R 0566 iti:SOLUTICII NO. 566 RESOLUTION DECLARING tHAT PROCEEDINGS RAVE BU;!'; INITUTEIJ BY THE COUllCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR/IlIIDE TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DE.SIGltATEO "THE TAB!! RANCH" AND GIVING NOTICE OF tHB i'ROPOSE!) l.NNEXATION. Dr IT RESOl,VED BY TRE COUNCIL OF THE CIn OF ARROYO GRAN"E, I. Th"t. pursuant tc' the provisions of th~ Annexation d Uninhabith' T..rritory Act of ),939, proce,~c1ina' have been initiate.d '\' the CounciJ d th", City of Arroyo Gn!llce, on ita own motion, to annex to thee City of Arroy', Granae all that uninhabited territory lituate in the County of San Luil Obispo, Stete of California, her",by "."Iip.tea .1 "THE TABB RANC1!" and delcribea "'8 folloWI: --.,.-------... .-..--. "- "~" , , , , , , , '''-, ". , " '- " "- " " " " , '~, "~ ~~-~--~-~ ( t ) " '-.....; '-" All that land c~nt~guoua to 'the City of Arroyo Grande, in the ,County of San Luh Obispo, State of California included within the following; described exterior boundaries: r :" I. I . I I t , That portion, of Lots 1, A, B, C and D of A. Newsom's La,nd~ ! ',' in the R&ncho. 'Santa- ~nuela & Bo1sa,d~ Ch.ami",~l:~ ~~, 1i};!.~ ,C~\1nty, , of San Luis Qbispo, state of Califo'xmia,''&1i per ma~ thereof I " ~!.' . " . , "',; . . t" " ; '.' ~ , ... .. . t: 'tI .. ~ .' ; . , , . , recorded ~une 5, 1891 in Book' A Page 77 of Maps itl; the 'oifice of' " the County Iieco~er Qf 'said County, described a's fqUow,,: comm~n~ing at a ~oint marked "F" set at the moat ,,4utherly'cot:ner ! ,of Lot 2 ,of,aaid map a,nd running thence North 250"QO' East, 660.00 . . , . : ',feet to a point',designate.d "0" and S.E. 9 on said map;the.nce North, 430,15' West along the liouthwe.ste.rly line of Lot A of said Newsom's Land, 50~.90 fe_t to a point; thence. North 430 45' East, 330.00 :fee:trtot~8 southwesterly' line of Lot B of said Newsom's' Land; thence . . '., .' '," t.,. .. . ;,' , , ',along ~aid ..ut1\wuterly line of Lot'B,', South 43"15' Eut, 26',40" feetj thence North 43.4~' East, 330.0,0' fut to Ii. point on the' north- '" I , , ...:tarly lin. ot said Lot aj thence N~rth 430 15': Weat, 18.48 feet . ; ';, ,'" :...... 'l ."," :... ',>; ",' .' 'i . \ :'. , to 11 pC/inti'thence North 80',40' 30" Ea'st, 66.,95 futl thence North 150 15' We8t~ 143.22 feet; thence Nqrth 240 45' East, 250.80 f~et! thencedNorth 590 00' Ea.'t. 78.54 feet to S. E. 15 set in the north- , westerly line of property conveyed to S. Eldridge ~y,deed in Book Q . .. '. 'f" Page 84 of ',peeds I the.nce South 46" ~~' East along the northeaiterly .. line of proparty conveyed 'to Mr E. Eldridge, ,B~ok 12, P~~e 459 of t. Deedl.1562.22 feet to S. ~. 14 and the. westerly line of County ,I' I ' )load No.3,2j thence ~long the said weBterly line of County Road No. 32. South 480 43'West 165.66 feet tp S. E. 2; thence continuing , , I . . . along laid, westerl~line, South 370 58' West a distance of 1650.00 feet to S..E. 11 thence contin).1ing South 370, 58' Welt to the Southerly, _. '. line of County Road No. ~2'and the Easterly CityL1mits of the City of Arroyo Grandej thence along the loutherly ~ine of County Road 0- ,..'" . '. '. .' ,.. . ,. . ... , ,.,' 1 . No. ;12 Noi-th43!'1,5' Weat to:a point which bears South 250 00' West I , "', "'-, -,.. -, _,' ," .frOm~apoi~t'.~r~d "pt't thence North 25" 00' Eaat to a point III&rked ., I' . ' .' , ~ " '. ',' .' .' . . "F" 'nd,the ~oint pf beginning and iJ),cluding all lotI, and blocks of subdivision locate<L therein, together with &11 publ':Lc roads, alley. i and rights of ",-ay-, of record. . . ...t" ! ~ \ ' . ,..." d' , (2) """,~","'... " .;' ~~:,: .,' : };. (~_ . ""'.' --', ~\l~~1."~' .. . ' "" .-.:J, ,.., ", , '.", .', ,,__, "'~ ,r"," '" ....., ":':.,\,j~ -' . . . ' ..' ....:t.~ ......:..., ,. ~~ '-~_ !fJ, -" . t. I . , . -f' '\".... '".- __,' ."" r ' " , "~ " ~::~ ~ -'~,~,\"'~"-' . , ..J ). f .."w_/ ,,-, " \. .