R 0549 . \~' ~, '; RESOLUTION NO. 5~_ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SETTING FORTH ITS INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPERTY AND SETTING A DATE FOR HEARING THEREON. WHEREAS, the State of California gave certain real property to the City of Arroyo Grande, which lies adjacentand Easterly of Traffic Way between poole St. and Allen Street thereof; and WHEREAS, said property was prior to its being given to the City of Arroyo Grande, used by the State of California as a part of the right-of-way for the State Highway; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande does not need a right-of- way as wide as that which was required by the State of CaJifornia in the area above described; and WHEREAS, the parcels of real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein are part of the strip of property deeded by the State of California to the City of Arroyo Grande as above set forth; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described parcels of property con- stitutes a strip of property lying in front of and immediately ad- jacent to privately owned property, and each of said parcels of property unless used by the City of Arroyo Grande for right-of-way purposes will constitute unused property and will detract from the use and appearance of the adjacent private property, and will con- stitute a continuous obstruction to the free use of the adjacent real property and represent an area which may be at any time changed as to its use, and because of the uncertainty of the use of said strips or parcels of property, the adjacent private property will be seriously depreciated in its value, and also create a jog in the Jine of the public and private property lines which, unless it is straightened out will cause danger and difficulty in the immediate area; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has no immediate or prospec- tive use for any of the hereinafter described parcels of property. -~---_.._----- i! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS FOLLOWS: 1 . The public interest and convenience will be served if the hereinafter described parcels of real property set forth in Ex- hibit "A" attached hereto are sold and conveyed. 2. That the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande intends to sell and convey each of the parcels of property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, subject to the following restrictions, to-wit; a. No person may purchase any parcel of property except and unless the purchaser is the owner of a parcel or parcels of real property lying immediately adjacent and contiguous to the parcel or parcels for which the purchase is attempted, provided that upon the consent of the owner of the immediately adjacent and contiguous parcel of real property, a person not the owner of immediately adjacent or con- tiguous property may be permitted to become the purchaser of any of the hereinafter described parcels of real property. b. The minimum bid which will be approved for the various parcels shall be as set forth in the following schedule, to-wit: PARCELS 1 and 2 - A single bid of $200.00. 3. That a hearing will be held in connection with said Coun- cil1s intention to sell and convey the parcels of real property described in Exhibit "A" in accordance with the above restrictions, at which time, any person objecting to said sales or interested therein may appear and be heard thereon. Said hearing will be held on the 11th day of September, 1962, at the hour of 8:30 P.M. of said day in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Ca1ifornia. - 2 - j . ' 4. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande is herewith ordered to publish a notice of said hearing in the Arroyo Grande Herald-Recorder. Said Notice shall be published at least 5 days prior to the date of said hearing. 