R 0593 . . REsor ,UTICN NO. 593 A RESOLrJ1'IOi'l OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRP~DE DECLARING ITS I~N- TEnTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION, ~\ND FIXING A TIME AND PLl'.CE FOR PROTESTS BY PROPERTY OWNERS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the CiTY of Arroyo Grande: Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande to call a special election to be held, in cer- tain inhabited terriTory contiguous to said City, proposed to be annexed thereto, for the purpose of suhM1tting to the qualified elec- tors residing in said territory The question whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the CiTY of Arroyo Grande and the prop- erty in the territory subjected to taxation after bnrtexation equally with the property within the City of Arroyo Grande; Said territory is described as follows: ...-.,.....-.-.--. ~ --..-__--........-. ..- - _. - _.. - _...___..e._ _,..._._. ,....... _ ____..____,." . -. --. .- / / , , / , / / / / .. , / ",---,--,"-'..- -.-_.- .-....- ~-- ....... .. ---,-_...._-,-_...-~-- ".---'- --~-- - ,-.-"'- - -'-' ! Section 2. hat said territory hereb~ is "signatad and idcn- . tif'ied ~or such .;;;lGct:i,t')r., purpos'~~;; c'_nd ;for USQ UPC:1. 'th,~ ballots such election as uNORTH HIGt'F-~J\'~... ~Oll1, Section 3. IIoi:ic, 5,," L::;:",,_/ si;r,,m 'that on 'the 29th day of Oct- ober, 1963, at' t:h:;: ho\,.;.'i' '~jl U::)S P. .~ i:n 'th.~ Counci1. ChQmb~r of the City Hall of the Ci~y Q," :'r,..o}o "C',~t)d", any ?~r~on owning real prop- erty wi thin said. 'tel~r..L ...1~;:";::-'Y so p:;:-(,)po2:eL~ "C\:) hi; G.nn~~::-(ed and having any objt;:ction to th.,... p1:'Cr-~;,~8~ G.nn€.;g:ation ;r!.c.y appsar ba:for~ said City Council CL.."1d ShO':l CQU'-:i'~ ':;';':':~"'" .3~...<.ch territory s1'I,ouId not be so annexed. Such protest must be i!". ,':riting a,'1a. shc',,1,:;' stat" in general t'"rms the name or nam~s of the oun8r O~ O~~8rs cf the property affect".'; by such annexation an", the location an(), a:t'n, of such property. If it is found 'that protest is not ma.cle b~; ,;;,,,,e..s of one-half of the value of the t~r.rito.y propos8d to be ann~~eJ QS shown by the last equal- ized assessment roll, or if no protest is meae Dr public and private owners equal to one-hal:f of the value of t;:.,e territory, further pro- ceedings shall be ta1tG,n in acccrdan~'e with the Im-' for the holding of such sp,"cial ~loc1:ion. Section 4. It is the int~ntion of said City Council to call said election en a delV certain fcllo"in:; the hearing provided for in Section 3 above ~ut not sooner than 54 days,not later th~, 75 days after the termination of said hearing. Said election date will be selected on the date of the last d~y of the hearing abo~ mentioned. Section 5. That ths City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this R~solution and CQUSG the same to be published in the San Luis Obispo Telograu-TriLune, a newspape. of g~fieral circulation published outside the City pi Arroyo Grande, but in the County of San Luis Obispo, California.. the COUl~ty in which is located the territory propose(), to be anne"ed to the City of J\rroyo Grande" Q.,d. in th" A,rroyo Grand~ Her~12-R~cortler, a newspaper of general circula~ion published in the City 0/ :"rroyo Grcl!lde, COlIDty of San Luis Obispo, State of California, whi~h publication shall each be once a week for the two (2) weeks prior to the said hearing. , The City Clark shell also cause a written notic'," of such propo",ed annexation to b" mailed to cQch o,mer of an equitable or legal i~terest in land, other than all easement or right of way, within the 'tGrritory to be annexed who has filed his nQ1\1e <:t:lC :.dc1,ress and a general description of such land, sufficient to identify it on the last equalized County assessment roll, ",ith said Clerk. Said notices shall be mailed not less than twenty (20) day~ before the first pu~lic hearing on the proposed ~"1.neJ(Qtion. On mction of Councilman McNeil , seconded by Councilman Jacobs , and m1 the following roJ.l call vote: - AYES: Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayor Burt NOES: None l'~BSENT : None the f01.egoing Resolution .WQS adopted this 24th day ot September 19 ~~_. at a regular ~"eting oi th" City Council of the City of 1-'~rZ"oyo Grandb. A c2I!7eAf ~ k1 ATTEST: G=>~ ~~//~_ , CITY CLEm, I i , I J DESCRIPTION OF ''NORTH HIGHWAY 101", All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, included within the exterior boundary described as follC)ws: Beginning at the intersection C)f the Southerly line of 101 Frontage Road and the Southerly line C)f Brisco Road on the Easterly City Limits of the City of Arroyo Grander thence following the present existing City Limits line of the City of Arroyo Grande the following courses and distances: thence South 560 50' West, 576.36 feet! thence South 330 10' East, 328.73 feet; thence South 560 50' West, 681.95 feet! thence North 330 10' West, 328.73 feet! thence South 560 50' West, 66.25 feet; thence North 330 10' 30" West, 40.00 feet! thence North 600 55' West, 328.73 feet! thence North 560 50' East, 673.92 feet! thence No:r-th 570 26' 40" West, 1111.57 feet; thence North 840 45' West, 100.00 feet! thence North 30 25' 30" East, 200.00 feet! thence North 860 34' 30" West, 400.00 feet; thence South 30 25' 30" West, 119.35 feet; thence North 570 48' West, 229.11 feet; thence South 600 29' West along the Southerly line of Hillcrest Drive to a point; thence North 290 31' West, 50.00 feet; thence along the Northwesterly line of Hillcrest Drive, on the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet for an a:r-c distance of 41.30 feet to a point on the Southerly line of Sierra Drive! thence North 570 48' West, 159.34 feet; thence North 320 12' East, 398.17 feet; thence North 57. 48' West, 208.70 feet! thence South 320 12' West, 130.37 feet; thence North 570 48' West, 440.00 feet I thence North 630 50' 40" Wut, 243.10 feet! thence North 690 02' 40" Wut, 126.52 feetr thence North 760 46' 10" West, 105.61 feet! ~hence North 800 18' West, 85.70 feet; thence North 90 42' East, 257.80 feetr thence South 80. 18' East, 53.54 feet! thence North 90 42' East, 236.92 feet to a point! thence leaving the said City Limits line of the City of Arroyo Grande, continuing North 90 42' East, to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of California U. S. Highway 101; thence easterly along the said southerly right-of-way line to ita intersection with the City Limit Line of the City of Arroyo Grande! thence Southerly along said City Limit Line to the Southerly line of Calif- ornia U. S. Highway tOl Frontage Road; thence Westerly along eaid Southerly line of California U. S. Highway tOl Frontage Road to its intersection with the Southeasterly line of Brisco Road and the point of beginning, and including all Lots and Blocks of Subdivisions located therein, together with all public roads, alleys, and rights of way of record.