~,",,' 1,-. _, .,.! , ,~ _ ~- ,~,~ - . . '~____- I 2. That the Council of the City of Arroyo Grand~ d~sires to anD€X saie uninhabiteu territory to the City of Arroyo Grande for th~ following re~sona: The territory 1s contiguous to th~ City of Arroyo Gran,~, snu its >:<j annexation ...HI contribute to and facilitate the orderly growth line d~veloplllcnt of both the City anu the territory provo.e~ to be ~nnexed; will facilitate gnd contribute to the proper ano orderly 1 a)'out, design am) construction of 8tre~t., gutters, aio<l:al :,8, sanitary and storm water sewers and drainage f8Ciliti~s, both within the City and within the territory proposed to be annexed; and will proviae and facilitate ?roper overall :Jlanning and u>ning of In, ~, 'nc subdivision of lands in said City and s8io uninhabiteo t"rrit, ry, in n mann"r most conducive ,to the welC.re ,.f said City linG sollie uninhabited t. ritory. J. That th.. County Boundary Co_ission of San Lu1a Obispo County, California, '.>i<1 in session duly ..selllbl"d on 10th day of January, 1963, approve the ~ropond annexation baun':.!!ri". of a.i" "THE TABB 1i.IINCH.' a. above de.crl~d. eno ". sublnitteo to 8"ld Commission by th~ Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. . That Tuesday , March 12th , 1963. at the hour of 8:00 , in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Arroyo Cramle, County ef San Luis Obis,m, California, is hereby I'ix.", as the tw and placE: when and where any ;'>LrBOn owning niil ,.roperty within th" uninhabited territory abov.. deacribe<.i .!!nd propolE<I to b~ anne,xh1 to thtc City of i\rroyc Grande, ano having any objectiona to the prof,ol"O 81\, .. (,(,' ~n, may appear before thE; Council of the City of Arroyo Greno.. and .how caue. '"hy such uninhabiteG territory should not beso aDUHd to .aid City of Arroyo Grsn0'. Such protest must 00. in writine" way b~ filed at any tilllot bdoTe thE hour s"t for hearing objections to the proposod cnne'xation, and sha!! atate the. n..... or n_s ot the owner or ownera of pro;,erty aft("cted, an" the description ana .rea of such ,Jroperty, in genera! tems. 5. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Gr8ll<le " hereby ..uthori2<<" and dir<cted to cause a copy vi thLs resolution to be publiahed at l.alt twice, but not oftener than once s week, in the Heral<.l-Rc;cor<Jer, a newapape.r of general circulation "ubliahec in 8aid City of Arroyo Grande, the city to which it is proposed to annex the .f"resaid territory, and 11180 in the Telegraa-Tribune, a new.paper of general circulation .>ubJiahe<1 outai<le the City "f Arropo Gran"". but in the County of San J,uia Obispo, Californi&. the county in which is loclltt'c the territor)' propos..! to be annexed to the City of Arroyo Gr~nde, s.iG iyublication to be co~plete at lea8t twenty (20) days rior to the cate set for hearin~. ( 3 ) 6. The City Clerk is furth~r autborized ano Jirecteu to cause writt~n notice of such proposed /!IInu:ation to b€'_ 1Miled to <each ,erson to whCIII l>me within the te,rritcry proposed to be 8~xea 1s at ,essed in th~ lest equalize" county aSf .~ nt roll available on the date. the alK;v<: .ai~ pn-ce,ecinl!8 wu:c initiatea, at the adcrcsacs sh(""" on a..ia assesement roll or known to the Cler~, and to any ~erson who has fileo his name ano address and the designation of the lands in which he bas an interest, either legal or equitable, with the clerk, auch notice to be iiv~ not lesa than twenty (20) days before the first ,)ublic be sring "n the i-reposed _exation. 7. In the event any 'l!lnQ within the t~rritory proposed to be _Ox(;<\ is owneo by e county, the City Clerk is "irected to cause written notice of auch propoa,,': annexation to be mailed to the Board of Supervieon of the County, such notice to' be given not less thllll twenty (20) day. beron thE' first, ;)ubl1c h~arf.n& on the proponQ annex.tion. b. In th~ event there 1.8, upon the land proposed to b., annexed, II structural improvement owned, being acquirea or leased by II county tire protection Gi8trict, the Cl"rk is directed tOC.Ulle written notice of such propo8tl(l amu,xation to be lOai1<,,, to the governing body of such Gistrict, such notice to be sent not ifS8 than ten (iO) daya belore the fint public hearing upon lIuch ::,r{jposed annexation. ~. The City ClerK is directed to ClN8e written nutice to be given to such other "ersons as may be legally enUtle<l theri:to, in the ..aMer required by lllw. ADOi'TEu 'nUS 22nd i.JAY OF Januarv , 1963, by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Lee, McNeil, Jacobs and !1ayor Burt NOES: None ABS E1IT : None Abstain from Voting, Coumttlman Wood <?~ :d~h~v . ' City Clerk Sign"'! 1IIl" "ppr<:vco this 22nd day of iTamu:j1'"Y , J963. ~~ ~ o;q~ Grande ( I., )