R 0534 '~ --- &-..< RESOLUTION NO. ,34 A RESOLUTION URGING THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO RIDONSIDER ITS PREVIOUSLY STATED INTillITION OF .APPLTING THE COUNTY'S SHARE OF MOTOR VEHICLE IN LIEU TAXES FOR ROAD PURPOSES WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors has tentatively announoed its deoisiob to redu.oe road distriot taxes in the uninoorporated areas and to apply motor vehiole in lieu taxes to meet road oonstruotion expenses, thus reduoing road distriot taxes from l2~ to approximately 3~; and WHEREAS, the motor vehiole in Lieu tax was historioally a personal property tax used .t;or general oounty purposes, thus redu.oing the amount of other taxes to be raised; and ; WHEREAS, the burden of looal property taxes for oity, sohool and oounty pur- pose. is beooming greater all,the time. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'l' RESOLVED by the Counoil of the City of Arroyo Grande that the County Board of Supervisors be asked to oontinue the praotioe of supporting the oounty road oonstruotion and maintenanoe budget with road distriot taxes and tailoring the expenditure program to the available road distriot and gas tax funds without drawing on the in lieu taxes and thus inoreasing the general oounty tax rate. PASSED AND AOOPTED this 12th day of June, 1962 by the following roll oall vote: AYES: Counoilmen Burt, Wood, Jaoobs and McNeil NOES: None .ABSENT: Counoi.JJnan Lee i .d~~ S~ ATTEST: ~~ , City' erk I