R 0532 JVt$lWJTIOII NO. 532 RE8OLUTIOIf f1I 'l'8 om COU1ICIL or TIll om f1I ARROIO GJWUa, CAL'IPGRIfIA, AWAUDIJ C~ .01 WQIJt Oft IfIPJt09B- .. .SCIIDD 1M _aourrIOII Il1O. 517 f1I SA.D Cl'n Coua:IL. (HwlPa .....1" A...._nt Dletrlot 110. 70-61-1) WJIIftBA.S, thle 01\7 counou ba. heNtotON adopted ita .aolut1on ot IntenUon, ....olutton No. 511, p\o\l'8\&ant to Seotion 10200 ot the at....t. M4 JUshw.,.. Code 1n pl"OOe.d- lnp uncleI' the ~lo1p(11 IIIprove_nt Aot ot 15113, D1vblon 12 ot .ald Oode. anet WBIJIBAS, the CU, Bna1n..1" baa prepaNcS h1. report purauant to Seouon. 10103 and l0a04 ot .H1d Code, and .... 1. now on tlle ln the ott!.. ot the 01\7 Cl.rk, and WJIBRIA8, this Counol1 baa heNtotoN approved .a1d I'8port p\U"8u.ant to Seotion 10300 ot .&1d Oocle b1 the adoptlon ot it. ..01utton Jlo. 519, and WDRBAS, We CitJ Oounol1 baa o"-red the puJtl1oa- tlon ot a nott.. 1nys.t1n& ..aled propoH1. or biela tor the ~roY._nt cleaer1be4 in .H1. ....olution ot InteDt10n and 1n ..1. Nport ~ the a4opUon ot 1M ....olutlon 110. 520, and WJIIUA8, punuant to a&14 noU... inY1t1n1 ..aled propo.al. or b1e1a tbu Counoll 41d, at the tae and pl... .peoUl.d 1n aaid noUo. .. the ts.. and p1a.. tor open1ns .8141 ..al.d propo.al. 01" ble1a, to wlt, at 8.00 1'.11., Maroh 27. 1962, at the CounoU Ob.~.I"a, ou, Hall, AI"I'01O Grande. OaUromia. open and OX8l'l1ne allot Hld ..al.d propoaala or b1.. .ubll1ttod, and 1 WHIRUS, till' OU, Oounon Nt.ne4 all or ..1d pl'Opoul. or b1q to tile 01'7 haineer tor hie .x.1nat1on and NpOI"t tbltNonJ and WIUIAI, eaid OU, _1....1' baa ex.1ned .11 ot .a14 propo.ala 01' blde and .... .... h1' NPOI"' tbltNon to thie 01t, Caun.11J Maw, 'l'1II8IPOU, the OU,Oounon ot the CU, ot AI'I:'010 Grande, Cal1tomta DQU IIIUIIIIf nID, RUOLYB, I8'1'.IRIIDI:I AID QRIIUI .. follow.. SeoU01'I 1. """'t thl. Ct" Oounoll doe. heNb, ..teNine tobat the b14 of Sewer & Drain Gonstr. Co. . wbOM a4dN" 1e 3099 Gilroy St.. Los Angeles 39 . CallfO",1., 10 the l....t NII&1ar \)14 tor 'ai4 1IIp1"Oft..nt or an, ...pon01ble b1dder and that u14 b14 1s aoo01lpU1.4 b, a IM4 and .un1.1.nt pl'OpOHl bond vb1eh 18 ..t1at"\erJ to thi. CU, CounoU, and thi. CU, Ooun.n doe. heN'" _aN tbe .entnot tor ..14 won to tbe DOY...,..-c1 b14der at ,bit pP1... n_d 111 tbe b1d ot ..141 b1dder. SecUon 2. '1'h.' all },1de 01" prop_ala tor oa1d ll1pl"OY...nt, other tban the oa14 l....t 1"811&1... b1d .Oft ....pte4, are bere.., NJacted and the OUr Clen 18 diN.te4 to Ntum to ...h bldder wboH Ud 1. .0 reJ....4 tbe cbeOk or 1Itond whloh aooOlllJan104 hit b14. s..t1on 3. ..t.NMe 1. ... to .ai4 ....ol\&t1on 110. 517 an4 to u14 NPort ot the 01" _1neer tor a t\&l1 and .0000lote ....rlpt1oa of ..14 won, tOl" a ....P1pt1on of 2 . . . .' ... ""ft., ds..tII "'- ct" ....u. .... "1 IN' .. ... tie at.nJoh, __Ii'" .., ..... '"'* .. .. ... ..ran. .. ... ... "" .. .,..... ......, tw . .........U. fit .. III'&e1 ,.... to ...&... .. ........, ...... .....1 rl" 1M tw ....... .....101I1an. ftIt .. ........" 11t1....u..... ...~~. ......tv .... .. '''all -. .... .. .U_*" !:MIIJ:. .. 1.11 ......a,.,... Witla ... ~f'ftpal J ........... ... fit lf1L .......s.. 11 Of .. ....... .. fill _' .,...... ...tiea 4. .., ... ..._ CDaIIc loa .,1.11.... -n... Ie 11" ....,... "UM ,. MS.' ~Bwer ~ prai9 Cnnatr. Q,. of .. ...,Uea ot ,... .._au_. ..... ..... ....:t I ...... .... .'teN ... "'SlIp ".-4'" .., 1IW. AUllD, ~I ,.... AJrLht/J;.> .1. ..L-" III Mav . 1.... AU"" (11M.) .~. . STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF MIl LUll :0 ss. CITY OF -~~ .."" ' I, "AI&! It. m~ , City Clerk of the City of _..:.A~ , California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of said city and was approved by the Mayor of said city at a regular meet1ng of said City Council held on the %iIh day of VV ' 19~J and that it was so adopte as follows: AYES: Counc l1men 'Rn"+. Wnl'ui .T.I'u"'ha ..,,-1 ~)(...~, J r NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen Lee (SEAL) ~:!..~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ... r.uu IJI!!- ss. CITY OF Jill-i''', I J ......... ~ wtl W J C1 ty Clerk of the C1ty of ~~ ' Ca11fo~la, DO HERlBY CERTIFY that the a ove a oreg01ng 1s a full, true and correct copy ,of Resolut1on No. ~32 , and that the same has not been amended or repealed. DATED: May 8. , 19"L. ~~_ ./~~J ~#