R 0616 - RESOLUTION NO~ 616 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE CONTRACT PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATION IN STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the State Employees' Retirement Law permits the par- ticipation of Public Agencies in the State Employees' Retirement System, making their employees members of said System, and sets forthcthe pro- cedure by which participation may be accomplished; and WHEREAS, one step in said procedure is the adoption by the Governing Body of the Public Agency of a resolution giving notice of intention to approve a contract for such participation between said Governing Body and the Retirement System Board of Administration, which resolution shall contain a summary of the major provisions of the pro- posed retirement plan; and WHEREAS, attached is a summary of the major provisions of the proposed plan; I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande gives, and it does hereby give notice of intention to approve a contract between said City Council and the Board of Adminis- tration of the State Employees' Retirement System, providing for participation of said City of Arroyo Grande in said Retirement System, a copy of the summary of the major provisions of the proposed plan and a copy of said contract being attached hereto, marked "Exhibits A, Band C" respectively, and by this reference made a part hereof. On motion of Councilman Jacobs , seconded by Councilman McMillen , and on the following roll call vote to-wit: " AYES: Councilmen McMillen, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayor Burt NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Wood the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13th day of April , 1964. ATTEST~:/~ ~/~~ a R~ , MAYOR PITY CLE I, POLLY S~' MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 616 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of April , 1964. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 14th day of April , 1964.{;i2 d~ &F.b~~n8~,te~lIi6~n~~ -- EXHIBIT A ~ COHTIUCT liIiI"l'WDI !Hi STAn ~:t:{X\:S I 1Uo".l'~ SISTEM UD THS CIn COUIICIL ~ OF TI!B ~~~ 1.. >I "..-:!.:' ~.-:_;.;;~ eI'n 01 ARROIO aanDE ~~ 1~,.....,,,.~'l. _, .o.:f.' ~~..- " In conalderaU-on of the cov_te and WUWln~ hereatta' OO~d on t.be pan ot both PllrlU.. to be kep~ and pertoJ'l1l.ed, PubUo A6t~ and bereby agrN a. tollowal ~ 1. ~ All worda and tenia 1.I8ed berein which are defined in the S~. " 111"'" RotU.lID~ Law ahill ha.,. the meaning' ". 118t1ne4 t,hen1n unle e. apec1tieal1l' Pt'Orlded. "Normal l'8'!.il"8llent aae" 'IMU "II al!: ~ misc.llaneou8 member. _n4 ace 60 1'01' local safl!V ml!llllbere. 2. Publ1c A8f!noy .hall p~o:l.pate in the Stat.e E.mp101U1I8' RI>t1I'e11111m~ 81/1t.e. .rr- and atter I< Iv' ~' . l~~ uk1Dc its 41111Plo7e4Ie .. n.reinatte1" provided, iIe of eaid S;18 .ubjeot to an pJ:'OV1s10118 of the State ~~lo1Me' RotinlMnt Law e.xoept lNoh .. -PP17 on1,y on eleotion of a contract1ng agcmq and are not. pl'orldec1 for herein aI'I4 to all _nd- ments to aaid Law hereafter enaoted except 811Ch .. b1' expree. proVidon thereof apply onl;y on the election of contracting agenoiu. 