R 0633 RESOLUTION NO. 633 WHEREAS the ColliereUnruh Local Transportation DevelopmentAct provides that "Within 60 days following the close of each fiscal year each county, city or city and county shall file with the Department a report in a form prescribed by the Department and certified by the local governing body show- ing its expenditures of funds during the preceding fiscal year pursuant to Sections 186.1 through 186.7."; and WHEREAS the attached report, compiled in the form prescribed by the Department from records maintained by this City and showing expendi- tures during the 1964 fiscal year pursuant to Sections 186.1 through 186.7 of the Streets and Highways Code, has been examined by this Council, and is determined to be factual; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby certifies the attached report to be a true record of expenditures by the City for the 1964 fiscal year in conformance with the requirements of the Collier-Unruh Local Transportation Development Act; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED th.t the City Clerk is hereby instructed to transmit six copies of the report and three certified copies of this resolution to the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, in Care of the Engineer in charge of its local District Office. On motion of Council man McN~~ , seconded by Councilman Wood , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution waS adopted this 2;;thday of Au\:llst , 19 64 . J , ; ,/' -?< / 7 ~~~/7 " ATTEST: ."/:/ /L-, , i/ CITY CLERK I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 633 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of Said Council on the 25th day ci August , 19 64 . WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroy'o Grande ~~d this 26th day of August , 1964. ~ ~/~ I I, ' t; 1\ r \'" , ~ ~ ,6.1"; {',/('; """",,.- ,~ ' > t ,F' "- I ',' . 'i~ . '/ . J 'iX~1bK)tt '01'111 cu-4 \. , '\\) COLLIElH1NBUH LOCAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT /" ',0.-"1 ANNUAL MA'I'CHING PUND REPOH'!', ~", _" " Due by July 15 ',1\- " ') I I' Cl,_i '1'): Sate ot Oal1torn1a 11'011: 01 t1 CJ 00Ull.t1 0 ot ])epa1'1aUut ot Public Works' "I:~ ikaaM D11'181on ot H1g!11rl1s (tbrouab D1ltr1ot Bas1n..r) 1110al Y..r .....i'l.: 11aD. 10, 1\4... III loool'4alLOe with the rlqU1NM11tl of the Strtetl 8114 B1cWa7a OO4e, it 18 heft'" oerUtied thet thl Ipport1ouetl rtoeiYld b7 th11 qSIL07 Ull4er 8eoUoa lee.l(b) u4 spcde4 in looord.lnoe with seotion 186.3 heye bl. _tohet al ftqv.1:N4 b1 Slotion 186.D to the stent eI10Irn hertin. Slot1on 186.1(b) , 1110al Year Apport1OU1Ut tlm41 oblipte4.... Ilatu1lll aet1&1N1 ot Under seotion 4ur1llc ,"I' of b1 .0Ua 116.& Apport1ODi111nt 186.1(b). :report al peS' 880.186.3 11186.7 " '.-., 1. ')",;;-1:14 S.621.t.) 0 ' f.01I, (i I 1. Totll Katoh1Dg Required 4ur1Dg Y8lr ot report . (I a. LeiS Match1Dg Ored1 t carried torward. troIa previous yaar - (I 3. Bet Katch1Dg Requ11'8J118nt tor tisoal 7181' ot report () .... lIA'roRING BXPBtlDI'roiIES OORIm nA1I. ae per SlotiOll. lee. & (; , D. .trad>iwNiI:J BY SUBDIVIDERS OORIm nA1I. par Slo.186.7(o) v 6. 