R 0530 - . . RESOLUTION NO. 530 CIVIL DEfENSE AND OISASTER RESOLUTION Of THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 160 of the City of ARROYO GRANOE relating to civil deFense and dIsaster provides that the clv'l de Tense and disaster organization, the distribution of civil defense powers and dutfes, the assignment of functions and services and the recruit- ment, dtrection and training of personnel shall be prescribed by resolution adopted concurrently with the adoption of said ordinancel now, therefore, be it Resolved, by the City Council of the City of ARROYO GRANDE as follows: SECTION 1. The civi1 defense and disaster organization of this City shall be as hereinafter more particularly described and as shown on the atta<:hsd chart marked Exhibit A and entitled "City organization for Civil Defense and Disuter." Said Exhibit A, Includtng all In- formation set forth by said exhIbit were all fully described herein. SECTION 2. Division of Operating Services. There is hereby created a dlvfsion of operating services. For the purposes of civil defense and disaster ~lannlng and organization, the Chief of each operating servfce wit fn thfs division shall be responsible to the director through the assistant director. Within thfs divfsfon ther. shall be the following civil defense and disaster servfcesa (1) EMergency welfare service, which shall include mass fe.ding, clothing and lodging, (2) Engineer service, which shall Include shelter protection, ()) Fire servico, (4) Law enforcement service, which shall include facility pro- tectIon and traffIc control, (5) M.dlcal and health servfce, which shall Include sanitation and mortuary services; ( 6) Radiological safety service, (7) Rescue service, and (lj) Utilities service. T~ dfrector shall appoint a chief of each such service, except as hereInafter provIded. The chief of the fire departMent of the CIty of ARROYO GRANDE shall be chief of the ffr. service. The chler or polfce or t~e ~fty of ARROYO G~ANDE shall be chl.f of the law.nforc....nt service. The c1ty eng neer \or director of public ~rkl) of the Cfty of ARROYO GRANDE , shall b. chi.f of the engineer service. SECTION J. DIvision of Special Services. There fs herebT created . divisfon of .peclal civil defense and dIsaster services. Th s dlvl- sfon shatl be under the direction and control of a deputy dIrector of civil defense and dl.aster, who ,hatl be appointed by the director. For the purpo.. of clvfl defen.. and disaster planning and organfzation, - . , . the deputy director is responsible to the director through the assistant director of civil defense end disaster. Within this division there shall be the following services: (1) Mutual aid plans; (2) Evacuation service; (3) Communications service, which shall include attack warning; (4) Personnel and manpower service, which shall Include the re- cruitment vf civilian auxilleries to military activities; (5) Public affairs end information service; (6) Supply service; (?) Training servic~; (8) Transportation service; (9) Warden (or neighborhood leader) service; and ( 10) General administrative service. The director shall appoint 8 chief of each such service, who shall be responsible to the deputy director of the division of special ser- vices. The director may appoint the same person as chi.f of two or more services. SECTION 4. Legal. The city attorney shall serve as the legal ad- visor to the director of civil defense and disaster and to the civil defense and disaster organization. SECI~~~Yo'GRiWft~fcan Red Cross. The American Red Cross in the City of will, In natural disaster, furnish food, clothIng, shelter, regIstration and information service, supple- mentary medical service when requested, and rehabilitation to individuals and families affected by the disaster. In war-caused disaster, the American Red Cross will furnish only food, clothing and shelter to affected Indivfduals and families. The American Red Cross will provide funds with which to finance all Its relief operation. during natural disaster. CivIl defense financing will be provided by public or private agencies other than the Red Cross for Red Cross functions in war-caused disasters. The director shall Qe responsible for arr.ngin~, through the chairman of the local Red Cross chapter, for partic patlon of the Red Cross in civil defense as a part of the mass care service In case of war-cau..d disaster, and for the relationship between the Red Cross and civil defense and disaster organization in case of natural disaster. SECTIOH 6. Duties. The director shall prescribe tha civfl defense and disaster duties of the deputy dfrector and the chiefs of operating and sp.cia1 .ervices, in conformith with the cfvil defen.e and disaster plan of the city, .s approved by t e city councfl, and with the State of California Cfvil Defense and Disaster Plan. Such duti.s may be chang- ed from ti~ to tiMe by the director by written administrative orders, particularly for the purpose of conforming to recommendation. of the Director of the Ca11forn1. Disaster Office or modIfications r.commended by t"- 'ed.ral Civil Defenle Administrator. Upon recOMmendation of the civf1 def.n.e and diluter' councl I of the City of l\,g~~~ a1D~1i , such duties shall be changed in accordance with such r.....:IiIIf...n ., . - 2 - -.. . , On motion of Councilman Jacobs , seconded by - Councilman McNeil and on the following roll ca II vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, COUlilcilmen Lee, Wood, Jacobs and McNeil NOES: None ABSE NT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 17th day of April .1962. -~r?La: IJUtL- MAYOR ATTEST: ~~~/~~~~-v , Y C LE R K I, MARGARET L. WILSON , City Clerk of the City of ARROYO GRANDE, , . California do hereby certify the foregoIng is a full, true and correct copy of R Resolution passed and adopted by the said Council at a regular meeting thereof held at Its regular place of meetIng at the tIme and by the vote above stated. whIch ResolutIon is on file in the office of the Council. L' ~" _.~~, ~~~.~J._ CITY CLERK 1i':,2.~,'T A CIT~ nR.CL-~NIZiiTI' t,; ';>--'p '.;:::: IT. f!:'~l:::JE E j~liD i"}IS.,.,:; L~i':,~ ~~~ i..------. -. ~~:viJ. DI;.;fena(: .1l'(d ~) I ?I , ' ' i vG~:tc.......::. , ['tr1' ct2..~. , 1---------AsEistant Dir8~.GT' I --_.__._.~_..' 'Deputy U'P"r"ut"'-' 11,,~'~,-i-r;- '~ct-:;;-------'-'--'-r~'.-:-;,-::-; , -. - J -,' ~.,.'" .l V/U ,) ~"" ;,...I.\..} l?1r",~t 'T 'I~ re:'t.~l' fiir"c,J' '" I"3c!""r .. -, .j-- ,'," ; , v' '':'' :.;;...~~ ,.~...;:....::.:~:..... ~~.,_,.~..;.. ..:~~~,..,;~.~;;:...., I Communicati.c)ns Servi-::e \ I itadi..oL,glca} D"!';;,,:,, ~' i,!l,olu26S IlI:.!:..!\ck.5..!!.D1in.gJ \ , ! ~nd. C~emlcal s:re,'" I i I :?~L!j..:.2__._.. ...-.--.".} Engineering, Utlliti'Js, I I , and Public \lorks ,11c:dical and H... t,~ i ,i Ser.v.\ce 5. __...___ Ii (includes He rtuarYlnc; ; r, I ~it;ij;?~tZ!}3~L~iS'::.L........_1 ! i::~~r~",i~_____ i : ! Cl~3mi",,-._.___ 1 ii, I ; , R S v:! ,I" ,. , ' j esc.ue.. er _C8_______! 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