3. _lope. of Publ1c APIICI7 in the following clil..".. .hall becoae meJllbere ot said Retu-eat "'eta except INch in each 8uoh 01... III are exc:lud8d by lRwor thie ,,""Mnt. a. Local firemen {herein reterred to all local "atety 1118IIIbon>J b. Local poUo_ (herein referred to all local IlAr4It1' 1118111be1'1l) J o. ElllP107M- other't.han local .afat1' _ben (baN1n nterre4 to as 1II1800116l18Ou8 moaben). The tollowing emp}.Q7ees 8baU be aoluded f1'Dlll I1Ie1IIberlllllip in said iWtiN- ment Syat_. Exclude 1IIftP101U''1 Oompe!tll4ted on an hfJlU'1l' baau. bclude elected ott1oe1'1l 4. l/(J) .ball be the traotion ot tinal 00lll'101I..t10D to be provided for 11'&011 ;yoar ot oredited <:urrent .em. .. a lII180e11aneoue meaber upon nU1'1IJIIent at normal r0ti~nt age, aubJeot, however, to the mo<1U'1cat10n ..10 forth in paragraph 5 below. Ret. Fom 126-1 -----..- .--" -- --- s. The tr84t.lon of final cOIIIpftHUon .podUe4 :I.n plIHIftpb 4 shall M Hduc04 111 t.hec".. of MOb 1llilllbe1' vbo8e P001UOD 10 Oo.,.Nd bT FM...l Soc1a1. Seourtt.;y to 1/90 to.. appUcaUon to that part. ot flnal cCIIIIj)enaaUon Which doe. not. exoeed \be IIIODt.h~ equ1val<lQ or t.be III'~""'" .MIMl IaOwt included in nage." undel' Bect.1ori 209, 5001al s.curit.y Act., it. belng "00"- D1Hci that ouch muUaua ~ be changec\ t2'Olll t1llle to U... by _eudaumt to &aid aooial SecUJ'itT Act NlU intended t.hat. any ouch ohange tlubaequont to t.he ottec"ve dnte of this contract. lhall not eltect t.he IIIIIOUnt or aIV' "t.1r_nt. allowano.based on .0n1.oe during aIV' pCl1"iod prior to tbe ute ot neb 0 hange. 6. Bel'lllfite tor ra1IoellAmeouo ,_lIIbere on aocouut of 8&OIl y.al' of prior ..rr1oe shall be .0 pJ'OV1de4 in SM"on 212$3 axe. t.h., tAle 1':raot1onClC final compensation otl1ol'll1.. pftAtio.d t.h4trein ohaU be "eN"" bT 1/) tOI' a\)pUoa"on to t.be tiret 3400 per IIODtb of final componoaUon in t.M callO of each lleinbor wbo.e po4Iit.1on U coveocS b1 Federal 800181 5ecurit7. 1. Benet1ts tor 100.1 nto. 11IOIIbe... on aeaowrt. of priOr 1m of tbe lraoUoft ot tlnal 00IIIp0IUI,'; tien for 884b .emoo .. deternd.nad tot' local satn, 1II8IIbfl'8'''U1''OIIIIDt Law and tMI COli tract. ~(~:~>, ~"r(\ ",V"~,;';,,, 8. The ret.ire_n beaa!1t8 pepble upoll Nt1reM11t. torol'dl ,,' ol1all not. be aftected by tAle .a1tlcat1oa PI'Ov1doc! 1ft ,.... oontraot l:uopt tbat tor the J'>UI'1)Oa.8 of the U.u. 01'1 .. 1IIIpoead um.1' Sootion 21291, G~o1'DMnt Code, allowanou tor re for leI"V1ce .hall be cemputed accordlnc to th. IIIOd1tiod t8l'lllula ill Pe:rap,rapb 5 at tbe cantraet. All other provisions of t1111 con shall M t1l.11,y appUcable to tho OOIIpUtation ot aUOIfIII'ICI" upon " tel' d1aabllit7. 