'row. IIA'OOHIm BXPENDI'roRBS DORIm BAR (sam ot ... 1\ D) G 7. IIA'mHDfG OUDIT 'ro BE CARRIID JORWARD (:Line 6 leu :L1I:ae :s 0 8. lIA'1\;IiDlu'DD'ICIT (It Line 3 11 .IIIOft tllaA:Liu 6) () }.!?~ - "n_' -.-, ...i.nCUk 01. i'U,U.c ....... Otti01al 'l'1Ue "Do.. ILOt .'1nclu4e the lump sum spportioDlllllnt under subdivision '(s) ot SeOtioD 186.1 an4o~ receipts tor 1f111ch no I1I8tcl11D@ 18 S'8quired. ....0D17 ob11cltioll8 in Rcess ot Section 186.1(8) Ippor1;10llMll.tl 1114 otlac reoe1p. ahcNl4 be :report8'\ here. -.-.,.- ) --- '~ rj " Form CU-5a Exhibit L-1 COLLIER-UNRUH LOCAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT Ac:r ANNUAL REPORT OF EXPENDITURES FOR IMPROVING THE SELECT SYSTEM , FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNB 30, 19 64 (RePort due within 60 days of olose of year) '1'0 : State ot california Cit,. !XI Count,. 0 ot Departaent of Publ1oWorks Frcna: Division of Highways (Through District Engineer) Arroyo Grande In accordance with the requirements of Section 186.8 of the Streets and High..,.. Code the fOllowing summar,. and attaohed detail is submitted to indicate the expenditures b,. or on behalf of this &gene,. for improving the Seleot S,..tem during the past fiscal,year. STATIJS OF SEc:rION 186.1 (1.0491) FUNDS 1. (a) Unobligated Balance aa ot 6/301 63 (b) Unexpended Balance as ot 6/30/~ ' *2.(a) Allocations During Fiscal Year (Col.1,..) .. (b) Othe,r Receipts (Col. 1 . 2) 3. ' Total Available (IteJII 1 plus IteJII 2) ***". (a) Obligations During Year (sec. 186.7 a" b) (b) BEpenditures During Year 5. (a) Unobligated as ot 6/30/_ (Item 3 less IteJII "a) (b) Unexpanded as ot 6/30/_ (Item 3 less IteJII "b) I StJMMARY OF MATCHING AND OTHER FUNDS OBLIGATED OR EXPENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION ON SELECT SYSTEM DURING YEAR ***6. (a) lfatching Obligations by Agency(Sec.186.7 a " b) (b) IfatchiSlg ~panditures by Agency (Sec. 186.5) 7. ~panditures by SUbdividera (Col. 1 " 2) , 0 8. Total J4atching Obligations So Eltpendi tUNS 0 9. Other Ges Tax BEpenditures (Sec. 2104, 2107 So 2107.5) 10. Other Funds Eltpended 11. Total ot All lxpend1 tures tor construction on Select SysteJII 5553.00 ('lbtal ot Items 4 " 8 -through 11) _ A:rr9 additional information needed by the Derrtment to verity that the requirements of Sections 186.2 through 186. , Seotion 195, or Section 2105 have been met is available in the office of the undersigned. *Ino1ude$ all funds apport1oned under Seo. 186.1(a) and (b). --B1ght of Way Rentals & Sales or J)~c~r of PUl1c Worlt. Interest from Seot10n 186.1 Of 1c1a T1 tie ' fund 1nvestments. -~.Record contract totals plus amounts actually expended for Eng1neer1ng, Cont1ngen01es and Supplemental and Day Labor Work. Attach Resolut1on of Board of Superv1sors or City Counc1l cert1fy1ng report. If expend1tures reported here1n d1ffer from those 1n July IS report, attaoh a rev1s10n of July 15 report. ~, ) ~,. ,~ Form aU-50, page 2 Exhibit L-4 'l'ABLE 2 'l'O'l' ALS I , I EXPENDI'l'URES eot on . See Item 4 b Ma tohing ~ eno7 See Item b Matohing b7 Sub- dividers See Item 7 Seotion 2104, 2107 or 2107.5 tunds See Item Other F'unds 3,553.00 3,553.00 