R 0584 RESOLUTION NO. 584 RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED " OAK PARK NO. 1 " , AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: 1- That, pursuant to the provisions of the Annexation of Unin- habited Territory Act of 1939,. proceedings have been initiated by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, on its own motion, to annex to the City of Arroyo Grande all that uninhabited territory situate in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, hereby designated as "Oak Park No. 1" and described as follows: 2. That the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande desires to annex said uninhabited territory to the City of Arroyo Grande for the following reasons: The territory is contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, and its proposed annexation will contribute to and facilitate the orderly growth and development of both the City and the territory proposed to be annexed; will facilitate and contribute to the proper and orderly layout, design and construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks, sanitary and storm water sewers and drainage facilities, both within the City and with- in the territory proposed to be annexed; and will provide and facilitate proper overall planning and zoning of lands, and subdivision of lands in said City and said uninhabited territory, in a manner most conducive to the welfare of said City and said uninhabited territory. 3. That the County Boundary Commission of San Luis Obispo County, California, did in session duly assembled on Thursday, April 25, 1963, approve the proposed annexation boundaries of said "Oak Park No. 1" as above described, and as submitted to said Commission by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. 4. That the 9th day pf July , 1963 , at the hour of 8:()Q P ;M. , in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, California, is hereby fixed as the time and place when and where any person owning real property within the uninhabited territory above described and proposed to be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande, and having any objections to the proposed annexation, and shall state the name or names of the owner or owners of property affected, and the description and area of such property, in gereral terms. 5. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be published at least twice, but not oftener than once a week, in the Herald-Recorder, a news- paper of general circulation published in said City of Arroyo Grande, the city to which it is proposed to annex the aforesaid territory, and also in the Telegraph-Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation pUblished Outside the City of Arroyo Grande, but in the County of San Luis Obispo, California, the county in which is located the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande, said publication to be complete at least twenty (20) days prior to the date set for hearing. 6. The City Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to each person to whom land within the territory proposed to be annexed is assessed in the last equalized county assessment roll available on the date the above said proceedings were initiated, at the addresses shown on said assess- ment roll or known to the Clerk, and to any person who has filed his name and address and the designation of the lands in which he has an interest, either legal or equitable, with the Cle~, such notice to be given not less than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on the proposed annexation. 7. In the event any land within the territory proposed to be annexed is owned by a county, the City Clerk is directed to cause written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to the Board of Super- visors of the county, such notice to be given not less than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on the proposed annexation. 8. In the event there is, upon the land proposed to be annexed, a structural improvement owned, being acquired or leased by a county fire protection district, the said Clerk is directed to cause written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to the governing body of such district, such notice to be sent not less than ten (10) days before the first public hearing upon such proposed annexation. 9. The City Clerk is directed to cause written notice to be given to such other persons as may be legally entitled thereto, in the manner required by law. On motion of Councilman McNeil , seconded by Councilman Lee , and on the following roll call vote, to-wi t: AYES: Councilmen Lee, Wood, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayor Burt NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 14th day of May , 1963. ,,"~~,._.~_._,. ,--..--_..- ... ..--.,-.-." ... "'" " ~ , ~-' , , "OAK PARK NO.1" , Al:1tNit, land 'oont:i.iuou. to the, 'City of Anoyo Grande in the Cou~ty of San tui. Obispo, State of California, incLuded wlt~in the exte~i.or boundary described aa follows ~ ' , , ' "Beginning at a point &n the intersection o'f the Southerly' ~ight- , of-way of",thepalifornia State Highway, a free,way, (\1_SLO-2-E) with . the We.terly City Limite of the City of Arroyo Grande, and proceeding thence North 310 20' ~a.t, acr.osa said Highway No, 101 and along ,the Southeasterly ~ine of ,the La Belle Tract as per Map recQrded December .. 15th" 1888, in Book A Page' 142 ,of Maps, tn the office of the County Recorder, o! San 'Luis O~spo County, State of California, said line al.o being the Northwesterly City Limits line,of th~ 8~id City of Arr~yo Grande to the Northeast corner of said La Belle Tract; thence ,'Nor,th 550',30'~ut, &101).1 the' Northeasterly line of said La Belle ,Tract to' thesouth~8I!JterlY' corner Qf" Lot 36 of the Map' of property b4t1onging to B. F."