9. Contributions for lI18Cellanaou. aebel'll Gall be subject to Section 20601.5 prov1d1118 tflt' II l'aduc\1on in ..tee of cen1ll':l.Wt1on .. it. rel.to to that part of tbe O1Ol1th1,y COIIIpeoo.Uon 1/1114111. doaa not exceed the Plontbl,y oqu1v o.lent ef the IUUd.IIwD. annual allOW inoluded 11'1 "vage." undel' 5eot1on 209, Soo1al Security Aot, and 100 percent ot 8uch rate.. lt appU.e to tho 1'eIIIII111da' of tbe JIIOllthlJ' componJIat1on. M!lo811aneoUI metllb81'l whoa. poII1t1o"s are .xcluded from ~ocial Soour1t1 cover8p;1I shall contribute 11'1 accordanco with Section (>0601. 10. The fO'llO'vins pl"Ov18iona of the State ""'101"8 I Ret.ll:'1N11ellt. Law which epPl1 0'1'11.1 upon eleot1on ef a cantra.oting agency shall applJ' to the Publio Acenor and lt8 emp1o~0.' a. SeCUOIUf 212$1.1 8nd 212S3 (prondlng tor a gIl4l'aQteecI percent,age ot tinal componeat10n tor .ach rear of oUJ'Mnt and priflt' lam"). b. Saot1on n:1S2.S (;)rov1d1111 ter a <<aaranteed pwc.entaae ot tinal e~...t1on. tor each y.e:r of current ..rn.oe tor local eate. !ll8lllMn and a ~ annuit7 to age 6$). Rat. 10ra 126-2 ~ ---, o. 8ellt1on :.>';)0211.01 (liefift1DS "final c~Mation" on tile bu1s or a ported ~t tImM conseout1v. ~ra). d. Selltion :?12S8(b) (providing a 1111n1_ retirement allowance or $120.00 per "111' undar ",.nata 001141 Ucns) . e. SeoUon 21361.51 (pl"OYi41ng a .400.00 deat.h beMt1t \1POft lieath arter r.U~t.). t. Seo1.1ol1 20025 (pI'OT1d1ng tor 1I1.111s1on Gt ooapenea\1on without Urd.t. in oClllP\1t.st1eu WheN OCMDpeoaatien 18 a tactor). Ih Section 2136$.5 (prov1.d1ng a IIIOntb1,y allowanc. in l1w ot tba bUio deat.h benefit tor certain sUJ'V1~s ot II IIICIIIIbllr 11111.1 d1e. 1n emptor- _t aft.er qualU)1.na tel' voluntQ'7 .erv1ce rat.1re.nt). 11. !'ubl1c AgOfllJT lball contr.l.bat.e to la1d n...Uruent 878t8111 as fellows 1 a. 1.629 percent or total ..1111'188 paid IIIOnth1,y to I1141111bera until June 30, 198k Gn account of the l1abi~l1tTf~~ 1'1'101' eerv1oebenefUs. b. 4.255 percent ot total n1az'1.. p814 ' ,,' : ACenc7 eacb JIIOntb to 1ta 8IIplo;yaes 111\0 ...e &lid hered:tar.,'J" er saU Retireaent Syatea. on accOlUlt or the 11ab1 '~:, ;{~rrent aerv1ce '"""'".,.-....... _ _'" _.... u.~~.......... .ball be 1nolucSed 1n nid total .alari... ~ ;; .> c. ^ re.soMble lIIIIOuot per snRUIII. &II tixed bT Bon to costa of &dJUnbtar1ng se.1dS1.t_ .. it. atreota the 8IIPl 10 ApnCl1, not 1no1w:11111 the 00.\1 of apeo1al va1uat.1ona 0 periodical ll1y.stisat1en and valuation raqu1rt4 b7 law, P t.hAt se.11iS 811\QQnt eball be dstal'lll:1Md on \be bU1. or the I' ot aplo,e\tl ot PI1bl1o Aatm07 wbo ant "ported as lIIemb81'8 on ths J>a1l'oll covering J&m.\4U7 1 of Mell ;roar. or with l'ItIJMet to the 111'1!t year of part.101pation) 0\1 the etfeot1ve dete or ae.1c1 part101pation. d. It. reasonable lIIID!1nt .. rUed b7 tbe board. payable in one lnstalllllent as the ooGalloM ari..) to cover coote of epe01al valuations on aocount of .."lo;roe. of PI1bl1o ACeac;y) end oom of ths periodical 1!M1st-1gation and valuation Z'8CIu1red b1 law. 12. Contr1but1QM requ1red of PI1bl1c ApnOT &Ad ita emplo,.... llball be aubJeet to adJuataent b1 I!o&rC1 OQ account ot aMndlHm. to the 3t&w _lo;ya.s' Retil'elll8nt La". aPCi on account. or the experience unclerthe Iet1~ftt S,..t.., .. ckteftdnc by the pariod1cat 1rrfeetigat1on end Y81ua\1oo' required b,y !'laid Retir_nt Law. . aet. '0l'1li126-3 --._------- ---- ~, ---.... 