t (Expenditures on17 J,553.00 3.553.00 To the best of my knowledge, the above and attached data is a true and correct statement of the work performed and expenditures made in accordance with the requirements of the Collier-Unruh Local Transportation Development Act. ~~) D.uact:or of ~10 WOZke Title Note: In Table 1, Engineering costs may be prorated on basis of division of construction oosts. Amounts of expenditures and obligations for each fiscal year shown in 'l'able 2 are as reported on Forms 5a and 5b. Net totals on Lines 1 and 2 of Obligations should agree with totals on Lines 1 and 2 of expenditures. I I ...-j -- -~-_.._-_._------_.- -- .f. - ') ,-' Form CU-5c, Page 1 Exhibit L-3 COLLIER-UNRUH LOCAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT l'.ROJlCT COST SUMMARY PROJECT NO. 3a City Ii] County 0 ot ~.OJG --- DESCRIPTION 011' PROJECT Name ot Street or Road i'arreJ. 1IDad Termini ot projeot Kla 6t1. ~ 600' .aur.1.y Length Miles The work consisted ot Qrad1.ftlt llaVi- CIIadI -..... JDmr gra ng, paving, construe ng ourbs and gutters, etc., or the purchase ot right ot way and was performed by aOftt:~ct under the direction of the contrac or day labor C11;F city, county, state Date work began iiov. li63 Date work completed ~. 1964 I i ! Contractor PeriQJ, Resident Engineer ,Joe WO~. Note: Minor construction and ri~ts ot wa! projects may bt covered by a single form if liste in detai on supplements sheets. TABLE 1 Eligible tor Inel1~b1e to! Sec.186.1 or Sec.1 .1 or 'Work Matohing FundslMatohing Pundl Totals Prel1minar,y Engineering Right ot 'Way I Construotion Engineering Day Labor Contract Items $3,553.00 3,553.00 Extra Work Other 'fOTALS a.5SS." 1.113_00 i - ---.- ,-- ---- ~ ;) ~ '111- fJ' ;; i'I' il ~ (:!""~ .. 0 I'd> Po ~ ') tal ~ ">;':!_IIIOIll . a .... ~ ;:Sc+ O"ClP.C:Ori(D ,.,..., ctCD ~ Po \oj \oj "10 ~ c+ -C>>CDO ...n10" Ot; O"-~" , (:! .... m 0 () 't:J .... 0 ,(IJ 0' ;:sOc.tlc+o ct IS,">-,(:!(I)III 0 ""~:~>-' C't' ::: ~ '" PO.. ~ "" 0 ~ CD...... (:! ~ ::IH ... ~ ~ Po 0 C't' o..t1 CD<< ....CD ~ ~ CD I:>" ~B ...."" ;:s i 0 ... CD 0 o (:!.... (:! o "". t-\ Q po. (D ct .... (IJ o ... ..t. Po ... I g~~ '[I': I \oj'" .. CDCDCD~' c+pm . ! :!a'",PoCD III '"' ~'<<<5~:t ~ ....(lOd 'a o OogCD lit (:!~S~ a- t Oa"~"'CD ~ if a ... :; IS ... I I :12"~~'" C't' ~ 0 ~ I'" (:! ::r I:>"CjI(:!PoO- 'i c+ 0 IJI 0 " C't'iH CD CD m- !. : "0111" ~ o 0 0 ~ 0 ... 0 ~o '0'11 !~t!8i 0' "4 III J? ,0\ 0 lit ",!}OCDOCD .... CD (:! 8 <<!;OIi..,g: B. i r "" ... .... CD :111''' CD !. "4 .....(:I'.....s "I .... 0'" 11111'00"'0 It 1:g.~PofSa . B. ~'" III ... ig Hi "" CD << CD ~1I"\i'~0 ~ict "'C>R'8' ... B.~I~ CD Ii 0 .... CD =... g:o rI~to(lj !. 5:~ ~ ID ID \oj... ... <<.. ~ct~ I~ ",(I (I(IID "'...."01 ~ ~ s. ... ... ... CD ('> Ii "'1 g~~~a~ B. .8'1 r ;t.... ill' f CD CD i' ~ I\) \0 ct Po~ !.....I\) B 1Sg.~~g~ to' '<I 'd8~a' W g:::/ ...(li' . ~ I~~ ~ (I"'I\:IIDI VI (I.... 0 t:' IDOOO,,", ' \1> m'.CjI:tID~ w rl . . . 0 -= 0 B. III '1 .... i..:5g:~i c !. oft IS<< a<< a' 0It:' ~ ~ I IDOCD"'~ ...... (:! o a'1:I g W t g . VI VI ,ct lot B. ~ . 8 ct III c:Io ~-'I ~~q, 1.\ ----- ---..-- --- -----. ------ -