R 0667 .dE,30IJ c-C)2,J N(J0 re-'" .'-< CC hE:)OUn::CJN Il\iS'I'RUCTIJ'iiG THE SUFERINIENDEN'C OF STR~)ETS TO ORDER THE CO,NS':RUcr:LON OF CONCRETE CURBS AND GLInERS AND DRIVEWAY APRONS \IJHEHEA~:~; J +'v-r::. '~"'-'J.",c'~""".'::-"'j,d y;+- f Q,' 'E-.......~ f ,"-' " (~,;;,. -,.. , ."", ~;yc::. L..,.c" .'J ,t'~:,Il..,~>t:..:;.c e llJ 0 ,-,L:.r .:eu',- O. L.r:,:~.; '-.-..L.L'.y ,)1 C-Y",'C:.r,d'-c r0:::, "y"'''''~'(]"'I'...t-'C".:\d-h" T,h~ (~'ity (".oun"''' 1 tha+ morpt-'n gn -5("% -:)...- ..!. ....'~... '--' .._,_....,_. ~. ~ ,~... '- 00 . '._' ',.-' '-- ~ ....,....' ..~ v......... ';'1."_ U _, _' '~J ,;.f.., " ~'.. ,.J.. C',)!l C:' E' -:''.=; ,~'Jrb ,3.nd gCJtter is installed on the nort,h side of S,),m"st D:,iy,c be.t,t.Te-en Alder St.reet and Elm St!'e,::~t and the sourh side of S-~':-EE t_~'::', D:c-.',;, A~i,d'2.I' 3:-:~::,et and E=_rIl S-t"T(:e~. 0 l\iCi\M 'J Ti-tEBEi'\iHE J BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY CO';NC:::L 0;; THE, Cn-{ DE' tEEnyO GRANDE, as f'"Jllows: SECTION 10 That thE, City Council hereby finds, in accordancE vtit,h t-hc- Repcrt of said Sliperintendent of Streā‚¬ts ~ dOt ' C:,;.T1 lTI:; T"j_Ct:,tl sa::.d officEr to not.Ify the 01N11ers or persons in possession of thE' propcTt::.es fronting on those portions of the north and south side of S',ln2f',t DrivE bet'iV8u: Alder Street and Elm StreEt in which no concrete C'Jrbs o!: g'c.tters have been constructed theretofore, to const:r-l..lct 3 or ca:::.se to be constructed ~ CO:lcrete '':.u.rb and g;;t-ter and drivEw:s.y aprons i,l] front of his "aid property 0 On moti,on of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, and on the following roll call vote, to~wit: AYES; Cou.Dcil'rV\'ornan Thompson ~ Councilmen Levine, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Woodo r~DES; None AB3EnT~ None The foregoing Hesol'Jtion was adopted this 14th day of SeDtember, 19650 ~~~~ Mayor ATTES'f':C;-2 d~' '~ ~AA/ Ci.ty C _~rk i., POLLY So MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis ObispoJ State of California, do bereby certify chat thE foregoing Resolution Noo 667 is a true, iOu,lJ and corre,;;t. copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by t.he City CO\;.I:cil of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said ':;ouncil on the 14th day of September, 19650 WITNESS my hand and the seal of the CiT~Y of Arroyo Grande affixed this 15th day o~~ September, 19650 Q +~ ('I..;+~r.f'0':;""''''''r"'o-P^.".,......."....",r:'''''''''''''''..4'''''