R 0665 RESULUT, 'N N,'o 665 ~-_._- RESl:LUIJuN Of THE CITY CUUNClL :)f THE CIT'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTi NG THE L":,PEZ DAMPR(,JEC: WHEREAS, the cont inued growth and prusper 1 t)' .;f the, '~l' Y . f Arroyo Grande will depend dlrectly un the availab1Uty "f ai, ad"q,~ate water supply for domestic, industrial, fire protection and o/her municipal pruposes; and, WHEREAS, the City derives its entire present &uppiy uf water from the Arroyo Grande Ground water BasJ.n; and, WHEREAS, it appears that total annual extractions ",f gr..l.ind water from said basis for all purposes now exceeds r,atural replenishc ment, and that the cont inued use of wells or the dr ilU ng of add l' tiona1 weLLs w~tl only result in a more rapid lower J.ng of ttH= gn:und water table ar.d an acceleration of the Lhreat of sea water Int t d slon1 and, WHEREAS, it is esse1;tial that suppLemental water supplitos be developed for the City of Arroyo Grande and other South San Lt. i ,S Obispo County Communities as soon as possible in order to forestall the obvious and highly detrimental effects of an inadequate water' supply; and, WHEREAS, the Lopez Dam and Reservoir Project has been proposed to the voters of the Zone 3 Area of the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District for their authorization on September 28, 1965; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has been negotiating for a ,water supply from said project for use by the present and future inhabitants of the City of Arroyo Grande because this Council is satisfied there is no less expensive me,ans, elt present, of supplying the South County Area with water than from the Lopez Dam Project 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AI\1]) ORDERED by the C1 ty Counci 1 cf the C::ity of Arroyo Grande as follows~ r-- - 'J , ~ 10 The Lopez Dam Project is deanedto justify the unaimous support of the voters and property owners of the City of Arroyo Grande and of Zone 3, and the City Council hereby goes on record as fully supporting said Project as Proposed. 2. The Board of Supervisors is urged to take whatever steps are necessary and proper to complete the institution of the Lopez Dam Project so that the voters of Zone 3 may have the opportunity to express their support for this most worthy project on September 28, 1965, On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen McNeil Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 10th day of August, 1965. ~.4 .r/6d~ MAYOR ATrEST'~,.dW~ CITY CLERK I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 665 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council on the LOth day of August, 1965. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed tl\is 11th day of Augus t , 1965. (SEAL)