13. Contr1b1&t1one requ1red ot hbUo Apl1C11U'1d U. .IIIP~. .ball be pa1ct b1 PubU.c Agal1CT to the "t.UnaDt. 51'!th within \bUt7 .,. .ttel' the end of tb. plll"1od to which !laid contr1but1ona %'ereI'. If more (1t.' lltlll1 tIum the correot amount of contr1b1&t1one 11 paid tor any pur1od, proper adjuetlllent IIhall be made in conl1Qction w1tb aubllllq'*'t. rem1ttancea, 01' adjustment.s on aocount of errOl'8 1n contributions reqU1red ot any 1tIIIp1ope M7 be IIIa4e b1 direot caah pA)'II.nte be\wen the II1IIP107_ and~. PlI1JIIIIIte by PubU.c Agency to BOud -1 be IIIade 1n the ;1'om of wanrante, bank checks, bank d1'att8, oertified oheek., !IIOneT ordel'a, or oub. ,lUauII our bands this day ot - . BOAnD OJ' AOONI8TRA'1'IOII STATZ RKl'LOY,5'S' Rm'I!lEKEIfT gY3TEM CITY COUNCIL OF TN!:: CIn OF ARoo1O ('&1\111& BY m\:s._ B. PalM, KxewU.... ot1i'Cieso let. '01'11 126-4 '- - EXHIBIT B ~, SUMKARI OF MAJOR PROVISIONS 1/90-1/(-A) at (-A) Retirement ProI1'IIII Local M1acellaneoUII Membera KlMBER3HIP Membenhip 11 oOlllpulllOry tor aU empl078'S, other than elected o1'1'io1814 and employees oompensated on IIIhour1y buis...1Ibo are employed one halt t1llle or mono SI>RVICE RETIREMEIJ! The earUest. ret.ireMnt. age is "J the normal ret.1reInent. age is (-A)J and the compulsory ret.1r-.nt age is 70. An 1IIIIPlo7ee may ret.1re any time bet.en then ages, " and 70, provided he meets the m1:lilllum reQU1rement.e that. he either have mon than 8SOO.00 or aoCUlllUlat.e4 contributions, 2!: 20 yeara of service, 2!:. have at- tained the compulsory retirement age ot 70. At. 1101"11181 retirement age (-A), the UIIIIIOdified allowance is 1/90 of that port.ion ot "final compensation" up to and including the IIIOntb17 equivalent of the "mlllll& annual 8IIOunt included in wages under Social SeouritT, and 1/(-A) of that portion of "tinal compllnsation" as is in excess of that amount, tor each -reO%' of cJ!ed1ted ser- vice. If ret1rel1lent. ill deferred beyond age (-A), the percentae.ot "final cOllllPene800 tion" 1'01" each year ot service are increased actuarial1y up to age 6S but. not. be- yond. If ret.1r_nt is earlier t.han age 60, the percentages ot "tinal compenllat.ion" tor each year of service are act.uarial1y decreased. "Final compensation" i8 average month1y salar,y (fuU u.. rate) earned during that period ot three con..cuti.,e years of higheat earninp, excluding overt1mll COlll- pllnsation. A minimum .ervice ret1rement allowance of' i60.00 per month is guaranteed upon compulsory ret.1l'8111ent with credit. tor prior ..rvice, or upon ret.irement. at. age 6S with t.wnt.y years ot service. DISABILITY RETIltRN'l' An epq>loyee becoming d1sabbd t.o the ext.ent. that he is il10apabb ot pertorming his duties shaU beeUgible tor d1sabiUt.y ret.s.rem.ent. provide4 he hu at. least. $500 of accumulated contribut.ions, 2!:. at. leut. 10 ;rears ot 8enice. The mont.hl;r ---- ------. - ----------- -.