R 0527 RlIOU.1l'lOll 110. 527 ""~OII QP 'fIIK cm OODelL ~ TU em aI ARROIO GJtA~~~~~c:"JMDD ASIBJII8Ift AID PRO IMPROVE- IBIft' . (JIu""'1 .....1" b.....nt Di.triGt Mo. 10-61-1) W8lUW1, tile CUJ ~'pq... of tile CUJ ot Art'f1J'O ONl'lde bl. he..t.fON t11H 11'1 "'* otn.. of \be 01tJ 01.1"k b1a ..port 1M1w11a& .........t an4 4U.aaNa tor tbat oe1"ta1n wo1"k 01" 1!Ipl"Oft_..t 18 8814 oUJ to h tIoDIt "1" an4 pW"eU- ant to the _"....nt Aot ot 1'13, J:I1Y1a1on 12 of t. St...t. an4 tn...,.,.. Oode of Cal.U'om1a, an4 ''.01\1101on ot Inten101on,t Relolution 110. '11, a40ptec1 bJ tlbie Cit1 Counol1 on tt.. 21tb 4Q ot ""I"IIaI'7, 1962. aad WIIIRBAB, after the IU1. of laid ..pG1"t the aa1d OU1 0181"k but .. ","fiNd .. laW, 11'" HUo. of tbe tl11n& ot aa14 ..pfQI'\ 11M ot tbe tiae I1D4 tor ..enns pro- QI'e to the propO... Ulpl'Oft_nt .. tb1a 01 iJ Oounol1 and att1dadta of p\da11nU., PCIIt1n& an4 -.1U.. of .1.&Cb noU... haft Men fU.4 wlth tble 01tJ CGUM11 .., tbe CU, Ol.1"k pl.lPl\aant to "'U_ 10308 or the stoNeU an4 JUPw.,.. 0... an4 haft .... appI'Oftd .. th1a 01 to7 Couno11. aDd WPQ~I, .t tile t1M and pl... tixe4 ln e\lOb IIOU.. a ".1"1.. w.. du1J held t.r tb1a C1" Oounol1 at wh10h all written appeal., ,"te.ta or "'''''1:1.., 1t 11'17, ...... dulJ p....nte. and ...., an4 all ,.1"..... ".11"1ns to be be.... t........ were he...., aDd tb1a 01" OCNnoU ..v. all ,....ona pre..nt ... oppoftu.ft1tJ \0 be he.... 18 re.,..t of .J ..tter relat1n& to aa14 woftc 01" 1IIpl"Oft....t, to IfII act 01' 1 4etel'll1nat1on ot tbIt OU)' ID&1Me1" 1ft ...1a\1011 _...to. to an)' .,tel" 111 .......UOII wUh ..ld ...,Itt'1I. to the oor...ot- ... 01' ..ld .......ftt 01" Hid 41...... 01' to .., othel" ..t, ....N1nat1on 01' pne.."'"" of Mi. ."'''1". or to an)' .tter ...laUne to Mid wOl'lc, t.. ...._nt. 41.tr1ot or ,.. ,I'OONdf"tP t.....tOI', and WHBJUWJ, all auoh peNOn. ".U1nc to be hearel ba.,. '*'n beerel .. Utlo CltJ' OwnoU ... \h1. Clt7 Gounoll 1. tu1lJ 181'..... 18 tbe pftIIi..., ... WJiIREA8, .18 C1tJ 0....011 .... oNe.... "nun oheap. 111 ..14 Npo:>t; .. Nt torth 1n _..l\1Uoo 10. ~ adopted on \be lzth ...,. of' April . 1962, JfOtI, 'fHlftD'Oll1, t" CU)' Oouno11 of _ 01\7 01' ArI'OJo ONn., Ca11tom1a, 1)QU ...1 J'DID" RUOINE, IB'1SR1IIDIE AID ... .. 1'011"'_. 8eOt1on 1. !bat Hid .....1nc baa Hen d\I1J beld, that ...b and '"1"1 .te, 18 tIhe ,.0...41... p1"1.. to an4 l801,",lnc \be heU"1nl .... ...... du17 and reaularlJ Qken, that .10 Olt)' COufIol1 10 ..tier.... w1Ut \he .o~ .~.tne.. of ,.. Nport, 1Ml'..1ne \he ......,-q'" ... d1apwI. tbe pro- ...41.... an4 all "'''I'll ...laUna ......to, .. all ,"t..ta, .",.ou.o 01' .".au .. ... the ... .... he1'107 ov.ft\&1e4I ad ""104, and .18 01t)' C_11 dot. he..... 0.'11"11 ,.. 'rooM..:!..,. and ..ld .......at. 100\1_ I. !bat 'hlo OU7 Couo11 orden _ pN,pOMd 1IIp~t to.. .... 111 ..oorclu.. wi. Hid N- pltt'1l .. IIIOdit1od and ,.... pl'00..1II1... 2 -..--- - ...Uan ,. !Ita, .... "'*M r I 'ff6 .....U fit ..... "'\7 h ...." ............ .. ...... .... 1..11.- IB' .. ~.l tIa In Ida .".. ,WIJ .., .. ...u. ~ ff6 .. ...... .. ~1'1Io..a ..... ....1_ _. ... ...... fit .. ....:sI It"'. ff6 .. ....tllll" "-11 ... IllUIt".. Sa _ ~.,. _I I ~, ... ,..,.. ....... .1eeW ,.. ..... ""111 ,,'111m, ....... 1" tit .. ....... .....,.. .,...... AIOf~. I. ~ ... >>..~. -- Jr:l.a" ., ~ u&a. .... CIUI.)