R 0520 RJrSOLV'l'I01t NO. 520 RBSOLtrrI01t 011 '1'D GIft OOUllClL 0'1 TB CITY Of ARROI'O GRA" ~p,1WG '.,10A'1'1011 011 NonCl DIVI'. SJ~U!" raor~r.JI OR BD'I8 'OR DlPR09BJIaIIt. (Hwtana Sewer As...ament DbtX'lot No. 70-61-1) WHBRZAB, thls OU:7 Oounoil has he"totO" adopted 11;s "aolutlon of Intention, "solutton No. 517 . pursuant to Seotion 10200 of the ItI'Mts end JI1ahwQs Oode ln pro- oeedinss under the Itmle1pal 1Itprcwe.nt Aot of 1913, Dlvl- .1on 12 ot aald CodeJ and WJlBREAS, the 01\7 Bna1nH1' baa p"pa"d 1'118 "port purauant to Seotlons 10203 and 10204 ot aaid Oode, and. .... 18 now on t11e in tbe otfloe ot the 01\1 Clerk of the 01t7 ot ArrOJo Grande J an4 WHIRBAS, thla Clt7 Counol1 has he...totO" approved. ..ld "port purauant to Seotlon 10300 ot aaid Code 117 tbe adOption of lte "aolution Jlo. 519 . and WHlHIA8, 101'118 C1t7 Counol1 dealNs to let a oon- traot tor the 1Japrove.nt to 'be oonatruote4 pursuant to Seotlons 10500 et ..q. of aa1d Code. and WHIRBAB, aa1d 1Japrove.nt to 'be oonatruoted 18 deaorlbed in ..14 "POI"t, end aa14 "port .ontaina detaUed plana and speo1tloat1ona of aa1d 1.mpro"e.nt entitled 8Uan and protlle of Huaana Road ANa, Sewr A......nt Pro"..t, Pro"e.t 70-61-18 (ahee'a 1 .. S, lnol,",lve), and 800ntract Docw.nts and Speo1tloat1ono :07:' Buaana Road. ANa, Sewer Pro"e.t 70-61-1". end 1 WHI.ItIAS, this OU;, 001,11"'11 has ....:rta1ned the seners1 prevsl11n& r.te or 11411" c11.. 111'.... (lnoluc11ns .1Ip101'.r ~nb tot' health and ..u...., P41naion, va..- t10n and saU.r purJloeea) 11'1 the looa11t;y ln wblob ..1d work 18 to be P41rt01'llled tot' ...b eraft or t7P41 of woJ"klian ne.ded to e.cute the .Clfttnot tor ..ld 111'0$, and thb Cl t7 Counoll haa ....l'ta1ned the pnel'l1 pJlleva111ns t'ate tor 1.&&1 hol1_ and overts.. 111'0$ 1ft ..14 lOOall t)' tor .soh oratt or t1P8 of wol"kllln needed to ..oute aa1d .CIft- tnot} )lOW, TIIIRUGU, the Clt)" Counoll Dt the 01\;1' ot A1"1"OJ'0 Grande, CalUom1a, IXIUJ .... RUOLVE.. DI'1'&RJIDIB AD 0RDDt a. tollowa. Section 1. The Clt7 C1el"k 18 he....1' dlreo1lo4 to oau.. to be p\d>Uahed noU... 1aY1t1ns ..al.d p1'Opoaa1a tor ..ld 1mp1'Ove.nta ln the t..... heNlnatter ret.rred to. S.ld p\d>l1oat1ona ....U be .... 11'1 the JlaAI.n RlCOIUBR, . newapapor ot l.nel'l1 e11"e\&1aUon pri.n~ and put>l1ahed 11'1 tbe 01\7. The noUo.. ahall be pu..l1ahed IXJOe a ...k tor two auec..dve we.ka and the tiNt put>l1.atlon .ball be not le.. tban fourteen (14) _. pnw to tbe ,.... rixed for the openlns ot 1>>1... SeoUon 2. '1'be t.... riad tOI" tbe open1as of ..148 .ball be 8.00 P...., Ml.Nh 21.. 1962, at tM COUDOU ChaIIbera, City Hall ), Al"ftIJ'o Grede, CalUomla, and propoHla or b:L" ~ be delivered to the Clt., Clerk ot ..1d 01\7 up to tbat bwr. SeotS.on 3. Sald notl..a 1ftfltll'1S a.aled propo- ..18 ahall oontaln the _tteal". an4 tb1"Ca NqU1red b1 law 2 ahall be aubatant1all1 1n the tOt'll ..t tortb 1n the aped- t1.at1on. tor .a1d 1IIprove.ent oontained 1n .ald report and ".tanated "Oont1"801; ,,",',..nt. atd Spe01t1..t1on. tor HUa.na aNd AJ:'ea, seWel' Pro"..' 10..61-1". AIIOPt'BI), S..o AIIJ) AP,ROYB.D \hi. ~ da)' of February. 1962. ~ r2 N~;t: , " 0 gli.T'illZ't"07o GND., a.Utomia A'1'1'JS'l. (aw.) 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ ss. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS CBI8PO CITY OF Mtl010 .~"... I, MARDARB't L. NIUOII , City Clerk of the City of ....1.",,,. Q~ , California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of said city and was approved by the Mayor of said city at a regular meeting of sai~ City Council held on the utn day of February , 19~, and that it was so adopted as follows: AYES: Councilmen Burt ,Pence ,Jacobs ,Hartwig NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen Lee IWIIARB'l' L. WILSOII (SEAL) City Clerk of the City of STATE OF CALIFORNiA ~ ss. COUNTY OF SAN LV S CBIBPO CITY OF Ji.1Ift('40 'JU.~.. I, IWIIARET L. WILSOII , City Clerk of the City of ArrO~O granae , California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the a ove and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 520 , and that the same has not been amended or repealed. DATED: February 27th , 19 62 . ~ ~1, rIff;~ '~ln of (SEAL) o Z'ande # a11 0 1a 4