~illiker' and F. J. Woodbury according to the map :recorde~ February 4th, 1889, in Book B Page 78 of Maps in the office .. ,-,:of t~e ~ounty ,Reco~der of said Coun'ty; thence North ,340 30 I East, , 1008.trO teet &10ng1the Southeasterly line of aaid Lot 36 to the ~ost So~therlr c~rner'ox 1ot,35 of aaidHilliker and ~oodQury Tract! thence North 5S ,30' West ito'the most Westerly corner of said Lot 35; thence NOJ:'th 25- 15' East ,to the most NQrtherly corner of said Lot 35 and ,the Nor.therly line :of the 'said Hilliker and Woodbury Tract; thence along the said Nort~erly line: to the most Northerly con\e~ of said Hilliker and Wood~ Tract and a point on the Southeasterly line of Lot 17 of Oak Pa~k Tract according to the map recorded November 3rd, 1883, in Book A Page 152 of Maps in the office of the County ,', Recorder ~f .aid County; thence North 310 20' EaBt along the South-, easterly line 'of .aid Lot 17 to the mpst EaBterly corner thereof;, thence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly line of ssid'Lot 17 to ,a point on the,Southerly line of Oak Park-Arroyo Grande Road also ' known aa County Road No. 24023 (44); thence Southerly along the Easterly line of' Baid Oak Park-A~oyoGrande Road along 'Lots 17 and '14 of said Oak Part Tract'and through Lot 12 of th~ bubdivisions'of a part of the Ranchos El Pismo and San Miguelito according to the map thereof made by R. R. Harris and filed for record in the office 'of the County Recorder of aforesaid County of ,San Luis Obispo on .' April 30, 1886 in Book,A of Maps on Page 157, ,thr"up;h its various courseB and distances to the mOBt Westerly cornllr "f 'laid Lot 14 being:a point on the SouthweBterly line'd said Oak Park Tract; thence, Southwesterly and W88,terly, along, the Easterly line, of the Southerly ~xtensiori,of the Oak,Park-Arroy~ Grande Road, County Road ~ No. 24023 (140) to the, junction thereof w~th Oak Park Road Extension, , Gount)' "Road ,NI).' ;~~02l:, (14p},) ,.:tha't}ce.S!)uf>1:Ierlv,; '~1:o!i$" t;t1f~..e.uterly, , Line of the laat metitidned road ,to a point that bears South 580 East '. from the Northeast corner of the anne~ation to the City of Pismo Beach , > known as Oak Park Heightl Annexation, said co'r'ncr being a point pn, the W~steI'ly line of,the said County Road No. 24021 (140); thence, ' North 580 West to the Baid Northeast corner, of Oak Park Heights , I Annexation; thence, ,SoutherLy, along the Easterly tine of said, , annexation :be.i,ng alllo the WesterLy l~ne c;'f 18,~t sHid County Road r: "!h\d'A1ot\g l.ts'Bouther1y'extensil'n, to a'pe,int on' the'Sou,therly line , of the right of way o~ California State Highway, a Freeway, (V-SLO- 2-E) , said southerly right-of-way line being the northerly line of the frontage road along th., South side of said State Highway, .thence, , Euterly;along.aid'Southerly right-of-way line to the 1?oint of' , beginning, and including a,ll lots and blocks of Bubdi,visl.on located therein, together, with all public roads I alleys, and rights of way of record. , . . .' '\.'; '. , . . Page 1:, of 2", , . I' . , , , , . \ - . .' . ... .\ .... .::';;r';.: :':::'" //i:": ..' --- " ' " .r---.-..;...i , I "Oak Park No,' 1" ,description : Excepting therefrom t~t portion or Lot 12 of the'8ubdivi~ions of . part 'of the Rancho. El P:!.smo :'nd San Miguelito according to " the map thereof made by'R. R. Harris and filed for record in the , office ,of the County Recorder ..of aforuaid' County of Sim Luis Obispo on April 30, 1886 in Book 4 of >>aps on Page 157, described as follows: , Begirining'at ,theSouthealt corner of Oak Park Heis;hts annexation' to the City of Piemo B.ac~ as 'approved by the Boundary Commission, of the county of'Sa~ Luia Ob~8pO on December 13th 1962, on the loutherly rightwof-way'line of California State Highway, a freeway, (V-SLO-2-E).1 thence proceeding Sout1'iu8terly along said Southerly , right-of~way line of said Highway to a point ona'line radial to the,~ center line of said Highway as shown on Page 415 of State Highway Map Book No. 2 on file in tRe office of the County Recorder of said Coun~y at g'tation ,41+'00 of said center line; thence Northerly along said radial line to, said center tine Station 41+00; thence continuing along ita 'Northerly 'prolongation of said radial Une 135.00 feet to an angle point on. th~ Northerly 'Boundary of the Frontage, ,Road on the Northerly aide of, the'.aid Highway; thence continuing along said Nor'therly prolongation 300.00 feet! theT\ce North 670 111 .53" Wut to the' Eaaterly line of said Oak Park Heights ftnnex.~ion; thence Southerly along aaid Ea.terly line to the point of beginning. " ' , , ... . " < ,.'! ','.1. , " I , 1 . ". .' " ' , . i., ',1 .. . . , . "/ " , .i.'~. J " .' , , ',~ " " ,,:', :; " ,J. ... ,. ':. '..~ ,,~. I . . ," , , i ,I , 'I'''''t ", t_ " ~: 'tI ," " .. , ' , , , , . I, .' " ,,' ' .' .' ! '" t I , . , . , , ,. . , .. r ,,' "" , "J '. I " .. .. ' . \ , " , " , ,;, , . " ',' , ' <, \'. . . 'p. , .. , : ,1 i , . , \ , , .'" .' I . . Pag~,,1 of 2 , ". , . . f ' " , , ' I ,\ >" ' , ' , , ", , " , , . 1 " . , " . , . '\.", "" ,. ~ ~"':"'-I i....,.' .,,' \ ' , " I' .,', " , ~ ,I .... " " " " , . , " , ~,.. ..:...,';;.~: :'.(, ':,.:,>':,:::<;:,'.:'~'\i ':~.', " ,-1..- ., '. f" i , i" f, '/ i'I.J .~' l'll.' I' ,'. 'f.'" , 'I V..,., ", ,/.,'." ',. '" ,',. ' ",. t ....".'i>' _I,," , I, -,. ~ - -, 4~f d; L?u1; , Mayor ATTEST: ~f5>>//A--U City. lerk . I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obis;P, State of ~lifornia, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. :s.- is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council on the 14th day of May , 1963. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed the 15th day of May , 1963. ~~~~~-v City erkof the City of Arroyo Grande