5. The City Council will, at the conclusion of said hearing, take action with respect to the sale of the said parcels of real property. If it decides to sell the said parcels of real property, it will thereupon issue a call for bids for said parcels of real property, which bids shall be returnable not less than 5 days after the date of the hearing referred to in Paragraph 3 above. The terms of said call for bids will be determined by the City Council at the conclusion of said hearing referred to in Paragraph 3. 6. The parcels of real property herein referred to are describ- ed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. On motion of Councilman Jacobs , seconded by Counci lman Wood , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, McNeil, Jacobs and Wood NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 2tJth day of August, 1962. /~ r1J 'W /~;" , ~ayor - ATTEST: ']J/"Jff(fJ!:(/,d~ ) c J ! ~ . .~, \ . .. . . . '" 1 . . ! "Y DES C RIP T ION " "y ,,[ Arto'fO Grande, County of SenLuis 01;\.',,;, ;' Cal1!., ~J', '; pardon af Lots 4,5, !. 6 of the Poole Tract convey.d ." .." ~~~ .t. U.f..w1' or dnd nCDl'd.d Jialy 16, 1931, in Vol\1lle loa of au iC1;>1 ~~eo* ',,' on, tecord:s of San Lah Obispo Co_'!;y, being further described 'J" .~d. ,,0\-'''':'-: Bcgl,lU\ing ..1. a point on th. So~hnly 11.1\11 of thIS aboy. described parcel, ".11.1 point b..1xI.i locat.d Korth 57' 03' 30" East, a distance of 30, GO t'ga1; frea :he Southwe"t corNlr ther.of, sa1d palM alsa b.ll\f 01\ 1Ih. Westerly 11".. of utd .,,1; 5; ';;hence 11.~r'th 33' 11' 30. '01.'10 alO11g th. liesterly line of Lot' f.,S, 3. 4, a ,1LT.a,nct! of 126.00 feet to th. 10rthw1tn lIer_.. of saW LM 4, the1\Ce North 57' '.I." :;;)" gast dong 111\.. lIonherly 11M af sa1d Lot 4,. 41s1.anell of 13.01 feat to . pdr,1; on thO!' Easterly IINl of thtl abon duoribed ~roel; thence along th. ,;<id Easterly line on the arc of a 01ll'.,e to thlt right, tanse"t!lt thlt 1,1s~ iln-,. " 0 -d.ted point to a 11M .micb bears S01l1.1I 38. la' 14 East and hnil'<1 H r..d1U!< of "\ '" \ l':',(. fe.?i; and Ii central angle of 3' 54' 34", an arc eu.stanee of 12<;.23 reet; :'~ ',,' 'l.h' Soutnltilst corner of tbe .bOYII l1escr1bed pe.rcell th.M. Sowth 57' 03' 30" "!I ;",'1. ::1014; the Southerly Une 1Ih.uof, '" d1staru:e of 19.68 feet to the poJ,nt of ~I ..";;'1"n1",, ,'.~ i'~j1c:n ~Z, ~ ._-- '~, In '1.1>& ':'lty of Arroyo Gre.. County of San Luis Obispo, Stat.. d r,,:elf, '-,ein,; that portion of Lot 93 of the James 1". Struton's subdhblon of '1.1\, ;;j: "nc~os Corral de Piedra. Pisao and Bolsa de Che.leal, l1.edel1 to the Stat. of 11 :,;;,l1fornia by deed rllcorded H,,"h 3, 1936 in '01.. lBB of Official Reco[(l.s :H '\'" ','d;:;e 217, record" of San Lub Obispo ClnUI1iy, bell\f further described a$ 1'011""", ".1','.,".. IJer.l\'!.X\lrt4' at the 50ut1\"3st corner of thll abon l1ascrlD.d parcel; '"h"ruo' '. - oo\tt}, 57" 03' 30" \oIe't dong the Southuly Ua. ther.of a 41s'tance at 20,00 , het to 1\ point on tb,8 W.sterly lin. of said Lo~ 83; tbenc. North 33" 11' 30.', WGst along th" W....terly Une u! sail! LO't 83 and . portion of Lot f Gf the P"oi~ ~ frnct. " dhUT\<:l\ of 108.00 fut 'Co a point en the JlorU.rly l1ne of thz, aotiV'; i~ dE~crl~8d pareel; ~h.n~~ North 57. 03' 30" East ale., ~ lorth.ely line ~h~y.~i ~ " IUn/u... :If 19. liS het to tlw 10nheas1; corner thereotJ ~h_' a1uJ:\jjtlt. Eut- :.; u1y 11M ot 'he abcrre described. parcel on the arc af a 01d'n to tht! riiht, tsn- gell't at tJw last descr1botd ,01.nt 1;0 a l1n. whioh bean 50..h 34" 15' 040" glUt J and linin;/' 6! radius of 1650 fut. and a eentral antl. at 1. 04' 10", an aro , d1st_e 1St :!S.07 feet \0 11 )01I\tl thence So 11th 33' 11' 30" But, a d.lstaM" ,,' n." ".. '" ... .."" or "'........ I ]I, . /{< /:,;; ,..-, ,'('... .. :.~':f # . ,......"'- .~,~.~ ...~" .. ..-.. ~_~.,.~_.L_~' . T'._....c.- ~ ~ ,~ . .' . -",",..-...--..