R 0600 ".-----..... __'__"__'_~__', ____,....,.._.. .--'--_.0. ._____._. -..---- 'j ~ ........" ..,,", // ~.,f1t"Ull.. dGQ , / A. RESOLUTmN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GJL\NDE, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CANGELLATION OF GENERAL FUND WARRANT NO. 599 DATED NOVl!lHBJ!l 12, 1963 I i WHEREAS, Gmleral Fund Warrant }lo. 599 of the City of Uroyo Grande was issued I I to state (;ompenslI.tion Insurance Fund on the 12th day of November, 1963, for Compensation Insurance. WHEREAS, said warrant is a duplicate ~t, and WHEREAS, said Warrant should be cancelled to return the money to General Fund. 1\ NOW THJ!'BEFORE, BE IT ~OLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AnROYO GRANDE " \ \ that the City Clerk of the City of Mroyo Grande be and she is herewith authorized \:/ and diredted to cancel said General Fund Warrant No. 599, dated November 12, 1963. On motion of Councilman .1... seconded by Councilman _11. 'l and on the following roll c all vote: AYES: Counci1..-m Ml:K$.U_, W04Id, ~l,J"""",~ -.rt I NOES: lIIOfte ABSENT None the foregoing resolution was adopted ,this ....." day of "~.i."L .... 1963. _ ~~ tJ. ffw.L- ATTEST:~c1!~~h.v i ty ler STATE OF CALIFORNIt ) < COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) ss eI'fi OF ARROYO GRANDE ) I, POLL~ S. joITt.t.1iSf, Cit,. Clejl1!: of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Califolm1a, do hereby certify that thefol"egoingResolution No. ., 1s a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of A.T:'royo Grande, at the regular :meetbg of sald ~ouncil on the 26th day of ... r - , 1963.- ~--itT~<?,4~ __"n.'___ \\\\'1111:;1 ,-.. ..............\;\\\\\\ lii/~// ~ ' \\\\',1 i ,',://1/ / #. \..\ I, ','/1/ // .f _\..,.~\'\\"IJ!!\~;::: I ~.~' ::::--= ~ ~ ~ ~r\,\\:~ I "II.!':' 1,,\\\\' j .-- .//:,1,""\.. r November 18, 1903 FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE ' STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE Ci ty of Arroyo Grande FUN D Arroyo Grande California IN REPLY REFER TO. 10610-63 I \ Re: Check # 599 Date: November 12, 1963 Amount: $600.00 I The above check is returned for the reason: Not payable to us ___Not signed ~Duplicate payment ___Not endorsed to us ---Yost dated _Amounts differ Insufficient signature{s) Stale dated Bank returned - - _other: Very truly yours A/~ CASHIER DEPARTMENT CJM: jm CA-74 ExeCUTIVE OFFICES: 525 GOLDEN GATE AVE" SAN FRANCISCO 1. CALIFORNIA __,--___' _' ,___, ,_' ,,__.J ~~ ....H '10\0 \JNLE.SS SIGNE.D 1:>' I->~ MA'I'OR AND Cli'l' CLE.RK ~~ - --.- o 0 --I -I ",,90> "'I 2:1 :t 0 ." '" o ~ :< &0 \) o Q ~ ~~ ~\:? ~~~ :n 0 0;= S . p~ 'U\ -<\,r' 0 " 0, (p"ljtP ~ '" G'I_~ G\ ~O~ \ ~ ~;~~ "" ;t~6 '(:I- ~ ~''a '" :1 0;> <D ~\.. ~ ~CJ \ d:l,> 1:\ 0 . ~ F. \3. 8~ i '" ....ro \ :t o :::< \ o '" \ .. I-' ~ ~ , 'A ~ \ \ " '!\ Q ~ .::, :.t \ > " ..(. " '" ',~ ~f 0" 5 ~o " j~ \I> >3.g .iil-" '" ..~ '90>/,,0 ~." " " \~ \ ~o;; o~ ~ -<"''' " '" ~;o "t- ~'t~ ! ";0 '" \ >",0 ~ '%0'" 20'" " o " " '" '\ !"..(r \ r'-<~ V1. t . \ ,,0'" I-' '" no'" \ > 'Ii, '" " c ~Q~ '" 0 r "t- 0"'- ~ %(;)0 \ ~"t r-- ~'" \ ;;2," \ v.> "';0 \ o~ ~~ m" > \ " Z. '" 0 \ '" 0 ~ c 1i 0 \ '" ~ ~ r- ." " . \f\ '" " g '" ~ '" \ ~ z , 0 0 ~> '" " c <::\ " 6 g\ z '" -~ N'" No. N", Z '!\ ~ > " > ~~ g " . 0 ~ g c z ~ .......----' - -'