18118, IN BOOK 33 OF DEEDS, AT PAGE 570, REC~DS OF SAID COltITY, T....NCE NQ'iTH 10-3/40 EAST A1,..ONG THE EASTER!.. Y L.INE OF TI'E "'''~ ~,." ~ 1:II!N1il!VI!C! 114'.2 I"IIE1' wtCl TI-E ~T ~ OF TI'e PROfIIERTY CCNVIOYED TO J. H. ~C . SV DEED DATED APRIL. 6, 1887, AND RECCRCED APRIL 6, 1887. IN 6CJOI( W OF DEEDS, AT PAGE 463, RECORDS GI- SAID CIi>\J'ITYI Tt-ENCE NORTH 890 23' EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LIN: OF THE F'ROPERTY SO CCNVEYED 145 FEET TO THE SOUTI-EAST CORNER OF SAID CCJ-jVEYED PRQllERTY, Tt-ENCE N~TH 60 6' EAST AL,CNG THE EASTERt.:Y LINE OF SAID CaI/WYED PRCf'EFfTY 353.5 FEET Tp TI-E POST MARKED P. S. lib. 3, Tl-ENCE NCRTH 570 51' EAST ALONG TI-E SDUTt-EAST LINE OF SAID PROPERTY 133 FEET TO TI-E SCXJT'HIiESTERl..Y I.lNE OF A/<RC!VO ~ANDE PUBLIC ROAD AFORESAID, Tt-ENCE AL.ONG SAto SOUTHWESTERLY I.lNE SOUTH 33-1/40 EAST 425.3 FEET AND SOUTH 1-3/40 WEST 407.9 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SaId property Is rezoned from IIR~A-B-3", Residential AgrIcultural Zoned District, to "A-P". Agricultural Preserve Olstrlct. SECTION 2: This Ordinance shall be ,In full force and effect. thirty (30) days after Its passage, and within fiftllen (15) days after its passage It shall be p~bllshed C!If1C8, together with the nallles of the Councl !men voting thereon, In the Five Cities Tlmes-Press-Recorder. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the fol1owlng roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Splerllng, de Leon, Schlegel, l'Iillls and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foresolng Ordinance was passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1976. ATTEST: <"1' . Hf t?~/P'J ~~. _.._-._-_._~_.-