-- ! - , ~ retir...nt allowance is 1.50% of "final cOlllPensation" tor each year ot service. with a IlliniJllum guarantee of 2S% ot tinal compensation for most emplo,.... who have rendered at least 10 years of servioe. The disability retil'...nt allowanc. shall under nc circumetanc.s exceed the service retirement allowanoe payable upon retire- ment tor service at age 60. DEATH BENEFITS Th. death benefit, wbere death occurs before retirement, oonaists ot a reEund of the member's accumulated contributions (including interest earned), plus an aci- ditional benetit equal to six montb8' salary wher. he has b.sn a member for aix ye/11'8 or more. For those who have been a member for les8 tban six years, the acidi- tiona1 benefit is one month'. 8alary for each year of membership. It death occurs after retir_nt a lUillp sum of $400 wiU be paid. This lIIIOunt will be in addition to &IV benefits which may be paid froll Social Securit,. or &IV payments whioh might be made under an optional retirement benefit choseD by the member at his retirement. SURVIVORS BENEFIT A montbly allowance, in lieu ot tbe death benefit otberwil. proVided, for cer- tain .ur'livor. of a l!I8mber who dies in emploJIHnt after qualit71na for voluntary sarvice retirement. TERMINATION OF El4PLOIMEN'J:' Upon t8l'll1nation ot emplo7Jll8l1t, an employee may either leave hia contributions with the Syet8DI and receive, upon attaining retireunt age, the retirellent benefit he has earned, or he 1II1i1 withdraw his contdbutiona (plu. intrtrest), thua termina- ting his membership in the 57Btea and reoeiVina nc retirement benet1t~ Except, (1) a member with $500 or les. in aCClllolllUlate4 contributions an4 le.. tban 20 years of service sball not have the priVilege of leaving h1s contrISUticms with the 87.. tem, ,but sball automatical~ have h1s contributions, plus interest, refunded upon termination of empl01lll8nt, and (2) a member who is transferring to 8IIIplollllent with another agency which is covered under tbe Syetem shall nct bave the rigbt of with- drawing his aooumulated contribution8. EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS Eacb member makes monthly' contributions to the S1stem which are deducted troll his 8a1817. The rate of contribution (percent.&ge of pay) depends upon a member's sex and age (nearest birthday) on the date of becolll1l11 a member and varies from a lllinilllum ~ :3.52% to a maxiJIIum of 1.s8 than 11.56%. Th. e:aployer 8lso contribute8 toward tbe C08t of the benerits. Th. amount contributed by the employer for current serv1c8 benefit. will, on the average, ex- ceed the cost to tb. employe.. In addition, the employer bears the entire cost ot prior service benetits. All contribution rates are subj.ct to revision by the Board of Administration. --....-- -..----.----..-.--,-.-.--.-"'''......-.- ! - EXHIBIT C ~ . 