R 0659 RESOLUTION NO. 6,59 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM COMPENSATION IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY, EFFECTIVE AS OF JULY 1, 1965. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. WHEREAS, t;hi,s City Council has caused a wage survey to be made of the compensation of various employees of t,he Cl ty of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, this Council deelT's it to be to the best int.erests of t~he Clty of A,rroyo Grande and its various employees that minimu.m and maximmTl compensation be fixed for various class1.ficat.ions of employment in the various departro,ents of the Ci't.y of Arroyo Grande as hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that the minimum compensation as of date of employment and the intermediate and maximlWl compensations for such em.ployment shall be as hereinafter set forth and s!',all be subject to all of the condltions and reservations hereinafter enumer- ated, effectlye July 1, 1965, that. t,he sai,d minimum, intermed1.ate and maX1.mum compensations are as follows, to-Wl b SI'.LARY STEP PL.J\N POSITION St~1. Step 2 ~.t~E....l Step 4 Step 5 Accounti,ng Clerk 345 370 386 405 425 Clerk Typist I 315 331 348 365 382 Clerk Typist II 368 386 405 425 446 Administrator's Secret.ary 375 394 414 435 457 Maintenance Man I 342 357 375 394 414 Maintenance Man II 375 394 414 435 457 Mechanic 412 432 454 476 500 Equipment, Operator 399 419 440 462 485 Janitor 303 318 334 351 369 Public Works Foreman 432 454 477 501 526 Water Meter Reader 390 410 431 453 476 Building Inspector 500 525 550 577 606 Public Works Superintendent 525 550 577 606 636 Construct,ion Inspect.or 472 496 521 547 564 Police Officer 450 473 497 522 548 Sergeant 524 550 578 607 637 Police Chief 662 695 730 767 805 Ci t.y Clerk 550 578 607 638 670 Dlrector of Public Works no 746 784 823 864 Fire Chief 168 ,~ -" POSITION SteI2..J" .e.tep-.1 St.eJ2....2 S t~~ ptepS Fire Marshall 400 420 441 461 485 Police Dispatcher 300 315 331 348 365 City Administrator 886 950 SECTION 20 That t\,-e foregoing 8chedule of compensations are part, of a considered plan for orderly increases in such comper;sations based upon the following rules, condit,ions and reservat,ions, t;o-wit., (a) The City Council feels that it is in tr.e best: lnterest of the City to attract and ret,ain compet~ent employees and to give in- itiati,ve and encouragement. to such employeeso (b) Each present and/or new employee shall be placed on s',;,ch st,ep of the compensatton plan as his experience and responsibility shall warranto (c) Transfer to higher or lower step shall normally occu.r annually but shall take place only after a review of the employee's past performance; such review to be conducted by the department bead, the City Administrator and a representative or representatives of the City Councilo (d) Such review shall include a personal interview with the employee by one or more of the above named persons and a written statement covering the .i.nterview and the reasons why the proposed action is takeno (e) Such review shall occur not more ofter: than every four months and at, least once a year. (f) A rev.i.ew t~o iJ!crease an employee's compensat,ion in a pertod less than one year from the previmls i.ncrease may be initiated by the employee, deparLrnent head, or City Administrator but shall only occur when there is a special circumstance of meritorious ser- vice or increased ability which it is deemed proper to give special recognition. On mot.i.on of Councilman Wood, seconded by Counc~lwoman Thompson, and by the following roll call vote, t.o-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Burt, and Mayor Jacobs NOES, None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution ATTEST:~ ~. ~ :/ftAJ Ci,tY~k I, POLLY So MILLER, Ci ty Clerk of the Ci t.y of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby cert,ify that the foregoing Resolution Noo 659 is a true, full and correct copy of said ResoV.J.t,ion passed and adopted by the City COtmcil of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Cou.ncil, on the 22nd day of June, 19650 WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Cit.y of Arroyo Grande affixed this 24th day of June, 1965. ~ J~/-Lu/ City C k of the t,y of Arroyo G,rande