81IJIWCI 01 ,..A.lOIt I'aov ISIONS LOCAl. t;Alm ~ 1~ At 60 &ftIftJIUrI'r !'iOWtAK IIM&\':MUP Jlelllbenb1p :I.. C\OIIPQ),aOl7 to.. aU -.plOJU11, otaOI' tat. al..Mit ofn..1a~, .. _~ OOIIP8nAW Oft .. h,.,v1y ~).. an _10," Oft..,,~, t:tae ., 110". S_ICS RE'URllMENf '!'ba ....U... ...u....nt. ace 10 SS. the !101'111&1 ,..~nt. age 1. 60, aD4 tha ~ Nt.U'..Dt. 81. U 6$. h 1IIP1oJee ~ ,..Un .., u.. ._.. thtIM ...., !is and 6S, pJ'OY1Ud be ..eu "'e ~ ftqIa1runt. that the ~ -~ more than 3SOO of MCUlNlaW aoat.ri\N\1oae, !t 20 yea:n of .amee, It :YO at- tained the CQllf}U1S017 m1l'_t ... of 6S. At. raoftlll l'niment _p 60, Ute '1.,..,U1e4 Wa .Uow..... 11 1l'~ of "ttDe1 COlllPIN1I1I'1,Uoa" tOl' aaOh J'IIU' of ancuw ..mee. It "U; I rat 18 "'eI'nC\ Ml.-l age 60, Ute pe:reen\aee of "t:l.aal cc.peDMt:l.oll" tOl' ...11 rear ot aam.. wiU bit 1n- crlll...d, 11' zoet.1:rnent 18 OIll'U" than age 60, tba parcentaga ot "final. o_ptn".- t.:l.on" 1'orO",cih 76111' of ..",-ca will be deer.hod. "'be" retU'eMnt1a earu.e.. than .(~ 6S, a ~\"U'T anmd.v ,td,l1,be payable unt.ll ap 6S 1. ruched. "Final CGIIIPOnaaUOD" 18 a...age ....'U\17 .aJ.ar,y (!I&U t.iM ..tit) MI'QIK\ 11mi'll that portod of th1"M CO/ilncuUv. ,..... of bigbea' 081'111111':0, exclud181 ~1IIt COlD- ,aM.Uon. A II1n11t.ua ..n1o. ...t.1nMat. allow.... of $60 pel' IIOnUl 1. tJU&ftfttMct UPOl1 COIII<o pulllOl"T Nt.1I'eMDt nUl O"d1t tor prtOl' .amea. !JI ,>ADlI.. T1' UET.tlW11E.Nf An 1IIP1o,.. beCOll.1nc d1Mb1e4 to UI. uteDt. tbet ba 10 1110."1. of pel'tondll& M. dut1e8 .ball be "t1.red tor d1Iab111v. 810 ci11&b1Uto' wiU be elth.r _lo1meCl\- connected C1nd:ult1'1al d1'(jb1.U~) or otherwb. (noA1nQuatrtal d1..ab111.tT). , ------- ~ . ----'~ It d1aab1Uv 18 _~OMIO," be W111 be el1t1b1e lor .. Ule ice,*- equal to 5Q$ or bu "fl_1oCllllpOII8AUoa." It _ 111 6180 ent1Uect to 1'8M1..,. . monthly 41e<<b1Uty I14Jn..ru, hoa ~o1a1 s.oUl'1t.;r the _1>1'1\ pqab1,e troll t.M State ~loye..' ReU..... BTe'- 11111 " J'eCNce4 by the 1IIIIIOImt. be u ent1t1A<S to ""be 1'Joom ;.\(>cl11 tIeou'll'1\7. An .,,10,... beCOIUtI& 4t..bled tw l'UOIUI not conn_tee V1th bia .''If,'I101JMlnt abaU be eUGlble tor d1Ht>1Utt- MUeMrrt. provlcled he hu .t. 1Met. ~500 or ~lated contriwUou or at. l...t. 10 yeQ'8 of ..rn~J auob d1ub111V ret1re. ment .1~ 111 1.511 of -tiDal OOIIIpeIlh\lon" for eaob IOU' of 1IeJ"f'i,oe. nth . ~rantee QJ: 25-;' 01 eu.cb oQlllPOOllat:ton tor _t. -:>101"11 who bue rendered lit. u,&.t. 10 ~I'II of lIerr1eo. liow...., the d1labll1ty nUrGllllnt aUowanc. Ce.1'lMt exceed tn. Il.'Ir'Y1ee ret1~nt allowance wb1Cb Toft)uld be poII1'JIb1e 1l aploJIIWnt could oont1m>> until .nII 60 ret1r/IMnt. DMTH m~~:F1TS It death bcrtoN NUl'tIIIHt 11 ..1oJr...m..OOMeO\e(1 (1muatri.al death) the .tate I7IItIa 11111 ~ . lIIOath1;r 1ne_ to the 111_ equal to $OS of the ....-. ~t1na1. oOl\lPfmlat1on" until death 01" J'tItU'r'1age ot ttle 1I1dov. ao.v.r, 1t Ifbe 18 alao eUe1ble tor lnU"liyor benetit pa,.mta 11'0111 i.}ocul SeoUl'1ty bacl1l.81 of.' the _ber', d<<Ith tbe luto .,..... benetit II1U be reauce<i by tllo a1*)tmt of tAIOb surnyor bent'f1" 110 lena a. Social 5ecUl'1t7 bencflt.11 are pay.ble (1UIual17 Ill\Ul the ~at child. r.<<Icho. 1.8 U' the Widow 11 not. then aile 62). tipon dll1Cont1nuan~ at 5oc1d SeclU"1ty benefits the etate 83"8tea p..,.eht. 18 ntat.orod to tho 1'\.11.1. SOl' lev.l. It thltl'O 1. '00,,140. OJ" U' .b. <111, 01' ~ea IItdl. t.tIeJ'e are 1UDIIft'1ed. cbild.ren under la, 'he .tate .,.* 1:IreMt1t. lIpa1d to tho ohUdl'ttn. It the death 1. not ..rv1~ounllOted, t.he bonefit CIODlda;. of a J'Ofund ot tho melllbclrl8 aoellltlUlatICI OOftW01but1oM PW an fIdd1Uonal beMtit eqWl1 to au IaGnthe ,alU7,prov1ded he h.. bMn II ~ for at. le.., aiX 1'.1'11. For tho.. . bay. boen 1I\GIIb<<,.. leae than .1Jr 1"a1'I, the a4dit1onal b8nefU 111 equal to one ..onth Ie .a1llr:r tor eaoh year of 1MI!IbI"'IIb1P. It death ocoura a1'ter J'e"1J'fllllllnt .. lUll? .. of "400 tt1l1 118 p&1d. Tbia II1II01111\ v1U be 1n eddi.Uon to f/Iq bRetlt.e \IIb1ob MaT bet pa1d trOll! :100141 Se<:WI'J.ttor ~ ;>>I7I'I'DtIJ IIhlob !\I1gbt be I:iIIII1e undU U1 optJ.onal 1."<b\1l'tIIIIItIt beat'i t chotlO" by the IIItlllluc;r at h1. ret1relt.ont. 1\OnVIVO!t BEU:J'I'!'I! A nIOt\th13' al1ovancM, 1n UMi of \be deatb bene,t1t otbew1!1e p1'O'Y1fAfId, tor ce!'fA1n alU'V1YOrIJ ot a ..... who 41.. 111 ~1o~nt. afwr qualU'yiog tor Ie,... vice retl1'e111111nt. T~>:IDUNA'!'ION 01' ''W'If'LOtMm t1pon te_aatSeIA or 88Iplo,.ertt, u 0IIIp1o,.. III8,Y .1th'ilJ" 1..98 bill eontr1w- ti(1)1I vitti the s,atea and noel.,.. IIPOI' atta1na l'Ot1nMnt ,e, tale ..\1. nt. beneflt he b.. oarnac1, 01' "8,II1II7 vUhdr.. his c:ol'1trtbl&t1onll Plua Inte....t), thuI tsNinat11\g hl' AObttnhlp in the SJat.M an4 rootdYlpg no "e~ beMt1t. ~ept, (1) A ..mer w~,th ;;$00 or l..a in acc~].a.ted c:ontri\mt.10tlll !!!2. with 1... '~-- ~ ------' .' than 20 ,..... or ..n'1d .ban~. the pnTllop or leu1rJ1 b1. cont.l'1but1oae wIth tbe s,n., blat. 8hall autoJM. 11T b_ 111. CQAtribuUoQl, plu 1AWft.t., re- t\\~ IJpOft t.eN1ut.lon or _.,lQ,..nt. and (~) . 1IIhbeJ'1IIbo 1. ~VI'1na to ... plo,..n\ With qotbw aaenO.111h1ob 1a co,,,,",, Im<ih' t.be SywtAa aMll GOt. baT. the riaht. of vithdnv1ng b1a aoeunlated contr1buUoDII. E)lI',I,()r~ C01lT11Ii.lUTlO!lS Iaob 1IMIIIb,,1" uk.. 1IIOlIt.b1T contonb.\t.10M to the 518te111 IIItI1cb 4ft Qeducted haa h1, hIAJ'7. Tb.e rat. of coutnbut.1on (peS"Oel\t.a~ or pAT) QepcftGIJ upon. a .!llben' oex It1Q l.Ir,e (oclI,re.' b11'tb4q) on t.be date or beconWla . l88111bar. ::Jucb cCfttrtblat10na tar male aplo,._. CIU'nnt.1.y 1'11~. 1'rcIrI . IIIIrW1um of 3.6WC of ...1.111"1 \0 a ~'"" of 7.06:' of eallAl'T. The tDP10101' Wo contr1butu \QtrC\rd t.be coat or 'Ute benetite. The amount con- tr11NW by t.be 4111,1)1R"... tor Wl'l"Ut ..1'Y1ce nUre-unt bftClt'1te -u. on t.be avua6., uaeed t.be coat t.o tbe elllJ)lo,... In edQ1UOII, t.be -.plo7'l1" be~n the enUre 008\ of pr1ar .en'1c. b_t1te, t.be telllpOrlJ'7 ennu1ty, and the 1ndunt1'1al death end <11..- hiUt,. bene1'1 ~II. All contribution rate. aft eub3.ot to rev18ion b7 the ~ of AdII1J11.traUOD. -..-